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- :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
- |:=:-:=<] P H R E A K E R S - H A C K E R S - A N A R C H I S T S [>=:-:=:|
- |:|:=:=:=:=) APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP, LAST UPDATE: 02/07/90 (=:=:=:=:|:|
- :-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:
- NOTE: The following information is of a totally confidential nature. We must
- question you in depth and thouroughly so that our knowledge and idea
- of you will be quite complete. Remember, it is the fate of our voting
- members who will decide upon your membership, as the result of your
- response to this questionarre. Please answer the following completely
- and to the best of your ability. Also note that we ALWAYS voice validate
- applicants and gather additonal information about you through as many
- other resources we can squander.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Alias(es) You HAVE Used :
- Alias(es) You Currently Use :
- Your FULL REAL Name :
- Your Voice Phone Number : (###) ###-####
- Your Data Phone Number : (###) ###-####
- Your Mailing Address :
- Your City & Zip :
- Your Birth Date :
- Occupation/Grade :
- Place of Employment/School :
- Your Interests And Hobbies :
- Are You In ANY Way Affiliated With ANY Governmental, Law Enforcement, Or
- Investigational Agency? (private/public/etc.) If So, In What Way?
- :
- :
- Are You In ANY WAY Affiliated With The Telephone Company Or ANY Type Of Phone,
- Data, Or Long Distance Of Company/Service? If So, In What Way?
- :
- :
- Are You In ANY WAY Affiliated With Software Companies, The Legal Distribution
- Of Copyrighted Software, Or ANY Services Related To The Security And
- Enforcement Of The Above Stated Institutions? If So, In What Way?
- :
- :
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Computers You Have Used :
- Computer(s) You Are Using :
- Computer You Prefer :
- Programming Experience :
- Computer Experience (time) :
- Modeming Experience (time) :
- Hacking Experience (time) :
- Telcom Experience (time) :
- BBS You Frequent (1) : [Name & Number]
- BBS You Frequent (2) : [Name & Number]
- BBS You Frequent (3) : [Name & Number]
- Elite Reference (1) : [Name, BBS Name/Number We Can Find Them On]
- Elite Reference (2) : [Name, BBS Name/Number We Can Find Them On]
- Elite Reference (3) : [Name, BBS Name/Number We Can Find Them On]
- Major Accomplishments :
- Strong Points :
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Answer the following to the best of your ability. If you do not know the
- answer to any of the following, please just enter an "I Don't Know" in the
- space provided. Any unnecessary BS will be held against you.
- Acronyms: Phreak
- ================
- ANI:
- ESS:
- TAP:
- CO:
- 2600:
- CAD:
- DAO:
- NPA:
- WAT:
- ONI:
- MCI:
- PBX:
- Acronyms: Hack
- ==============
- VMS:
- OS:
- AOS:
- NUA:
- Commands: UNIX & Others -
- su:
- ls:
- who:
- chmod:
- tar:
- csh:
- ID:
- Acronyms: General
- =================
- ASM:
- CN/A:
- LOD:
- VMB:
- INC:
- FiRM:
- P500:
- VGA:
- BPS:
- CDC:
- DOS:
- Questions: Phreak
- -----------------
- What is the true defenition of the term "Phone Phreak."
- :
- What is the template for general use of the 950-0266 extender.
- : 950-0266 + ?
- Explain the use of a divertor.
- :
- Describe the procedure of installing a plastic box.
- :
- What exactly does a gold box do? How many phone lines does it require? Would
- you place this box on your own line?
- :
- If you had my phone number, how would you obtain my name and/or address?
- :
- Why would any phreak call a bridge?
- :
- What are the correct MF frequencies that make up the KP operator tone?
- :
- What is a tip and what is a ring?
- :
- How would you set up a conference through Alliance?
- :
- Questions: Hacking
- ------------------
- List 5 local Unix/VAX/TELENET/Mainframe remote port numbers.
- :
- Telenet addresses vary in size. Some are 5-6 digits in length, and others can
- be up to 14 digits in length. Explain why these differ.
- :
- If you called TELENET with a typical PC, what code would you enter at the
- "TERMINAL=" prompt?
- :
- Does Unix come equipped with default passwords and accounts?
- :
- List some common accountnames/passwords on some remote systems.
- :
- Why would you ever want to know the names of the on-line users on any Unix/
- Xenix/type system?
- :
- What is the name of the superuser account on Unix and Xenix systems?
- :
- What is the correct command syntax for creating a user account on a VXME-28
- system? (Version 2.546a)
- :
- What does TAR signify in a Unix System?
- :
- Which programming language is easiest to use and manipulate in the Unix/Xenix
- and the majority of other large systems?
- :
- Questions: Anarchy
- ------------------
- What is Anarchy in your own terms?
- :
- What happens when you drop calcium carbonate in H2O?
- :
- Do you believe in revenge?
- :
- How many years of Chemisty have you taken?
- :
- Name some groups that centralize themselves about anarchy.
- : (Example: AA-Anarchists Alliance)
- Which is stronger. RDX or C2?
- :
- The correct checmical formula to Tetranitrodimethylbenzidinedinitramine Is?
- :
- What is napalm?
- :
- What is an incendiary and what is an explosive?
- :
- Mixing aluminum dust with iron oxide yields?
- :
- [End of test. Thank God, eh?]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Answer In 4 Lines Or Less:
- Who do you think PHA are?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- When/Where/Who did you first hear about PHA?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- Why do you want to be a member of PHA?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- Do you know any of the members of PHA? Can you name the founders of PHA?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- Have you ever considered abusing the telco/remote systems/chemistry a crime?
- Why or why not? Have you ever considered the consequences that could result
- from these "illegal" acts?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- State your position in the subject of Anarchy. Have you ever made a bomb?
- What kind of bomb? Have you taken at least one high school chemistry class?
- What do you think about the subject of revenge? Ever get caught doing this?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- If you drive, do you drive at least 50+ miles over the speed limit on the
- freeway (or elsewhere?). How many pigs have you ditched? How many tickets?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- Do you run a BBS? What's the phone number and pw's? Would you be interested
- in running the ELITE software?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- What type of music do you listen to? Your favorite group/vocalist?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- Have you written any text files? (On any underground type of subject)
- :
- :
- :
- :
- Are you a member of any other group(s)? Can you name them and their HQ BBS?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- What would you consider yourself if you were admitted into PHA, a phreaker,
- a hacker, an anarchist, an information gatherer, a vegetable, or a r0dent?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- Where do you go shopping for clothes? What is your favorite store?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- Can you contribute to PHA? How?
- :
- :
- :
- :
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Typing your name at the bottom of the following paragraph is the same as
- signing your name on an official document.
- authorities - As stated in the document below, the term authorities shall
- be defined as any law enforcement/governmental/investigational
- agency or anyone/any group of people who may be affiliated
- with the above stated agencies. This also includes anyone who
- is/has/may be involved or affiliated with the telephone company
- or any telephone related service/company.
- I [your name here] do solemnly swear never to report neither to my peers nor
- the authorities the actions and duties performed by this group, Phreakers-
- Hackers-Anarchists, on any account. Also, I realize that if I leave/quit/get
- kicked out of PHA, it is my duty, as signed below, to uphold the greatest
- confidence of PHA's activities; and, I agree that any information I may report
- to any one or any thing CANNOT be used against PHA and its members in a court
- of law. I fully understand that if I were to become affiliated with the
- authorities that it would be my duty to remove myself from any membership if
- my position presented itself as contradictory towards the group, PHA and its
- members. I also comprehend that if I were to be confronted by the authorities,
- it my duty as a PHA member, as signed below, to never disclose or discuss
- PHA's activities to them; however, if I do, I fully agree that the information
- disclosed or discussed cannot then be used against PHA or any member(s) of PHA
- in a court of law.
- Typed:____________________
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .Answer Each Question To The Best And Fullest Of Your Ability.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .All Applicants Will Be Voice (RECORDED) Validated For Futher Security.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- .When Complete, Upload To Your Nearest P/H/A Bulletin Board.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (c) Copyright 1990 - Phreakers/Hackers/Anarchists (PHA) - DD/DH/KK/AA