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INI File | 2004-07-23 | 7.6 KB | 302 lines
[ACTION_DamageActor] ActionString="Damage actor" [ACTION_DestroyActor] ActionString="Destroy actor" [ACTION_FinishRotation] ActionString="Finish rotation" [ACTION_FireWeapon] ActionString="fire weapon" [ACTION_FireWeaponAt] ActionString="fire weapon" [ACTION_Freeze] ActionString="Freeze" [ACTION_HealActor] ActionString="Heal actor" [ACTION_Jump] ActionString="Jump" [ACTION_LocalizedMessage] ActionString="Localized Message" [ACTION_PlayLIPSinc] ActionString="Play LIPSinc" [ACTION_SetPhysics] ActionString="change physics to " [ACTION_ShootTarget] ActionString="shoot target" [ACTION_SpawnActor] ActionString="Spawn actor" [ACTION_SubTitles] ActionString="SubTitles" [ACTION_ThrowWeapon] ActionString="throw weapon" [ACTION_WaitForLIPSincAnimEnd] ActionString="Wait for LIPSincAnimEnd" [ActionMessage_BR] Messages[0]="Bombing Run" Messages[1]="The ball is in the center" Messages[2]="Touch the ball to pick it up" Messages[3]="The ball carrier cannot attack" Messages[4]="Primary fire shoots ball" Messages[5]="Alternate fire targets teammates" Messages[6]="Pass the ball to teammates" Messages[7]="Each team has a round goal" Messages[8]="Throwing the ball = 3 points" Messages[9]="Carrying it = 7 points" Messages[10]="Good luck!" [ActionMessage_CTF] Messages[0]="Capture the Flag" Messages[1]="Two bases : red and blue" Messages[2]="Touch enemy flag to take it" Messages[3]="Return to your base" Messages[4]="Touch your flag to score" Messages[5]="Translocating will drop the flag" Messages[6]="Default capture limit is 3" Messages[7]="Good luck!" [ActionMessage_DM] Messages[0]="Deathmatch" Messages[1]="Press fire to spawn" Messages[2]="Weapons have two firing modes" Messages[3]="Regular and alternate fire" Messages[4]="Assault Rifle" Messages[5]="Fires bullets and grenades" Messages[6]="Shield Gun" Messages[7]="Melee attack" Messages[8]="Protective Shield" Messages[9]="Explore to find other weapons" Messages[10]="Flak Cannon" Messages[11]="Bio-Rifle" Messages[12]="Minigun" Messages[13]="Movement" Messages[14]="WASD = Default movement keys" Messages[15]="Double tap a key to dodge" Messages[16]="Jumping" Messages[17]="Double jump" Messages[18]="Powerups" Messages[19]="Health vials" Messages[20]="Health pack" Messages[21]="Big Keg O' Health" Messages[22]="Armor" Messages[23]="Shield Pack" Messages[24]="Super Shield Pack" Messages[25]="Adrenaline" Messages[26]="Adrenaline can be used for combos" Messages[27]="Damage Amplifier" Messages[28]="Reach the frag limit first!" Messages[29]="Suicides count against you" Messages[30]="Good luck!" [ActionMessage_DOM] Messages[0]="Double Domination" Messages[1]="Control points : A & B" Messages[2]="Hold points for 10 seconds" Messages[3]="Touch point to take control" Messages[4]="Good luck!" [ActionMessage_SubTitle] Delays[0]=4.000000 Delays[1]=4.000000 Delays[2]=8.000000 Delays[3]=8.000000 Delays[4]=8.000000 Delays[5]=8.000000 Delays[6]=8.000000 Delays[7]=8.000000 Delays[8]=8.000000 Delays[9]=8.000000 Delays[10]=8.000000 Delays[11]=8.000000 Delays[12]=8.000000 Delays[13]=8.000000 Delays[14]=8.000000 Delays[15]=8.000000 Delays[16]=8.000000 Delays[17]=8.000000 Delays[18]=8.000000 Delays[19]=8.000000 Delays[20]=8.000000 Delays[21]=8.000000 Delays[22]=0.000000 Delays[23]=0.000000 Delays[24]=0.000000 Delays[25]=0.000000 Delays[26]=0.000000 Delays[27]=0.000000 Delays[28]=0.000000 Delays[29]=0.000000 Delays[30]=0.000000 Delays[31]=0.000000 Messages[0]="How do I look?" Messages[1]="Not as good as me baby..." Messages[2]="Well fans here we are for another edition of the bloodiest sport in the Galaxy. A tournament where the winners become gods and the losers pay the ultimate price!" Messages[3]="THERE THEY ARE! Once they were rivals, but now they're one of the fiercest teams around." Messages[4]="That's right. Nothing beats experience and each one of these three brings loads of it to the table." Messages[5]="Look at Malcolm! Now there's a guy who can really keep his cool in a fire-fight." Messages[6]="That Brock. He's as dangerous to the ladies OUT-side the ring as he is to his foes IN-side!" Messages[7]="I love watching Lauren. She's such a little....bundle of energy." Messages[8]="Yeah right.....you like watching Lauren for her energy." Messages[9]="This time he's MINE!!" Messages[10]="AAGGGHHHHRRRR" Messages[11]="You d'man Gorge! You rock! Yeah baby, com'on, now, you d'man dude!" Messages[12]="MAAAALLLCOOOOOMMM!" Messages[13]="Oh, man, did you see that?" Messages[14]="I tell you Jim, that Gorge, he just has no respect for his fans." Messages[15]="Well, I think he is still pissed about that new scar on his face, courtesy of Malcolm in their last match." Messages[16]="Yea, I think he is looking for a little PAYBACK." Messages[17]="Yep, it should be a good one tonight." Messages[18]="Since Malcolm's team are the reigning champs, they get to choose tonight's arena." Messages[19]="Looks like it's gonna be... Kalendra Icefields." Messages[20]="Awww Yeah, I love this arena, Malcolm does really well here." Messages[21]="Tonight's match oughta be a real blood-bath." [Action_CHANGELEVEL] ActionString="Change level" [Action_CHANGESCRIPT] ActionString="Change script" [Action_CHANGETEAM] ActionString="Change Team" [Action_CROUCH] ActionString="crouch" [Action_ConsoleCommand] ActionString="console command" [Action_DAMAGEINSTIGATOR] ActionString="Damage instigator" [Action_DESTROYPAWN] ActionString="destroy pawn" [Action_DISPLAYMESSAGE] ActionString="display message" [Action_DrawHUDMaterial] ActionString="draw HUD texture" [Action_ENDSECTION] ActionString="end section" [Action_FADEVIEW] ActionString="fade view" [Action_GOTOACTION] ActionString="go to action" [Action_IFCONDITION] ActionString="If condition" [Action_KILLINSTIGATOR] ActionString="Damage instigator" [Action_LEAVESEQUENCE] ActionString="leave sequence" [Action_MOVETOPLAYER] ActionString="Move to player" [Action_MOVETOPOINT] ActionString="Move to point" [Action_PLAYAMBIENTSOUND] ActionString="play ambient sound" [Action_PLAYANIM] ActionString="play animation" [Action_PLAYANNOUNCEMENT] ActionString="play announcement" [Action_PLAYLOCALSOUND] ActionString="play sound" [Action_PLAYMUSIC] ActionString="play song" [Action_PLAYSOUND] ActionString="play sound" [Action_RUN] ActionString="Run" [Action_SETALERTNESS] ActionString="set alertness" [Action_SETVIEWTARGET] ActionString="set viewtarget" [Action_STOPANIMATION] ActionString="stop animation" [Action_TRIGGEREVENT] ActionString="trigger event" [Action_TURNTOWARDPLAYER] ActionString="Turn toward player" [Action_WAITFORANIMEND] ActionString="Wait for animend" [Action_WAITFOREVENT] ActionString="Wait for external event" [Action_WAITFORPLAYER] ActionString="Wait for player" [Action_WAITFORTIMER] ActionString="Wait for timer" [Action_WALK] ActionString="walk" [Burned] DeathString="%o was sauteed." [Corroded] DeathString="%o was dissolved by %k's." FemaleSuicide="%o dissolved in slime." MaleSuicide="%o dissolved in slime." [Counter] CountMessage="Only %i more to go..." CompleteMessage="Completed!" [Depressurized] DeathString="%o was depressurized by %k." FemaleSuicide="%o was depressurized." MaleSuicide="%o was depressurized." [Drowned] DeathString="%o forgot to come up for air." FemaleSuicide="%o forgot to come up for air." MaleSuicide="%o forgot to come up for air." [MessageTextureClient] HisMessage="his" HerMessage="her" [ScriptedAction] ActionString="unspecified action" [WaterVolume] LocationName="under water"