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- ^^^^^^^^^^TI Articles and Reviews
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^by Jack Sughrue
- The drought is over, of course, but now the deluge has begun.
- As I sit at my marvel (the T.I.) with my expansion box plugged in and
- humming and my disk drive answering my every beck and call through my T.I.
- Writer Word Processor and my monitor beams its warm green glow (while my
- Gemini 10 X waits patiently for printing orders, I can't help but wonder what I
- did with my leisure time two years ago.
- I remember clearly what I did with that leisure time last year. I spent
- it going from store to store and magazine rack to magazine rack and library to
- library trying desperately to find something - some tiny written word about the
- T.I.99. Something. Anything. Just a few words about how to program or a few
- simple games I could type onto this thing. I found two lousy books in three
- months. I begged store owners and librarians to order books and magazines for
- us poor 99 freaks. The pleas did not fall on deaf ears. There just wasn't
- anyting to order.
- BUT ALL THAT HAS CHANGED NOW, MY FRIENDS! At least for the present on
- this April Fool's Day, 1984. I hope the day is not a warning not to be fooled
- by the heavenly manna. Tomorrow, I realize, I could be hungry again. In any
- event, let's enjoy the moment and hope it's a decade.
- There's not only a lot of stuff out there, there is a lot of great stuff!
- (Some junk, too, but we won't waste any reviews on junk.)
- I sit here at my machine and look at the shelves lining my den. On them
- (in the computer corner - "Dad's Playroom," my kids call it, not realizing the
- serious aspect of my endeavors - ) are magazines (99er, FAMILY COMPUTING,
- COMPENDIUM, lots of user-group newsletters, etc.) and lots of books.
- [I'm just going to pause a moment to see how many T.I. books I have. Hold
- on just a moment, please.]
- I'm back.
- Thanks for waiting.
- I have 47 T.I. books. 47! All of the great DATAMOST and COMPUTE! and
- SAMS books just made for the 99. And all piles of games books and utility
- books and educational books and combination books. This is amazing, actually.
- Today you can even buy T.I. books from Publishers Central and other
- remainder mail-order book houses.
- There are T.I. books on assembly language (four different ones in one
- bookstore I stopped in today), LOGO, graphics, data, C.A.I., modem services,
- free sources, and so on. Once the specialty books on a particular brand of
- computer hits the market, you know you've got it made. If no new books on our
- cmputer come out from this day forth, there would still be enough to satisfy
- most users for a lifetime. (I, for example, haven't begun to plumb the depths
- o my 47 wonderful purchases. I didn't even realize I had that many. Enough
- for four more years of reviews without ever buying another one. But I probably
- will.)
- And, if I type in all the programs offered in thses books and read and
- assimilte all of the turtorials given, the value of my T.I. software will be
- triple what it is today. That's a considerable value in education and in use
- and in real money (saved by not purchasing similar disk or tape programs).
- Although I've purchased some of these books in local bookstores, there are
- not that many carrying TI materials. Let's be vocal. The only way store
- owners will carry our stuff is if we buy and let them know we want more. It
- might help when you go there or anywhere else for your T.I. books if you talk
- to the salespeople and tell them how much you appreciate their carrying of
- these items. It would also help to tell all your friends about the bookstore
- you go to to buy your magazines and books and encourage them to go there, too.
- So what goodies this month? Just some new titles worth looking into which
- will be reviewed eventually: THE LAST WORD ON THE TI 99/4A and THE LAST WHOLE
- TI99/4A BOOK (I hope these two are not prophetic. They are the ones that got
- me thinking about the April Fool optimism I have. Ah, well.); THE ELEMENTARY
- TI 99/4A (an exceptional book); ZAPPERS, CREATING ARCADE GAMES ON THE TI 99/4A;
- and TI GAMES FOR KIDS. All of these books came out this month and all are
- really fine. The latter two are COMPUTE! books, so you know they are superb.
- I'd recommend all of them if you don't feel like waiting for the reviews.
- And don't forget to prod and poke your local bookdealer and subscribe to
- as many TI-oriented magazines as you can. That is truly the ONLY way our
- orphaned community is going to survive.
- [Jack Sughrue, Box 459, E.Douglas, MA 01516]
- ******************
- If any newsletter editor prints these articles, please put me on your mailing
- list. Thanks - JS
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