LoadingMailMsgForPrint=(Loading content for Printing)
LoadingMailMsgForPrintPreview=(Loading content for Print Preview)
saveAttachmentFailed=Unable to save the attachment. Please check your file name and try again later.
saveMessageFailed=Unable to save the message. Please check your file name and try again later.
notDownloaded=(Not Downloaded)
fileExists=%S already exists. Do you want to replace it?
downloadingNewsgroups=Downloading Newsgroups for Offline Use
downloadingMail=Downloading Mail for Offline Use
sendingUnsent=Sending Unsent Messages
folderExists=A folder with that name already exists. Please enter a different name.
folderCreationFailed=The folder could not be created because the folder name you specified contains an unrecognized character. Please enter a different name and try again.
compactingFolder=Compacting folder %S...
autoCompactAllFolders=Do you wish to compact all local and offline folders to save disk space?
confirmFolderDeletionForFilter=Deleting the folder '%S' will disable its associated filter(s). Are you sure you want to delete the folder?
alertFilterChanged=Filters associated with this folder will be updated.
filterDisabled=The folder '%S' could not be found, so filter(s) associated with this folder will be disabled. Verify that the folder exists, and that filters point to a valid destination folder.
filterFolderDeniedLocked=The messages could not be filtered to folder '%S' because another operation is in progress.
parsingFolderFailed=Unable to open the folder %S because it is in use by some other operation.Please wait for that operation to finish and then select the folder again.
deletingMsgsFailed=Unable to delete messages in folder %S because it is in use by some other operation. Please wait for that operation to finish and then try again.
alertFilterCheckbox=Do not warn me again.
compactFolderDeniedLock=The folder '%S' cannot be compacted because another operation is in progress. Please try again later.
compactFolderWriteFailed=The folder '%S' could not be compacted because writing to folder failed. Verify that you have enough disk space, and that you have write privileges to the file system, then try again.
filterFolderWriteFailed=The messages could not be filtered to folder '%S' because writing to folder failed. Verify that you have enough disk space, and that you have write privileges to the file system, then try again.
copyMsgWriteFailed=The messages could not be moved or copied to folder '%S' because writing to folder failed. To gain disk space, from the File menu, first choose Empty Trash, and then choose Compact Folders, and then try again.
cantMoveMsgWOBodyOffline=While working offline, you cannot move or copy messages that were not downloaded for offline use. From the Mail window, open the File menu, choose Offline, then choose Work Online, and then try again.
operationFailedFolderBusy=The operation failed because an other operation is using the folder. Please wait for that operation to finish and then try again.
folderRenameFailed=The folder could not be renamed. Perhaps the folder is being reparsed, or the new name is not a valid folder name.
# LOCALIZATION NOTES(verboseFolderFormat): %1$S is folder name, %2$S is server name
verboseFolderFormat=%1$S on %2$S
filterFolderTruncateFailed=There was an error truncating the Inbox after filtering a message to folder '%S'. You may need to shutdown Mozilla and delete INBOX.msf.
useDefaultServer=Use default server
# LOCALIZATION NOTES(serverType-nntp): Do not translate "NNTP" in the line below
serverType-nntp=News Server (NNTP)
# LOCALIZATION NOTES(serverType-pop3): Do not translate "POP" in the line below
serverType-pop3=POP Mail Server
# LOCALIZATION NOTES(serverType-imap): Do not translate "IMAP" in the line below