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- .IF DSK1.C3
- .CE 2
- *IMPACT/99*
- by Jack Sughrue
- (Every so often we devote a
- column to a collection of tasty
- little nibbles and call it by this
- vampirical title.)
- .IF DSK1.C2
- Sometimes it's the little things
- in life that really matter. Like
- when you find a quicker way to load a
- file, as Dan Rogers of M.U.N.C.H. did
- for me on one of my Infocom [very
- slow loading] games. Once I got
- Dan's loader I went back to playing
- the games much more often than I did
- before. Just waiting those endless 4
- or 5 minutes prevented me from
- enjoying these excellent games
- regularly.
- Another of those happy moments in
- life happened last Thanksgiving Day.
- I was up early and on my computer,
- trying to debug a very lengthy
- program I had typed in from a
- magazine. The program was printed 40
- columns wide. My screen view was 28
- columns and my printed out version
- was 80.
- I OLDed up the program and
- ENTERed this one liner (shades of
- that one-liner master Tony Falco of
- M.U.N.C.H.) with my trusty Gemini
- turned on: OPEN #1:"PIO" :: PRINT
- #1:CHR$(27);CHR$(81);CHR$(40). Then
- I ENTERed LIST "PIO" and Voila! my
- printout was exactly the same as the
- printout in the magazine. I could
- quickly check all the line endings to
- see if they matched. I had the
- program debugged within a half hour.
- It is even easier [for me] than using
- the number system some magazines use.
- People I've shared this with have
- felt the same way. It was basically
- a matter of looking through my
- printer manual and noticing the right
- margin code: 81. The rest is self
- explanatory. I've also used this for
- printing 28-column program LISTings
- for use in newsletters and articles.
- Whatever the width use you need, this
- will print it out perfectly for you.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Anne Dhein (outside Massachusetts she
- istheexpert on TI WRITER) has
- done it again! In an article in the
- Chicago UG TIMES she continues to
- write about TI Writer Graphics. She
- has written an XB program that
- convertsTI ARTISTinstances into
- TIW files. Thus, you will be able to
- print graphics through your
- FUNNELWEBor whatever TIW version
- you use. If it's as readily
- convertible as it sounds (from a
- second-hand report) and comes out in
- DV80 format, this just might be the
- ultimate graphics/text program for
- the 99. Can't wait to see it and
- play with it.
- [AUTHOR'S NOTE: Since this
- article was written I received those
- articles from Ohio's Deanna Sheridan,
- along with some wonderful TL holiday
- graphics she and other members of her
- group did. Extraordinary stuff. If
- interested, write Deanna Sheridan,
- 20311 Lake Road, Rockey River, OH,
- 4416. It'll be more than worth your
- effort.]
- Speaking of graphics, there are
- literally hundreds (maybe thousands)
- of RLE pics (which also may be easily
- converted to DV80 files for message
- sending or storage) now converted
- toTI ARTISTinstances for screen
- viewing and printing on our wonder of
- a machine or for all of the above and
- a slideshow by converting to GRAPHX.
- And speaking of our wonder of a
- machine, according to questions I've
- been asking this past year of some
- user groups to gather stats about the
- TI, some people paid as low as $24.95
- for the newer, white model during the
- orphaning. I thought that was a
- record at the time. The lowest I
- paid was $39.95 for an unboxed "old
- black and silver model," as the
- salesman explained in a "Who'd want
- thatat any price?" tone of voice.
- Now I've heard of some instances
- where storesgavethem away as
- promotions for other things
- orgavethem away if you bought six
- reduced-price modules (a lathe
- speech synthesizer)! Next, I'm sure,
- someone will write to tell me that
- some promoterspaidthem to cart the
- 99s away.
- And speaking of carts, a group of
- us MUNCHers were talking about the
- cartridges and found amazing that
- more of them contine to come out so
- long after the orphaning: extended
- Extended BASICs, supercarts, games
- galore, word processors, utilities of
- all kinds. Though we hoped the disk
- programs would continue (and they
- have beyond our wildest dreams), we
- didn't imagine the module productions
- would continue in any way. Look at
- the latest Triple T catalogs (Tenex,
- Texcomp, Triton) and just see what's
- available today in addition to
- moduleware: complete expansion
- systems - 9900 Expansion Box with
- Power Supply, 32K Memory, Double
- Sided/Double Density Disk Controller,
- RS232 interface for modems and
- printers, disk drive with case and
- power supply, lastest Disk Manager
- with Improved Utilites, all cables
- and manuals - for $379.95 (from
- Texcomp) is an example of the kinds
- of reasonably inexpensive upgrading
- that can be done on our TI. Or the
- cost of upgrading to 512K
- ("impossible on the TI" not too long
- ago) now [in a single card] costs
- less than half a dozen modules cost
- just a couple years ago. There are
- 80 column cards and IBM (and the even
- better - TI professional) keyboards
- and RAMdisks and hard drives and
- double and quad controllers and...
- How far does your imagination
- extend? That's the limit of our
- computer.
- And speaking of controllers, to fix a
- DM1000 incompatibility between the
- CorComp and Myarc Doubledouble disk
- controllers, change byte 216 of the
- MGR1 (version 3.5, anyway) from (in
- HEX) 10 00 02 D0 00 5A. The first
- pair change to read 12. Rewrite the
- sector and you're fixed. (Please be
- certain you have a working backup
- first.) Better still, get the latest
- (5.0?) version from Ottawa or Tony
- McGovern's marvelous modification of
- it as part of his 4.12 (WHOLLY
- REMARKABLE) Funnelweb.
- If you don't own the latest
- Funnelweb, you are missing out on the
- masterpiece of 99ing. Contact your
- user group to get your update.
- Getting back to graphics for a
- moment, how do Deanna Sheridan of
- Ohio and Rodger Merritt of California
- and Anne Dhein of Iowa KNOW so much
- about graphics for the TI? Rodger
- created the fairware programs PRINT
- IT and PICTURE IT. They give you
- wonderful graphicswithTIW. Deanna
- should write a book. I'll be first
- in line. Besides being a good
- writer, she is an excellent tutor.
- Each month I learn something new from
- her. Those Ohio users are really
- potent TI force. Must be something
- in the Ohio air. Besides Deanna,
- there are some really active 99ers
- who pop to mind: Jean Hall, Charles
- Good, Jim Peterson, Irwin Hott,
- Martin Smoley.
- And speaking of graphics, theFRACTAL
- EXPLORERdisk may be obtained by
- sending $10 and a postpaid mailer
- with an SSSD disk to Steve Langguth,
- 2956 South Barnes, Springfield MO
- 65804. This program lets the user
- create "mathematical coastlines" -
- multicolor fractal images on a color
- monitor or TV. Disk drive, E/A, and
- 32K required. The user can create
- and observe these images, then zoom
- in and repeatedly magnify areas
- almost infinitely. Besides the
- aesthetic beauty and the ability to
- save and/or print out these images
- (computer-generated art), the
- computing and mathematical pleasures
- and creative problem-solving
- techniques employed make this one of
- the most unusual programs ever
- adapted for the TI. Other computers
- (such as the Amiga) have similar
- "real world" geometric fractals.
- CATALOGS- These are the
- addresses to order the catalogs from
- the largest three distributors of TI
- items in America.
- TRITON Products Company, P.O. Box
- 8123, San Francisco, CA 94128. TENEX
- Computer Express, P.O. Box 6578,
- South Bend, IN 46660. TEXCOMP, P.O.
- Box 33064, Granada Hills, CA 91344.
- (I would have also included
- PILGRIM'S PRIDE, but I never received
- a catalog after I paid my $3 last
- year, though I received a notice or
- two that I would get one. No hope.
- Never even got an answer to my
- inquiry about the money or catalog.
- Last notice of coming catalog now 10
- months ago.)
- MICROpendiumis still the best
- buy that a TI owner can get. It is
- the only magazine devoted entirely to
- the 99. It is worth ten times the
- $20 annual subscription rate.
- That's how you find out about the
- new commercial, fairware, and public
- domain software, firmware, textware,
- and hardware. It is the main source
- of whatever is going on today in the
- TI world. I personally can't imagine
- being a TI owner and not having this
- helpful and fascinting friend coming
- into my home each month. That would
- be like owning a superb pair of skis
- and trying them on each day for fit
- and fancy but never going outside
- after the snow has fallen.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- [Jack Sughrue, Box 459, E.Douglas
- MA 01516]
- If any newsletter editor prints
- these IMPACT/99 articles, please put
- me on your mailing list. THANKS - JS
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