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- *** Remote Installation of OS/2 Warp Connect on Thinkpad 560 ***
- Revised 12/05/96
- by Jim Wilkerson
- This procedure is for installing OS/2 Warp Connect via the Remote Install
- facility included with the product on the IBM Thinkpad 560 series machines
- using the IBM Auto 16/4 PCMCIA Token Ring Card.
- The files listed in this procedure are available from the IBM PC Company BBS at
- phone: (919) 517-0001, anonymous ftp: ftp.pcco.ibm.com, and World Wide Web
- site: http://www.pcco.ibm.com.
- *** NOTE ***
- The actual file descriptions listed here may vary from the descriptions as
- posted on the BBS, the ftp site, and the WEB. The file name, size, and date
- should be exact.
- The Thinkpad should be placed on AC power prior to beginning the installation.
- Failure to do so can cause various inconsistencies in the installation which
- will prevent the system from functioning normally. Make sure that the external
- floppy drive is secure in its port. Remove the Thinkpad from any dock station.
- *** Preliminary Setup ***
- Obtain the following files from IBM, run each from a temporary directory and
- follow the instructions to create the diskettes as listed.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- É File Name ÉFile SizeÉFile Date É Description É
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉSYTPK101.EXEÉ 414993 É 08/20/96 ÉSystem Disk v1.01 - TP 560 É
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉUTTPGOS2.EXEÉ 1084417 É 10/31/96 ÉUtility Disk OS/2 TP 365X/XD, 560, 760 allÉ
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉUTTPGDOS.EXEÉ 394200 É 10/31/96 ÉUtility Disk DOS TP 365X/XD, 560, 760 all É
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉVFTPKOS2.EXEÉ 1064512 É 08/26/96 ÉVideo Features v1.10 for OS/2 Warp -
- É É É É TP560/760ED É
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ÉPCTPGO95.EXEÉ 729252 É 07/22/96 ÉPC Card Director v4.02 for Warp/Win95 É
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Note:
- The Utility Disk for DOS is only needed if Thinkpad Personalization is
- desired during Thinkpad Features installation.
- *** Installation ***
- Consult the README file on the Thinkpad System Update diskette and follow the
- instructions for use.
- Start the Warp Connect Remote Install from the machine which will act as the
- remote server. Create the Remote Installation diskettes using the Thinkpad
- 755CE/CsE for PCMCIA support and IBM PCMCIA Token-Ring Network Adapters for the
- network card. Make sure to change the card's settings for Default Ring Speed
- to 16.
- Boot the Thinkpad from the Remote Installation diskettes and proceed through
- the first part of the installation. At the end of this stage of installation,
- at the screen which says "...Remove the Diskette and Press Enter to Restart the
- System..."; press the F3 key to exit to a command prompt. Use the TEDIT editor
- to edit the CONFIG.SYS file on the installable drive and remove the following
- two lines:
- Save the CONFIG.SYS file and exit the editor. Press ENTER to proceed with the
- rest of the installation.
- After the Thinkpad re-boots to the System Configuration Screen, select VGA for
- the video display (the installation will auto-detect a Trident 8900, this will
- not work). Choose Thinkpad 755CE/CsE for PCMCIA support. Select Multimedia
- Device Support and change to Port Address for the ESS 688 device to 240.
- Select OK from the System Configuration Screen and proceed with the
- installation of desired software networking components.
- Note: The ESS 688 driver may give an error on re-boot if the device was not
- previously set to Port Address 240. Ignore the error and proceed with
- the installation. This can be corrected at the end of the installation
- using the Thinkpad Features to set the device to 240.
- Install the Thinkpad Features for OS/2 using the INSTALL2 program from the
- Thinkpad Utilities for OS/2 diskette. The INSTALL2 program can be run from
- an OS/2 window. Remove the check on the Install Personalization Editor and
- select Install to complete the installation.
- Note: Thinkpad Personalization can be installed and run, just make sure to
- have the Thinkpad Utility Diskette 2 available during the install.
- Installation of the PC Card Director v4.02 is not necessary unless the features
- of this version are desired. Install the PC Card director by running the
- PCMINST2 command from the PC Card Director for OS/2 and Win95 v4.02 diskette.
- *** Video Installation ***
- Insert the Video Features for OS/2 Warp diskette and type INSTALL x from the A:
- prompt, where x is the drive in which OS/2 is installed; and follow the
- instructions.