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Text File | 1997-01-01 | 29.6 KB | 1,324 lines |
- IBM ThinkPad 560
- Technical Information,
- Tips, and Techniques
- Version 3.4
- December 1996
- Troubleshooting IBM Thinkpad Hardware Setup Problems
- If you should experience problems setting up PCMCIA Cards or ISA Adapters (in
- the docking station), please follow the procedures listed below:
- (1) Please ensure that your ThinkPad is using the latest BIOS release for that
- system. Later BIOS releases correct problems that users have experienced with
- the earlier releases. Refer to the ThinkPad BIOS section to determine if you
- need to update your system's BIOS.
- (2) Make sure that your software drivers are at the correct release level and
- are setup properly. Refer to the ThinkPad PCMCIA Drivers section to see if you
- need to update your system's PCMCIA device drivers. If you are using Point
- Enablers, please ensure that they are at the latest release level.
- (3) Determine if any upper memory conflicts exist between the areas claimed by
- ThinkPad BIOS, Card & Socket Services, and PC Card Point Enablers.
- Refer to the ThinkPad Memory Map and the ThinkPad Dock I & Dock II Memory Map
- sections.
- The Device Driver DICRMU01.SYS /MA=C800-CFFF (DOS PCMCIA Resource Map Utility)
- sets the upper memory addresses used by Card & Socket Services. The /MA
- parameter tells Card Services what locations in upper memory can be used by
- PCMCIA cards or Card Services, and must match or be a subset of an excluded
- memory range on the EMM386 line of CONFIG.SYS.
- (4) Microsoft Windows can overwrite the upper memory address used by Card &
- Socket Services. To prevent this, add an EmmExclude=XXXX-XXXX statement to the
- [386 Enh] section of SYSTEM.INI (Where XXXX-XXXX is the same as the memory
- region as used in the /MA parameter for the DICRMU01.SYS driver). If you are
- using point enablers, be sure to exclude any upper memory used by the enabler
- by adding an EmmExclude statement to SYSTEM.INI.
- (5) Make sure that no interrupt conflicts exist between ThinkPad devices,
- PCMCIA Cards, the SCSI Adapter found in the IBM Docking Stations, and any ISA
- Adapters installed in the docking station. Refer to the ThinkPad Interrupt
- Assignments section to view the default interrupt assignments.
- Please note that the ThinkPad System Setup Utility allows you to view and
- change interrupt assignments for many internal devices.
- The Resource Map Utility (DOS - DICRMU01.SYS, OS/2 - ICRMU01.SYS) can
- automatically detect many IRQs already in use, but may not detect all. Try
- excluding the IRQ of the onboard SCSI and any ISA Adapters in the Docking
- Station by adding the /IX=xx parameter to the Resource Map Utility (where xx is
- the IRQ number to exclude). Multiple IRQs may be specified by separating with
- a comma.
- Installing Windows 95 on the ThinkPad 560
- (1) The ThinkPad 560 uses a Trident Cyber9382 Graphics Accelerator. Ensure
- that Windows 95 is installed using the ThinkPad 560 Windows 95 Video Driver
- Diskette.
- (2) It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you update your system BIOS to the latest
- BIOS release before installing Windows 95 on your system. Early BIOS releases
- do not support Plu & Play or MWAVE under Windows 95. Refer to the BIOS section
- for the latest BIOS level for you ThinkPad.
- (3) Install Windows 95.
- (4) The ThinkPad Features Program for Windows works on Windows 95. If you
- install Windows 95 on a blank hard disk or you haven't installed ThinkPad
- Features Program, follow the instructions of "ThinkPad Features Program -
- Installing for Windows" in the ThinkPad User's Guide. Please ensure that you
- are at the latest levels (refer to Driver Levels section of this document).
- (5) Enable the Windows 95 Integrated PCMCIA Support Software. Install the
- ThinkPad 560 Socket Services Driver and PC Card Director for Windows 95 (using
- the Windows 95 & OS/2 PCMCIA Drivers diskette).
- (6) You can use ThinkPad Infrared device driver on Windows 95. If you don't
- have ThinkPad Infrared device driver version 3.0, you may encounter some
- problems. Refer to the Driver Levels section of this document.
- (7) If you are using an IBM PCMCIA Token-Ring Adapter, download TRCC1.EXE
- for an updated driver for Windows 95.
- (8) Windows 95 treats the IBM Ethernet Credit Card Adapter II as a Plug & Play
- Adapter. However, some older versions of this adapter do not support Plug &
- Play. If you insert this adapter into a system running Windows 95, the system
- may lock until you remove the adapter. To correctly configure this adapter for
- Windows 95, boot in Safe Mode, go into Device Manager, and manually configure
- the adpater for I/O 300, IRQ 9, Mem Address D400.
- Installing Windows NT 4.0 on the ThinkPad 560
- (1) Update your system BIOS to the latest BIOS release before installing Windows
- NT on your system.
- (2) Download the latest ThinkPad Windows NT 4.0 Installation Instructions
- (TPWINT40.TXT) from the IBM BBS or Web site. Also download the latest drivers
- required for your system (see Drivers for Windows NT section for the files to
- download).
- (3) Install Windows NT on the ThinkPad.
- (4) After NT has been installed, update the ThinkPad 560 Windows NT Video Device
- Driver. Use the ThinkPad Video Driver you downloaded from the BBS. Insert the
- diskette in Drive A. Select Control Panel, then Display, then Settings, then
- Display Type, then Change, then Have Disk. Choose IBM ThinkPad (Cyber
- 9320/9382/9385). Restart Windows NT after installation. After restart, select
- the proper resolution.
- (5) Install the Windows NT version ThinkPad Utilities program. Using this
- program, you can change your hardware configuration, display the fuel gauge,
- and set the device stand-by timers (same as in the Windows 3.1 or Windows 95
- environments). Logoff and log back on to enable the ThinkPad Utilities. Once
- you install the ThinkPad Utilities, Suspend/Resume and Power Management are
- supported under Windows NT.
- (6) For the ThinkPad 560 models, Windows NT Audio Support is provided via a
- file from the IBM BBS. Install Audio support using the appropriate diskette.
- (7) Install ThinkPad infrared support using the file from the IBM BBS.
- Currently, the following functions are not supported on Windows NT:
- Hibernation functions are not supported on NTFS partitions.
- Installing OS/2 WARP on the ThinkPad 560
- (1) Update your system BIOS to the latest BIOS release before installing Windows
- NT on your system.
- (2) Boot the Thinkpad from the Installation diskettes and proceed through the
- first part of the installation. At the end of this stage of installation,
- at the screen which says "...Remove the Diskette and Press Enter to Restart
- the System..."; press the F3 key to exit to a command prompt. At this point,
- use the TEDIT editor to edit the CONFIG.SYS on the installable drive and remove
- the line:
- (3) After the Thinkpad re-boots to the System Configuration Screen, select VGA
- for the video display (the installation will auto-detect a Trident 8900, this
- will not work). Choose Thinkpad 755CE/CsE for PCMCIA support. Select
- Multimedia Device Support and change to Port Address for the ESS 688 device to
- 240. Select OK from the System Configuration Screen and proceed with the
- installation of desired software components.
- Note: The ESS 688 driver may give an error on re-boot if the device was not
- previously set to Port Address 240. Ignore the error and proceed with the
- installation. This can be corrected at the end of the installation using the
- Thinkpad Features to set the device to 240.
- (4) Install the Thinkpad Features for OS/2 using the INSTALL2 program from the
- Thinkpad Utilities diskette 1. The INSTALL2 program can be run from an OS/2
- window.
- (5) Installation of the PC Card Director v4.02 is not necessary unless the
- features of this version are desired. Install the PC Card director by running
- the PCMINST2 command from the PC Card Director for OS/2 and Win95 v4.02 diskette.
- (6) Video Installation -- Insert the Video Features for OS/2 Warp diskette and
- type INSTALL x from the A: prompt, where x is the drive in which OS/2 is
- installed; and follow the instructions.
- ThinkPad Model Latest BIOS Part Number Date
- 560 91G1871 08/02/96
- To view the BIOS Part Number, turn off the computer, press and hold F1, then
- turn on the computer. Hold F1 until the Easy-Setup menu appears. To get the
- latest BIOS for the ThinkPad 560, download SYTPK101.EXE from the IBM BBS.
- Upgrading The ThinkPad Flash BIOS
- - You need an AC adapter and a charged battery pack to update the system
- program.
- - If your computer is attached to a ThinkPad Docking Station or a port
- replicator, turn off the computer and detach it before proceeding.
- (1) Firmly connect the AC adapter to the computer.
- (2) Insert the System Program Service Diskette into the diskette drive and turn
- on the computer.
- (3) Select "Update system program" and follow the instructions on the screen.
- Warning: Do not turn off or suspend the computer until the update has been
- - After the update has been completed, you MAY need to initialize the system.
- Please note that initalizing the systems resets all customization settings
- (IRQ, DMA, I/O, Device) made with the ThinkPad Utilities to their factory
- defaults.
- (1) Remove the System Program Service Diskette from the diskette drive and turn
- off the computer.
- (2) Press and hold F1, then turn on the computer. Hold F1 until the Easy-Setup
- menu appears.
- (3) If a password prompt appears, type the correct password.
- (4) Select Config, then select Initialize.
- (5) Select OK to initialize system.
- - You may want to run the diagnostics to make sure that the computer runs with
- no errors:
- (1) Turn off the computer, press and hold F1, then turn on the computer. Hold
- F1 until the Easy-Setup menu appears.
- (2) Select Test, then select Start to run all the basic tests.
- (3) Verify that OK appears for all of the devices tested.
- (4) Press Esc to exit Test and turn off the computer.
- Latest DOS Card & Socket Services Drivers for ThinkPad 560
- File Name Driver Description Version File Date File Size
- IBMDSS01.SYS DOS PCMCIA Socket Services Driver 2.02 04-03-96 16502
- IBMDSS04.SYS DOS PCMCIA Socket Services Driver 2.02 04-19-96 14036
- IBMDSS14.SYS DOS PCMCIA Socket Services Driver 2.02 04-19-96 15506
- IBMDOSCS.SYS DOS PCMCIA Card Services Driver 3.11 05-13-96 41264
- DICRMU01.SYS DOS PCMCIA Resource Map Utility 1.28 05-13-96 12733
- $ICPMDOS.EXE DOS PC Card Power Management Driver 3.03 05-13-96 20092
- AUTODRV.SYS DOS PCMCIA PC Card Auto Configurator 2.01 06-13-95 8361
- Latest OS/2 Card & Socket Services Drivers for ThinkPad 560
- File Name Driver Description Version File Date File Size
- IBM2SS01.SYS OS/2 PCMCIA Socket Services Driver 2.02 04-03-96 19014
- IBM2SS04.SYS OS/2 PCMCIA Socket Services Driver 2.02 04-19-96 14926
- IBM2SS14.SYS OS/2 PCMCIA Socket Services Driver 2.02 04-19-96 19400
- PCMCIA.SYS OS/2 PCMCIA Card Services Driver 1.44 04-22-96 48646
- VPCMCIA.SYS OS/2 Virtual Card Services Driver 1.40 04-22-96 13824
- ICRMU01.SYS OS/2 PCMCIA Resource Map Utility 1.24 04-22-96 10381
- $ICPMOS2.SYS OS/2 PC Card Power Management Driver 2.06 07-08-96 5992
- AUTODRV2.SYS OS/2 PCMCIA PC Card Auto Configurator 2.01 03-22-96 9178
- Latest Drivers for ThinkPad 560
- IBM BBS File Driver Description Version File Date
- Drivers for DOS/Windows 3.1x:
- PCTPGW31.EXE DOS/Windows 3.1X PCMCIA Drivers 4.03 10-15-96
- UTTPGDOS.EXE ThinkPad Utility Programs - DOS 3.51 10-31-96
- UTTPGWIN.EXE ThinkPad Utility Programs - WIN 3.1X/Win95 3.51 10-31-96
- VFTPKW31.EXE Windows 3.1X Video Drivers 1.10 08-26-96
- AFTPGW31.EXE 560 Windows 3.1 Audio Driver 1.00 10-15-96
- IRTPGALL.EXE Infrared Drivers 3.01 10-15-96
- ATADO200.EXE PC Card Hard Disk Drive Device Drivers 2.00 03-22-94
- Drivers for Windows 95:
- PCTPGO95.EXE Windows 95 & OS/2 PCMCIA Drivers 10-31-96
- UTTPGDOS.EXE ThinkPad Utility Programs - DOS 3.51 10-31-96
- UTTPGWIN.EXE ThinkPad Utility Programs - WIN 3.1X/Win95 3.51 10-31-96
- VFTPGW95.EXE Windows 95 Video Drivers 1.10 10-03-96
- AFTPGW95.EXE 560 Windows 95 Audio Driver 1.00 10-15-96
- IRTPGALL.EXE Infrared Drivers 3.01 10-15-96
- Drivers for OS/2:
- PCTPGO95.EXE Windows 95 & OS/2 PCMCIA Drivers 10-31-96
- UTTPGDOS.EXE ThinkPad Utility Programs - DOS 3.51 10-31-96
- UTTPGOS2.EXE ThinkPad Utility Programs - OS/2 3.51 10-31-96
- VFTPKOS2.EXE OS/2 Warp Video Drivers 1.02 07-22-96
- AFTPGOS2.EXE 560 OS/2 Audio Driver 1.01 10-15-96
- IRTPGALL.EXE Infrared Drivers 3.01 10-15-96
- Drivers for Windows NT:
- UTTPGWNT.EXE Windows NT Utility Disk (Utility Programs) 1.00 10-31-96
- VFTP3WNT.EXE Windows NT 3.51 Video Drivers 1.10 10-31-96
- VFTP4WNT.EXE Windows NT 4 Video Drivers 1.00 10-31-96
- TPIDEWNT.EXE Busmaster IDE Driver 1.00 05-01-96
- AFTP3WNT.EXE Windows NT 3.51 Audio Driver 1.10 10-31-96
- AFTP4WNT.EXE Windows NT 4 Audio Driver 1.00 10-31-96
- IRTPGWNT.ZIP Infrared Drivers - Windows NT 1.00 01-06-97
- ThinkPad 560 Memory Map
- Location Use
- 0000 - 9FFF System RAM
- A000 - AFFF Video Graphics
- B000 - B7FF Mono Video
- B800 - BFFF Video Text
- C000 - C7FF Video BIOS
- C800 - DFFF Available 1
- E000 - E7FF Available
- E800 - EFFF Available
- F000 - FFFF System BIOS
- 1 Available means open for either PCMCIA card usage or for mapping as
- upper memory blocks.
- ThinkPad 560 Interrupt Assignments
- 2 3 4 5 7 9 10 11 15
- Cascade Interrupt Req
- From IRQ 8-15 Def
- Serial Port Opt Opt
- Infrared Opt Def
- Parallel Port Opt Def
- Audio Def Opt Opt Opt
- PCMCIA Cards Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt Opt
- Where: Def = Default; Opt = Optional
- Note:
- The following interrupts are used by the system: IRQ 0 (Timer), IRQ 1
- (Keyboard), IRQ 6 (Floppy Diskette Drive), IRQ 8 (Real-time Clock), IRQ 12
- (Mouse/Trackpoint), IRQ 13 (Math Coprocessor), and IRQ 14 (Hard Disk Drive).
- ThinkPad 560 DMA Channel Assignments
- DMA Default Assignment Other Possible Uses
- DRQ0 Unused Audio, Parallel Port ECP Mode
- DRQ1 Audio Parallel Port ECP Mode
- DRQ2 Diskette Drive
- DRQ3 Unused Parallel Port ECP Mode
- DRQ4 Cascade
- DRQ5 Unused
- DRQ6 Unused
- DRQ7 Unused
- IBM Card & Socket Services Drivers for ThinkPad 560
- Driver PCMCIA Socket
- Services 2.1)
- The /D parameter allows warm docking when used with a Dock II docking station.
- If you are not using a Dock II then removing the /D parameter will reduce the
- amount of upper memory this driver uses by approximately 1KB. Socket Services
- uses between 6KB and 7KB of memory .
- Driver for PCMCIA Socket
- Services 2.1)
- Card Services uses 26KB of memory.
- Utility)
- The /MA parameter tells Card Services what locations in upper memory can be
- used by PCMCIA cards or Card Services, and must match or be a subset of an
- excluded memory range on the EMM386 line. The PCMCIA Resource Memory Map
- Utility Driver does not remain in memory.
- Management Driver)
- This driver uses 3KB of memory.
- This statement loads the PCMCIA Super Client Driver (AUTODRV.SYS) into upper
- memory. AUTODRV.SYS recognizes many popular modems, 3270 cards, and SCSI
- cards. It does not recognize 5250 PCMCIA cards, SDLC cards, or LAN PCMCIA
- cards. AUTODRV.SYS uses 7KB of memory.
- Please note that Card & Socket Services also requires a 4KB block of upper
- memory.
- Memory Management Without PCMCIA Cards
- (1) If you do not intend to use PCMCIA Cards, there is no reason to load Card &
- Socket Services Drivers. Remove all IBM Card and Socket Services Device
- Drivers from CONFIG.SYS (See previous page).
- (2) Card & Socket Services Drivers are not required to use the MWAVE DSP Modem
- or DSP Audio functions.
- (3) Review the ThinkPad Memory Map for your system. Include any upper memory
- areas not used by adapter cards in the Docking Station. Be sure to exclude the
- address of the SCSI adapter in the Docking Station if SCSI support is needed.
- (4) If you are not using the monochrome video mode (most applications do not),
- the Monochrome Video Area (B000 - B7FF) may be mapped (by adding I=B000-B7FF to
- the EMM386.EXE line in CONFIG.SYS). If using Microsoft Windows, add a
- Device=C:\DOS\MONOUMB.386 statement to the [386Ehn] section of SYSTEM.INI.
- Memory Management With PCMCIA Cards
- (1) Many PCMCIA card manufacturers provide Point Enablers with their products.
- Point Enablers are small programs that provide an interface directly to the
- PCMCIA controller; therefore they must be written to support a particular type
- of controller.
- Point Enablers are relatively simple to configure, do not require Card & Socket
- Services Drivers, consume no memory (they remove themselves from memory after
- configuring the card), and provide the maximum DOS memory for your ThinkPad.
- However, with Point Enablers, you must specify the slot number of the card
- (therefore , the card must always be in a specific slot). You must also
- manually assign any upper memory blocks and IRQs used by that card. In
- addition, hot-plugging of the card is prohibited (in fact, it may damage the
- card).
- If Point Enablers are provided with the PCMCIA card(s) you are using, decide
- whether to use the Point Enablers or Card & Socket Services.
- (2) If you use Card & Socket Services, decide whether to use the Super Client
- Driver (AUTODRV.SYS) or the drivers that are provided with your PCMCIA card(s).
- The Super Client Driver automatically recognizes many popular PCMCIA cards
- (including modems, 3270 cards, and SCSI adapters -- it does not recognize 5250
- PCMCIA cards, SDLC cards, or LAN PCMCIA cards.). However, the Super Client
- Driver can consume more memory than do the drivers provided with the PCMCIA
- card.
- (3) Determine the amount and location of upper memory required by your PCMCIA
- card(s). If possible, locate upper memory required by all PCMCIA cards in one
- contiguous block. If using Card & Socket Services, these drivers require a 4KB
- upper memory block that can be located anywhere in upper memory.
- (4) Review the ThinkPad Memory Map for your system. Exclude from EMM386.EXE's
- usage the upper memory areas used by (a) the PCMCIA card(s) and (b) Card &
- Socket Services (4KB). Include any available upper memory areas not excluded
- above.
- (5) If using Card & Socket Services, modify the DEVICE=C:\THINKPAD\DICRMU01.SYS
- /MA=XXXX-XXXX line in CONFIG.SYS. Make the XXXX-XXXX range match the upper
- memory area used by any PCMCIA cards (plus the 4KB used by Card & Socket
- Services).
- (6) Exclude any memory area allocated to PCMCIA Cards from usage by Microsoft
- Windows by adding an EmmExclude=XXXX-XXXX line to the [386Enh] section of the
- SYSTEM.INI File. Where XXXX-XXXX is the upper memory range allocated to the
- PCMCIA cards. If you are using Card & Socket Services, the EmmExclude range
- must match the /MA= range of the DICRMU01.SYS Driver.
- (7) If you are not using the monochrome video mode (most applications do not),
- the Monochrome Video Area (B000-B7FF) may be mapped (by adding I=B000-B7FF to
- the EMM386.EXE line in CONFIG.SYS). If using Microsoft Windows, add a
- Device=C:\DOS\MONOUMB.386 statement to the [386Ehn] section of SYSTEM.INI.
- (8) If you are using an IBM PCMCIA Token-Ring Adapter download the IBM LAN
- Client Code from the IBM BBS. This code loads 802.2 Support, Netbios, the
- Netware Requester, and a TCP/IP stack into extended memory (not upper memory).
- It can reduce the DOS memory consumption of these protocols to 5KB.
- Sample Config: IBM PCMCIA Token-Ring Adapter Installed in 560 Systems
- Recommended Memory Locations
- IBM Token-Ring PCMCIA Adapter ROM CC00-CDFF
- IBM Token-Ring PCMCIA Adapter RAM C800-CBFF
- IBM Card Services (If Used) CE00-CEFF
- Card Services CONFIG.SYS (Please ensure that you are using the latest Card &
- Socket Services Drivers)
- Note: Latest IBM Token-Ring Credit Card Adapter Drivers are Version 3.06
- (TRCC1.EXE & TRCC2.EXE on the IBM BBS).
- Point Enabler CONFIG.SYS
- DEVICE=C:\POINTTR.EXE SB RS=16 MMIO=CC00 IRQ=9 SRAM=C800,16 Where: SB is Slot
- B(Bottom Slot)&
- RS is Ring Speed
- If you are using the IBM PCMCIA Token-Ring Adapter in the PCMCIA slot in the
- Port replicator, you must add the PCIC parameter to your point enabler device
- statement: For example: DEVICE=C:\POINTTR.EXE PCIC=03E2 SB RS=16 MMIO=CC00
- IRQ=9 SRAM=C800,16. The Port Replicator uses 3E2 as its I/O port base
- address.
- Microsoft Windows SYSTEM.INI
- [386Enh]
- EmmExclude=C800-CDFF (or EmmExclude=C800-CEFF if using Card Services)
- Setting the Token-Ring ROM & RAM Address
- (1) Novell Netware ODI Drivers: Link Driver TOKEN (Or TOKENCS, or LANSUP)
- (NET.CFG File): MEM #1 CC000
- MEM #2 C8000
- (2) For IBM LAN Support: DEVICE=C:\LSP\DXMC0MOD.SYS N ,C800,0,0,0
- (3) IBM LAN Support NDIS Drivers: RAM = 0xC800
- RAMSIZE = 16
- Sample Config: IBM PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter Installed in 560 Systems
- Recommended Memory Locations
- IBM Ethernet PCMCIA Adapter RAM C800-CBFF
- IBM Card Services (If Used) CC00-CCFF
- Card Services CONFIG.SYS (Please ensure that you are using the latest Card &
- Socket Services Drivers)
- Note: Latest IBM Ethernet Credit Card Adapter Drivers are Version 2.06
- (ETCC.EXE on the IBM BBS).
- Point Enabler CONFIG.SYS
- (Bottom Slot)
- If you are using the IBM PCMCIA Ethernet Adapter in the PCMCIA slot in the Port
- replicator, you must add the PCIC parameter to your point enabler device
- statement: For example: DEVICE=C:\POINTETH.SYS PCIC=03E2 SB IRQ=9 SRAM=C800
- IO=300. The Port Replicator uses 3E2 as its I/O port base address.
- Microsoft Windows SYSTEM.INI
- [386Enh]
- EmmExclude=C800-CBFF (or EmmExclude=C800-CCFF if using Card Services)
- Setting the Ethernet RAM Address
- (1) Novell Netware ODI Drivers: Link Driver PCMDMCS
- (NET.CFG File): PORT 300
- INT 9
- MEM C8000
- (2) IBM LAN Support NDIS Drivers: RAMADDRESS = 0xC800
- IOBASE = 0x300
- Using the IBM Super Client Driver (AUTODRV.SYS)
- (1) The IBM Super Client Driver will automatically recognize IBM PCMCIA Modems.
- Sample CONFIG.SYS file:
- Using the IBM PCMCIA Modem Point Enabler (Note: Not All IBM PCMCIA Modems
- Support this Point Enabler)
- (1) The IBM PCMCIA Modem Point Enabler (called PCCOMDOS.SYS) does not require
- Card & Socket Services. It does reside in memory and requires 16KB. Using the
- Point Enabler can save up to 36KB (if you do not load Card & Socket Services or
- AUTODRV.SYS). However, with the IBM Point Enabler hot-plugging of the card is
- prohibited (in fact, it will damage the card).
- (2) Be sure to exclude a 4KB block for the modem in upper memory. If you are also using card
- services, do not include the 4KB block in the /MA=XXXX-XXXX parameter of the
- DICRMU01.SYS driver.
- (3) Sample CONFIG.SYS file:
- Where: COM2 is the COM 1, 2, 3, or 4 COM 2 is recommended
- /AMEM is the memory location CE00 is recommended
- for the modem's 4KB block
- Using the IBM PCMCIA Modem Driver
- (1) The IBM PCMCIA Modem Driver (called ESTDFM.EXE) does require Card & Socket
- Services. It does reside in memory and requires 25KB. Therefore, I recommend
- that you use the AUTODRV.SYS driver since it takes less memory. ESTDFM.EXE is
- loaded via the AUTOEXEC.BAT:
- ESTDFM.EXE S1C2 Where: S1 is the Slot Number
- C2 is the Communications Port (C1, C2, C3, or C4)
- Using the IBM Super Client Driver (AUTODRV.SYS)
- (1) The IBM Super Client Driver will automatically recognize most Megahertz
- PCMCIA Modems. Sample CONFIG.SYS file:
- Using the MegaHertz PCMCIA Modem Point Enabler
- (1) The MegaHertz PCMCIA Modem Point Enabler (called SETMHZ.EXE) does not
- require Card & Socket Services. In addition, it removes itself from memory
- once it has configured the modem. This can save up to 49KB (if you eliminate
- Card & Socket Services). However, with the MegaHertz Point Enabler, you must
- specify the slot number of the card (therefore, the card must always be in a
- specific slot). In addition, hot-plugging of the card is prohibited (in fact,
- it will physically damage the card).
- (2) Obtain the latest Megahertz Point Enabler. Versions before 3.1 do not
- support the ThinkPad 755. Latest version is 4.3. Be sure to exclude a
- 4KB block for the modem in upper memory. If you are also using card
- services, do not include the 4KB block in the /MA=XXXX-XXXX parameter of the
- DICRMU01.SYS driver.
- (3) The SETMHZ program is loaded via the AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Format of the
- SETMHZ.EXE Program:
- SETMHZ.EXE /cn /in /sn /pnnnn /dnnnn
- Where: /cn is COM 1, 2, 3, 4 COM 2 is recommended
- /in is IRQ 1 .. 15 IRQ 3 is recommended
- /sn is Slot A, B, C, or D
- /pnnnn is the memory location CE00 is recommended
- /dnnnn is the delay in milliseconds 1500 is recommended
- Obtaining Updated Drivers
- IBM PC Company Bulletin Board System
- BBS Phone Number 919-517-0001
- Baud Rate 300-14400 bps
- Parity/Data Bits/Stop Bits N/8/1
- IBM PC Company Internet FTP Site
- ftp.pc.ibm.com cd /pub and get the allfiles.txt file for a listing
- of available files
- IBM PC Company World Wide Web Site
- www.pc.ibm.com
- Obtaining Updated Version of this Document
- Obtaining Updated Version of this Document
- Download any of the following files:
- 365_tips.ps ThinkPad 365 Tips in PostScript format.
- 365_tips.txt ThinkPad 365 Tips in ASCII format.
- 560_tips.ps ThinkPad 560 Tips in PostScript format.
- 560_tips.txt ThinkPad 560 Tips in ASCII format.
- 701_tips.ps ThinkPad 701 Tips in PostScript format.
- 701_tips.txt ThinkPad 701 Tips in ASCII format.
- 750_tips.ps ThinkPad 360, 750, 755 Base Models Tips in PostScript format.
- 750_tips.txt ThinkPad 360, 750, 755 Base Models Tips in ASCII format.
- 755_tips.ps ThinkPad 755 Enhanced Models Tips in PostScript format.
- 755_tips.txt ThinkPad 755 Enhanced Models Tips in ASCII format.
- 760_tips.ps ThinkPad 760 Tips in PostScript format.
- 760_tips.txt ThinkPad 760 Tips in ASCII format.
- cdtips.ps Commercial Desktop Tips in PostScript format.
- cdtips.txt Commercial Desktop Tips in ASCII format.