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- *** Installation of OS/2 Warp on Thinkpad 760
- Revised 01/29/97
- by Jim Wilkerson
- This procedure is for installing OS/2 Warp on the IBM Thinkpad 760 series
- machines. It will work for OS/2 Warp for Windows (red label), OS/2 Warp with
- WINOS2 (blue label), OS/2 Warp Connect (blue label), and OS/2 Warp Connect for
- Windows (red label).
- This procedure is for basic OS/2 installation and operation only. Enhanced
- features such as Mwave and MPEG playback are addressed in seperate procedures
- from this document.
- The files listed in this procedure are available from the IBM PC Company BBS
- at phone: (919) 517-0001, anonymous ftp: ftp.pcco.ibm.com, and World Wide Web
- site: http://www.pcco.ibm.com.
- *** NOTE ***
- The actual file descriptions listed here may vary from the descriptions as
- posted on the BBS, the ftp site, and the WEB. The file name, size, and date
- should be exact.
- The Thinkpad should be placed on AC power prior to beginning the installation.
- Failure to do so can cause various inconsistencies in the installation which
- will prevent the system from functioning normally.
- *** Preliminary Setup ***
- Obtain the following files from IBM for the Thinkpad being used, run each from
- a temporary directory and follow the instructions to create the diskettes as
- listed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- É File Name ÉFile SizeÉFile Date É Description É
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉSYTPF124.EXEÉ 408435 É 12/04/96 ÉSystem Update Disk v1.24 - TP 760C and L É
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉSYTPG106.EXEÉ 772762 É 01/28/97 ÉSystem Update Disk v1.06 - TP 760E Series É
- É É É Éexcept 9546-U9A and 9546-U9B (XGA Models É
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉSYTPH101.EXEÉ 449573 É 12/19/96 ÉSystem Update Disk v1.01 - TP 760E/ED É
- É É É É9546-U9A and 9546-U9B (XGA Models) É
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉUTTPGOS2.EXEÉ 1084417 É 10/31/96 ÉUtility Disk OS/2 TP 365X/XD, 560, 760 allÉ
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉUTTPGDOS.EXEÉ 394200 É 10/31/96 ÉUtility Disk DOS TP 365X/XD, 560, 760 allÉ
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉVG760102.EXEÉ 488387 É 12/31/95 ÉVideo Graphics Fix for OS/2 Warp - TP 760 É
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉVFTPGOS2.EXEÉ 1105510 É 08/26/96 ÉVideo Disk v1.10 for OS/2 Warp - É
- É É É É All TP 760 except 760ED É
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉVFTPKOS2.EXEÉ 1064512 É 08/26/96 ÉVideo Features v1.10 for OS/2 Warp - É
- É É É É TP 560/760ED É
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note: The Utility Disk for DOS is only needed if Thinkpad Personalization
- is desired during Thinkpad Features installation.
- *** CD-ROM Considerations ***
- The Thinkpad 760CD/LD/ED/ELD has a port on the back of the unit which will
- allow attachment of the floppy drive externally using IBM part 66G3618. Both
- the floppy drive and the CD-ROM drive must be attached to the machine in order
- to install from CD-ROM. The floppy and CD-ROM drives can not be hot-swapped
- during installation.
- Non-CD Thinkpad 760 models can be installed via CD-ROM mounted in a dock
- station.
- *** Installation ***
- Consult the README file on the Thinkpad System Update diskette for the
- Thinkpad being used and follow the instructions for use.
- Boot the Thinkpad from the Installation diskettes and proceed through the
- first part of the installation. At the end of this stage of installation, at
- the screen which says "...Remove the Diskette and Press Enter to Restart the
- System..."; press the F3 key to exit to a command prompt. At this point,
- insert the Video Graphics Fix for OS/2 Warp and from the A:\ prompt, type
- REPVGA x where x is the drive in which OS/2 has been installed (i.e. REPVGA C
- for installation on drive C:). Remove the diskette from the drive and type
- EXIT to return back to the installation screen. Press ENTER to proceed with
- the rest of the installation.
- After the Thinkpad re-boots to the System Configuration Screen, select VGA for
- the video display (the installation will auto-detect a Trident 8900, this
- will not work). For the 760C and 760L series, choose Thinkpad 755CE/CsE for
- PCMCIA support. For the 760E series, chose No Support for PCMCIA support
- (this is the default). For the 760L/LD and 760EL/ELD machines, select
- Multimedia Device Support and change to Port Address for the ESS 688 device to
- 240. For the Thinkpad 760CD/LD/ED/ELD models, select the
- Thinkpad 755CD, TEAC CD-40E for CD-ROM support. Select OK from the System
- Configuration Screen and proceed with the installation of desired
- software components.
- Note: The ESS 688 driver may give an error on re-boot if the device was not
- previously set to Port Address 240. Ignore the error and proceed with
- the installation. Use the Thinkpad Features to set the device to 240
- at the end of the installation.
- When this stage of the installation completes, at the screen which says
- "...System Configuration is Complete...Remove Diskette and Press Enter...",
- reboot the machine and at the IBM Thinkpad logo, insert the OS/2 Warp
- Installation disk and let the machine boot from the floppy. Insert diskette 1
- and continue to the main installation screen. Press F3 to exit to the command
- prompt. Insert the Video Graphics Fix for OS/2 Warp and from the A:\ prompt,
- type REPVGA x where x is the drive in which OS/2 has been installed (i.e.
- REPVGA C for installation on drive C:). Remove the diskette and re-boot the
- machine.
- Install the Thinkpad Features for OS/2 using the INSTALL2 program from the
- Thinkpad Utilities for OS/2 diskette. The INSTALL2 program can be run from
- an OS/2 Window. Remove the check on the Install Personalization Editor and
- select Install to complete the installation.
- Note: Thinkpad Personalization can be installed and run, just make sure to
- have the Thinkpad Utilities for DOS Diskette available during the
- install.e Thinkpad Utility Diskette 2 available during the install.
- For the Thinkpad 760C and 760L series, installation of the PC Card Director
- v4.02 is not necessary unless the features of this version are desired. It is
- required for the Thinkpad 760E series machines in order to utilize the PCMCIA
- controller on these machines. Install the PC Card director by running the
- PCMINST2 command from the PC Card Director for OS/2 and Win95 - TP 760 v4.02
- diskette.
- *** Video Installation and Considerations ***
- Install the Video Disk for OS/2 Warp by inserting the respective diskette for
- the Thinkpad being used and type INSTALL x, where x is the drive in which OS/2
- is installed; and follow the instructions.
- Note: Due to the implementation of the Trident CYBER9320 and CYBER9385
- chipsets in the Thinkpad 760 series, a machine CAN NOT be set back to
- VGA using Alt-F1 on boot and choosing option V. This will install the
- default OS/2 Warp VGA drivers and the machine will boot to a black
- screen. The Alt-F1 - M option for the Maintenance Desktop will work,
- and the machine will boot back into the proper VGA mode afterwards.
- A machine can also be set back to VGA by using Selective Install for
- VGA, rebooting from diskette, and re-applying the Video Graphics Fix
- for OS/2 Warp diskette.