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- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^by Jack Sughrue
- Creating a document with the Text Editor of the
- TI-WRITER Word Processor is made easier with the Word
- Wrap feature that automatically moves words that exceed
- the right margin down to a new, automatically inserted
- blank line. This means you do not have to press a key
- at the end of each line as you would if you were using
- a typewriter. With Word Wrap, you simply type, and the
- Text Editor keeps your margins for you. Now, you don't
- have to keep looking back and forth from your text to
- the screen to see if you are running over the right
- margin. You can immediately see the benefits of having
- Word Wrap once you have used it. Letter writing is
- made easy. Your school age children can use TI-WRITER
- Word Processor to prepare reports and themes for school
- work. A thousand uses will become apparent to you as
- you learn what the TI-WRITER Word Processor Word
- Processor can do for YOU!
- Create, save, and print your documents
- with the Text Editor, or insert format commands into
- your document and print it using the powerful Text
- Formatter. With the Text Formatter, such operations as
- overstriking and underlining, and right margin
- justification are made available, as well as setting
- margins and paragraph indentation, inserting blank
- lines, centering, and automatically numbering pages
- consecutively. The most powerful FORMATting tools,
- as far as I'm concerned, are the IF command and the
- Transliteration Key. But for our purposes of this
- second part of the intro to the processor we'll leave
- that area of exploration up to you. (Maybe discovering
- a wordpro freak in your user group might be the ideal
- thing once you have some of the self-discovery under
- your belt.)
- The TI-WRITER Word Processor Word
- Processor has many of the features of the larger word
- processors and lots of features many of them do not
- have. At school, for example, we use Apples,
- Commodores, Timex/Sinclairs, and TIs. TIW is,
- unquestionably, the most profound of all the word
- processors I've used with all these computers over the
- past five or six years.
- What kinds of documents can you create with the
- Text EDITor without FORMATting? Using the Word Wrap
- Mode, you can create reports, themes, theses, recopy
- recipes and print copies for your relatives and
- friends. In short, any type of document in paragraph
- form can be created using Word Wrap. Suppose your
- document needs a diagram, or a chart or table. Those
- too can be created using the Fixed Mode of the Text
- Editor. In Fixed Mode, the Word Wrap feature is not
- activated so that inserting and deleting text will not
- cause Reformat to "readjust" the rest of your
- document!
- Included in the TI-WRITER Word Processor Manual are
- special tutorial sections on using the Text Editor and
- the Text Formatter. These two sections take you step
- by step through the creation, editing, and printing of
- a document, insertion of format commands and printing
- through the Text Formatter. The Manual also takes each
- option and fully explains the operations, functions,
- and commands for using that option. At the end of the
- manual is a Quick Reference section that lists the
- Function and Control Key Combinations, the Command Mode
- Commands, and Text Formatter Commands, as well as a
- Glossary section and an Index.
- If all this sounds confusing, it isn't for one simple
- reason: you only do one thing at a time. When you are
- typing, you type. When you correct mistakes, you
- correct (mostly by using your arrows to direct your
- cursor over the mistake and make the corrections or by
- using your 1, 2, 3 keys to DELete a CHARacter; INSert a
- CHARacter (which may be paragraphs long - pressing
- CTRL/R will REFORMAT after you have INS CHAR; and
- DELete LINE) easily and directly. When you do the
- other commands (see Quick Reference Card and the Strip
- above the numbers), you will do the other commands.
- And they are done instantly!
- TI's own upgrade of the disk and the numerous versions
- which are available (consult your user group) are
- really worth examining. The newer versions (such as
- you some remarkable additional to this remarkable
- word processor.
- Patience!
- And on that note of patience, just a little comment.
- I've heard lots of comments about the TI WRITER and
- its grandchildren. Among those comments are often
- questions about How do you do this? or How do you do
- that? to processes which are very basic. Inevitably,
- I will ask, Did you read the manual, yet? The answer
- is ALWAYS negative. My suggestion again is to play
- with and experiment with the processor. Print out
- things. Use the strip and reference card to try things
- out. After you are able to use the processor in a
- reasonable way in the EDIT Mode, then start the manual
- and, with your processor on in front of you, go step by
- step through the entire book, even if it takes you two
- or three months. (It took me six weeks to get through
- it all.) After that initiation, you'll own your
- processor. For life.
- [Jack Sughrue, Box 459, E.Douglas, MA 01516]
- ******
- If any newsletter editor prints these articles, please
- put me on your mailing list. Thanks - JS
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