KThe entry #value#, which should point to a device driver, contains no data.ƒThe registry contains the empty entry #value# in the key #existingkey:regjump#. This entry should be removed because it causes an error message during startup.Configuration filesáThe configuration files of your system contain errors. These errors may cause error messages to be displayed at system startup and should therefore be repaired.Missing program in Win.iniVThe program #missingfile# should be loaded at Windows startup, but could not be found.ñThe file Win.ini points to the missing program #missingfile# in Run or Load. This invalid entry should be deleted because it causes an error message during startup.'Orphaned extension #caption# in Win.iniIThe program #missingfile# to which this extension is assigned is missing.èWin.ini contains a reference to the file type #caption#, which is assigned to the missing program #missingfile#. The entry can be deleted.%Invalid shortcut #caption# in Win.ini9The shortcut points to the missing program #missingfile#.[The file Win.ini contains a reference to the missing program #missingfile# under #caption#.Missing driver in System.ini`An entry in section #section# of the file System.ini points to the missing driver #missingfile#.├The entry #subkey# in section #section# of the file System.ini points to the missing driver #missingfile#. This invalid entry causes an error message at startup and should be deleted in any case.