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- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | ELITE............ | ELITE v1.03 MCI Command List | Phreahers! Question |
- | An Official PHA |--------------------------------| Hackers! Authority |
- | Production! The | For ELITE Versions 1.01 And Up | Anarchists! --------- |
- | Official PHA BBS |--------------------------------| P/H/A |
- | Software System! | By Doctor Dissector | "Phuck Em' All!" |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- | ELITE BBS System Author: Doctor Dissector -- This Phile Updated 07/13/90 |
- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Well, since I wrote ELITE, and added a bunch of MCI commands like I used
- to mess with on old Commie C-NET BBS systems, and the new craze in Telegard
- was using MCI, I decided to implement the use in my BBS system, ELITE.
- Well, I did just that, and since there are so many commnds, almost as much
- as the original C-NETs, a total of 83 commands, at least at this version of
- ELITE. Anyway, just to tell you about ELITE if you haven't heard of it, ELITE
- is a BBS system written by Doctor Dissector, and is the official PHA bulletin
- board system.
- Anyway, enough of the shit, and here's the list of commands followed by
- a short description of each. Hope this comes in handy...
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In ELITE MCI, EVERY command is preceded by a caret character, the '^'. On
- IBM's, this is the character when you type SHIFT-6. Anyway, don't forget
- to do that. You will feel real stupid if you just type the command in
- without the caret and nothing happens!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Command Description
- ======= ======================================================================
- 1 Print the user's name/handle. This will be in all Caps.
- 2 Print the user's real name. This is in Upper/Lower case/
- 3 Print the user's phone number.
- 4 Print the user's Personal Information.
- 5 Print the user's current age.
- 6 Print the user's user note.
- 7 Print the last caller's name.
- 8 Print the BBS's name.
- 9 Print the sysop's name.
- 0 Print the user's modem speed.
- ! Print the user's time left. (HH:MM:SS)
- @ Print the user's birthdate.
- # Print the user's computer type.
- $ Print the time of day. (HH:MM:SS)
- % Wait for a single key input.
- & Send a bell/beep out. (CTRL-G Equivalent)
- * Input a line of text.
- ( Input a line of text, charachter echo is shown as non-echo character.
- ) Print current date, time, and time left.
- q Wait for 3 units of time.
- w Wait for 6 units of time.
- e Wait for 9 units of time.
- r Wait for 12 units of time.
- t Wait for 15 units of time.
- y Wait for 18 units of time.
- u Print a screenclear charachter. ASCII #12. (Clear the screen)
- i Print out the last input from the MCI Input commands.
- n Input a line of text, All UPPERCASE.
- p Pause the screen as if a Pause On Page was issued.
- o Print the user's Security Level.
- a Print the user's Transfer Level.
- s Print the user's G-Files Level.
- d Print the user's total logons.
- f Print the user's post/call ratio.
- g Print the user's upload/download ratio.
- h Pritn the user's total time on.
- j Print the user's total message posted.
- k Print the user's total letters sent.
- l Print the user's exemptions.
- z Print the user's calls daily.
- x Print the user's mail waiting.
- c Print the user's hack attempts.
- v Print the user's last call date.
- b Print the user's name and number. Upper/Lower case.
- m Print chat status of the SysOp.
- Q Prints the name of user who wrote automessage.
- W Prints first line of automessage.
- E Prints second line of automessage.
- R Prints third line of automessage.
- T Prints fourth line of automessage.
- Y Prints fifth line of automessage.
- U Prints sixth line of automessage.
- A Prints last caller info.
- S Prints second to last caller info.
- D Prints third to last caller info.
- F Prints fourth to last caller info.
- G Prints fifth to last caller info.
- H Prints sixth to last caller info.
- L Prints system NET number
- Z Prints required Upload/Download Ratio.
- X Prints required Post/Call Ratio.
- C Prints Upload/Download P/C Ignore Ratio.
- V Prints user's files uploaded.
- B Prints user's files downloaded.
- N Prints user's kilobytes uploaded.
- M Prints user's kilobytes downloaded.
- , Prints name of current sub-board.
- < Prints key to enter current sub-board.
- / Prints name of NEW-SCAN sub-board.
- ^ Prints key of current NEW-SCAN sub-board.
- . Prints name of current directory.
- > Prints key to enter current directory.
- [ Prints current message/letters number.
- : Prints current message/letters number in 3 digit field.
- ] Prints total messages/letters.
- ; Prints total message/letters number in 3 digit field.
- ? Prints user's time left in minutes.
- { Prints a CR/LF pair.
- ~ Prints current G-File section's name.
- \ Prints current G-File section's number.
- = Executes 1 backspace (back/space/back).
- - Prints user's max screenlines.
- + Prints user's max screenlines-1.
- _ Prints user's max screenlines-2.
- P Prints user's current file points.
- ==============================================================================
- Regular message editor neat stuff:
- CTRL-N - Backspace.
- CTRL-P# - Change the color of the text to number #.
- /C: - Center the following text.
- ==============================================================================
- Extra ELITE Shit...
- | - The Pipe symbol (shift backslash) serves as a ESC character AND a "["
- character for for internal ANSI.
- (ie, |0m would reset the ANSI color to no-attribute)
- ==============================================================================
- Anyways, in closing, have phun with that shit, and in future versions of
- ELITE, I might add a few more commands, but I don't know. Maybe some more
- C-NET type shit like print speeds and that neat-o print out stuff, like the
- "\p#" I think they were.. I don't know... those are ancient... ANYWAY...
- Enjoy the shit...
- Doctor Dissector
- ELITE Programmer
- ==============================================================================
- (c) Copyright 1990 By PHA! Kall Our /<Rad Support BBSs... If U Can Find Them!
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------