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- The Great Hunt -- Summary
- The Wheel of Time Book #2 by Robert Jordan
- Summary by Craig Cassar: <cassarcj@muss.CIS.McMaster.CA>
- Edited by Karl-Johan NorΘn: <k-j-nore@dsv.su.se>
- Prologue -- In The Shadow
- The man called Bors is in a room in Shayol Ghul with a hundred other
- Darkfriends. They are all in black robes, although Bors, thinking
- himself more intelligent than the rest, points out to himself how many
- of the others reveal their true identities by little things they have
- left uncovered. For instance he notices the boots of an Andoran high
- officer of the Queen's guard, the tattoo on the hand of one the Sea
- Folk, the boots of a High Lord of Tear, a Tinker, a Shienaran and
- warriors and commoners from all over the world. To their disbelief,
- the Dark One appears in front of the group. He shows all of them
- images of Rand, Mat and Perrin and then gives them each private
- instructions. To Bors, he says, "Go back to Tarabon and continue your
- good works," and, "Have your followers watch for the boys. They are
- dangerous". As Bors prepares to leave the city, he unfolds his white
- cloak with a emblem on the breast. It is a blazing Sun with a red
- shepherd's crook behind it.
- Chapter 1 -- The Flame of Tar Valon
- Rand has put off leaving Fal Dara for a month now. He is practising
- his swordsmanship with Lan, when a peculiar wind forces him into the
- full of Lan's attack at his heart. Rand and Lan hear and see a large
- party of Aes Sedai approaching the city.
- Chapter 2 -- The Welcome
- The Aes Sedai party, including the Amyrlin Seat, enter the city. Rand
- finds that he has had all his old clothes replaced by many new fancy
- garments on Moiraine's order. Rand decides to finally leave the city
- on Lan's advice; Lan told him that since the Amyrlin Seat had come (a
- very unusual event), it would be best if he were a week gone from Fal
- Dara. To Rand's dismay, the stable boy (Tema) refuses to let Rand
- leave because apparently Agelmar has ordered that nobody be allowed to
- pass through the gates. Tema says to Rand that he must be happy since
- the Amyrlin Seat should be sending for him any minute now.
- Chapter 3 -- Friends and Enemies
- While trying to slip through any gate he can, Rand tries to sweet talk
- Ragan and Masema into letting him out. He is unsuccessful at all of
- the gates. Trying to find a place to hide, he comes across Mat, Perrin
- and Loial, playing dice with some workers in a store room. Rand gets
- mad at the other boys and tells them that he wants to leave by himself
- and is tired of them always getting in the way. While continuing his
- wandering, Rand runs into Egwene who takes him down to the dungeon in
- order to help him hide from the Aes Sedai. They visit Padan Fain who
- says to Rand, "The battle's never over. It's never over, al'Thor.
- Mordeth knows. It's never over. Never."
- Chapter 4 -- Summoned
- Moiraine is in her room when Anaiya and Liandrin come to summon her
- into the presence of the Amyrlin Seat. On the way, the three Aes Sedai
- discuss the three newly declared False Dragons in Saldaea, Murandy and
- Tear, the declaration of the Hunt for The Horn, the arrival of Elayne
- and Gawyn in Tar Valon (accompanied by Elaida), and the great
- potential for the One Power within each of Elayne and Egwene, but who
- are both overshadowed by Nynaeve. They also meet Lady Amalisa, the
- sister of Lord Agelmar.
- Moiraine enters the room of the Amyrlin Seat with only Leane, the
- keeper, present. After some discussion, Leane is ordered to leave and
- Moiraine and Siuan Sanche, two old friends, give each other a big hug.
- Siuan: "Moiraine, if anyone, even Leane, discovers what we plan, we
- will both be stilled. And I can't say they would be wrong to do it."
- Chapter 5 -- The Shadow in Shienar
- Moiraine and Siuan discuss such topics as the False Dragons, their
- twenty-year long search for the ta'veren they have finally found,
- whether or not Rand is really the Dragon Reborn and the Great Hunt for
- the Horn. Moiraine (to herself): "...my dearest friend, I cannot tell
- you everything, and I cannot risk letting you know I am holding
- anything back."
- Pedron Niall, Lord Captain Commander of the Children of the Light in
- Amador, orders Geofram Bornhald to lead two thousand of the Children
- to Tarabon to meet someone unknown to Geofram. They meet Einor Saren,
- an officer of the Questioners, a division of the Whitecloaks.
- Liandrin barges into Lady Amalisa's room accusing her brother of being
- a Darkfriend. Liandrin is trying to use Amalisa by influencing her
- with the One Power. She is looking for Rand, Mat and Perrin, and
- acknowledges the existence of the Black Ajah, (even within the walls
- of Fal Dara).
- Padan Fain gets a long awaited visitor in his cell. Their identity is
- a mystery to the reader, but they are presumably there to free him.
- Chapter 6 -- Dark Prophecy
- Rand has a dream where Trollocs are attacking his house; Mat has
- stabbed himself with his dagger, Perrin has clawed out his own eyes,
- and Padan Fain is there with the Dark One telling Rand that it is
- never over. He wakes up in Egwene and Nynaeve's room where he was left
- to hide from the Aes Sedai. Nynaeve is in the room with him. Believing
- Shai'tan to be dead, Rand carelessly names him and that is when the
- alarm bells start to ring. ('Name the Dark One and his evil comes down
- upon you...'). Rand panics as he is worried about Egwene; she went
- down to the dungeon to talk to Padan Fain again. Nynaeve tries to stop
- him from leaving the room, but he can't be stopped.
- While running down the halls of the women's apartments, he comes face
- to face with Siuan for a moment. Once outside he encounters Trollocs
- and a then a Fade that has just won a battle with seven Shienaran
- soldiers. Much to Rand's relief, Ingtar arrives to take on the
- fearless without an ounce of fear in his eyes. Rand continues on to
- the dungeon. The two guards have been beheaded and their blood has
- been used to write messages on the wall; "We will meet again on Toman
- Head. It is never over al'Thor."
- Liandrin and Moiraine arrive, separately, a few moments later. Rand
- has discovered Padan Fain's cell empty and Egwene and Mat unconscious
- on the floor, in front of it. Mat's dagger is gone. Ingtar arrives
- informing them all that the Horn of Valere has been stolen. He also
- tells Rand that Agelmar had not sent down an order earlier in the day
- to stop anyone from leaving the city. Rand suspects Moiraine. After
- leaving the dungeon, Rand runs into Lan who tells him he can leave at
- anytime.
- Chapter 7 -- Blood Calls Blood
- Moiraine, The Amyrlin, Leane and Verin work together to partially heal
- Mat from the damage of having his dagger stolen. They decide that Mat
- is going to have to go out hunting for the dagger himself since it
- will affect anyone who carried for it an extended period of time.
- Verin reads the "prophecy" that was written in blood on the wall of
- the dungeon. In it there are references to Lanfear (one of the
- Forsaken), the return of Artur Hawkwing's Armies, and a man (Rand) who
- can channel. Verin implicitly tells Moiraine and Siuan that she knows
- about their plans for Rand; she had suspicions twenty years ago when
- Moiraine and Siuan were still only Accepted.
- Perrin visits Mat in the infirmary and has a confrontation with Leane.
- She asks him how he came about getting yellow eyes. Perrin is still
- mad at Rand for when he said he didn't want anything to do with his
- old friends. Lan comes to tell Rand he has been summoned for an
- audience with the Amyrlin. Lan gives him a quick talk with many rules
- of etiquette to follow in the presence of the Amyrlin Seat. "There is
- one rule, above all others, for being a man. Whatever comes, face it
- on your feet."
- Chapter 8 -- The Dragon Reborn
- Rand is incredibly nervous as he walks into the presence of the
- Amyrlin for the first time. He is afraid that the three of them there
- (the Amyrlin, Moiraine and Verin) are going to gentle him. Moiraine
- tells the Amyrlin about Tam al'Thor's career as a soldier when he was
- younger and how he returned from the Aiel war with a wife from Caemlyn
- and a newborn child. Most of this story is news to Rand. Furthermore,
- he is told by The Amyrlin that he is The Dragon Reborn and how his
- destiny is to face The Dark One. Rand still believes that Ba'alzamon
- is dead. Rand is given the option to stay in Fal Dara or to leave with
- Ingtar's men to find the Horn. He decides to go with Ingtar.
- The three Aes Sedai are unsure of themselves and the prophecies that
- they have to see Rand fulfill.
- Nynaeve can sense a storm coming even though it is clear outside. It
- is something she has never felt before, like it should be too far off
- for her to feel it. While looking for Rand she finds Lan who gives her
- his signet ring with a golden crane flying above a lance and a crown.
- While preparing to leave, Rand goes over to the women's apartments to
- say goodbye to Egwene and, in the process, creates a disturbance among
- the women. They hug each other and she thinks she heard him say "I
- love you", to her. Rand turns and walks away quickly.
- Chapter 9 -- Leavetakings
- Both the parties to Tar Valon and to find The Horn are preparing to
- leave. Lan tells Rand about sheathing his sword. "There may come a
- time when you must achieve a goal at all costs. It may come in attack
- or defense. And the only way will be to allow the sword to be sheathed
- in your own body." An arrow grazes the Amyrlin. Both she and Rand
- believe it was meant for him. The Amyrlin sends a man off to scout in
- Maradon. It's reported to Ingtar that two guards, Chango and Nidao are
- not accounted for. This pins them for the Darkfriends responsible for
- the attack the previous night. Rand is introduced to Hurin, the
- sniffer. Ingtar has kept him a secret from the Aes Sedai in fear that
- they would not understand his talents. Hurin can smell violence. He
- will be the one directing Ingtar's men in the correct direction to
- find the Horn.
- Bayle Domon, captain of the Spray, is in Illian. Three times strangers
- have offered him large sums of money to deliver mysterious goods. He
- is on his way to meet some more people. Bayle identifies them as
- Cairhienan's. They are offering him 1000 gold marks to deliver a
- sealed scroll to Mayene, in Tear. He accepts and takes 200 marks up
- front. Upon returning to his ship and having his crew preparing to
- leave in the middle of the night, Bayle opens the document. It names
- him (the carrier) as a Darkfriend and is apparently signed by the King
- of Cairhien. Domon thinks he knows what it is they want from him: the
- cuendillar disk he keeps hidden in his cabin. He decides to head west,
- the opposite way of where they want him to go.
- Chapter 10 -- The Hunt Begins
- Ingtar's band of twenty lances sets out with Rand, Mat, Perrin and
- Loial. Ingtar sets an almost insane pace for the party. When they stop
- after the first day Ingtar makes comments on how Rand resembles an
- Aiel. "Till shade is gone, till water is gone, into the Shadow with
- teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath, to spit in
- Sightblinder's eye on the last day... that is how long the Aiel say
- they'll fight." The next morning they set out only to find that their
- prey is changing course - north. They come upon a deserted village on
- the River Erinin. While they are in the village Uno claims to see a
- woman in a window, but no one is found. Once across the river they
- find Changu and Nidao skinned alive. Ingtar gives order to bury them
- even though they are believed to be Darkfriends. "The Light shine on
- you and the Creator shelter you. The last embrace of the Mother
- welcome you home... They saved Lord Agelmar at Tarwin's Gap."
- Before sundown, they reach the village of Harad Dakar it too is
- abandoned. Rand enters a house and....Blink....he sees a family at
- dinner. There are the parents and six children. One of them screams
- and the front door opens....Rand sees this several times. Ingtar's men
- find a Fade nailed across a door. Even the best soldiers are affected
- by this as they quickly head out south - on the trail.
- Chapter 11 -- Glimmers of the Pattern
- Ingtar stops the party to make camp while it is still light out. He
- tells Rand that he has the responsibility of being second in command
- thus having to take charge if something happens to Ingtar. He also
- gives Rand a bundled package that Moiraine instructed him to pass on
- after they had crossed the Erinin. While Rand is opening it, away from
- camp, Mat and Perrin come to find him. It is at this point that Rand
- tells them that the Aes Sedai are trying to use him as a false Dragon,
- that Moiraine told him he is the Dragon Reborn and that he can
- channel. This helps Mat and Perrin understand Rand's actions in Fal
- Dara. Mat is now somewhat scared of him, whereas Perrin is not.
- Padan Fain has made camp with his Trollocs, his Darkfriends, and the
- villagers he has kidnapped. He reveals that it was him who crucified
- the Myrddraal. He also describes how he can sometimes feel Rand
- following him and how the stolen ruby hilted dagger makes him feel
- "whole". "Come to me, al'Thor. The dance is not even begun yet. We'll
- dance on Toman Head and I will be free of you. I'll see you dead at
- last."
- Chapter 12 -- Woven in the Pattern
- The story goes back to Fal Dara just after Ingtar's party has left.
- Agelmar is almost begging the Amyrlin to stay another day. The Aes
- Sedai leave shortly thereafter for Tar Valon. Moiraine has not spoken
- to Egwene or Nynaeve for quite a while. When they stop that night
- Verin goes to the Emond's Fielder's tent to give them lessons and
- tells them that a different Aes Sedai will do so each night of their
- journey. While trying to make a breeze, Nynaeve burns the pile of
- blankets beside her.
- When they arrive in the town of Moran, Egwene tells Anaiya about a
- dream she had of Rand and how she believes he is in danger. Anaiya
- says that Egwene might be a Dreamer, a rare gift in Aes Sedai since
- the Age of Legends. Moiraine, Verin and Liandrin have all left,
- separately, without telling anyone. The remaining Aes Sedai, along
- with Egwene and Nynaeve, board the River Queen.
- Chapter 13 -- From Stone to Stone
- Rand wakes up in a place similar to where he fell asleep, but only
- Loial and Hurin are with him; the rest of the party is gone. Loial
- says that the stone they slept beside was used by Aes Sedai in the Age
- of Legends to travel between alternate realities. Rand realizes it was
- him who sent them to this place. He willingly enters the void and
- touches the One Power for the first time while trying to use the stone
- to get them back to their world. The void shatters like glass when he
- does so. Hurin says he can still follow the trail. It is just dull,
- like the rest of the new world. Rand accepts that Hurin and Loial are
- depending him to get them back and promises them that he will.
- Chapter 14 -- Wolfbrother
- Ingtar, Perrin, Mat, and the lances wake to find the three missing.
- Agelmar is outraged that there is no trace of their departure. Perrin
- reaches out to the wolves in order to find out where they disappeared
- to. The wolves have named him Young Bull. The wolves eagerly take on
- the trail of the Trollocs. Perrin tells Agelmar about what he can do.
- Agelmar mentions a former Warder named Elyas Machera who had the
- talent also. They both agree to tell the others that Perrin is a
- sniffer and is going to continue following the trail.
- Verin comes up on the party from behind. She is going to travel with
- them. Perrin realizes that she is there to find Rand, not the Horn.
- "Wherever you've gotten to, Rand, stay there. It's safer than here."
- Chapter 15 -- Kinslayer
- Rand, Hurin and Loial are heading south on what they believe to be the
- trail of the Darkfriends they are after. Hurin says that the trail he
- is following is like he is remembering it, not really smelling it.
- Loial stops the others at a tree to which he sings. The tree is sung
- wood, wood that produces what the singer needs. When he is done the
- tree is as staff in Loial's hands. There is a small shoot where the
- tree once was.
- When they stop for the night, Rand sees Ba'alzamon on the edge of
- their camp, but he is not truly there. Ba'alzamon calls him by his
- 'true' name, Lews Therin. He taunts Rand with the fact that he is the
- only one able to teach Rand how to use saidin. Rand refuses him once
- again and is left with the mark of a heron burned onto his palm.
- Chapter 16 -- In the Mirror of Darkness
- Rand manages to conceal the newly burned heron on his palm from Hurin
- and Loial. While riding that morning they come across a tall spire
- that looks like that of Artur Hawkwing, except that it was destroyed a
- thousand years ago. Once up close they realize that it is a statue of
- Ba'alzamon. It is this that leads Loial to conclude that they really
- are in a parallel universe -- one where the Shadow was victorious in
- the Trolloc Wars. Once on their way again, they hear a woman's cry,
- the first sign of another living being since the Stone. Rand kills the
- grolm that is attacking her. He let loose an arrow that flies true,
- into the creature' eye. The woman is the most beautiful Rand has ever
- seen, her name is Selene and she says she comes from Cairhien. They
- tell her of their quest and she seems quite vehement that Rand find
- the Horn and receive the glory he deserves. While back on the trail of
- the Darkfriends, a pack of grolm takes chase of the party.
- Chapter 17 -- Choices
- Rand kills five, but dozens more can be heard on their trail. Rand is
- left no option but to reluctantly head for the Stone on Kinslayer's
- Dagger to escape. Once at the Stone, Selene shows Rand what marking
- represents the Real World, and Rand uses the One Power to get them
- back. Selene tells them about how the Stone takes you to Mirrors of
- the Wheel -- what could have happened in the past, and what could
- still happen in future. Rand decides to make camp for a few days and
- wait for Ingtar and his lances to show up.
- Chapter 18 -- To the White Tower
- Egwene and Nynaeve are on the River Queen, just a few hours from Tar
- Valon. Egwene is still having dreams of the man in the mask with the
- fiery eyes and the sense that Rand is ever in increasing danger. The
- Amyrlin enters their small cabin order to give them their lesson for
- the day. There is a great amount of tension, brought on by
- stubbornness, between Nynaeve and the Amyrlin. The Amyrlin suspends
- Nynaeve in the air which gets her so mad that she is able to do the
- same to the Amyrlin.
- The ship arrives in Tar Valon. The two women find that they have been
- left behind at the docks as everyone has already entered the city.
- While walking around, they meet Sheriam, Mistress of Novices. Nynaeve
- tells her that she is not to become a Novice, and Sheriam tells them
- how hard their lives will be in the White Tower.
- Chapter 19 -- Beneath the Dagger
- Several days have past on the slope of Kinslayer's Dagger, Selene is
- continually urging Rand to seek out the Horn and to use it to obtain
- great amounts of glory. Rand says that he doesn't want glory each time
- she persists. Rand has made the decision to leave for Cairhien the
- next day if Ingtar hasn't arrived by then. Hurin spots a fire a couple
- of miles away that they conclude must be Fain and his Trollocs. Rand
- and Loial head out to scout and possibly bring back the Horn and the
- dagger. They find the entire camp asleep and manage to get both items
- out. Moments later, Fain awakens and alerts the Trollocs. Rand manages
- to slay the groups that find them (he resists very strong urges to
- destroy them all with the Power), and they escape back to their camp.
- Selene is very adamant about Rand using the Horn for glory but Rand
- ignores her advice. He puts the dagger in the chest with the Horn to
- shield them from its evil. He decides to head for Cairhien and wait
- for Ingtar there.
- Padan Fain: "I am a dog no longer. A dog no longer! You will pay for
- what you have done to me, al'Thor! The World will pay. The World will
- pay!"
- Chapter 20 -- Saidin
- Rand and group travel on through the night to Cairhien. Selene denies
- being Aes Sedai to Rand. The next day they approach a village. Just
- outside of the village, they come across a large excavation project.
- All that is above ground is a hand holding a sphere and a man's
- bearded face. Standing at the edge of the cliff overlooking the
- statue, Rand is overcome with Saidin and mentally chants the Aiel oath
- concerning the Dark One (...to spit in Sightblinder's eye on the last
- day). He is oblivious to the group and almost falls over the edge.
- They enter the village of Tremonsien. Selene very strongly urges Rand
- to take the Horn for himself, but he stays true to himself yet again.
- Chapter 21 -- The Nine Rings
- Rand's party enters the Nine Rings inn. The innkeeper, Mistress
- Madwin, immediately takes Rand as a Lord, Selene as his Lady and Loial
- and Hurin as retainers. Most of Rand's behaviour is very un-Lord like
- to all those watching. Rand plays the flute in the common room which
- elicits a visit from a man named Caldevwin, a Captain of the Cairhien
- Royal Guard. He asks if they would mind traveling the remainder to
- Cairhien with part of his guard. Rand accepts.
- Loial tells Rand all about Daes Dae'mar, the game of Houses and how
- Caldevwin probably suspects something of Rand. Rand wishes no part of
- these games. In the morning, Selene has gone but has left a note
- telling Rand to meet her in Cairhien. Hurin informs Rand that the inn
- was watched during the night which adds suspicion to Caldevwin's
- motives. The group of travelers and soldiers heads down the road to
- Cairhien.
- Chapter 22 -- Watchers
- Moiraine is frustrated with how little control she has over what is
- happening. She and Lan are staying with two old Aes Sedai, Adeleas and
- Vandene, in Tifan's Well, a small village in Arafel. She is
- researching a number of topics. Her and Lan have a long discussion
- about when they met, their goals, and how she thinks Lan's bond to her
- is weakening. She tells him about how he will be passed on to another
- Aes Sedai when she dies. Moiraine is a little of jealous of how
- Nynaeve has started to break down the walls that Lan has always had
- around himself. After a conversation with Vandene about the Horn,
- Tarman Gai'don, and the Dragon. Afterwards, Moiraine goes outside. She
- is almost kissed by a Draghkar that is there waiting for here. A
- Draghkar's kiss is fatal. Caught up in its trance, it takes Jaem and
- Lan to save her just in time. Moiraine credits her life to the
- Pattern. Lan had gone outside to practice with Jaem to let off steam
- from the argument they had had and it was that that allowed him to be
- there in order to save her life. The three Aes Sedai know that a
- creature of the Dark One couldn't have gotten that close without all
- of them knowing it was there unless it was warded by another Sister.
- This confirms the presence of the Black Ajah.
- Chapter 23 -- The Testing
- Nynaeve is tested to become one of the Accepted. She is in the testing
- room with the ter'angreal consisting of the three rings. Upon entering
- each ring she will face her greatest fears concerning her past, her
- present and her future. The other Aes Sedai make her strip naked and
- allow her to enter the first ring. She is told that she is allowed to
- leave at this point and try again later. On the third failure to
- proceed she will be asked to leave the tower. Nynaeve refuses to back
- down. She is told that the way back will only come once and to be
- steadfast.
- Inside the first ring Nynaeve confronts Aginor. She is in a maze and
- is unable escape him. She uses the One Power to delay him, but is
- unable to destroy him. When she gets the chance to finish him off she
- sees the way back and overcomes her urge to seek Revenge him. Once she
- is out she describes to Sheriam what happened. Sheriam is dumbfounded
- by the fact that Nynaeve, unlike any other Aes Sedai, was able to use
- the power inside the ter'angreal.
- Inside the second ring she finds herself back home in the Two Rivers,
- only nothing looks right. It seems that a woman named Malena is now
- Wisdom and has greatly influenced life in the town since then. Bran
- and Master Luhhan are dead. Nynaeve is about to confront Malena to
- defend Marin al'Vere and the rest of the town when the way back
- appears. Nynaeve manages to leave while hearing Marin screaming in her
- state if abandonment.
- The third ring, Nynaeve's future, is the toughest of all. She is
- married to Lan, the crowned King of Malkier and they have several
- children. It is paradise for her. She misses the gate because of her
- great longing to stay with Lan and her family. Only by filling herself
- with the Power is she able to reopen the gateway back into the real
- world.
- Once outside the ring, Nynaeve is cleansed and anointed as one of the
- Accepted.
- Chapter 24 -- New Friends and Old Enemies
- Egwene meets Elayne, also a novice, and Min who is there because of
- her ability to see visions concerning the people she looks at. They
- make friends very quickly. One of the things they discuss is the fact
- that there are only forty novices in the Tower and that only a few of
- them will be raised to Accepted. Min reveals a vision that Elayne is
- going to have to share her husband with two other women. Shortly
- thereafter, Gawyn and Galad approach. Galad charms Egwene of her feet
- -- not that it was really necessary since she is overcome by his
- looks. Egwene is surprised to find out that they all know of Rand and
- have previously met him.
- Elaida interrogates Min about Rand but she is (just barely) able to
- lie to her to protect him from whatever schemes she knows must be
- hidden within Elaida's mind.
- Chapter 25 -- Cairhien
- Rand, Loial, and Hurin enter the city of Cairhien. The Foregate is
- filled with people celebrating and parading around with puppets of
- such things as Trollocs and other beasts. They enter the city proper
- and get a room. The innkeeper briefly mistakes Rand for an Aiel. Upon
- returning to the common room with Hurin, the innkeeper gives Rand
- three invitations from (other) Lords. He throws them into the fire
- declaring, out loud, that he is not playing Daes Dae'mar. Rand wanders
- into a hall where a gleeman is performing. It is Thom Merrilin, much
- to Rand's surprise. They make plans to meet later, once Thom has
- finished performing.
- Chapter 26 -- Discord
- Rand goes back to the inn to tell Hurin and Loial that Thom Merrilin
- is alive. He tries to get Loial to come and meet him but the Ogier is
- very wary about going out because of the fact that another Ogier might
- see him and get him in trouble with his elders. Rand forces him to go.
- When they find Thom's room there is a young woman inside juggling. Her
- name is Dena. Rand tells Thom about all he has been through since Rand
- thought he was dead. From what Rand says, Thom believes that Rand is
- not the one that Moiraine was looking for (a man who could channel).
- Since Rand is so adamant about staying away from Aes Sedai, Thom
- decides to stay away as well and declines Rand's offer to travel with
- him again.
- During their conversation, Rand asks Thom if he knows of any books
- about the Karaethon Cycle. Thom quotes two passages he has read:
- Twice and twice shall he be marked,
- twice to live, and twice to die,
- Once the Heron to set his path
- and twice the heron, to name him true
- Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost,
- Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay.
- Twice dawns the day when his blood is shed,
- Once for mourning, once for birth,
- Red on black, the Dragon's blood stains the
- rocks of Shayol Ghul,
- In the Pit of Doom shall his blood free men
- from the Shadow.
- Chapter 27 -- The Shadow in the Night
- While returning to their inn, Rand and Loial are attacked by Trollocs
- and Darkfriends. The Trollocs had posed as the large puppets that men
- were carrying around the city. Although Rand manages to slay the first
- Trolloc, they are eventually forced out of the city as their way to
- the inn and the Horn, is blocked by Trollocs and Darkfriends searching
- for them. Selene finds them and they head out to the Illuminator's
- building a mile out of town. They manage to find a way in and while
- hiding inside from the Illuminators, the Trollocs, too, find their way
- in. Rand allows them to escape by lighting a large batch of fireworks
- and firing them at the Trollocs, destroying them along with that part
- of the building. Selene stays behind against Rand's wishes.
- Upon returning to the inn, Rand receives a note from her that says:
- When I think I know what you are going to do, you do something else.
- You are a dangerous man. Perhaps it will not long before we are
- together again. Think of the Horn. Think of the glory, and think of
- me, for you are always mine.
- Chapter 28 -- A New Thread in the Pattern
- Perrin, Mat, Verin, and Ingtar and his men are traveling across
- Kinslayer's Dagger. Perrin tells Ingtar about Shadowkiller, the man
- the wolves have seen who is traveling with Fain and the Trollocs.
- An Aiel confronts the party. His name is Urien, and Mat remarks how
- much he looks like Rand. Urien says the Aiel have left the Three-Fold
- Land because He Who Comes with the Dawn is coming soon. They say they
- will know him by a sign. He scrawls it in the dirt. Mat, Perrin, and
- Verin are awestruck by this symbol-the ancient symbol of the Aes
- Sedai. Throughout the conversation Urien looks like he is ready to
- fight but Ingtar dissuades him. Once gone, Verin tells Ingtar to press
- on harder for they must hurry.
- Chapter 29 -- Seanchan
- Geofram Bornhald is in a small village with his Children in the wake
- of the destruction of the Seanchan. They also call themselves the
- Hailene, Those Who Come Before and, The Forerunners. They also speak
- of the Corenne, the Return. They are supposedly Artur Hawkwing's
- Armies returned from over the Aryth Ocean. Bornhald receives word from
- Jaichim Carridin of the Questioners to turn his men back as they are
- getting too close to Toman Head. Bornhald intends to ignore this
- command and head on to confront these Seanchan who he believes to be
- Darkfriends.
- Off of the coast of Toman Head, Domon and the crew of the Spray have
- an encounter with one of the hundreds of Seanchan ships that have
- crossed the Aryth Ocean. Their ship is boarded by a woman in armour
- who names herself Captain Egeanin, a woman with what Domon believes to
- be a Aes Sedai on a leash and two soldiers. The woman on the leash has
- the powers of an Aes Sedai and is called damane. Egeanin commands the
- Spray to Falme to swear their oaths of fealty to obey, to wait, and to
- serve. She makes references to how Domon and his land must pay for the
- sins of their ancestors.
- Once ashore in Falme, the Spray is searched and Domon is taken to see
- the Seanchan high lord along with something that Egeanin found in her
- search. Once in front of the high lord Turak, Egeanin gives the
- cuendillar disk to him as a gift. Turak comments how cuendillar is
- even more rare in these lands than back across the ocean. Egeanin
- leaves and Turak goes about questioning Domon . He offers him some of
- their drink, kaf, and Domon "begins to lie his way out of Falme".
- Chapter 30 -- Daes Dae'mar
- Hurin has become exceedingly formal in addressing 'Lord Rand'. The
- innkeeper, Master Cuale, brings Rand two more invitations from
- Cairhienin houses. They are from King Galldrian of House Riatin and
- Lord Barthanes of House Damodred. Rand wants to burn them like the
- rest, but since every house has now sent an invitation to him, Hurin
- adamantly councils him not to do so. He decides to show them off in
- the common room to make people talk and thus buying him more time
- until he has to answer them. Rand and Loial go out to the Foregate to
- inquire if Ingtar or Selene have entered the city. They have been
- doing this for the past several days. The man at the counter, the same
- man as every other day, has a very fake smile and treats the requests
- like he has never seen Rand before. He tells them that neither of them
- have entered the city. Rand catches a glimpse of Caldevwin in a room
- behind the desk, but the man denies him being there. Rand is very
- frustrated but manages to leave politely.
- While returning to the inn, Loial notices a fire ahead. As they get
- closer they realize that it is their inn, the Defender of the
- Dragonwall. They both rush in to save Hurin, the Horn and, the dagger.
- Loial leaves his books to burn in order to help Rand with Hurin. The
- Horn is gone. Rand goes back into his room for the banner that
- Moiraine said his life might depend on. He debates for a few moments
- in front of the dresser. "I could still let it burn." He decides to
- take it.
- Once outside, Rand searches for a Wisdom to tend to Hurin; he is
- injured badly. Wisdoms are called 'Readers' in Cairhien. At that point
- Mat comes up behind Rand. "You came too late."
- Chapter 31 -- On the Scent
- Rand tells the group (Verin, Mat, Perrin, Ingtar) about how he had the
- Horn but that it has just been stolen. Verin heals Hurin and they all
- go to The Great Tree inn to talk. Tiedra is the innkeeper. In a
- private dining room Rand tells the story about the Stones and Selene.
- All throughout the discussion, Perrin is thinking to himself. "Rand is
- the Shadowkiller...Shadowkiller. A Man who can channel. A man the
- wolves hold in awe....I know about you. It is only fair you know my
- secret, too." Hurin returns form his search of the city and says that
- he 'smells' the Darkfriends in Lord Barthanes's manor. They conclude
- that Barthanes is a Darkfriend. Rand reveals that he has an invitation
- from him. They briefly discuss the sa'angreal mentioned in the
- invitation and they begin to make plans to attend Barthanes' party.
- "Watching Verin's smile, small and mysterious, Perrin felt a chill. He
- did not think Rand knew know half of what he thought he did. Not
- half."
- Chapter 32 -- Dangerous Words
- Rand, Verin, Matt, Loial, Hurin and, Ingtar go to Barthanes' party.
- Hurin and Mat pose as servants so they can go about freely to try and
- locate the Horn and the dagger. Once inside, Loial says to Rand that
- he can feel a Waygate near. Lord Barthanes approaches Rand and starts
- conversation to try and figure out what Rand's motives are in the
- Great Game. He talks about Galldrian, the sa'angreal statues, Rand's
- heron mark blade, and his Aiel features. Shortly thereafter, Rand is
- cornered by three women. He sees Thom while being asked a million
- questions and makes an excuse to go talk to him in order to get away
- from them. Rand tells Thom how the Horn and dagger were stolen. Thom
- thinks that Rand wants his help again, but Rand fervently denies it.
- Hurin comes to tell Rand that his manservant, Mat, has fallen and hurt
- his leg. Before following Hurin, Thom says to Rand: "You play very
- well at being a lord, but remember this: Cairhien may play Daes
- Dae'mar, but it was the White Tower made the Great Game in the first
- place. Watch yourself boy."
- Chapter 33 -- A Message From the Dark
- Hurin tells Rand that Mat is all right, and that he just needed an
- excuse to get Rand away from the party. He has traced the scent of the
- Darkfriends to an enclosed area in the garden. Mat says that he cannot
- feel the dagger at all, but Rand replies that that doesn't mean it
- isn't there. Rand instructs Mat to go find Ingtar and Verin. He
- obliges while making several sarcastic remarks to Rand about 'his
- lordship'. Loial and Hurin follow Rand over the wall to the Waygate.
- Rand opens the gate but Machin Shin is there and it tries to get out
- at them. Rand uses the One Power to force it back in and Loial puts
- the Avendesora leaf back in it' place. Rand remarks to himself how the
- flow of the One Power was killing him, but how wonderful it felt in
- doing so. Once back over the wall, Rand thinks he hears someone else
- in the garden, but he never finds out if it was just his imagination
- or not.
- Just before leaving, Barthanes give Rand a message from Fain. He tells
- him to meet Fain on Toman Head. If he doesn't, Fain will hound his
- blood, his people and those he loves. Once back in the inn, Rand tells
- this to the others. He tells of the Waygate and Machin Shin and how he
- has to go to Toman Head. The others all decide to go with him,
- although Ingtar believes Barthanes tale for a lie. Since that Waygate
- in not an option through which to make their journey, Verin suggests
- the one at Stedding Tsofu. Rand vows to Verin in private that once
- they have found the Horn and Mat's dagger, he is through with Aes
- Sedai.
- Chapter 34 -- The Wheel Weaves
- Thom was kept back at Barthanes' all night while being questioned by
- nobles of his involvement with `the young Andoran Lord'. He walks into
- his room at The Bunch Of Grapes to find Dena dead; her throat has been
- cut. Two men jump up from hiding and attack him. He kills the first
- one and incapacitates the other and questions him. He claims to work
- for Barthanes and offers Thom great amounts of gold for information.
- Thom kills him. Zera comes in and identifies the first dead man a
- servant to Galldrian, not Barthanes. As Thom leaves the room, they can
- hear a riot starting outside. He wants revenge for Dena's death.
- Fain is in Falme. He is talking to the high lord, Turak. He claims to
- have a great gift for him. He tells of the Horn inside the chest and
- tempts him to use it. Fain also says that his family has had the Horn
- and has been faithful to Artur Hawkwing and his followers ever since
- they went across the Aryth Ocean. Turak tells Fain of his intentions
- to take the Horn back to the Empress. This excites Fain as it reveals
- a leader he did not know about that he can manipulate for his own
- desires. Fain makes several comments to himself about being patient
- like a worm in the root. Turak intends to keep Fain around until he
- returns to Seanchan in order for him to tell stories about his loyal
- family traditions. "I will see (Rand al'Thor) dead at last. The world
- will pay for what was done to me."
- Chapter 35 -- Stedding Tsofu
- A pretty Ogier girl named Erith greets Verin and the others once they
- reach Stedding Tsofu. (Rand feels the One Power cut off from him as he
- crosses into it.) Erith asks them to leave some of their armed men
- outside of the Stedding. Loial tells the boys about the Longing and
- how it came to be. He feels good to be back in a Stedding although he
- is very worried about some Ogier girl wanting to marry him. In town,
- they are amazed by the enormity of the Great Trees. Three Aiel women
- confront them, intent on violence. Verin stops things before they get
- too far out of hand with reference to `the pact' of peace in Stedding.
- Mat tells Rand of their encounter with the Aiel on Kinslayer's Dagger.
- Hurin comments an how 'clean' the air smells because there has been no
- violence. Loial is very worried the Elders are going to send him back
- home. They all make their way to go see the Elders.
- Chapter 36 -- Among the Elders
- As the group make their way through town to see the Elders, many of
- the Ogier women take notice of Loial which makes him very anxious.
- Once they arrive at the Elder's place, Loial decides to wait outside
- and read a book. Alar, one of the Elders, is wary about letting them
- use the Waygate, and sends for an Ogier named Trayal. He is the last
- of the Ogier to have been in the Ways. All that is left of him is his
- body. All of his soul and his mind has been stolen by Machin Shin.
- Rand, Mat, and Perrin succeed in convincing the Elders to let Loial
- continue to travel with them. Outside, Loial tells the boys that Erith
- gave him flowers and said she thought he was handsome. However, he
- hasn't changed his mind about going on with his ta'veren friends.
- Once they get to the Waygate they find the same situation that Rand,
- Loial, and Hurin found at Barthanes'; Machin Shin is waiting at the
- entrance. Rand thinks that it is following him. As an alternative,
- Hurin suggests using a Portal Stone, even if it isn't as fast as the
- Ways. Alar reveals that there is one not far from where they are
- standing.
- Chapter 37 -- What Might Be
- Ingtar seems reluctant to use the Stone. He says he wants to go back
- and make Barthanes talk. Verin: "More than once I have heard you say
- you would ride to Shayol Ghul if need be to recover the Horn. Do you
- hold back now, at this?" Ingtar: "I hold back at nothing....."
- Verin says to Rand that he has been transported by a Portal Stone more
- recently than she, but that she has never used one. Verin makes Rand
- chose a symbol on the Stone in hopes of getting them to Toman Head.
- Rand picks one and lets the One Power flow through him. Something goes
- wrong and Rand experiences many lives that might have been....He dies
- by a Trolloc sword on that Winternight long ago....He is married to
- Egwene and is going mad. She dies and shortly thereafter he is part of
- a group of men that head up to Taren Ferry to defend their land from
- invading Trollocs. He dies by a Trolloc sword....Egwene dies a week
- after their wedding. Rand takes to traveling around the world and ends
- up in the Queen's Guard. He eventually becomes a Captain and uses the
- One Power in battles. While fighting Artur Hawkwing's armies returned
- on at the Mountains of Mist, he retreats all the way back to Caemlyn
- and lets the Power run rampant destroying much of the land around him.
- He is burned to a crisp by a lighting bolt from behind him....He goes
- through hundreds of lives, all completely different. Each time he has
- the feeling that he was meant for something else and doesn't belong
- where he is. Each time he dies he hears a soft whisper in his ear; "I
- have won again, Lews Therin."
- They end up arriving on Toman Head, but it is autumn. They have taken
- more than four months to get there. Verin says they have taken too
- long and that they must head out west immediately. Before they leave,
- Verin heals (almost) everyone from the effects of the trip. Rand
- refuses, saying that he doesn't want the help of any Aes Sedai.
- Chapter 38 -- Practice
- It is a day off for the Novices in the White tower. Nynaeve and Min
- are in Egwene's room, where Egwene is practicing juggling balls of
- light. Min teases Egwene about how she likes to look at Galad, just
- like every other woman in the Tower. Min tells her that Galad is _so_
- good that he would hurt someone close to him if he thought it was for
- a greater good. Elayne comes in telling of a rumour that King
- Galldrian is dead. She also tells of Logain who she saw crying. Logain
- makes her think of Rand who she hasn't had dreams about since the
- River Queen.
- Egwene thinks about the hole between her and Elayne's room and how she
- has heard Elayne cry herself to sleep many a night because of their
- tough lives as Novices. Min says that she reads danger around each of
- the other women in the room. Liandrin comes in to talk to Nynaeve and
- Egwene. She tells them that Rand is in danger and that they must go to
- Toman Head to help him. They are to leave an hour before sunset. Min
- and Elayne come back as soon as Liandrin leaves. They were listening
- through the hole in the wall, They say that they are going too. Min
- sees that the danger surrounding her friends has become more certain.
- They begin preparing for their journey.
- Chapter 39 -- Flight From the White Tower
- While leaving the Tower, the four women have some close calls with
- being recognized but manage to make it out safely. Once they arrive at
- the Grove, just outside the city, Liandrin appears from behind some
- bushes. She is upset about the presence of Min and Elayne. Liandrin
- goes on to say that if they hadn't have come, they probably wouldn't
- have lived through the night. Liandrin opens the nearby Waygate much
- to the astonishment of the other women. She intends to reach Toman
- Head through the Ways. Liandrin has some sort of parchment to direct
- her at each of the Guidings. She won't let anyone else see it. At one
- point, Min admits that she could have gone her own way instead of into
- the Ways, but she is now as much of the Pattern as the other three.
- After two days of traveling, they arrive at the gate to Toman Head.
- Chapter 40 -- Damane
- Egwene is the first out of the Waygate. She notices a large group of
- men looking at her and her friends with an astonished look on their
- faces. With them are women with other women on leashes and two more
- women without anyone on their leashes. Liandrin knows the groups
- leader, Lady Suroth, who is in a palanquin with eight men holding her
- up. Egwene is confused as to how these people can help them help Rand.
- Several of the men make a grab for each of Min, Elayne, Egwene and
- Nynaeve. Egwene feels a collar close around her neck. She is told by
- the woman at the other end that she is now damane, who goes on to
- explain the concepts of a'dam and sul'dam. Egwene comes to realize
- that the tone in which the sul'dam, Renna, is talking to her is like
- how one would talk to a pet.
- Nynaeve and Elayne have escaped the men that tried to grab them so
- Suroth sends men and a damane out to find them. During the chase,
- lighting and exploding trees are visible to all of the people with
- Suroth. Liandrin and Suroth have some harsh words while waiting for
- the search party to return. They talk about serving their "master".
- Liandrin goes back through the Waygate. The search party comes back
- empty handed. In order to save Min's life from the soldier she
- stabbed, Egwene begs Suroth to let her friend live. Both Min and
- Egwene are subjected to intense pain from damane and sul'dam
- respectively as they head back to Falme. Renna admires the spirit that
- she sees in Egwene and thinks she will be one of the best damane ever.
- Nynaeve is hiding in the bushes in case she is still being hunted. She
- reflects on how angry she was and how she had killed a soldier with a
- lightning bolt and struck one of the women with another. The longer
- she goes without seeing any of her pursuers, the less angry she
- becomes and thus the less she can touch saidar. Elayne comes from out
- of the bushes. She tells Nynaeve how Min had cut the man who was
- holding her, allowing Elayne to escape. Elayne feels very cowardly
- about running and leaving Egwene and Min in the hands of those people.
- Nynaeve: "We will go to Falme. I hope Liandrin is there. I will make
- her curse the day her mother laid eyes on her father." They start
- their journey out west, to Falme, both on the back of Nynaeve's horse.
- Chapter 41 -- Disagreements
- It has been three days since Rand and the others traveled using the
- Stone. It is very cold and damp outside as they head west to Toman
- Head. They arrive at a village called Atuan's Mill. The Seanchan have
- already been there and have all but razed it. The group gathers inside
- an inn to discuss plans about what they should do. Ingtar has become
- very discouraged about finding Fain. He doesn't believe that they will
- ever find him where they are going. Verin and Rand are very adamant
- that they will indeed find Fain, the Horn, and the dagger on Toman
- Head. Rand also reveals to the group what Fain had said in his message
- from Barthanes; how he would hurt the Two Rivers and those Rand loved
- if Rand did not go to Toman Head. Perrin, Mat, and Loial all assure
- Rand that they will continue following Rand and Hurin to find Fain.
- Eventually Ingtar agrees too.
- Rand leaves the rest of the group to go up stairs to sleep. Ba'alzamon
- appears in his room holding the Dragon banner.He is once again
- pressuring Rand into conceding to the Shadow or to face eternity as a
- slave to the Dark One himself. In reaction to Rand drawing an
- incredible amount of saidin through himself, Ba'alzamon says "Fool!
- You will destroy yourself", revealing that maybe he needs Rand alive
- for whatever his plans are and that his claims to destroy Lews Therin
- once and for all are just intimidation. Just before exiting,
- Ba'alzamon reminds Rand that he alone can teach him how to control
- saidin.
- Chapter 42 -- Falme
- Nynaeve and Elayne have been in Falme for a few weeks. They have
- rented an attic from a fishermen to sleep in and have been avoiding
- the damane who would be able to identify them as able to channel.
- Presently, they are hiding in an alley from a sul'dam and damane
- passing by. Elayne reveals that she had just stolen a few apples from
- a store by channeling which gets Nynaeve very upset. At one point the
- two women had had to hide in their attic for three days after Nynaeve
- had channeled. The result was damane all over the city looking for the
- woman who had channeled. Nynaeve had been trying to figure out how to
- undo the damane collars so she could free Egwene. They have located
- the houses in which they think Egwene is kept, but they have not yet
- found her. Nynaeve continues on planning their rescue.
- Egwene is in her room in the damane houses. She is trying to figure
- out how to undo her collar by means of channeling. She is unsuccessful
- as it is very painful to do anything that is forbidden by the sul'dam.
- If she tries to do anything of that sort she is overcome with
- incredible amounts of pain. This includes taking her leash off of the
- hook on which it rests, trying to or even thinking about hurting her
- sul'dam, thinking about escaping, or channeling without her sul'dam
- present.
- Min arrives for her weekly visit. She is wearing a green Seanchan
- dress. Egwene tells her how she is to be taken across the ocean
- because of her rare ability to locate underground ore deposits. Min
- tells her that she has found a ship that will take them away from the
- Seanchan once Egwene has escaped. Egwene tells Min that she is unable
- to get the collar off and that she should escape by herself. She also
- tells about the Aes Sedai who have become damane and how one wants to
- kill herself but is unable to. This worries Min, but Egwene assures
- her that she is not going to kill herself. Renna comes in, detects
- that Egwene had been channeling and begins punishing her intensely.
- Chapter 43 -- A Plan
- Min forces herself to leave the damane's house with Egwene's screams
- slowly fading in the distance. Out on the streets, she sees Nynaeve
- and Elayne for the first time since they they had come out of the
- Waygate weeks ago. Min tells them about Egwene's situation and how she
- is supposed to be sent to Seanchan in a few days because of her
- exceptional abilities. Nynaeve is intent on getting her out of there.
- Min recounts her plans with a ship's captain to sail them away once
- Egwene is freed. Nynaeve wants to talk to this man and they head down
- towards the shore to find him.
- On the way down, the three of them kneel to a passing palanquin
- carrying some Seanchan royalty. They enter an inn called the Three
- Plum Blossoms. Waiting in the common room is Bayle Domon, captain of
- the Spray. He assures Nynaeve that he can get away from the Seanchan
- if he can manage to get away from the shore without having a damane
- destroying his ship. She also reveals to him that she and two of the
- others that will be traveling with him (Elayne and Egwene) are Aes
- Sedai. Domon gets very scared when Nynaeve shows him her ring for fear
- that someone else might see it. He agrees to give them passage. Domon
- tells the women about one Aes Sedai that he saw surrounded by six
- damane that did something horrible to her. The women recognize this as
- stilling.
- Nynaeve and the other two women leave the inn having made Domon
- promise to be prepared to set sail whenever they are ready. Nynaeve
- sags outside against the wall from the strain of appearing extremely
- confident in front of the Domon: "Light, but I was afraid he was going
- to say no."
- Chapter 44 -- Five Will Ride Forth
- Perrin and the others are preparing to leave the village they are in.
- The entire Village Council and their families were burned over eight
- months ago by the Seanchan. Someone is entering the city as they are
- leaving. It is Whitecloaks. Perrin is seen and recognised by Bornhald.
- As they are riding away, Perrin contacts the wolves and learns that
- they are not being followed.
- Geofram Bornhald gives very specific orders to Child Byar for when
- they confront the Seanchan. He tells him to retreat to the distance
- and to watch the battle so he can report back to Pedron Niall and then
- to his son Dain to tell him how he died. Bornhald doesn't think he
- will ever leave Almoth Plain.
- Rand is practising his forms while waiting for the scouting party to
- return. Ingtar watches him practice `Heron Wading In the Rushes'; "You
- shouldn't be bothering with that one. It leaves you completely open."
- Hurin, Perrin and Mat return to report having found Fain's trail
- heading to Falme. Ingtar decides to send in a small party. The other
- four to go are Rand, Mat, Perrin and, Hurin. While they are deciding,,
- Verin is drawing a wheel in the dirt with five spokes; she insists
- that only five people go. When they have decided Rand sees her wipe
- out part of the wheel with her foot. Only four spokes are left.
- Chapter 45 -- Blademaster
- It is Dawn in the city of Falme. Nynaeve, Elayne and, Min are prepared
- to execute their plan to free Egwene. They are spread out along the
- side of the street waiting for a sul'dam and damane to walk by. As
- soon as they are near, Nynaeve uses the power to open the leash and
- sets the girl free. The damane runs away but the three women take the
- sul'dam, Seta, to a back alley and organize their next move. Nynaeve
- is going to pose as the sul'dam and instead of having Elayne wear the
- collar around her neck, Nynaeve decides to use Seta. Putting the
- collar on the woman's neck is a horrendous experience for her. The
- collar is only supposed to work on women who can channel but Nynaeve
- can feel Seta on the other end of it. Seta is begging with Nynaeve not
- to make her wear it, but she promises to go along with what they tell
- her to do. They head off to the damane quarters intent on freeing
- Egwene.
- Domon and his crew are aboard the Spray waiting for Nynaeve and the
- others to arrive. He has made sure everything is ready to leave on a
- moments notice.
- The group of Five enter Falme and Hurin proceeds to lead them around
- searching for Fain's scent. As they are walking they see what Rand
- recognizes as a grolm. He doesn't believe they can be real. Shortly
- afterwards, Mat says he can feel the dagger inside the building that
- the grolm were guarding. Ingtar doesn't care about the dagger; he
- wants the Horn. Rand rationalizes that if they find the dagger they
- will find Fain and the Horn. Accepting reason, Ingtar leads them to an
- alley to get behind the house and then inside. He leaps over the wall
- first to take care of the guard there and the others follow shortly
- afterwards. They make their way up the stairs to a room that contains
- both the dagger and the Horn. While Mat and Ingtar claim what they
- have been searching for, Rand looks out the window, he sees Egwene
- across the street. Perrin and Mat tell him he must be imagining things
- but Rand believes he saw her with a chain around her neck and feels
- compelled to rescue her.
- At that moment, Turak and some of his men enter the room. One of them
- tries to take the Horn and Mat stabs him with his dagger. The man
- swells up into a black mass in the middle of the floor.
- Turak engages Rand as the Five fight to escape. Rand assumes the void
- and is fighting with all of his skill but is barely able to fend of
- the High Lord's attacks. With one move Rand manages to attack for the
- first time and slays Turak. It is the first man he has ever killed.The
- guards mutter an oath to Turak and then slay themselves. The servants
- remain in the bowing position that they maintained throughout the
- entire engagement. Rand and the others flee for the door as Mat spots
- officers entering the building. Rand swears to himself that he will
- free Egwene.
- Chapter 46 -- To Come Out of the Shadow
- The four women enter the building of the damane and head up to the
- fourth floor to Egwene's room. Egwene is overjoyed to see them. She is
- surprised to see Seta with the collar around her neck, but it proves a
- theory that she has. She tells the other women that the sul'dam can
- indeed channel just like the damane. The damane are the girls that
- have the ability born into them whereas the sul'dam are the ones who
- have the ability to learn. Renna, comes into the room and is shocked
- to see Egwene without her collar on. Before she can react, Egwene
- throws a jug at her, shattering it, and slaps the collar around
- Renna's neck. Renna lies on the ground as Egwene makes her feel the
- pain that she was made to feel. Nynaeve makes her stop and they leave
- the two sul'dam sobbing as they head out to the street towards the
- harbour.
- There are men approaching from all directions. Nynaeve says that they
- have nothing to do with them; they should be able to walk right past
- down to meet Domon. Egwene exclaims: "I will not go back (to the
- collar). I'll die first. Let me show them what they have taught me."
- The ground explodes beneath the soldiers. Fireballs and lightning
- begins to fall from the sky at the four women.
- Aboard the Spray, Bayle Domon witnesses the lightning flashing from a
- blue sky and has to stop his crew from setting sail claiming that he
- gave his word to wait for Nynaeve and the others.
- Outside the city, Geofram Bornhald sees the lightning flashes and
- gives the order to Child Byar to distance himself from the ranks to
- enable himself to report back to Pedron Niall and Dain Bornhald. He
- then orders his legion into the city.
- Rand is with Ingtar in an alleyway watching the lightning flash above
- their heads. He is still intent on finding Egwene. Ingtar begins with
- what seems like babbling, but it is his confession. "I never knew what
- he was going to do. A pale little man you didn't seem to really notice
- even when you were looking at him. Take him inside Fal Dara, I was
- told, inside the fortress. I didn't want to, but I had to do it. You
- understand? I had to. I never knew what he intended until he shot that
- arrow. I still don't know if it was meant for the Amyrlin, or for
- you."
- Hurin approaches near the end of the confession and Rand leaves with
- him. Ingtar stays behind to fight the Seanchan to allow Rand and the
- others to escape and to hopefully redeem himself for all he has done.
- "`The Light shine on you, Lord Ingtar of House Shinowa, and may you
- shelter in the palm of the Creator's hand.' He touched Ingtar's
- shoulder. `The last embrace of the mother welcome you home' Hurin
- gasped."
- Chapter 47 -- The Grave Is No Bar To My Call
- Rand is intent on returning to the city to find Egwene, but an army of
- Seanchan is approaching from one side and a legion of Whitecloaks from
- the other. Mat states that there is nothing in the prophecy of the
- Horn that says it can't be used before the Last Battle and proceeds to
- sound it.
- Geofram Bornhald hears the mournful sound of the Horn.Lightning
- flashes down from the sky hitting his men. He orders them to charge.
- As fog surrounds him and lightning continues to destroy the ground
- beneath his feet; his thoughts are of regret as Byar will not be able
- to tell Dain how his father died.
- Out of the fog in front of Rand rides Artur Hawkwing, Birgitte, and
- the rest of the Hundred Companions. They greet Rand as Lews Therin and
- ask him if he has the banner of the Dragon to lead them into battle.
- Perrin takes the banner and Mat plays the Horn as they charge. The fog
- becomes ever thicker around Rand until he can no longer see anyone
- else. He is flung from the back of Red, his horse, as Ba'alzamon
- appears in front of him. When he gets up the horse is gone. Rand can
- see Perrin and Mat, the Hundred Companions, the Seanchan, and the
- Whitecloaks fighting beneath him. Ba'alzamon once more lays claim to
- Rand's soul and Rand refuses to concede. The two of them engage in
- sword-fight. Rand realizes that when he advances in his battle, his
- companions down below advance and when he is forced back, so are they.
- Rand assumes the attack position of the Heron Wading in the Rushes
- with a ridiculous grin on his face. Ba'alzamon stabs him in the side
- with his staff, but Rand manages to stab him right through the heart.
- The world explodes in fire.
- Chapter 48 -- First Claiming
- Min is in the middle of Falme amidst the fire and destruction. All the
- Seanchan ships in the harbour, save one, are on fire. The Spray is
- gone. Min sees a figure, Birgitte, launch a silver arrow into the last
- ship setting it on fire, and then disappear. She finds Rand lying on
- the ground and carries him inside a building and into a bed. She is
- lying beside him, warming him, when Egwene walks in. Min is very
- attracted to him and says openly to Egwene that she wants him. Egwene
- says that both her and Elayne could feel him pulling them to him. When
- Egwene leaves to get Nynaeve, Lanfear appears to Min naming herself
- and claiming Rand (Lews Therin), as hers. She tells Min to look after
- him for her until she returns.
- Child Byar rides away from Falme having seen the entire Legion
- destroyed. He is heading back to Amadicia to report to Pedron Niall.
- Chapter 49 -- What Was Meant To Be
- Rand wakes up with Min beside him. She tells him that they freed
- Egwene. Nynaeve, Elayne, and Egwene have returned to the Tower, and
- Mat has gone to be healed from the dagger. Hurin and Verin have gone
- with them. Moiraine is still there although Rand wishes she wasn't. He
- is still very intent on finding Fain.
- Moiraine has two broken seals on the Dark One's prison and tells Rand
- that three of the seven are now broken. Furthermore, she tells him
- that his battle with Ba'alzamon took place in the sky for all to see.
- Perrin, Loial, Uno, and Masema are still there. Masema pledges his
- loyalty to Rand as the Dragon Reborn. Rand wants to be free of the
- title of the Dragon and his obligation to fight in Tarman Gai'don, but
- he remembers "Death is lighter than a feather, duty heavier than
- mountain". He makes his decision.
- Chapter 50 -- After
- Stories of what happened on Almoth Plain spread across the land. It is
- distorted as it travels, but all tell of the battle in the sky and the
- forces following the banner of the Dragon into battle against Artur
- Hawkwing's armies returned from across ocean.
- Craig Cassar