%Incomplete driver entry in System.iniPThe entry #subkey# in section #section# of the file System.ini contains no data.¢The section #section# of the file System.ini contains the empty entry #subkey#. This entry can cause problems at startup and should be deleted in any case.!Missing screensaver in system.iniRThe screensaver #missingfile# indicated in the file System.ini could not be found.qThe file System.ini contains a reference to the screensaver #missingfile#, which no longer exists on your system.
Help files}The registry contains entries for help files that are no longer available on the system. These entries can be removed safely.$Missing help file #missingfile:name#GThe file could not be found in the indicated folder #missingfile:path#.äThe registry contains a reference to the missing help file #missingfile# in the key #existingkey:regjump#. The entry can be removed.)Missing HTML help file #missingfile:name#GThe file could not be found in the indicated folder #missingfile:path#.{The registry points to the missing HTML help file #missingfile# in the key #existingkey:regjump#. The entry can be removed.%Damaged help file #existingfile:name#+The file #existingfile# is 0 bytes in size.