home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <!--
- The contents of this file are subject to the Netscape Public
- License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file
- except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
- the License at http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/
- Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
- IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
- implied. See the License for the specific language governing
- rights and limitations under the License.
- The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released
- March 31, 1998.
- The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
- Communications Corporation. Portions created by Netscape are
- Copyright (C) 1998-1999 Netscape Communications Corporation. All
- Rights Reserved.
- -->
- <!ENTITY messengerWindow.title "Mail & Newsgroups">
- <!ENTITY titleModifier.label "&brandShortName;">
- <!ENTITY titleSeparator.label " - ">
- <!-- menu items: the . means that the menu item isn't implemented yet -->
- <!-- File menu items -->
- <!ENTITY newMessage.label "New Message">
- <!ENTITY newMessage.accesskey "N">
- <!ENTITY newFolderCmd.label "Folder...">
- <!ENTITY newFolderCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY newAccountCmd.label "Account...">
- <!ENTITY newAccountCmd.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY openMessageCmd.label "Open Message">
- <!ENTITY openMessageCmd.accesskey "O">
- <!ENTITY openMessageCmd.key "o">
- <!ENTITY openAttachmentCmd.label "Attachments">
- <!ENTITY openAttachmentCmd.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY saveAsMenu.label "Save As">
- <!ENTITY saveAsMenu.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.label "File">
- <!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY saveAsFileCmd.key "s">
- <!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.label "Template">
- <!ENTITY saveAsTemplateCmd.accesskey "T">
- <!ENTITY getNewMsgCmd.label "Get New Messages">
- <!ENTITY getNewMsgCmd.accesskey "G">
- <!ENTITY getNewMsgCmd.key "t">
- <!ENTITY getNewMsgForCmd.label "Get New Messages for">
- <!ENTITY getNewMsgForCmd.accesskey "w">
- <!ENTITY getAllNewMsgCmd.label "Get All New Messages">
- <!ENTITY getAllNewMsgCmd.key "t">
- <!ENTITY getNextNMsgCmd.label "Get Next 500 News Messages">
- <!ENTITY getNextNMsgCmd.accesskey "t">
- <!ENTITY sendUnsentCmd.label "Send Unsent Messages">
- <!ENTITY sendUnsentCmd.accesskey "d">
- <!ENTITY loadFirstDraft.label "Load First Draft Message">
- <!ENTITY subscribeCmd.label "Subscribe...">
- <!ENTITY subscribeCmd.accesskey "b">
- <!ENTITY renameFolder.label "Rename Folder...">
- <!ENTITY renameFolder.accesskey "R">
- <!ENTITY compactFolders.label "Compact Folders">
- <!ENTITY compactFolder.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY emptyTrashCmd.label "Empty Trash">
- <!ENTITY emptyTrashCmd.accesskey "y">
- <!ENTITY importCmd.label "Import...">
- <!ENTITY importCmd.accesskey "I">
- <!ENTITY offlineMenu.label "Offline">
- <!ENTITY offlineMenu.accesskey "l">
- <!ENTITY synchronizeOfflineCmd.label "Download/Sync Now...">
- <!ENTITY synchronizeOfflineCmd.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY settingsOfflineCmd.label "Offline Settings">
- <!ENTITY settingsOfflineCmd.accesskey "e">
- <!ENTITY downloadSelectedCmd.label "Get Selected Messages">
- <!ENTITY downloadSelectedCmd.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY downloadFlaggedCmd.label "Get Flagged Messages">
- <!ENTITY downloadFlaggedCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY printCmd.label "Print...">
- <!ENTITY printCmd.accesskey "P">
- <!ENTITY printCmd.key "p">
- <!ENTITY printPreviewCmd.label "Print Preview">
- <!ENTITY printPreviewCmd.accesskey "v">
- <!ENTITY printPreviewCmd.key "v">
- <!ENTITY printSetupCmd.label "Page Setup...">
- <!ENTITY printSetupCmd.accesskey "u">
- <!-- Edit Menu -->
- <!ENTITY deleteMsgCmd.label "Delete Message">
- <!ENTITY deleteMsgCmd.accesskey "D">
- <!ENTITY undeleteMsgCmd.label "Undelete Message">
- <!ENTITY undeleteMsgCmd.accesskey "d">
- <!ENTITY cancelNewsMsgCmd.label "Cancel Message">
- <!ENTITY cancelNewsMsgCmd.accesskey "n">
- <!ENTITY deleteMsgsCmd.label "Delete Selected Messages">
- <!ENTITY deleteMsgsCmd.accesskey "D">
- <!ENTITY undeleteMsgsCmd.label "Undelete Selected Messages">
- <!ENTITY undeleteMsgsCmd.accesskey "d">
- <!ENTITY cancelNewsMsgsCmd.label "Cancel Selected Messages">
- <!ENTITY cancelNewsMsgsCmd.accesskey "n">
- <!ENTITY deleteFolderCmd.label "Delete Folder">
- <!ENTITY deleteFolderCmd.accesskey "D">
- <!ENTITY unsubscribeNewsgroupCmd.label "Unsubscribe">
- <!ENTITY unsubscribeNewsgroupCmd.accesskey "n">
- <!ENTITY selectMenu.label "Select">
- <!ENTITY selectMenu.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY selectThreadCmd.label "Thread">
- <!ENTITY selectThreadCmd.accesskey "T">
- <!ENTITY selectThreadCmd.key "a">
- <!ENTITY selectInvertCmd.label ".Invert Selection">
- <!ENTITY selectInvertCmd.accesskey "I">
- <!ENTITY filtersCmd.label "Message Filters...">
- <!ENTITY filtersCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY filtersApply.label "Run Filters on Folder">
- <!ENTITY filtersApply.accesskey "R">
- <!ENTITY folderPropsCmd.label "Properties...">
- <!ENTITY folderPropsFolderCmd.label "Folder Properties...">
- <!ENTITY folderPropsNewsgroupCmd.label "Newsgroup Properties...">
- <!ENTITY folderPropsCmd.accesskey "o">
- <!ENTITY accountManagerCmd.label "Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings...">
- <!ENTITY accountManagerCmd.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY undoDeleteMsgCmd.label "Undo Delete Message">
- <!ENTITY redoDeleteMsgCmd.label "Redo Delete Message">
- <!ENTITY undoMoveMsgCmd.label "Undo Move Message">
- <!ENTITY redoMoveMsgCmd.label "Redo Move Message">
- <!ENTITY undoCopyMsgCmd.label "Undo Copy Message">
- <!ENTITY redoCopyMsgCmd.label "Redo Copy Message">
- <!ENTITY undoDefaultCmd.label "Undo">
- <!ENTITY undoDefaultCmd.accesskey "U">
- <!ENTITY redoDefaultCmd.label "Redo">
- <!ENTITY redoDefaultCmd.accesskey "R">
- <!ENTITY editDraftCmd.label "Edit Draft">
- <!ENTITY editDraftCmd.accesskey "f">
- <!-- View Menu -->
- <!ENTITY showMessengerToolbarCmd.label "Mail Toolbar">
- <!ENTITY showMessengerToolbarCmd.accesskey "o">
- <!-- showSearchToolbarCmd is also used by addressbook -->
- <!ENTITY showSearchToolbarCmd.label "Search Bar">
- <!ENTITY showSearchToolbarCmd.accesskey "e">
- <!ENTITY showLocationToolbarCmd.label ".Location Toolbar">
- <!ENTITY showLocationToolbarCmd.accesskey "L">
- <!ENTITY showMessageCmd.label "Message Pane">
- <!ENTITY showMessageCmd.accesskey "M">
- <!-- sortMenu is also used by addressbook -->
- <!ENTITY sortMenu.label "Sort by">
- <!ENTITY sortMenu.accesskey "t">
- <!ENTITY sortByDateCmd.label "Date">
- <!ENTITY sortByDateCmd.accesskey "e">
- <!ENTITY sortByFlagCmd.label "Flag">
- <!ENTITY sortByFlagCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY sortByPriorityCmd.label "Priority">
- <!ENTITY sortByPriorityCmd.accesskey "P">
- <!ENTITY sortBySizeCmd.label "Size">
- <!ENTITY sortBySizeCmd.accesskey "z">
- <!ENTITY sortByStatusCmd.label "Status">
- <!ENTITY sortByStatusCmd.accesskey "u">
- <!ENTITY sortByLabelCmd.label "Label">
- <!ENTITY sortByLabelCmd.accesskey "L">
- <!ENTITY sortByJunkStatusCmd.label "Junk Status">
- <!ENTITY sortByJunkStatusCmd.accesskey "J">
- <!ENTITY sortBySubjectCmd.label "Subject">
- <!ENTITY sortBySubjectCmd.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY sortBySenderCmd.label "Sender">
- <!ENTITY sortBySenderCmd.accesskey "n">
- <!ENTITY sortByRecipientCmd.label "Recipient">
- <!ENTITY sortByRecipientCmd.accesskey "c">
- <!ENTITY sortByUnreadCmd.label "Read">
- <!ENTITY sortByUnreadCmd.accesskey "R">
- <!ENTITY sortByOrderReceivedCmd.label "Order Received">
- <!ENTITY sortByOrderReceivedCmd.accesskey "O">
- <!ENTITY sortAscending.label "Ascending">
- <!ENTITY sortAscending.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY sortDescending.label "Descending">
- <!ENTITY sortDescending.accesskey "D">
- <!ENTITY sortThreaded.label "Threaded">
- <!ENTITY sortThreaded.accesskey "T">
- <!ENTITY sortUnthreaded.label "Unthreaded">
- <!ENTITY sortUnthreaded.accesskey "h">
- <!ENTITY msgsMenu.label "Messages">
- <!ENTITY msgsMenu.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY viewAll.label "All">
- <!ENTITY viewUnread.label "Unread">
- <!ENTITY viewAll.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY viewUnread.accesskey "U">
- <!ENTITY viewCustomView.label "Customize...">
- <!ENTITY viewCustomView.accesskey "C">
- <!ENTITY threads.label "Threads">
- <!ENTITY threads.accesskey "e">
- <!ENTITY allMsgsCmd.label "All">
- <!ENTITY allMsgsCmd.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY expandOrCollapseMenu.label "Expand/Collapse">
- <!ENTITY expandOrCollapseMenu.accesskey "x">
- <!ENTITY expandAllThreadsCmd.label "Expand All Threads">
- <!ENTITY expandAllThreadsCmd.accesskey "E">
- <!ENTITY expandAllThreadsCmd.key "*">
- <!ENTITY collapseAllThreadsCmd.label "Collapse All Threads">
- <!ENTITY collapseAllThreadsCmd.accesskey "C">
- <!ENTITY collapseAllThreadsCmd.key "\">
- <!ENTITY unreadMsgsCmd.label "Unread">
- <!ENTITY unreadMsgsCmd.accesskey "U">
- <!ENTITY threadsWithUnreadCmd.label "Threads with Unread">
- <!ENTITY threadsWithUnreadCmd.accesskey "T">
- <!ENTITY watchedThreadsWithUnreadCmd.label "Watched Threads with Unread">
- <!ENTITY watchedThreadsWithUnreadCmd.accesskey "W">
- <!ENTITY ignoredThreadsCmd.label "Ignored Threads">
- <!ENTITY ignoredThreadsCmd.accesskey "i">
- <!ENTITY headersMenu.label "Headers">
- <!ENTITY headersMenu.accesskey "H">
- <!ENTITY headersAllCmd.label "All">
- <!ENTITY headersAllCmd.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY headersNormalCmd.label "Normal">
- <!ENTITY headersNormalCmd.accesskey "N">
- <!ENTITY headersBriefCmd.label ".Brief">
- <!ENTITY headersBriefCmd.accesskey "B">
- <!ENTITY bodyMenu.label "Message Body As">
- <!ENTITY bodyMenu.accesskey "B">
- <!ENTITY bodyAllowHTML.label "Original HTML">
- <!ENTITY bodyAllowHTML.accesskey "H">
- <!ENTITY bodySanitized.label "Simple HTML">
- <!ENTITY bodySanitized.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY bodyAsPlaintext.label "Plain Text">
- <!ENTITY bodyAsPlaintext.accesskey "P">
- <!ENTITY viewAttachmentsInlineCmd.label "Display Attachments Inline">
- <!ENTITY viewAttachmentsInlineCmd.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY reloadCmd.label "Reload">
- <!ENTITY reloadCmd.accesskey "R">
- <!ENTITY stopCmd.label "Stop">
- <!ENTITY stopCmd.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY pageSourceCmd.label "Message Source">
- <!ENTITY pageSourceCmd.accesskey "o">
- <!ENTITY pageSourceCmd.key "u">
- <!ENTITY translateMenu.label ".Translate">
- <!-- Search Menu -->
- <!-- searchMenu is also used by addressbook -->
- <!ENTITY searchMenu.label "Search">
- <!ENTITY searchMenu.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY findCmd.label "Find in This Message...">
- <!ENTITY findCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY findCmd.key "f">
- <!ENTITY findCmd.key2 "VK_F19">
- <!ENTITY findAgainCmd.label "Find Again">
- <!ENTITY findAgainCmd.accesskey "g">
- <!ENTITY findAgainCmd.key "g">
- <!ENTITY findAgainCmd.key2 "VK_F3">
- <!ENTITY findPrevCmd.label "Find Previous">
- <!ENTITY findPrevCmd.accesskey "v">
- <!ENTITY findPrevCmd.key "g">
- <!ENTITY findPrevCmd.key2 "VK_F3">
- <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchCurrentCmd.label) : Do not translate "<" and ">" in below line. -->
- <!ENTITY searchCurrentCmd.label ".Search in <current>">
- <!ENTITY searchCurrentCmd.accesskey "">
- <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchParentCmd.label) : Do not translate "<" and ">" in below line. -->
- <!ENTITY searchParentCmd.label ".Search in <parent>">
- <!ENTITY searchParentCmd.accesskey "">
- <!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (searchParentParentCmd.label) : Do not translate "<" and ">" in below line. -->
- <!ENTITY searchParentParentCmd.label ".Search in <parent parent>">
- <!ENTITY searchParentParentCmd.accesskey "">
- <!ENTITY searchMailCmd.label "Search Messages...">
- <!ENTITY searchMailCmd.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY searchMailCmd.key "f">
- <!-- Go Menu -->
- <!ENTITY goMenu.label "Go">
- <!ENTITY goMenu.accesskey "G">
- <!ENTITY firstUnreadMsgCmd.label ".First Unread Message">
- <!ENTITY firstUnreadMsgCmd.accesskey "U">
- <!ENTITY firstFlaggedMsgCmd.label ".First Flagged Message">
- <!ENTITY firstFlaggedMsgCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY nextMenu.label "Next">
- <!ENTITY nextMenu.accesskey "N">
- <!ENTITY nextMsgCmd.label "Message">
- <!ENTITY nextMsgCmd.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY nextMsgCmd.key "f">
- <!ENTITY nextUnreadMsgCmd.label "Unread Message">
- <!ENTITY nextUnreadMsgCmd.accesskey "U">
- <!ENTITY nextUnreadMsgCmd.key "n">
- <!ENTITY nextFlaggedMsgCmd.label "Flagged Message">
- <!ENTITY nextFlaggedMsgCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY nextUnflaggedMsgCmd.label "Unflagged Message">
- <!ENTITY nextUnreadThread.label "Unread Thread">
- <!ENTITY nextUnreadThreadCmd.accesskey "T">
- <!ENTITY nextUnreadThreadCmd.key "t">
- <!ENTITY prevMenu.label "Previous">
- <!ENTITY prevMenu.accesskey "P">
- <!ENTITY prevMsgCmd.label "Message">
- <!ENTITY prevMsgCmd.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY previousMsgCmd.key "b">
- <!ENTITY previousMsgCmd.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY prevUnreadMsgCmd.label "Unread Message">
- <!ENTITY prevUnreadMsgCmd.accesskey "U">
- <!ENTITY previousUnreadMsgCmd.key "p">
- <!ENTITY previousUnreadMsgCmd.accesskey "U">
- <!ENTITY prevFlaggedMsgCmd.label "Flagged Message">
- <!ENTITY previousFlaggedMsgCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY backCmd.label ".Back">
- <!ENTITY backCmd.accesskey "B">
- <!ENTITY forwardCmd.label ".Forward">
- <!ENTITY forwardCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY startPageCmd.label "Mail Start Page">
- <!ENTITY startPageCmd.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY msgMenu.label "Message">
- <!ENTITY msgMenu.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY newMsgCmd.label "New Message">
- <!ENTITY newMsgCmd.accesskey "N">
- <!ENTITY newNewMsgCmd.label "Message">
- <!ENTITY newNewMsgCmd.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY replyMsgCmd.label "Reply">
- <!ENTITY replyMsgCmd.accesskey "R">
- <!ENTITY replyMsgCmd.key "r">
- <!ENTITY replySenderCmd.label "Reply to Sender Only">
- <!ENTITY replySenderCmd.accesskey "R">
- <!ENTITY replyNewsgroupCmd.label "Reply to Newsgroup">
- <!ENTITY replyNewsgroupCmd.accesskey "y">
- <!ENTITY replyToAllMsgCmd.label "Reply to All">
- <!ENTITY replyToAllMsgCmd.accesskey "p">
- <!ENTITY replyToAllMsgCmd.key "r">
- <!ENTITY forwardMsgCmd.label "Forward">
- <!ENTITY forwardMsgCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY forwardMsgCmd.key "l">
- <!ENTITY forwardAsMenu.label "Forward As">
- <!ENTITY forwardAsMenu.accesskey "o">
- <!ENTITY forwardAsInline.label "Inline">
- <!ENTITY forwardAsInline.accesskey "I">
- <!ENTITY forwardAsAttachmentCmd.label "Attachment">
- <!ENTITY forwardAsAttachmentCmd.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY editMsgAsNewCmd.label "Edit Message As New">
- <!ENTITY editMsgAsNewCmd.accesskey "E">
- <!ENTITY editMsgAsNewCmd.key "e">
- <!ENTITY createFilter.label "Create Filter From Message...">
- <!ENTITY createFilter.accesskey "a">
- <!ENTITY moveMsgMenu.label "Move">
- <!ENTITY moveMsgMenu.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY copyMessageLocation.label "Copy Message Location">
- <!ENTITY copyMessageLocation.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY copyMsgMenu.label "Copy">
- <!ENTITY copyMsgMenu.accesskey "C">
- <!ENTITY killThreadMenu.label "Ignore Thread">
- <!ENTITY killThreadMenu.accesskey "I">
- <!ENTITY killThreadMenu.key "k">
- <!ENTITY watchThreadMenu.label "Watch Thread">
- <!ENTITY watchThreadMenu.accesskey "W">
- <!ENTITY watchThreadMenu.key "w">
- <!ENTITY fileHereMenu.label "File Here">
- <!ENTITY fileHereMenu.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY copyHereMenu.label "Copy Here">
- <!ENTITY copyHereMenu.accesskey "C">
- <!ENTITY addSenderToAddressBookCmd.label ".Add Sender to Address Book">
- <!ENTITY addSenderToAddressBookCmd.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY addAllToAddressBookCmd.label ".Add All to Address Book">
- <!ENTITY addAllToAddressBookCmd.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY labelMenu.label "Label">
- <!ENTITY labelMenu.accesskey "L">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd0.accesskey "0">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd0.key "0">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd1.label "1">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd1.accesskey "1">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd1.key "1">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd2.label "2">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd2.accesskey "2">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd2.key "2">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd3.label "3">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd3.accesskey "3">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd3.key "3">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd4.label "4">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd4.accesskey "4">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd4.key "4">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd5.label "5">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd5.accesskey "5">
- <!ENTITY labelCmd5.key "5">
- <!ENTITY markMenu.label "Mark">
- <!ENTITY markMenu.accesskey "k">
- <!ENTITY markAsReadCmd.label "As Read">
- <!ENTITY markAsReadCmd.accesskey "R">
- <!ENTITY markAsReadCmd.key "m">
- <!ENTITY markAsUnreadCmd.label "As Unread">
- <!ENTITY markAsUnreadCmd.accesskey "U">
- <!ENTITY markThreadAsReadCmd.label "Thread As Read">
- <!ENTITY markThreadAsReadCmd.accesskey "T">
- <!ENTITY markThreadAsReadCmd.key "r">
- <!ENTITY markReadByDateCmd.label "As Read by Date...">
- <!ENTITY markReadByDateCmd.accesskey "D">
- <!ENTITY markReadByDateCmd.key "c">
- <!ENTITY markAllReadCmd.label "All Read">
- <!ENTITY markAllReadCmd.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY markAllReadCmd.key "c">
- <!ENTITY markFlaggedCmd.label "Flag">
- <!ENTITY markFlaggedCmd.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY markAsJunkCmd.label "As Junk">
- <!ENTITY markAsJunkCmd.accesskey "J">
- <!ENTITY markAsJunkCmd.key "j">
- <!ENTITY markAsNotJunkCmd.label "As Not Junk">
- <!ENTITY markAsNotJunkCmd.accesskey "N">
- <!ENTITY markAsNotJunkCmd.key "j">
- <!ENTITY recalculateJunkScoreCmd.label "Run Junk Mail Controls">
- <!ENTITY recalculateJunkScoreCmd.accesskey "C">
- <!ENTITY openMessageWindowCmd.label "Open Message">
- <!ENTITY openMessageWindowCmd.accesskey "O">
- <!ENTITY openMessageWindowCmd.key "o">
- <!-- Folder Pane -->
- <!ENTITY nameColumn.label "Name">
- <!ENTITY unreadColumn.label "Unread">
- <!ENTITY totalColumn.label "Total">
- <!-- Toolbar items -->
- <!ENTITY getMsgButton.label "Get Msgs">
- <!ENTITY newMsgButton.label "Compose">
- <!ENTITY replyButton.label "Reply">
- <!ENTITY replyAllButton.label "Reply All">
- <!ENTITY forwardButton.label "Forward">
- <!ENTITY fileButton.label "File">
- <!ENTITY nextButton.label "Next">
- <!ENTITY deleteButton.label "Delete">
- <!ENTITY markButton.label "Mark">
- <!ENTITY printButton.label "Print">
- <!ENTITY stopButton.label "Stop">
- <!ENTITY junkButton.label "Junk">
- <!ENTITY notJunkButton.label "Not Junk">
- <!--Tooltips-->
- <!ENTITY menuBar.tooltip "Menu Bar">
- <!ENTITY mailToolbar.tooltip "Mail Toolbar">
- <!ENTITY advancedButton.tooltip "Advanced message search">
- <!ENTITY clearButton.tooltip "Clear the search criteria and show all messages">
- <!ENTITY getMsgButton.tooltip "Get new messages">
- <!ENTITY newMsgButton.tooltip "Create a new message">
- <!ENTITY replyButton.tooltip "Reply to the message">
- <!ENTITY replyAllButton.tooltip "Reply to sender and all recipients">
- <!ENTITY forwardButton.tooltip "Forward selected message">
- <!ENTITY fileButton.tooltip "File selected message">
- <!ENTITY nextButton.tooltip "Move to the next unread message">
- <!ENTITY deleteButton.tooltip "Delete selected message or folder">
- <!ENTITY markButton.tooltip "Mark messages">
- <!ENTITY printButton.tooltip "Print this message">
- <!ENTITY stopButton.tooltip "Stop the current transfer">
- <!ENTITY throbber.tooltip "Go to the &vendorShortName; home page">
- <!ENTITY junkButton.tooltip "Mark the selected messages as junk">
- <!ENTITY notJunkButton.tooltip "Mark the selected messages as not junk">
- <!-- Statusbar -->
- <!ENTITY statusText.label "Done">
- <!ENTITY unreadCountText.label "Unread: ">
- <!ENTITY totalCountText.label " Total: ">
- <!-- Thread Pane Context Menu -->
- <!ENTITY contextOpenNewWindow.label "Open Message in New Window">
- <!ENTITY contextOpenNewWindow.accesskey "W">
- <!ENTITY contextEditAsNew.label "Edit As New...">
- <!ENTITY contextEditAsNew.accesskey "E">
- <!ENTITY contextReplySender.label "Reply to Sender Only">
- <!ENTITY contextReplySender.accesskey "R">
- <!ENTITY contextReplyNewsgroup.label "Reply to Newsgroup">
- <!ENTITY contextReplyNewsgroup.accesskey "y">
- <!ENTITY contextReplyAll.label "Reply to All">
- <!ENTITY contextReplyAll.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY contextForward.label "Forward">
- <!ENTITY contextForward.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY contextForwardAsAttachment.label "Forward as Attachments">
- <!ENTITY contextForwardAsAttachment.accesskey "o">
- <!ENTITY contextMoveMsgMenu.label "Move To">
- <!ENTITY contextMoveMsgMenu.accesskey "M">
- <!ENTITY contextCopyMsgMenu.label "Copy To">
- <!ENTITY contextCopyMsgMenu.accesskey "C">
- <!ENTITY contextSaveAs.label "Save As...">
- <!ENTITY contextSaveAs.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY contextPrint.label "Print...">
- <!ENTITY contextPrint.accesskey "P">
- <!ENTITY contextPrintPreview.label "Print Preview">
- <!ENTITY contextDelete.label "Delete">
- <!ENTITY contextDelete.accesskey "D">
- <!ENTITY contextAddSenderToAddressBook.label "Add Sender To Address Book">
- <!ENTITY contextAddSenderToAddressBook.accesskey "B">
- <!ENTITY contextAddAllToAddressBook.label "Add All To Address Book">
- <!ENTITY contextAddAllToAddressBook.accesskey "A">
- <!-- Folder Pane Context Menu -->
- <!ENTITY folderContextGetMessages.label "Get Messages for Account">
- <!ENTITY folderContextGetMessages.accesskey "G">
- <!ENTITY folderContextOpenNewWindow.label "Open in New Mail Window">
- <!ENTITY folderContextOpenNewWindow.accesskey "W">
- <!ENTITY folderContextRename.label "Rename">
- <!ENTITY folderContextRename.accesskey "R">
- <!ENTITY folderContextRemove.label "Delete">
- <!ENTITY folderContextRemove.accesskey "D">
- <!ENTITY folderContextCompact.label "Compact This Folder">
- <!ENTITY folderContextCompact.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY folderContextEmptyTrash.label "Empty Trash">
- <!ENTITY folderContextEmptyTrash.accesskey "y">
- <!ENTITY folderContextSendUnsentMessages.label "Send Unsent Messages...">
- <!ENTITY folderContextSendUnsentMessages.accesskey "d">
- <!ENTITY folderContextUnsubscribe.label "Unsubscribe">
- <!ENTITY folderContextUnsubscribe.accesskey "U">
- <!ENTITY folderContextMarkNewsgroupRead.label "Mark Newsgroup Read">
- <!ENTITY folderContextMarkNewsgroupRead.accesskey "k">
- <!ENTITY folderContextMarkMailFolderRead.label "Mark Folder Read">
- <!ENTITY folderContextMarkMailFolderRead.accesskey "k">
- <!ENTITY folderContextNew.label "New Subfolder...">
- <!ENTITY folderContextNew.accesskey "N">
- <!ENTITY folderContextSubscribe.label "Subscribe...">
- <!ENTITY folderContextSubscribe.accesskey "b">
- <!ENTITY folderContextSearchMessages.label "Search Messages...">
- <!ENTITY folderContextSearchMessages.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY folderContextProperties.label "Properties...">
- <!ENTITY folderContextProperties.accesskey "P">
- <!ENTITY folderContextCopyLocation.label "Copy Folder Location">
- <!ENTITY folderContextCopyLocation.accesskey "C">
- <!-- Message Header View Popup -->
- <!ENTITY AddToAddressBook.label "Add to Address Book...">
- <!ENTITY AddToAddressBook.accesskey "B">
- <!ENTITY SendMailTo.label "Compose Mail To">
- <!ENTITY SendMailTo.accesskey "s">
- <!ENTITY CopyEmailAddress.label "Copy Email Address">
- <!ENTITY CopyEmailAddress.accesskey "C">
- <!ENTITY CreateFilter.label "Create Filter from Message...">
- <!ENTITY CreateFilter.accesskey "F">
- <!ENTITY BlockAddress.label "Block Address">
- <!ENTITY BlockAddress.accesskey "A">
- <!---SearchBar-->
- <!-- also used by addressbook -->
- <!ENTITY SearchSubjectOrSender.label "Subject or Sender contains:">
- <!ENTITY SearchSubjectOrSender.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY SearchNameOrEmail.label "Name or Email contains:">
- <!ENTITY SearchNameOrEmail.accesskey "N">
- <!ENTITY advancedButton.label "Advanced...">
- <!ENTITY advancedButton.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY clearButton.label "Clear">
- <!ENTITY clearButton.accesskey "C">
- <!ENTITY all.label "All">
- <!ENTITY all.accesskey "A">
- <!ENTITY searchAddressesCmd.label "Search Addresses...">
- <!ENTITY searchAddressesCmd.accesskey "S">
- <!ENTITY junkMailCmd.label "Junk Mail Controls...">
- <!ENTITY junkMailCmd.accesskey "J">
- <!ENTITY runJunkControls.label "Run Junk Mail Controls on Folder">
- <!ENTITY runJunkControls.accesskey "u">
- <!ENTITY deleteJunk.label "Delete Mail Marked as Junk in Folder">
- <!ENTITY deleteJunk.accesskey "e">
- <!-- junk bar -->
- <!ENTITY junkBarMessage.label "&brandShortName; thinks this message is junk mail">
- <!ENTITY notJunkButton.label "This is Not Junk">
- <!ENTITY junkInfoButton.label "?">