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- The Fires of Heaven -- Summary
- The Wheel of Time Book #5 by Robert Jordan
- Summary by Craig Cassar: <cassarcj@muss.CIS.McMaster.CA>
- Edited by Karl-Johan NorΘn: <k-j-nore@dsv.su.se>
- Prologue -- The First Sparks Fall
- It has been two months since Elaida was risen to the Amyrlin.
- Currently, she is meeting with the Hall of the Tower. There are no
- Blue present, and only one Green and one Yellow. They are discussing
- events around the world: Bashere is moving the Saldaean army, south,
- away from the quiet Blight. Also, they have heard that Aes Sedai were
- involved in the disappearance of the Panarch. Each decision required
- is made without Elaida's approval. The Former Red Sister blames all
- her current problems on Siuan Sanche, and her greatest concern is that
- the world sees the Tower as strong and united.
- Everyone, but Alviarin, is scared stiff when Elaida makes them look at
- the picture of Rand on the wall. Elaida is intent on making Alviarin
- break.
- Padan Fain is there to see Elaida. He appears to be there to use her
- to get Rand. His other names are Ordeith and Mordeth.
- Rhavin has control of an Aes Sedai spy. He is waiting for other
- Forsaken to arrive. Lanfear arrives just before Sammael and Graendal.
- They know four of the Chosen are dead and that Asmodean has gone to
- the Light. Sammael wears a three thousand year old scar from Lews
- Therin Telamon. Lanfear wants the four of them to present Rand
- kneeling to the Dark One. Sammael and Graendal seem eager -- Rhavin
- will go along as long as it doesn't affect his own plans.
- Chapter 1 -- Fanning the Sparks
- Min, Siuan and Leane are being held in a barn in the Andoran village
- of Kore Springs. The previous night, Logain knocked the owner of
- another barn down, starting a fire that burnt it down. He escaped in
- the night. The three women are awaiting trial. Leane, being Domani,
- has lowered her neckline and has put makeup on just in case she can
- flirt their way out of trouble. She is trying to find something to
- `replace' the Power.
- The lord of the town is Gareth Bryne. At the conclusion of the trial
- he says he will repay the farmer. He also sentences the women to a
- term of work to repay him. They are made to swear an oath of their
- choosing. Siuan: "By the Light and my hope of Salvation and rebirth ,
- I swear to serve you in whatever way you require, for as long as you
- require, or may the Creator's face turn from me forever and darkness
- consume my soul.
- On their way to Bryne's manor, Logain rescues them and they continue
- their journey. Logain is starting to take charge, and is eager to have
- the revenge that Siuan has promised him.
- Gareth Bryne is heading out after the women with a group of aging
- soldiers who have served him at one point in time or another. Another
- old soldier brings news of the Stone falling to Aiel and a man who
- took Callandor. He also informs them that Elaida is the new Amyrlin.
- Alteima has come to Caemlyn to find power. She talks to Morgase about
- Rand until they are interrupted by Gaebril. He sends Morgase to have a
- nap and she is more than happy to do so. He makes Alteima want to tell
- him what her true intentions are and she does -- power.
- In her room, Morgase has vague memories of being in control and of the
- feelings she had for Gareth Bryne before she sent him away.
- Chapter 2 -- Rhuidean
- The city of Rhuidean can now be entered by anyone and many Aiel now
- live in it or around it because of the large lake that now exists
- there. Six chiefs are meeting with Rand -- Rhuarc, Bael, Jheran, Han,
- Bruan and Erim. Rhuarc says that Rand must wait for the other clans to
- come.
- Moiraine and Egwene visit Rand and try to help him. Egwene thinks he
- is conceited. He won't listen to them. He plans to take eleven clans
- of Aiel across the Dragonwall to show his power.
- Moiraine has one of the four remaining cuendillar disks and it is
- flaking. On Moiraine's orders, Kadere and his men are loading up their
- wagons with many of the ter'angreal. The most notable one is the red
- doorway ter'angreal.
- Rand has a memory of Illyena. Egwene tells him that Elayne loves him.
- Chapter 3 -- Pale Shadows
- Rand gets mad at Asmodean for channeling when Egwene is in the room,
- though she doesn't realize what has happened. The Forsaken isn't very
- respectful of Rand and Rand doesn't trust him to tell the truth. Rand
- leaves and seals the room so his `gleeman' can't leave.
- He doesn't respond to Mat's calls until he uses the name Lews Therin.
- Mat wants to leave the Waste and Rand has no plans to stop him. An
- Aiel woman named Melindhra flirts with Mat and they wander off
- together.
- Chapter 4 -- Twilight
- No men, only women and gai'shain are allowed under the Rhuidean Roof
- of the Maidens, but Rand walks right in with his escort and goes up to
- his bedchamber. Aviendha comes in and gives him a gift -- he is one of
- the three men that she hates the most. The Wise Ones have made her
- turn her weapons into gifts that she is to give to the three men and
- women that she hates the most. The gift is a belt with a dragon on it.
- Isendre comes in . She is being forced to wear no clothing save for
- the jewelry that she stole. Rand knows that her, Kadere, and all the
- other merchants are Darkfriends but must keep their secret if he wants
- Asmodean to continue teaching him. Isendre has apparently tried to get
- into Rand's bed seven times, but he won't even drink the wine she has
- brought for him.
- Before going to bed he shields his dreams. The only dreams he has are
- of Min, Elayne and Aviendha, and a nightmare about Isendre.
- Chapter 5 -- Among the Wise Ones
- Egwene is summoned to the sweat tent. Moiraine is there discussing
- Rand. The Wise Ones won't have anything to do with the Tower's plans
- and intend to follow him over the Dragonwall. Moiraine is asked to
- leave. Aviendha has been switched at her own request. She said that
- she lied twice earlier in the day.
- The Wise Ones want Aviendha to sleep in Rand's chambers and asks
- Egwene if she thinks he will allow it -- she doesn't know. Melaine
- wants Bair and Amys to approach Dorindha for her in order to be her
- sister-wife, Bael's husband.
- The Wise Ones make Aviendha and Egwene run fifty laps of the camp
- naked. Aviendha continues to stress that Elayne is for Rand, although
- Egwene says that that isn't necessarily true. Egwene says that she
- doesn't understand ji'e'toh, but Aviendha says that she already lives
- by it.
- Chapter 6 (Gateways.
- Rand wakes from a feeling of sourness. Something is coming to get him.
- He goes to the top level of the building to meet it. He beheads the
- three Darkhounds, but they pull themselves back together. He kills
- them with balefire.
- Moiraine arrives concerned that he wasn't bitten or bled on -- both
- will kill him. She says that they usually travel in packs of ten or
- twelve and Rand is running before she can finish her next sentence. He
- kills the three Darkhounds outside Mat's door. Mat has a drop of
- saliva on his arm but Moiraine is able to heal it, although he has to
- take off the foxhead medallion before her efforts have any effect.
- Moiraine explains balefire to Rand and the fact that Mat would be dead
- is he hadn't used it on those Darkhounds. She warns him to be careful.
- She begs him to let her help him and he is genuinely surprised and
- accepts her offer.
- Rand skims to his room where Asmodean waits. He erases the footprints
- from the Darkhounds because they shouldn't have any interest in a
- simple gleeman. Rand opens up a secret alcove, hidden by some flows,
- where he keeps the two ter'angreal figures. With the male ter'angreal
- he believes that he would have enough power to heal death and
- remembers the young girl who was killed by Trollocs back in the Stone.
- Lanfear appears and sees the two statues. She tells him how much she
- loves him. She tells him that Rhavin sent the Darkhounds because Rand
- moved Tairen armies into Cairhien where he intends Morgase to sit on
- the Sun Throne.
- She is upset that he is shielding his dreams but says that she is able
- to break through. Lanfear leaves when a Maiden comes to summon Rand to
- see the chiefs.
- All the clans are moving. Whether they are going to follow Couladin or
- not, it is too early to tell. The Shaido are moving towards Jangai
- Pass. They won't be able to catch them before they are in Cairhien,
- but Rand orders them to follow immediately.
- Chapter 7 -- A Departure
- Egwene was successful at dream hopping. Isendre is now being made to
- wear a black robe. Egwene is very concerned about Aviendha being
- forced onto Rand -- she saw the woman's nightmares about him. Rand is
- sending for Ogier to rebuild Rhuidean. Egwene learns that Rand told
- Moiraine to be quiet and she obeyed. Rand hints that he may never
- return to the Three Fold Land. Before he leaves, he makes all of the
- fountains flow once more.
- Moiraine regrets only being able to take a fraction of the ter'angreal
- with her. She reflects on her trip into the three rings when she went
- into Rhuidean. They all show possible futures based on every decision
- she will ever have to make. Disaster will come if she sleeps with
- Rand, but she doesn't know why. Most Aiel women don't remember their
- futures until the moment is upon them.
- Lan thinks Moiraine is afraid and worried, and he is concerned about
- her. She says that she had to swear the oath to Rand because he needs
- her help and he had become too distant for her to do so. In her
- thoughts, Moiraine hints at some arrangement she has made that would
- allow Lan to be with Nynaeve in the future.
- Chapter 8 -- Over the Border
- Nynaeve, Elayne, Juilin and Thom have been traveling east, from
- Tanchico, for almost a month. Amathera gave them a large sum of money
- and a large quantity of jewelry in order to see them on their way as
- fast as possible.
- Near the Amadician border, their wagon is stopped by Whitecloaks, but
- their disguise as merchants gets them by with no problems. Elayne has
- become quite fond of Thom to the extent of spending all her time
- sitting next to him in the drivers seat of the wagon, holding his arm.
- Just over the Amadician border, they stop at a village named Mardecin.
- Nynaeve is constantly regretting traveling across land instead of
- finding an Atha'an Miere raker.
- Chapter 9 -- A Signal
- Nynaeve and the others camp a mile outside of the village. Thom is
- sent into town to buy food with some of Amathera's gold. Nynaeve
- reflects back to her days as Wisdom and pledges to heel Thom's limp
- and Rand's wound one day when she has amassed the proper knowledge.
- Elayne and Nynaeve are concerned abut Moghedien and the Black Ajah
- following them, although they have not seen any signs of their
- pursuit.
- Thom brings back mostly meat so the two women go back into town to buy
- some vegetables. On the way in Nynaeve brings up the subject of Thom
- with Elayne. The younger woman explains that Rand is so far away,
- although she still does love him, and Thom is just so intelligent. She
- also vehemently denies that Thom is her father.
- Food is sparse in the village of Mardecin. While searching for food,
- Nynaeve sees the Yellow Ajah's eyes and ears signal hanging outside a
- seamstress shop. The owner, Mistress Macura, is very nervous when
- Nynaeve reveals herself and is adamant that they have a cup of tea
- before she gives her message; "All sisters are welcome to return to
- the Tower." Nynaeve and Elayne lose consciousness and are taken
- upstairs by Macura and her apprentice, Luci.
- Chapter 10 -- Figs And Mice
- A couple of hours later Thom finds Nynaeve and Elayne and unties them
- -- Juilin had originally followed them in and Thom followed him when
- nobody returned.
- By mean of intimidation, Juilin is able to get the truth out of Macura
- and Luci. Mistress Macura acts as eyes and ears for Narenwin Barda and
- had ordered a women by Elayne's description captured and returned to
- the Tower. This order was handed down by the Amyrlin. The seamstress
- is quite adamant that she is not a Darkfriend and is half scared to
- death when she hears mention of the Black Ajah. She says that a pigeon
- has already been sent to Narenwin.
- Nynaeve actually thanks the men for rescuing them. She has Elayne dye
- her hair black to avoid being recognized again.
- When Macura wakes from the forkroot she was given, she sends another
- pigeon to Narenwin and a duplicate, west, as she has done with every
- message. Avi, the owner of the pigeon loft, who never pays any
- attention to Macura, deviously reads the imprint of the message and
- sends a third pigeon in yet another direction.
- Chapter 11 -- The Nine Horse Hitch
- Siuan has continued to let Logain think that he is in charge. In the
- past few weeks they have made it all the way to Lugard. Siuan ventures
- off by herself to a inn whose innkeeper is eyes and ears for the Blue
- Ajah. She passes on the name `Sallie Daera' when Siuan asks about the
- meeting place of the Blue Ajah. The women has no idea who Sallie is,
- however, Siuan knows it as a code name for Salidar.
- The former Amyrlin is beginning to adjust to how young she looks and
- also her lack of power.
- Back at the Nine Horse Hitch Leane has a large group of men around her
- and Min is wishing she could be like that with Rand. Siuan comes back
- telling them that they have to head south.
- Chapter 12 -- An Old Pipe
- Gareth Bryne and his men are in Lugard and have been following Siuan's
- trail. Before they head off again, Bryne questions why he is after the
- women and lies to himself saying that he just wants to know why Siuan
- broke her oath. He also recounts a tale to his men of his encounter
- with the Amyrlin three years ago. She tore a strip off of him
- regarding a border dispute along the Murandy border. He still is
- ignorant of the fact that the women he is after is Siuan Sanche.
- Chapter 13 -- A Small Room in Sienda
- Nynaeve is very bitter about posing as Elayne's servant, but Elayne
- manages to bring her out of her snit. The wagon stops. There is a
- menagerie led by an arrogant man named Valan Luca. He tries to get
- Lady Morelin, (Elayne) to stop for a private showing but she declines.
- Luca has strange creatures that were used by the Seanchan . Luca calls
- them giant boar horses, but they are s'redit, or elephants.
- In Sienda, they stop at an inn called "The Light of Truth". Elayne and
- Nynaeve retire so that they can meet Egwene in the Unseen World.
- Chapter 14 -- Meetings
- In Tel'aran'rhiod, Nynaeve calls for Birgitte. Gaidal Cain has been
- born again. Time does not flow the same in this world so Birgitte
- cannot say when she will be born too. Rhavin, Sammael, Graendal,
- Demandred and Semirhage have all been stalking each other in the Dream
- World. There have been no signs of Moghedien but Birgitte will keep
- looking.
- Nynaeve wants to tell Egwene and the others about Birgitte and what
- she has found, but the other woman gets mad; she doesn't want to break
- any more of the precepts than she already has. Egwene and Melaine
- appear. Egwene tells them about Rand moving them into Cairhien and how
- his head is getting bigger and also about Moiraine taking his orders.
- Melaine gets on Nynaeve's case about being ignorant about
- Tel'aran'rhiod , but the younger woman does not submit to the Wise
- One's pressure.
- Chapter 15 -- What Can Be Learned in Dreams
- Nynaeve dreams herself to the Tower and sees Elaida as Amyrlin. "It
- will snow in Tear before she ever rises that high." Egwene shows up
- and is cross with Nynaeve for ignoring the Wise Ones warnings and
- scares the life out of her with an example of what peoples' nightmares
- can leave behind. Nynaeve is made to feel like a little girl by
- Egwene's ranting and becomes quite frustrated.
- Both of them notice that the Amyrlin's study does not look like Siuan
- Sanche. Searching through the room, Nynaeve finds a message about a
- suspected gathering of the Blue Ajah. While reading it, she is
- interrupted by Egwene's scream from Leane's study; Elaida is Amyrlin.
- Nynaeve can't remember the place of the gathering and they can't find
- the document again.
- Nynaeve admits to Elayne that she lied about not drinking the forkroot
- tea. Egwene says that Nynaeve has to stop lying to herself and, once
- again, the older woman is made to feel like a little girl. They leave
- the Dream World.
- Egwene wakes in her tent and is thankful that Nynaeve didn't realize
- that she doesn't have permission to wander Tel'aran'rhiod by herself.
- She is amazed at the results. She goes to Moiraine and tells her about
- the Tower, Siuan's demise and the meeting of the Blues. Moiraine seems
- more concerned about the Tower than her old friend. Egwene also tells
- her about the Forsaken plotting. When the Aes Sedai is asked why she
- does what Rand wants, she tells Egwene that she remembered how to
- control saidar.
- Later, Egwene's dreams are filled with visions. Rand is sitting in a
- chair whose owner is upset about it being taken. Mat throws some dice
- with blood streaming down his face. She also sees Thom drawing
- Moiraine's blue stone from a fire.
- Chapter 16 -- An Unexpected Offer
- All night Nynaeve had nightmares about Elayne, Moghedien and Elayne.
- In the common room eating breakfast with `Lady Morelin' Nynaeve is
- served strawberries and doesn't know what they are. Galad approaches
- the table not long after they sit down -- he is a Whitecloak. He tells
- the two women that Siuan has been stilled and executed. He wants to
- take them to Caemlyn where they will be safe. All the while he is
- talking, Nynaeve's heart is racing, simply because he is `so
- beautiful' He leaves with another Whitecloak. Elayne fears that he
- will turn them in; helping them home, and turning them in are both the
- right thing to do from different perspectives. Elayne can't be sure
- which perspective he will choose -- she wants to leave right away.
- In their room with Thom and Juilin, they can see Galad waiting across
- the street, watching the front door to the inn. They plan to leave and
- travel with Luca's menagerie. While packing, Nynaeve learns from
- Elayne that Thom was Morgase's lover after Taringail died.
- Chapter 17 -- Heading West
- Nynaeve and Elayne meet the men on the way to the menagerie. Thom has
- learned that Pedron Niall is trying to unite the nations against Rand.
- When they find the menagerie (it is in the same place they left it),
- Luca is upset and believes that `Lady Morelin is an impostor and that
- they are running form someone. However, when Elayne offers him 100
- gold marks when they get to Ghealdan, he accepts their patronage but
- insists that they must earn their keep. Elayne and Juilin tight walk
- with the aid of Elayne's flows and Thom does his gleeman act. Nynaeve
- is doing nothing as of yet.
- The trainer of the great boar horses, Cerandin, is recognized by
- Nynaeve as Seanchan. Both she and Elayne approach the woman openly
- identifying her as Seanchan. She denies it as first, saying she is
- from Shara. The elephants are called s'redit. Cerandin was left behind
- at Falme, although she says she is not sul'dam. She thinks Elayne is a
- high Lady and bows to her in fealty. This unnerves the two women but
- only Latelle and Luca see it. They beg her to get up and promise to
- teach her how to behave if she answers questions about the Seanchan.
- Chapter 18 -- A Hound of Darkness
- Liandrin and the Black Ajah have taken over a Lord's Manor in Amador.
- When Liandrin returns from some business, Moghedien is there waiting
- for her. The Forsaken was in Tanchico too, posing as a servant.
- Liandrin didn't even know that Nynaeve and Elayne were in Tanchico.
- The Forsaken has already revealed herself to the other ten Black Ajah
- and has thoroughly terrified each and every one of them. They are
- currently all cowering in a room with Moghedien watching them --
- Liandrin walks in. She realizes she is incredibly outmatched and tries
- an old trick that she knows. She is rewarded with unimaginable pain.
- She swears loyalty to the Forsaken like all the others already have.
- Moghedien gives half of the Black Ajah individual orders that the
- others don't hear and sets Liandrin and four others to the task of
- finding Nynaeve.
- Chapter 19 -- Memories
- Tallanvor comes to the Queen's reading room and finds his queen in a
- daze, wasting away. He tells her of the rebellion in the Two Rivers --
- they are flying the flag of Manetheren. She goes to tell Gaebril who
- is talking to many Lords and Ladies that she does not recognize. She
- demands his private audience but is made to go back to her reading
- room.
- Against her will, (she really wants to do everything Gaebril tells
- her) she ventures off to find Lini who tells her that Gaebril is
- having several affairs, (even one with Alteima). She also tells the
- Queen how she exiled all of her loyal houses, some who were friends
- and backed her during the Succession. Morgase refuses Lini's suggested
- involvement of Aes Sedai and sends the woman off to find Tallanvor.
- In the meantime, Morgase reflects on all the previous men in her life,
- Taringail, Thom and Gareth Bryne.
- Tallanvor says that there are not many loyal men left in Caemlyn --
- she is going to have to look elsewhere to re- establish her rule. He
- suggests that Basel Gill, keeper of the Queen's Blessing inn, will be
- able to help her.
- Tallanvor leaves and Morgase questions the degree of the man's
- loyalty. Lini tells the story of how she saw him on his knees, behind
- a stable after he was made to swear an oath to Gaebril. He swore to
- Queen Morgase of Andor, cutting his arm to show he would shed his last
- drop before breaking it.
- Morgase disguises herself as a commoner and finds her way to the inn.
- There with Gill are a man named Lamgwin and a woman named Breane, the
- latter of which seems to be (at least formerly) of Cairhien nobility
- and will follow wherever Lamgwin goes. Tallanvor says that they must
- go to Bryne, so they head out for Kore Springs.
- Padan Fain is in the basement of the Tower and reclaims `his' dagger,
- making him feel whole again. The ward he set off when he entered the
- room attracts an Accepted who is killed with a touch of the blade.
- Alviarin arrives a few moments later and Fain is convinced that she is
- Black Ajah. She doesn't really deny it. He tells her of his voyage to
- Shayol Ghul and into Thakan'dar which renders her awestruck. Before
- the sun rises Fain is off the island to meet his followers.
- Chapter 20 -- Jangai Pass
- Rand and the others find the border town of Taien in ruins, it's
- people massacred with only a few visible survivors. The Shaido are
- responsible and have been gone six days. They took villagers as
- gai'shain which means that Couladin had abandoned ji'e'toh. Rand
- intends to take the survivors with them.
- Chapter 21 -- A Gift of a Blade
- Rand and the Aiel are camping around Taien and are burying the bodies.
- Melaine and Bael were married three days ago.
- Asmodean thinks the ruins of a port city visible in the mountains
- might be his home city of Sharelle. Rand grants him relief by
- discontinuing to ward his tent at night, but only until he betrays
- him. Rand sets wards around the entire camp that is an alarm for
- intruding Shadowspawn.
- In their tent, before they go to sleep, Aviendha gives Rand King
- Laman's sword in all its gaudiness. He accepts the blade with the
- heron mark on it but not the scabbard or the ruby laden hilt. The
- blade hasn't even been tarnished in the twenty years the Aiel have
- been passing it around as proof that Laman was dead (since the Waste
- was too far to take his head)
- Rand reflects on Melaine and Bael's wedding, particularly on how they
- each had to fight through one hundred of their blood kin to get to
- each other.
- Rand learns that teaching an Aiel man to sing means that the man
- allows himself to be taken as gai'shain by the woman he desires and
- must sing to entertain her spear sisters. During his discussion with
- Aviendha he asks her where she got the necklace she is wearing. She
- won't tell him.
- Chapter 22 -- Bird Calls by Night
- Melindhra is massaging Mat's back in their tent. He asks her if she
- knows anything about the Daughter of Nine Moons, but she does not.
- Rand's alarm sounds and Mat downs three Trollocs and a Fade. The
- Darkfriends accompanying the Shadowspawn can be heard yelling,
- "Sammael and the Golden Bees". Mat comes to the realization that his
- memories range from Maecine of Eharon, four hundred years before the
- Trolloc Wars to Artur Hawkwing. The attack is easily quelled and the
- pointlessness of it gnaws at Mat's mind.
- Rand awakes to save Aviendha from a Draghkar by means of balefire. A
- split second afterwards she sends fire shooting past his head and he
- gets very angry with her ingratitude. It is not until a few moments
- later that he turns around and sees the charred remains of a second
- Draghkar not two paces from where he was standing. Egwene comes to see
- why Aviendha was channeling -they are both mad at him now.
- Rand goes to discuss what happened with Asmodean. During the
- discussion, Rand slips and says that Sammael has tried this type of
- attack on `me' before; it is one of Lews Therin's memories.
- Rand goes back to his tent to sleep. When he gets there, Adelin and
- the other Maidens of his personal guard offer him their spears because
- they ran off to battle and left him alone with the Draghkar. He tells
- them to take their spears and continue guarding him.
- Chapter 23 -- "The Fifth, I Give You"
- Rand and the Aiel are now in Cairhien. Selean, the Cairhienin border
- town on the Dragonwall was ravaged even worse than Taien was. It is
- reported that the Timolan clan are only a day behind them. Rand grants
- the Aiel their fifth, but promises to kill any Aiel who steals food
- from, kills, or burns anything belonging to a Cairhienin -- even a
- clan chief.
- Aviendha wants to be taken out of Rand's tent, but Sorilea, the
- meanest of the Wise Ones in Egwene's opinion, will hardly listen to
- the request.
- Chapter 24 -- A Message Sent
- Egwene falls asleep in her tent a little while before her scheduled
- visit with Nynaeve and the Wise Ones in Tel'aran'rhiod. She finds
- herself in the World of Dreams and thinks she sees Elayne talking to
- Birgitte. She doesn't believe her eyes.
- When the Wise Ones arrive, Elayne tells them how Nynaeve got into a
- fight with some of the other performers they were dining with. They
- will be in Ghealdan within three or four days.. She also tells them
- that Cerandin has an a'dam. Throughout their meeting, Egwene tries to
- pass a message to Elayne to meet in the Tower afterwards but she
- doesn't know if the other woman understands.
- Chapter 25 -- Dreams of Galad
- Egwene is able to tell that Bair and Amys are asleep in their own
- dreams and goes off to the Tower to find Elayne. Elayne says that
- Nynaeve has been different since her meeting with Egwene. Egwene asks
- about Birgitte but the other woman won't say anything and asks Egwene
- to trust her.
- When Egwene comments on how Rand's head gets bigger every day, Elayne
- tells her that she has gotten a little haughty herself.
- The blonde woman leaves and Egwene searches Elaida's study for the
- name of the city where the Blues are meeting. She is unable find it.
- All of a sudden Galad, Leane and Siuan are there. She gets scared and
- dreams herself home, to Emond's Field, where she sees the red eagle
- and the wolf flags atop the Green...Flicker...She is married to Gawyn
- and he is just arriving home from a trip. This seems like reality to
- her although something doesn't really feel right. She manages to get
- back to her own body.
- Moghedien is hiding behind a house in Emond's Field and is surprised
- Egwene was strong enough to break free. The Forsaken vows to see
- Elayne, Birgitte, and Egwene dead, the latter simply because she is
- able to walk freely in the Dream World.
- Chapter 26 -- Sallie Daera
- Min, Siuan, Leane, and Logain have been riding south and west of
- Lugard for fifteen days. Min has been seeing the halo around Logain
- more and more often although he seems to have lost all will to live --
- Siuan is back in charge.
- All of a sudden, they come upon a village that looks just recently
- inhabited. There are Aes Sedai, Warders and servants everywhere. When
- the foursome rides into the village they receive cold stares from
- everyone there. Siuan leads them to an inn. Sheriam, Anaiya, Carlinya,
- and Myrelle are anxious to know how Min and her two young companions
- found out about the gathering; they don't even recognize the former
- Amyrlin and Keeper. When Min reveals their identity, the Aes Sedai
- thoroughly question them to prove that they are who they say they are.
- No one is at all happy to see Logain with them.
- Siuan and Leane are taken into the back room to talk.
- An Accepted named Faolain seems especially angry about Logain's
- presence. Min sees a vision of an a'dam that shatters around the neck
- of an Yellow Aes Sedai named Edisna.
- Chapter 27 -- The Practice of Diffidence
- Siuan and Leane put their plan into action; they may not be Aes Sedai
- anymore but they are still master manipulators. Siuan tears a strip of
- off the Aes Sedai for their inaction at a time when the Tower needs to
- be its strongest and it lies broken -- their current plans only
- involve rebuilding the village. Morvrin and Beonin have joined the six
- Aes Sedai. Sheriam tells them that they believe they were unjustly
- treated by Elaida and that the charges were a farce.
- Siuan informs them that their eyes and ears must still be reporting to
- Elaida. She also reveals that she used to be head of the eyes and ears
- for the Blues before she was Amyrlin. both of the facts bring gasps of
- surprise, as does Leane's -- she has eyes and ears in Tar Valon
- itself.
- Siuan goes on to tell them that Elaida and the Reds found Logain a
- year before he proclaimed and talked him into thinking he was the
- Dragon Reborn because they could gain more from capturing a False
- Dragon than gentling an otherwise normal man. She is glad the Aes
- Sedai don't consider the possibility she is lying.
- Sheriam agrees that they need the former Amyrlin and can use her
- agents. Leane begins her part of the plan suggesting that they not
- wait for Elaida to be deposed, but start their own Tower in exile,
- presenting themselves to the world along with what the Reds did with
- Logain. Sheriam is quickly recommended to be Amyrlin but it is
- suggested that it be someone who was not in the Tower when Siuan was
- deposed. They also agree that the person be very strong in the Power.
- Siuan has planted her seed and changes the topic to Rand. She thinks
- that he is in the Waste because of the Aiel being the People of the
- Dragon and the fact that the Stone has fallen to them. The Aes Sedai
- think the idea is preposterous at first but eventually agree to send
- two Greens with their seven Warders.
- Sheriam's warder, Arinvar, comes in to report twenty riders
- approaching. Myrelle's warder, an Illianer named Nuhel, says it is
- Gareth Bryne. Siuan pleads that they kill him. Nuhel suggests that
- they need him because he is a great captain. The Aes Sedai make Siuan
- tell them why Bryne is after her.
- Chapter 28 -- Trapped
- Nuhel takes Bryne to the Aes Sedai. Bryne tells them the tale of Mara
- and Amaena and is told that they will fulfill their oath, but not
- anytime soon. He agrees to wait until he can take them back to Kore
- Springs. He is told their real names and is silenced in utter
- disbelief.
- The Aes Sedai begin to ask him for his services while he is here but
- he interrupts for he has figured out their situation and knows exactly
- what they want him to do -- he is to be their captain. He agrees to
- the inferred proposal on three conditions 1) He commands the soldiers
- not them, 2) If he says something can't be done they must listen to
- him and 3) They must not quit halfway through the ordeal because it
- will leave him and his men as good as dead.
- While the Aes Sedai remove themselves to consider the offer, he and
- Siuan butt heads and discuss their confrontation at the Murandian
- border three years ago. She tells him that she sent him away because
- he and his men could have ruined important plans, and embarrassing him
- in front of half the court was necessary to make sure he left. She
- didn't want his soldiers to kill a lord who the Tower thought could
- finally unite Murandy -- the man was killed in a sheep raid a month
- later.
- The Aes Sedai accept Bryne's offer. He was prepared to concede all but
- the final condition. While swearing an oath to the women he begins
- making plans.
- After the meeting dissolves, Min catches up to Siuan who is carrying
- "Gareth bloody Bryne's bloody laundry". Min has had a very disturbing
- vision; if Siuan doesn't stay close to Bryne they will both die. Siuan
- isn't too happy about that.
- Chapter 29 -- Memories of Saldaea
- Hadnan Kadere has received an anonymous note apparently from another
- Darkfriend: "You are not alone among strangers. A way has been
- chosen." He suspects an Darkfriend among the Aiel.
- Isendre comes to his wagon in her black robe. Lanfear ordered Kadere
- to watch Rand and Asmodean and has had Isendre try to get into their
- beds; she has been unable to get into Rand's. She has gotten to the
- point where she is giving up -- the Maidens caught her again and this
- time they shaved all the hair off her body and beat her with nettles.
- Realizing that she will be break down and reveal them both very soon,
- Kadere strangles her and disposes of the body by chopping it up.
- When Kadere was young, he had to kill his sister, Teodora, whom he
- loved very much, because she had found out what he had become.
- Chapter 30 -- A Wager
- It is night in the town of Eianrod and Rand is relaxing by the river.
- For the past few days Moiraine has been begging for his attention. He
- also reflects on the recent ta'veren effects on the people around him.
- Two young lords, Edorion and Estean and twenty riders are escorted to
- Rand by fifty Aiel. They are from Tear. They report that the Shaido
- are attacking Cairhien and it is questionable how long it will hold
- out.
- Two young Cairhien lords are introduced, Meresin and Daricain. Rhuarc
- says that the Aiel can be there in seven days. The lords don't believe
- that they can move that fast and Edorion wants to bet one thousand
- gold coins on it. Sulin accepts for Rand and makes it ten thousand.
- When Rand objects, claiming that he doesn't have that money, Sulin
- explains that he is entitled to something similar to `the fifth' in
- Tear. Rhuarc sends Thunder Walkers ahead as scouts and the lords speed
- off back to Cairhien.
- Chapter 31 -- The Far Snows
- In the room Rand has taken for himself, he walks in to find Aviendha
- bathing and in the nude. She is startled and screams in exasperation
- that she must get as far away from him as possible. She opens a
- gateway into a snowstorm and disappears. Rand follows her in. He
- chases her for a couple of miles before she tumbles through the ice of
- a frozen lake. He rescues her frozen body and tries to warm by her
- building an igloo, heating the air and wrapping her in blankets and
- carpet that he brought. He also undresses and adds his body heat to
- hers.
- When she wakes she says something to herself about not denying what
- was in the rings any longer and kisses him extremely passionately. Two
- or three hours later Rand finds himself saying that they can be
- married as soon as they get back and they get into an argument about
- marriage customs. Aviendha says that they can't be married. She says
- that he still belongs to Elayne and that what just happened will never
- happen again. Rand is a little disappointed.
- Chapter 32 -- A Short Spear
- Outside the igloo, it is day. This confirms that they are in a strange
- land for it should still be the middle of the night. They see a large
- leathery creature fly overhead with two people on its back. They do
- their best to avoid being seen and sneak back to where the gateway is
- being held open by Rand's weave. Right by the gateway are four women
- on horseback and twenty soldiers on foot. The women are sul'dam and
- damane. Rand has Aviendha block the women while he binds them all with
- air. He tries to take the collars off of the damane, but experiences a
- great bolt of pain as soon as he touches it. He has Aviendha try. The
- Seanchan repeatedly refer to her as marath'damane. They argue amongst
- themselves about holding secrets of the Return from those above them.
- The gateway is grey and Rand suspects that it has been tampered with
- by either Asmodean or another Forsaken. As the gate slowly closes, he
- and Aviendha jump through it not knowing what to expect. As they go
- through, Rand releases his flows but Aviendha leaves hers tied off
- saying that he has to learn to be tough with his enemies. A two foot
- spear comes through the gateway just before it disappears.
- Asmodean is waiting in the room for them. He says that a gai'shain
- came looking for them and he told them that they didn't want to be
- disturbed. Now the Maidens believe that they were making love.
- Asmodean had made the gate invisible and is more than impressed that
- Rand was able to hold it open. Rand is mad that he hasn't been taught
- about invisibility yet and demands that Asmodean teach him two things
- he doesn't ask each lesson. Rand sets the other man to show him how to
- avoid a woman's flows.
- Chapter 33 -- A Question of Crimson
- Thom is practicing throwing knives at Nynaeve. Luca gets her to agree
- to perform the act though she refuses to wear the low cut crimson
- dress he has had made.
- Egwene has reported that there is fighting in Cairhien and how Rand
- watches the execution of each Aiel who has broken his rules.
- Nynaeve still can't remember the name of the town where the Blues are
- gathering.
- Luca says that there are many menagerie's gathering in Samara and that
- the Prophet is there too. Juilin tells her that he saw Galad in Samara
- with the other Whitecloaks. Aludra gives Nynaeve a box of
- firestarters.
- Nynaeve tells Elayne the story of how she got her black eye in a fight
- with Cerandin. Elayne is excited because she says she can make an
- a'dam. It is like linking and the collar isn't even necessary. She
- thinks she could make ter'angreal, angreal and sa'angreal.
- Nynaeve wants to be on the first boat that is able to take them away
- from the menagerie.
- Chapter 34 -- A Silver Arrow
- During dinner, Luca continues to flirt with Nynaeve and she subtlety
- tries to dissuade him. Afterwards, Elayne yells at her for encouraging
- the man. Nynaeve talks Elayne into letting her go to Tel'aran'rhiod
- (because she wants to avoid having to meet Egwene at their next visit)
- Birgitte takes Nynaeve to spy on Moghedien, Semirhage, Graendal,
- Lanfear and Rhavin who are seemingly planning an attack on Rand. Their
- plans involve linking.
- Moghedien follows the two women and catches them off guard. She binds
- Nynaeve and throws Birgitte thirty feet, knocking her out. Moghedien
- is very bitter about what happened in Tanchico and intends to make
- Nynaeve suffer for eternity. The Forsaken wants Nynaeve to bring
- Elayne to her. Just as Moghedien is about to brainwash Nynaeve,
- Birgitte wakes and fires an arrow that lands in Moghedien's chest.
- Both Birgitte and the Forsaken are torn from the Dream World.
- Moghedien wakes bleeding and has Chesmal Heal her. Temaile and
- Liandrin there watching. When she is healed and is being helped to
- bed, Liandrin tries, with all her might, to kill the Forsaken but is
- shielded by her instead. Liandrin begs for mercy, but Moghedien
- proceeds to torture her and ties an impossibly complex weave
- separating Liandrin from saidar.
- When Moghedien is gone, Liandrin tries to get the other two to help
- her defeat their master but she is not much more than a cowering mess.
- Chapter 35 -- Ripped Away
- Elayne sees Nynaeve sobbing in her sleep and is about to wake her up
- when Nynaeve wakes in tears. Thom and Juilin bring in a naked women
- saying that she just appeared there -- it is Birgitte. She doesn't
- seem to be hurt but, regardless, she is dying. Nynaeve tries to heal
- her with incredibly large flows, but is unable to. Elayne bonds the
- woman as her warder in order to keep her alive. Afterwards Birgitte
- seems much more stable.
- Nynaeve feels incredibly guilty about what has happened, thinking
- everything is her fault. They know Moghedien will be able to find them
- now and Elayne wants Nynaeve to dye her hair. Nynaeve is intent on
- revenge.
- Chapter 36 -- A New Name
- Nynaeve comes back from a tearful walk and Elayne goes outside. Thom
- and Juilin say that Nynaeve was a wreck; she sobbed on Thom's soldier
- and apologized for everything she had ever done to them. They give
- Elayne the silver arrow that they found with Birgitte and ask if it is
- really her. She keeps her promise to the woman and simply says that
- she is not Aes Sedai but a friend. She tells them about the Black
- Ajah, the Forsaken and Moghedien, save a few details. They are both
- stupefied. She gives them an opportunity to leave but Thom says that
- he has much to teach her for her to be like Morgase. Juilin says that
- he has an obligation to Rand.
- Elayne goes back to sleep and is woken shortly after by Birgitte, who
- knows that she isn't in Tel'aran'rhiod any longer. She cries for a
- long time and is worried about Gaidal searching for her and feeling
- unfulfilled. Elayne tells her that she has been bonded and that Elayne
- is only Accepted. Birgitte tells her a story of an Accepted named
- Barashelle who bonded a man named Anselan, two names Elayne recognizes
- from one of Thom's stories.
- In the morning, Nynaeve is almost like gai'shain to Birgitte because
- of her guilt.
- Outside, Birgitte bets one hundred gold crowns to a silver penny,
- against Luca in a test of archery skill. She fires two bullseyes with
- the first two and splits them with the second two. Despite Luca's
- implications of `Birgitte', she names herself Maerion and he wants her
- to fire arrows at Nana from a hundred paces.
- Chapter 37 -- Performances in Samara
- Luca's menagerie has arrived in Samara. Nynaeve's hair is red and she
- is wearing the crimson dress Luca has had made. Birgitte is very mad
- at her for being so spineless. She says that she is not the other
- woman's responsibility and that Nynaeve should not feel guilty for
- what happened. Birgitte says to Nynaeve that she doesn't like her
- anymore and tries to get her mad.
- Walking into the performing tent, Nynaeve looks at all the acts and
- sees strange creatures she doesn't recognize (koala bears). Juilin
- does his highwire act, feigning drunkenness and then Elayne follows
- him in a white coat and breeches. She does cartwheels, handstands and
- flips. Both of them receive much applause and performed without aid of
- the Power.
- Nynaeve sees a familiar man with an eye patch throughout the
- performances and finally recognizes him afterwards. She chases after
- him.
- Chapter 38 -- An Old Acquaintance
- Nynaeve catches up to Uno, pushing her way through the crowd. When he
- recognizes her, he hauls her out of the tent, away form everybody, and
- tells her that he can get her some money to get her safely back to
- Tear. She tells him Elayne is with her and that he should watch his
- language. She tells him to keep it to one curse every other sentence
- and he actually tries to.
- Moiraine sent the Shienarans to Jehannah to find a woman who would
- receive a message for them, but when they got there the woman was
- dead. Masema started talking and became the prophet. The others don't
- really believe him but follow him because he supports them.
- Uno was planning to take Nynaeve into Samara to see Masema but it is
- too rowdy. He tells her he will send for her when she can see him. She
- keeps on walking and will see him `now'.
- Chapter 39 -- Encounters in Samara
- The city of Samara is overcrowded. Ragan meets up with Uno and Nynaeve
- and accompanies them through narrow alleys to the back entrance of the
- Prophet's building. They are required to leave their weapons behind.
- Inside, it is a fancy place, but awfully barren.
- Masema is currently talking to a seemingly high noble woman about the
- Lord Dragon and how gold is nothing compared to the Lord Dragon. He
- demands her jewelry and makes her swear to him and to the Lord Dragon.
- Nynaeve learns later that she is the Queen of Ghealdan, the fourth
- monarch in the past six months.
- Uno and Ragan tell Nynaeve that every penny Masema collects is given
- to the poor.
- Masema comments on Nynaeve's revealing dress and she lets him have it.
- He continues to rant about materialistic things and how she should
- glory in the Lord Dragon until Ragan tells him Nynaeve is from Rand's
- town. He wants her to preach but she says she has been summoned by the
- Lord Dragon and needs a boat to Tear. Masema says he will look for
- one.
- Uno and Ragan escort her out of the building. In the street, Uno spots
- a Whitecloak following them -- Galad.
- Chapter 40 -- The Wheel Weaves
- Nynaeve tries to hide in an alley but Galad walks right up to her and
- threatens to kill the two Shienarans if they don't let him talk to
- Nynaeve. She agrees to talk to him. He mentions Salidar and she
- realizes that that is the city name she has been trying to remember.
- He is only concerned about her and Elayne's safety and wants them to
- go to Caemlyn where they will be safe. He is going to try to find a
- boat to get them to into Altara.
- Walking out of the city, Uno tells Nynaeve that they will go with her,
- along with thirteen other Shienarans. She agrees, but tells them to
- keep away until a boat arrives.
- Back at the menagerie, Elayne tells her that another menagerie has
- been destroyed by a mob who thought a woman there was Aes Sedai.
- Nynaeve tells them her tale of meeting Uno and Galad and that they
- will be looking for a boat. She also tells them that Salidar is the
- name she has been trying to remember, but Elayne doesn't think that
- she is correct.
- All the while she has been talking, Elayne and Birgitte have been
- walking her to where she will be performing. Nynaeve yelps louder at
- each arrow and the crowd loves it.
- Chapter 41 -- The Craft of Kin Tovere
- Outside Cairhien, there are thousands of men gathered and are almost
- as ready to fight each other as the Shaido. There is a group of Tairen
- Cavalry, Cairhienin cavalry, and Cairhienin infantry. They were all
- brought yesterday by the High Lord Weiramon who wants Rand's command
- to attack Couladin right away.
- Aviendha has been almost friendly to Rand since their `trip'. Rand
- manages to get Egwene to reluctantly agree to use the Power as a
- weapon when they battle the Shaido.
- A tall wooden Tower has been built with two looking glasses atop it.
- Kin Tovere, a Cairhienin, is the craftsman's name. Through one of
- them, Rand is able to see the Foregate that has been burnt to the
- ground. Both Rand and Rhuarc see a small group of Shaido in the
- forest, (including Couladin) who were seemingly attacked with airborne
- spears flung from the city, a mile away.
- Chapter 42 -- Before the Arrow
- Mat lies in his tent denying his memories, and his obligation to
- Tarman Gai'don and to the Horn of Valere. Recently, he has been able
- to talk about leaving and has even made plans, two things he couldn't
- do before. He goes to tell Rand that he is leaving.
- Jasin Natael is the only one in the tent. Mat looks over the two large
- maps there while he waits for Rand. Lan comes in and talks to Mat
- about strategy. Mat involuntarily goes into a very in-depth
- description of what should be done against Couladin. During his talk
- he thinks of how similar this situation is to many other battles he
- has commanded. He names several from the Trolloc Wars and Artur
- Hawkwing's time. When Mat is done Natael ceases playing the harp and
- just stares at Mat like he doesn't recognize him. Rand arrives to
- catch the end of Mat's ideas. Rand tells him that he is free to go,
- shakes his hand and wishes him well. Mat walks away and plans to leave
- in the morning before Melindhra finds out.
- Rand watches Mat leave and is impressed by what he heard. Rand sent
- Lan in there when he saw Mat go in to see what casual conversation
- might produce. Lan doesn't ask how Mat knows so much and Rand is glad
- he doesn't. He wouldn't want to reveal Mat's secret. Rand doesn't want
- to be hard and cold and wishes his friends happiness.
- Rand orders Asmodean to play the `March of Death' and has Lan bring in
- the Chiefs, Weiramon, and the two young Tairen Lords. Rand doesn't
- like Weiramon and doesn't want him there.
- Rand has had memories of past battles, like Mat, but doesn't always
- understand what the Chiefs are planning.
- Chapter 43 -- This Place, This Day
- Rand doesn't sleep all night. Lan comes in to ask him why he has taken
- to wearing a sword again -- he wants to slay Couladin. Lan thinks he
- is foolish and they argue for a few minutes.
- Outside the tent, Maidens are everywhere, along with Egwene and
- Aviendha. They refuse to let him go anywhere but to the Tower with
- Aviendha and Egwene to fight with Power. They chant, "Far Dareis Mai
- carries the honor of the Car'a'carn", until Lan convinces Rand to go
- with them.
- Up on the Tower, Egwene and Aviendha begin with winds and lightning
- and Rand follows shortly after. Channeling at a distance of five
- miles, he almost loses control.
- Mat left camp two hour before dawn, but has been forced West by Aiel
- moving to battle. Earlier on he was grazed by an arrow. Riding atop a
- tall hill, Mat sees Weiramon's men heading down a twisting valley
- where the Shaido are waiting. Although he tells himself it isn't his
- concern her finds himself riding down to warn them. He halts them with
- the command, "Halt here! Now! By the order of the Lord Dragon! Else he
- channel your head into your belly and feed you your own feet for
- breakfast!" He finds that Weiramon has been sent back to Tear to deal
- with brigands and other trouble from Illian. Mat orders the Tairens to
- move through the gap and to form a square to face the Aiel. The
- Cairhienin are to flank once the battle starts. Talmanes agrees if Mat
- leads half of the men. Mat finds himself accepting. The fighting
- starts and they charge in on the unsuspecting Shaido just as the
- lightning begins. "And after that, things really got hairy."
- Chapter 44 -- The Lesser Sadness
- It is noon and Rand is weary and can feel pain through the void. He
- sees a battle in front of the city gates and throws lightning at it.
- He knows he must have killed some of his own but knows he can't let
- the Shaido get inside Cairhien.
- All of a sudden, repeated bolts of lightning strike the Maidens at the
- base of the tower and get ever closer until one hits the wood
- supports, toppling the tower. Aviendha and Egwene's fall is cushioned
- by Rand.
- Rand awakes with Aviendha over him and many dead Maidens lying around
- him. He suspects that this attack was from Sammael in the west. Sierin
- relays a message that the four Aiel clans approaching are closing in
- on each other. If they don't join Rand there will be nobody to move in
- behind the Shaido and to urge them along. Rand's side is bleeding, but
- he wants to get closer to the fighting. Egwene, Aviendha and the
- Maidens go with him.
- Mat has lead his men through three battles and still has about three
- thousand men left. He thinks that the constant lightning must be
- Sammael's doing. A scouting report says that a group of Aiel, lead by
- Couladin, will unknowingly be upon them in half an hour. Mat send two
- flanks and will take the rest to feign being trapped by the Aiel in
- the gap of the valley. They will yell "Protect the Lord Dragon" which
- will ensure that Couladin comes at them full force and doesn't send
- flanks of his own. Mat is nervous about his biggest gamble ever.
- It is night and Rand is wandering around trying to find his people. He
- is very tired and gives in to Enaila and Sulin when they try to make
- him return to camp. Moiraine is there healing wounded. Asmodean is
- walking around with two waterbags over his shoulder. When Asmodean
- sees him, he comes running over and is relieved to see that Rand is
- still alive. Rand remembers when Sammael earned his name, `Betrayer of
- Hope'
- The Wise Ones from the four approaching clans are meeting and are
- going to join his forces. Lan tells him that there are only a few
- Shaido left and that he has won. Rand lets go of the void and
- exhaustion and pain sweep over him. Lan yells for Moiraine, and Sulin
- comforts him. "Hold on, Rand al'Thor. Hold on."
- Chapter 45 -- After the Storm
- It is the morning after the battle. The men of Mat's company are all
- drunk and are dancing around in celebration, with each other and with
- the Aiel. Mat is tired and injured. He was almost skewered through the
- heart. He is upset that he hasn't left yet. Melindhra brings him a big
- pitcher of brandy and says that he has gained much ji by slaying
- Couladin; the man's head sits impaled on a ten foot pole in the middle
- of their camp.
- Talmanes, the Tairen and Nalesean, the Cairhienin approach Mat and
- name him their general. They praise him highly and want to follow him.
- They don't like each other but seem to get over it when they both
- pledge themselves to their general. The camp breaks into song in Mat's
- name and he prays for some way out of his current situation.
- Rand wakes. Aviendha is mad at him for pushing Moiraine past her limit
- last night in order to heal his wounds. She says that he has a
- responsibility to the Aiel not to die. She tells him the four Aiel
- clans camp just to the east but the Wise Ones are still talking. Rand
- is frustrated that they are taking so long. He wants to go to the city
- today to see if Meilan is alive, but she won't let him because he
- needs to rest. With Asmodean's aid, Rand learns that Meilan, who came
- with six Tairen high lords to see The Dragon Reborn, got angry when
- was wasn't allowed to. He swore fealty to Rand and said that Cairhien
- is a gift to the Lord Dragon. He also said he would have a welcoming
- ceremony for him. Rand trusts the man's loyalty only until he believes
- betraying Rand won't get him killed.
- There were also twelve Tairen lords, the ones Rand sent to Cairhien
- from Tear, who came to the camp and told Asmodean that they want to
- put Rand on the Sun Throne. The Wise Ones sent them away in shame.
- Chapter 46 -- Other Battles, Other Weapons
- Rand wants to get dressed to go to Cairhien, but Aviendha gives him a
- hard time and won't tell him where his clothes are. The man carrying
- Rand's banner, Pevin, has gradually lost his entire family and is a
- very grim man. Riding to the city, Rand and Aviendha notice Aiel
- wearing coloured headbands along with the Aes Sedai symbol on their
- foreheads. The gai'shain are wearing these things too. Aviendha thinks
- it is because they believe themselves to be siswai'aman, "Spear of the
- Dragon". The two of them ride by Moiraine, Kadere and the wagons
- thinking Moiraine will follow, but she doesn't. Rand wants Kadere to
- leave. Isendre is thought to have escaped.
- The Cairhien commoners greet Rand with much enthusiasm until Meilan
- appears. Rand greets the Tairen high lords and ladies in such a way as
- to keep them thinking, and thus distracted from plotting against him.
- He is proud of himself and thinks Thom and Moiraine would be too.
- Inside, Rand is offered the Sun Throne but says it is for someone
- else. He asks for a chair instead. He tells the Cairhienin and the
- Tairens to stand in rank, not segregated with the Cairhienin to the
- back as they are presently. The Cairhienin cheer loudly when he says
- that their flags will fly again above their city. All the lords and
- ladies swear an oath to him. He has a cold light burning in his eyes
- as he thinks. This intimidates each of the nobles as they approach him
- to swear their oath.
- Chapter 47 -- The Price of a Ship
- Nynaeve and Elayne have been waiting two days for a ship. Nynaeve has
- had nightmares and Egwene was a part of every one. She learns that
- Elayne has dreamt of Egwene as well, and that in both dreams she said
- that Rand had won a great victory at Cairhien. The two of them had
- agreed not to use the ring unless they had to meet Egwene, but Elayne
- wants to see if Egwene is in the Stone -- she seemed frightened when
- she left in mid- sentence during their last visit. Nynaeve refuses,
- (because she is afraid of Moghedien). Nynaeve reflects on how her
- goals have changed since she left Emond's Field.
- Thom and Juilin have come back from Samara and are injured. There are
- riots everywhere. Uno arrives and says that their ship has docked but
- Whitecloaks have taken it. He thinks it will be impossible to get them
- to it. Nynaeve realizes what she has done just as Galad approaches and
- says that he has secured a boat for them and has already paid passage.
- Luca announces that the menagerie is leaving in an hour because of the
- riots. He takes Nynaeve aside and proposes to her.
- Elayne and Birgitte go to find Cerandin and try to get her to
- accompany them. She won't go and Elayne tells her her true identity.
- Birgitte doesn't believe she is heir to a throne.
- Chapter 48 -- Leavetakings
- While packing, Nynaeve picks up the cuendillar disk and can feel the
- blackness seeping out of it. Outside, with Thom, Juilin, Birgitte and
- Galad waiting, many of the performers take a minute to say good-bye.
- Luca professes his love for Nynaeve in front of everyone and gives her
- flowers. She gets mad remembering that Lan never gave her flowers.
- In order to get to the boat they have to go into Samara. There are
- fires, corpses and empty streets all about with the sounds of mobs not
- far off. A mob does attack them and is defeated. All are hurt but
- Galad who is surrounded by the twenty men he took down.
- Agni Neres is the captain of the Riverserpent. With the aid of Uno,
- Thom, and Juilin, Nynaeve tells Neres that he must take the large
- group of homeless that has gathered on the docks.
- Chapter 49 -- To Boannda
- The three women take Neres' cabin. When Nynaeve makes him dump his
- cargo to make more room on the crowded ship, she finds out that he is
- a smuggler. The man's hate for women makes Birgitte and Elayne curb
- their tongues.
- Nynaeve catches Elayne channeling wind into the sails, only a few
- miles from Samara. During the three day voyage to Boannda the
- everyone's mood lightens. They hear the tragic stories of the homeless
- and Nynaeve heals many of them. She and Elayne separately give some
- coin to many of homeless.
- Nynaeve takes a liking to three of the women; Nicola, Marigan and her
- two sons, and Areina. They all remind her of herself.
- Nynaeve, Elayne, and Birgitte all wash the colour out of their hair
- and Birgitte begins to go by her real name.
- At Boannda, all the passengers leave except for Nynaeve's three
- friends who are going to go to Salidar. That night, Nynaeve goes to
- Tel'aran'rhiod but is too afraid of Moghedien to stay long. Elayne
- goes with her for moral support. In Elaida's study they find that
- Elaida is very upset that Davram Bashere and his army can't be found.
- There are also letters there from Queen Tenobia of Saldaea, and King
- Easar from Shienar, telling the Tower not to meddle in their affairs.
- Elayne is very misty because she is using one of the two ter'angreal
- that requires a flow of Spirit. Each night, she and Nynaeve go to the
- Dream World and Nynaeve regains her confidence. They both go to meet
- Egwene and Amys. Egwene tells them the same thing she told them in
- their dreams so that they don't reveal her Dreamwalking abilities to
- Amys. Rand has sent half of the Aiel south but won't even tell the
- Chiefs why. Moiraine has become very close to him and he pushes
- himself very hard, practicing, and schooling with scholars and
- craftsmen. Afterwards, Egwene appears briefly in Sheriam's study
- simply to yell at them. Wandering about, Elayne learns that Shemerin
- Sedai has been demoted to Accepted.
- Neres drops them off at Salidar.
- Chapter 50 -- To Teach, and Learn
- Four hours off of the Riverserpent, Nynaeve and Egwene find themselves
- in Salidar being questioned by Aes Sedai. Siuan and Leane are there
- too. The Aes Sedai have taken the ter'angreal, the a'dam and the
- cuendillar disk which is now broken -- that leaves only three still
- intact. They have made Nynaeve and Elayne tell their tale who are now
- supposed to continue their training as Accepted. The Aes Sedai
- question Siuan because of the note that she gave the two younger women
- before they left the Tower. They know from Elayne and Nynaeve that the
- Wise Ones can channel and that there are Dreamwalkers among them.
- Nynaeve and Elayne are sent away and walk into the crowded common room
- of the inn where the others are. Faolain comes to take Nicola and
- Areina away for first testing and she has several harsh words with
- Nynaeve. Foal in is one of the ones who have molested Siuan and Leane
- since their arrival. Faolain says only three girls with the spark have
- been found so far.
- Uno, Thom, and Juilin tell the women that they can be in Cairhien in a
- month and away from these fools who think that they can depose Elaida.
- Nynaeve says that have to stay, but that the men are free to go; each
- of them finds an excuse to stay.
- Gareth Bryne enters the common room and all but ignores Elayne, who
- tries to tell him that Morgase will take him back. He and Thom
- eloquently put their unfriendly past behind them and agree to play
- Stones.
- Siuan comes and takes Nynaeve away. She wants Nynaeve to teach her how
- to use the ter'angreal ring. Nynaeve wants to study her to see if
- stilling can be healed. Siuan blackmails Nynaeve with the fact that
- the Aes Sedai won't be happy to find out that she and Elayne posed as
- full Aes Sedai. Nynaeve counters knowing that Siuan and Leane still
- plot behind the Aes Sedai's backs. Nynaeve is proud that she didn't
- back down to Siuan when she tried to bully her -- the first time that
- has happened in a while.
- Elayne runs after Min who is off to do Gareth Bryne's laundry. Elayne
- finds it difficult but asks if Min has seen a vision of her falling in
- love with Rand. Min says that they both love him and will have to
- share him with a third although they don't know who. They agree not to
- let this come between them. Elayne is glad Aviendha is looking after
- Rand. They share their stories with each other.
- Chapter 51 -- News Comes to Cairhien
- Rand wonders why the weather is still so hot when fall should be near;
- he thinks it is unnatural. He is taking a break from a meeting and has
- Selande hanging off of his arm. He has been in Cairhien ten days and
- there have been many women such as this one flirting with him. He
- scares her off. He recalls the news he heard that Berelain is coming
- to Cairhien with a small army. She asked if Perrin was with him.
- Rand goes back in to see the nobles. He intimidates them a little more
- before dismissing them. Lady Colavaere is the one who has been sending
- the likes of Selande in an effort to tie a string to him for easier
- manipulation. To thwart her plans he tells her she will dine with him
- that evening.
- Egwene, Moiraine, and Aviendha enter. It has been six days since
- Egwene has given him any tidbits of information. She tells him that he
- has been told everything that he needs to know. Moiraine gives him two
- letters that have arrived for him. The first is addressed to Rand
- al'Thor and is form Elaida. She indicates that an escort is on its way
- to Cairhien in order to take him to the Tower for his protection until
- Tarman Gai'don. The second is to the Lord Dragon Reborn and is from
- Alviarin. It is much more informal. The Keeper of the Stole claims
- that she is his servant and asks that she not even show Moiraine the
- letter. Rand shows both letters to the three women. When Moiraine asks
- what the letters tell him, Rand says that there must be a rift in the
- Tower since they cannot be working together and that there must be
- spies in Cairhien for them to know he is here.
- Mat joins them shortly thereafter. He has been leading the army that
- everyone wants to be a part of ("The Band of the Red Hand", or `Shen
- an Calhar'). He has been battling Andorans. He tells them that he has
- heard Morgase is dead. Rand takes it very hard and wonders if Elayne
- will ever be able to forgive him. Rand wants to go kill Rahvin right
- now but Moiraine persuades him to wait until tomorrow. The four of
- them will go with him.
- The women leave and Rand tells Mat that he needs the knowledge of
- battle that is stored in his head. He tells Mat what he wants him to
- do.
- Egwene is very nervous about going after one of the Forsaken.
- Mat is in his room reflecting on what Rand told him. He tried to avoid
- battles in Andor, but it seems like they sought him out. Melindhra
- comes into his room and Mat tells her he might be going to Tear and
- mentions Rand going to Caemlyn. Out of nowhere Melindhra attacks him
- and has him on the floor. She is about to stab him when Mat pulls out
- a dagger and throws it square at her heart. He bends over her to ask
- `why'. "Some oaths are more important than others." The foxhead
- medallion around his neck somehow breaks the blade of the knife about
- to strike his chest. "You have the Great Lord's own luck." On the hilt
- of her broken blade are the nine golden bees of Illian. He can't
- figure out why Sammael would have interest in him, or how he would
- know that Rand just ordered him to lead Tear against Illian. She is
- the first woman he has ever killed. He can feel the dice spinning in
- his head.
- Chapter 52 -- Choices
- Rand wakes up the next morning. Yesterday he talked to both the Chiefs
- and the Wise Ones about his plans to go to Caemlyn. They both agreed
- that he had to go because of ji'e'toh. Aviendha is in his room and is
- talking to him; she is naked. Last night she had a little `talk' with
- Lady Colavaere (Rand forgot to show up for dinner). Natael enters and
- reports the screams that were heard coming from Colavaere's apartment.
- As a result, all the nobles will be walking lightly for days.
- Rand can feel that Asmodean's shield hasn't yet dissipated the way
- Lanfear said it would. However, the Forsaken wants to accompany Rand
- to Caemlyn despite his weakness. Rand decides he can come. He
- considers skimming to Tear or Rhuidean for a sa'angreal but decides
- against it. Mat comes in and tells about his episode with Melindhra.
- It is at that point that they realize that there are no Maidens
- outside Rand's room. Aviendha says it can't be because of what Mat
- did, so Rand must have done something to upset them.
- Moiraine and Egwene arrive. Moiraine gives him two letters - one is
- for him to think about when he has time, and the other is for Thom.
- She tells him there is something he must see at the docks and walks
- away ignoring his protests.
- Kadere watches Rand and the others make their way down to him, to the
- docks. He can tell by the way Aviendha looks at Rand that he beds her.
- Keille appears behind him and he can't believe she isn't dead in the
- Waste. Inside the wagon Lanfear reveals her true appearance. She wants
- to know everything Rand has been up to -- she has been busy. Kadere
- begins rambling and her face darkens at a very specific point.
- Rand and the others have arrived at Kadere's wagon's, where the
- ter'angreal are. Kadere's personal wagon explodes and Lanfear walks
- out throwing away Hadnan's skinned body. She is jealous about Rand and
- Aviendha. Lan and Moiraine are thrown to the side and all of the
- nearby Aiel are burned by Lanfear. Rand stops the flames and covers
- the two of them in a bubble. Lanfear tortures Egwene and Aviendha,
- demanding to know which one is Aviendha. All the while, Rand battles
- with Lews Therin's memories. Rand denies her and she says he will die.
- She is slowly defeating him and is cutting away at his link to saidin.
- He is about to die when Moiraine jumps at Lanfear, throwing both of
- them into the red ter'angreal doorframe.
- Chapter 53 -- Fading Words
- Rand sees Moiraine and Lanfear fall through the doorframe. Lan can no
- longer feel his bond with Moiraine. Egwene is hurt, but Aviendha is
- still able to go with him to Caemlyn. Rand is upset that Moiraine died
- because he refused to kill a woman; Lanfear. Rand apologizes to Lan.
- The warder says that he is still Rand's friend but that has to leave.
- Moiraine has passed his bond onto another, a Green. He is to be her
- lover as well as her warder and he can feel her in the west. Rand is
- to tell Nynaeve that he has found another and that they cannot be
- together. He salutes Rand, "Tai'Shar Manetheren". "Tai'Shar Malkier.
- Rand is already thinking about Rahvin and curses himself for not
- mourning. He opens Moiraine's letter and it says that she saw this
- day, the day after news about Morgase arrived, when she was in
- Rhuidean. There were three possible outcomes 1) Lanfear killed Rand,
- 2) Lanfear took him away and made him her lover and when they returned
- Rand called himself Lews Therin or 3) both Moiraine and Lanfear died.
- She closes her letter by implicitly revealing that she knows Natael is
- Asmodean. Although she doesn't approve of him as a teacher, she
- understands, but warns him to be careful; he is the same man he always
- was.
- Sulin finds Rand and wants to know why he has abandoned the Maidens;
- he did not let them fight and took away their honour. As she talks,
- she is breaking her spears. Rand explains that he can't bear to see a
- woman die, but eventually agrees that Maidens can go with him to
- Caemlyn.
- Chapter 54 -- To Caemlyn
- Rand overhears Amys hint to the Wise Ones that Aviendha has been more
- successful with Rand than they know. Rand thinks for a moment that
- Aviendha may be just like one of Colavaere's women.
- He opens a gateway and takes as many Aiel as he can with him to
- Caemlyn. During the voyage one of the Aiel fall off of the platform
- into the black of nothingness. Mat comments that this way of traveling
- is worse than the Ways and Asmodean gives him am astonished look. When
- they get to Caemlyn, Rand notices that the streets are empty. From out
- of nowhere Trollocs and Myrddraal attack. Lightning strikes from the
- sky and Rand puts up a shield around him, but he is too late -- Mat,
- Aviendha and Asmodean lie dead not far off. Rand makes a doorway that
- takes him inside the Palace to the throne room. Rahvin is surprised to
- see him.
- Nynaeve is teaching Siuan in Tel'aran'rhiod. Faolain has been raised
- above Accepted and has abused her authority over Nynaeve. Theodrin has
- been trying to help Nynaeve get over her block. Nynaeve cried in the
- woman's arms when she failed to make any progress. Nynaeve and Siuan
- get into an argument and then a fight. When they are laughing it off,
- Nynaeve thinks she sees Moghedien in a window. She pushes Siuan out of
- the Dream World and finds that she is in Jurene, terrified of
- Moghedien. The Forsaken does appear and Nynaeve is helpless because
- the ter'angreal she is using renders her channeling useless. Birgitte
- appears, but Moghedien turns her into a helpless little child. Nynaeve
- manages to throw an a'dam around Moghedien's neck. The captured woman
- says that Graendal, Rahvin, Sammael and Lanfear are plotting to have
- Rand attack Sammael and will all be waiting for him. Birgitte leaves
- and Nynaeve takes her damane to Caemlyn.
- Chapter 55 -- The Thread Burns
- Rand has been chasing Rahvin around the Palace and has the Forsaken on
- the run. The building has been severely damaged in the process.
- Balefire just misses Rand. Rahvin steps into a gateway and Rand
- follows into a strange place that resembles the Palace. During the
- ensuing chase, Rand battles against his body - it is trying to change
- to what Lews Therin looked like.
- Nynaeve and Moghedien just avoid being hit by balefire. Moghedien is
- terrified and pleads with Nynaeve to leave because the two men are
- there in the flesh and are much stronger than them.
- Rand sees another gateway and goes to see where Rahvin has fled this
- time. It is a trap. Rand feels himself turning into an animal and can
- feel saidin slipping away from him.
- Nynaeve sees Rahvin around the corner, They sneak up on him and engulf
- him in flames. He easily douses them. His body is charred but he turns
- on the two women to kill them.
- Rand feels the trap dissolve and sees Rahvin up in the tower. He kills
- the man with balefire and runs up to make sure he is dead. Nynaeve
- confirms that he is and tells Rand that he must leave Tel'aran'rhiod
- because he has entered in the flesh and part of his humanity could
- disappear. He asks Nynaeve to tell Elayne that he cannot love her
- because he has found another. He also relays Lan's message. Moghedien
- comments that Rand is a very remarkable man and very, very dangerous.
- Nynaeve gives Moghedien some forkroot and says she will see her soon,
- in Salidar.
- Rand returns to Caemlyn to find fighting everywhere. He kills every
- Shadowspawn he can see. He finds Mat, Aviendha, and Asmodean alive,
- and is ecstatic. However, he sees Latelle and Pevin lying dead. "Take
- what you can have. Rejoice what you can save, and do not mourn your
- losses too long." Rand leaves Bael with the task of hunting down all
- the Trollocs that have run off into the country side.
- Chapter 56 -- Glowing Embers
- Rand is in Morgase's throneroom with Mat, Aviendha, Enaila, Somara and
- Asmodean. Davram Bashere, Marshal-General of Saldaea, presents himself
- to Rand. He is hunting for Mazrim Taim and has followed him to Andor.
- Rand says that Taim is his; he is granting amnesty to any man who can
- channel if they will aid him in Tarman Gai'don. Bashere agrees to
- follow Rand and has nine thousand cavalry waiting on the Andoran
- border. Rand intends to see Elayne on the throne.
- Asmodean walks away to get some wine. When he opens the door to the
- pantry he dies. "You! No!"
- Morgase, Lini, Tallanvor and the others are in Altara, almost at the
- Amadician border. Tallanvor calls her simply `Morgase' and she has
- begun to think of him as a `man'. They kept on riding when Bryne
- wasn't in Kore Springs. Lini keeps urging her on with saying things
- like "There's no point letting honey age too long before you eat it."
- Lini questions if Morgase really wants to do what she is doing.
- Morgase says she must find her allies wherever she can and trots off
- toward the border. The others follow.
- Craig Cassar