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- .IF DSK1.C3
- by Jack Sughrue
- Coming back to the T.I.Writer
- Word Processor in an investigative
- frame of mind is good for the soul.
- I always manage to uncover some
- little goodie or two; something I had
- forgotten or had never used or had
- missed along the way.
- For example, I have had TIW since
- 1982, and have done all my writing
- on it almost exclusively: all my
- school work (as a teacher and as a
- student), all my freelance writing,
- all my very extensive correspondence
- (I am one of those people who love
- to write and receive letters.), all
- my household writing, all my poetry.
- A day seldom goes by when I am not on
- the TIW for at least an hour. I
- don't think 2000 total logged hours
- would be an exageration.
- And, in all that time, I never
- used the S command.
- [AUTHOR NOTE: In the four years
- since I wrote this column, I confess
- to using S at least 5,000 times.
- Whenever I use the FS or RS commands
- I first do S then 1 to get to the
- very beginning. An S followed by an
- E here will take you to the very end.
- Very handy.]
- First I press FCTN/9 to get in
- the COMMAND/ESCAPE mode.
- Next I type S.
- Then I type the line I want to
- view (27) and ENTER.
- Voila!
- Line 27 (in my single-window
- formatting structure there is only
- one screen width) - "I will now." -
- appears at the top of the screen
- where something else had been. The
- cursor is there with it. Very fast.
- I'll have to think of a use for that,
- I'll have to think of a use for that,
- as I will for CTRL/5 (which just
- repeated the line "I'll have to think
- of a use for that" when I typed it
- in. I suppose it would be great for
- lyricists. (Though to be perfectly
- honest I use it all the time when I
- use Templates to make boxes and lines
- and TL graphics with the PLUS! disk.
- There it is a VERY handy tool.)
- Have you ever used your Word Tab?
- That's CTRL/7 or CTRL/W (which makes
- sense). [Be patient a bit.] I'm
- going to run my cursor back to the
- beginning of this paragraph (CTRL/6
- or CTRL/H) and try out the Word Tab.
- Oops! The CTRL/6 took me back to
- the previous paragraph. No problem.
- I just typed CTRL/4 (or CTRL/J) to
- leap me back to the next paragraph,
- which is where I wanted to be
- (starting with "Have you ever").
- Now I'll try the Word Tab.
- That was fun! It leaped from
- Have to you to ever and on to
- the end of the screen line (the word
- "Tab?") and stopped dead against an
- invisible wall.
- I was forced to take control of
- the cursor, move it to the next line,
- and begin again with the CTRL/W.
- I hardly ever use the regular
- Tab (FCTN/7 or CTRL/1) in the kind of
- writing I usually do. As a matter of
- fact, I don't use it at all (though I
- vaguely remember trying it out once).
- For me, it's just so much easier
- using the cursor in the repeat mode.
- So any of the Tabs (after I have
- set the 1/L, 5/I, 38/R when I first
- enter the EDITOR) are really wasted
- on me.
- There's even a Back Tab (CTRL/T)
- which I know I've never used until
- right this second. It leaps back the
- defaulted tabs. If you hold the keys
- down the cursor whizzes around so
- fast there appear to be four or five
- cursors on the screen at the same
- time. Wow! I wish I'd used this
- before.
- I DO remember using the Home
- Cursor before (CTRL/L) but, again,
- not often. This leaps the cursor
- back to the first space in the upper
- left of the screen.
- I'm more apt to use Beginning of
- Line (CTRL/V). I use it often, as I
- do CTRL/K which wipes out everything
- to the right of the cursor on the
- same line. That and Delete Line
- (FCTN/3 or CTRL/N) are two most often
- used by me. All the proofreading as
- I go along, I guess. Which is why I
- know FCTN/2 (or CTRL/G) so well.
- That is how I insert characters and
- eventually lines and paragraphs.
- CTRL/R brings it all together as
- Reformatter. CTRL/2 does also, if
- you think of FCTN/2 as separating the
- words for insertion and CTRL/2 as
- pulling them all back together in
- reformatting. It may seem easier
- that way, though I ALWAYS use CTRL/R
- for no intelligent reason.
- Changing the screen colors is fun
- (CTRL/3), but I don't find it as
- soothing as Screen Color 7 from the
- FUNLWRITER menus: black lettering
- on dark green. Unfortunately, this
- is not available from the EDIT mode
- and will be lost forever if you Show
- Directory, so be careful.
- I find New Page (CTRL/9 or
- CTRL/P) extremely useful for a lot of
- the stuff I do for school or for
- poetry. It's so convenient to pop
- in a New Page mark whenever you want.
- The only time I use Next Window
- is when I'm screen-reading someone
- else's stuff. It's one of the few
- FCTN keys (5) that doesn't have a
- corresponding CTRL key somewhere.
- I do find essential, however, the
- Insert Blank Line key (FCTN/8 or
- CTRL/O), as I'm always needing to run
- up to the beginning of something to
- add a heading or code or an
- explanatory line or two. Very handy.
- The Roll-Up/Roll-Down keys and
- Arrow keys and Toggle Line Number
- key and Left-Margin Release key are
- probably used so much by most TIWers
- that a mention isn't necessary.
- But the most important key (for
- me, at least) is CTRL/U. That is the
- key that opens up your printer to
- some extraordinary adventures.
- Through the EDITOR for some things,
- but through the FORMATTER for the
- real goodies.
- As I never PRINT from the EDITOR,
- anyway, I'm probably a terrible
- person to tell you how wonderful the
- PRINT options of the EDITOR is. It
- is wonderful.
- However, the FORMATTER is the
- thing! It lets YOU do the driving
- and the CTRL/U key is the scenic
- route.
- The next time you hop aboard your
- TIW take a few side trips along your
- keyboard. You'll be astounded at the
- power of the environment. And we've
- only touched on the screen control of
- the CTRL and FCTN keys, not on
- anything about the TL or about
- LOADing, PRINTing, SAVEing, FINDing,
- If you have PLUS! download the docs,
- keep those reference and mnemonic TL
- and Boxref charts out in front of you
- and discover the fun of learning
- again. This time the learning will
- have immediate rewards: mastery of
- one of the most powerful tools ever
- created for the thinking person - a
- magical word processor.
- Using the version 4 series of
- FUNNELWEB (from your user-group
- library) will be as close as a TI
- word-processing user will get to
- paradise.
- After seven years I still love
- wordprocessing. My wife's getting
- terribly jealous. I hope I don't
- have to decide between the two.
- (Just kidding, Elaine.)
- [Jack Sughrue, Box 459,
- E.Douglas, MA 01526]
- **************
- If any newsletter editor prints
- these articles, please put me on your
- mailing list. Thanks - JS
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