èThe registry points to the help file #existingfile#, which is 0 bytes in size, in the key #existingkey:regjump#. The entry can be removed.FontsÜSome of the fonts registered in Windows are unavailable or defective. As the system tries to load these fonts on startup, you should remove these entries.Missing font #caption#HThe file #missingfile# that is associated with this font does not exist.ÇThe registry contains an entry for the font #caption# under #existingkey:regjump# that points to the missing file #missingfile#.Defective font #caption#MThe file #existingfile# that is associated with this font is 0 bytes in size.ïThe font #caption# is entered in the registry under #existingkey:regjump#, but points to the file #existingfile#, which is 0 bytes in size.Shared filesvThe registry contains references to files that were used by multiple applications that no longer exist on this system.'Missing shared file #missingfile:name#.GThe file could not be found in the indicated folder #missingfile:path#.gThe registry contains a reference to the missing shared file #missingfile# under #existingkey:regjump#.ActiveX and COMÇActiveX/COM objects were found that are based on libraries that are no longer on your system. The orphan classes can be deleted.