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- The Shadow Rising -- Summary
- The Wheel of Time Book #4 by Robert Jordan
- Summary by Craig Cassar: <cassarcj@muss.CIS.McMaster.CA>
- Edited by Karl-Johan NorΘn: <k-j-nore@dsv.su.se>
- Chapter 1 -- Seeds of the Shadow
- Min has been traveling from Falme for months and has finally arrived
- in Tar Valon. She has been sent by Moiraine to deliver a message to
- the Amyrlin Seat and wants to be out of the city as soon as it is
- delivered. She is wearing a dress and is using her real name,
- Elmindreda, so that she will not be recognized. Inside the Tower
- everyone she looks at has a violent image around them. Many will die
- and many more will be injured -- all on the same day. Min is very
- frightened by these revelations.
- Outside the Amyrlin's study she talks to Gawyn who is concerned about
- Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve. Around him she sees his sigil of the
- White Boar on a green background rather than a red one. Leane, the
- Keeper, recognizes Min, despite the disguise.
- Around the Amyrlin Min sees a vision of the women naked, accompanied
- by the feeling that something else is wrong -- yet is unexplainable.
- Min relays Moiraine's message that Rand is traveling to Tear. Siuan
- comments that it is too soon for him. Min tells Siuan that she is in
- love with Rand and that she wants to go to Tear to be with him. The
- Amyrlin intends her to stay as bait for the Black Ajah. She will have
- Leane make it look like Elmindreda is a young women fleeing two
- suitor.
- While talking to Gawyn, Elaida recognizes Min. She knows that Moiraine
- and Siuan are friends and are plotting to manipulate Rand. The Red
- sister intends to stop them as she believes that Rand will destroy the
- Royal Line of Andor and she will not let that happen. In a moment of
- realization she considers the possibility that Rand might be able to
- channel. She comes across Alviarin of the White Ajah while walking in
- the hall, and they begin plans to stop Siuan Sanche.
- Child Byar is with Dain Bornhald just outside of the Two Rivers.
- Bornhald has been ordered to meet the man named Ordeith who is acting
- as his advisor. Ordeith is an insane little man. "We'll scour the Two
- Rivers. We will flog them and flay them and seer their souls! I
- promised him! He will come to me now! He will come!" Bornhald thinks
- Ordeith is a madman but ignores him for he is intent on seeking
- revenge for his father. He is seeking Perrin Aybara of the Two Rivers.
- Lady Suroth is on the isles of Cantorin and has taken over as ruler.
- She has taken most of the Sea Folk and other sea-faring people hostage
- so they aren't able to report the Seanchan's presence. She has
- gathered a small legion of Seanchan that fled Falme six months ago and
- she is planning to lead the Return. She is waiting until she can be
- sure that the mainland has forgotten about the Seanchan and does not
- suspect that she is there.
- Suroth is questioning Pura, a captured Aes Sedai who has been made
- damane, about how the Aes Sedai control the Dragon Reborn. The two
- sul'dam present are Taisa and Alwhin who is so'jhin, a servant of the
- Blood. When Alwhin and Pura have been dismissed, Suroth talks of a
- secret that only three others know. One of them is Alwhin. Suroth is
- determined to lead the Return.
- Chapter 2 -- Whirlpools in the Pattern
- Perrin and Faile are still in the Stone. It has been two weeks since
- Rand has taken the Stone. Perrin has since grown a beard and him and
- Faile have become quite close. Faile wants Perrin to leave with her,
- but he says that he is tied to Rand and cannot go. All of a sudden,
- Perrin's axe begins flying around the room trying to kill the two of
- them. Perrin struggles to throw Faile out of the room with one hand
- while grasping the axe in the other. When she is safely out he lets
- the axe fly at his head, moving out of the way just in time allowing
- it to stick in the door. It stopped only a couple of inches from
- Faile's nose on the other side. Perrin believes that Rand caused this
- but that he is not doing it on purpose.
- Mat has had a fine red Andoran coat made for himself. He is gambling
- with a group of young lordlings who have been drinking and are
- throwing around large amounts of gold. He reflects on how Thom has
- settled into the Stone and how he will travel alone if he has to, but
- he will be leaving soon. He tells the lordlings how he asked Bain and
- Chiad to play Maiden's Kiss on Rhuarc's insistence. The two women had
- never before heard of a man asking to play. They put their spears to
- Mat's throat and each took a kiss.
- One of the lordlings tells of a rumour that Rand will be starting a
- war with Illian. Mat doesn't believe it. He is dealt the five highest
- cards mutters in disbelief; it is in the Old Tongue and it is not the
- first time the lordlings have heard him speak it. Mat has no idea that
- he is using the Old Tongue. Three of the cards attack Mat, one of them
- stabbing his hand. When the fight with them is over, each of the cards
- are just cards again and are pinned to the wall with one of his
- knives. "Burn you Rand. If you have to go mad, leave me out of it!"
- Rand is dreaming of Moiraine and the Amyrlin trying to put a leash on
- him while Forsaken and Darkfriends lurk in the surrounding darkness.
- Moiraine is afraid. Rand tells them that he has to leave and is in the
- Waterwood where Min and Elayne are undressing, wanting him to go
- swimming with them. Egwene appears and stomps away mad at him for
- being with her two friends. Min and Elayne call to him and he looks
- down at his hand -- it is wasting away. He wakes up in his room, in
- the Heart of the Stone, sweating profusely. Trying to go back to sleep
- he hears someone in his room. He jumps out of his bed with a sword of
- fire in his hand, but it is only Berelain. She tries incessantly to
- seduce him but he continually dissuades her although he finds her
- incredibly attractive. When she puts her arms around him he pushes her
- away with saidin and ties the flows off.
- Without any warning, his reflections are coming out of all of the
- mirrors in the room. Three get out before he can destroy the mirrors.
- Each one has a sword of fire just like his. They are beating him badly
- when small reflections of himself appear out of silver around the
- room. He picks one up and absorbs it, restoring some of his vitality.
- When he lets his sword disappear, his opponents' do to. They all
- tackle him at once and he absorbs them; it is a sickening feeling.
- Bleeding from sword and glass cuts he releases Berelain. She has
- become quite humble, calling him Lord Dragon instead of Rand and says
- that she will never bother him again. All that Rand wants to do is sit
- on his bed and remember a shepherd named Rand al'Thor. He thinks this
- might have been him going crazy, but suspects that it might have been
- one the Forsaken.
- Chapter 3 -- Reflection
- Perrin and Faile are walking through the Stone arm in arm. Perrin is
- bothered by the fact that people are scared of him and his eyes. It is
- revealed that Faile's father is a rich merchant in Saldaea. Up many
- sets of stairs they run into a High Lord and his two guards. The High
- Lord makes eyes for Faile making Perrin jealous. Perrin can smell fear
- from the man but it is nothing compared to what he smells form
- Berelain who walks right by them and has a word with the High Lord.
- In front of Rand's chambers Faile has left Perrin to visit Rand by
- himself. Bain and Chiad put their spears to his neck but he just picks
- Bain up and says that he has to talk to Rand. They ask him if he would
- ever like to play Maiden's Kiss. At the sight of Rand, Perrin yells
- for Moiraine and they wonder if Mat is all right. Rhuarc comes in
- followed by Lan and Moiraine. Rhuarc and Lan share a smile when they
- joke about Rand not being able to shave. Moiraine heals him and tells
- him to get a new room but he refuses to be forced to move. Moiraine
- explains the incident as bubbles floating through the Pattern as the
- seal on the Dark One's prison weakens. She urges him to decide what to
- do, but he will not be pushed to a decision. Rand says to Perrin that
- he must catch everyone by surprise. Bain and Chiad bring in some
- wash-water and Rand asks everyone to leave. Outside, Rhuarc tells
- Perrin that Rand has yet to prove that he is their He Who Comes With
- The Dawn.
- Chapter 4 -- Strings
- Thom is in his room and is forging a note to the wife of the High Lord
- Carleon. Thom means Lord Carleon to find it where she might have
- carelessly left it. Be wary. Your husband suspects.' Thom is annoyed
- by his limp when he gets up to answer the door. Mat wants to know if
- anything strange happened to Thom and Mat tells him his story. Mat
- says he hasn't left Tear yet, although he wants to, because there are
- always reasons for him to stay another day. Ta'veren. Thom realizes it
- is ta'veren and easily convinces Mat to stay yet another day instead
- of leaving right then and there.
- Chapter 5 -- Questioners
- Egwene, Nynaeve and Aviendha are together. It is extremely hot and
- Nynaeve has been wearing colours that she knows Lan likes on women.
- Egwene and Nynaeve have been questioning Amico and Joiya individually.
- Amico has been stilled. She tells them that they must go to Tanchico.
- Liandrin said that there was something there that is dangerous to
- Rand. She claims ignorance of the Black Ajah that are still in the
- Tower saying that when they left the Tower they didn't know more that
- two or three others. Aviendha notices that the agelessness from
- Amico's face has disappeared.
- Joiya says that she has repented her sins and walks once again in the
- Light. She is quite confident while being questioned where Amico was
- almost cowering. She claims that Liandrin plans to have Mazrim Taim,
- who is in Saldaea, proclaim that he is Rand al'Thor and then go about
- destroying the World. Taim is almost as strong as Rand is.
- Moiraine comes storming into the room with Elayne right behind here.
- The Aes Sedai in rage.
- Chapter 6 -- Doorways
- Moiraine is very frustrated with Rand. He is not taking any action as
- the ruler of Tear. Moiraine orders for the Black Ajah to be taken back
- to the dungeons. Elayne is in tears because Berelain was in Rand's
- chambers. Egwene tells her friend that she loves Rand like a brother
- and wishes her well. Elayne asks Moiraine if she has ever been in
- love. She gives an ambiguous answer, but says to Nynaeve that if it
- ever happens, that it won't be Lan.
- Moiraine tells the other women what happened to Rand in his room. She
- says that he must do something soon before he is seen as weak and
- indecisive. She wants him to start a war with Illian so that the world
- can see how powerful he is. She tells the others how he has been
- reading the prophecies. She also says that she is desperate with
- regard to figuring out what is going to happen in Rand's future. She
- is considering using the doorway ter'angreal in the Great Holding in
- the sub-basement of the Stone. When you walk through the doorway the
- people there will answer three questions; one about your past, one
- about your present, and one about your future. You can only go through
- once, and you cannot ask any questions that touch the Shadow. There is
- no need to channel to use it.
- Moiraine leaves and Nynaeve and Egwene console Elayne with regards to
- her feelings for Rand. She has decided that she will continue their
- quest to find the Black Ajah even if Rand does love her and wants her.
- Chapter 7 -- Playing With Fire
- It is the next morning and Egwene and Elayne are dressed up to visit
- Rand. Just outside his chambers, Gaul, one of the Aiel guard, says
- that Rand is not in a good mood; he physically threw Lord Torrean out
- of his chambers. Inside, Egwene and Rand remember some times when they
- were younger. One of the reasons the two women are there is to see if
- they can help Rand channel. They determine that he can feel a women
- channel; he gets goose bumps. He has a little fun with them when they
- ask him to try something. He pinches each of their bottoms and they
- return it tenfold. When Egwene feels Rand's wound with the Power, she
- is almost sick for it seems that all the darkness in the world is
- concentrated within it.
- When they urge him to do something more serious, he picks them both up
- into the air, lights the fireplace and many other things so that he
- has about ten flows going. It is at this point that Egwene realizes
- that he is much stronger than her. After they discuss how they reach
- for their respective sources, Egwene realizes the similarities between
- them only emphasize the differences. She tells Rand that she cannot
- marry him and doesn't love him anymore. They are both surprised at how
- well the other takes the fact that they will never marry. Egwene
- leaves.
- Chapter 8 -- Hard Heads
- Elayne is still in Rand's room which surprises him since he was lost
- in thought. Very nervously, she tells him that she is very fond of him
- and he returns the sentiment. She asks him to kiss her and he does so.
- They both enjoy it very much. Rand apologizes for his earlier actions
- and Elayne is determined not to have to share him with Berelain. Gaul
- comes in announcing the arrival of the High Lords and Elayne leaves.
- When Elayne has gone, Rand is still half thinking about her while he
- is talking to the High Lords. He likes Elayne and Min just as much but
- he is confused. He doesn't think that Elayne meant that she loved him.
- He notices some tension between Carleon and Tedosian as mentioned in a
- note that he received in a newly cleaned coat from Thom. The High
- Lords are arguing that there are too many farmers in Tear since
- Cairhien doesn't trade with them anymore. Once he stops thinking about
- women, Rand is very upset with the other men and tells them exactly
- what to do with regards to the farmers. He says that they will trade
- with Illian and Altara and will hire ships from Mayene.
- Mat falls in behind Egwene who is walking down the corridor. They
- complain that they haven't seen each other lately. Sometime in the
- past two weeks, Egwene and Nynaeve had to suspend Mat with Air while
- they searched his room for the letter they gave to him from the
- Amyrlin. Mat asks her for advice about what is going to happen to them
- and tells her that he is thinking about leaving. She tells him about
- the doorway ter'angreal and its dangers. She makes him promise not to
- use it without Moiraine's permission. He agrees as long as she doesn't
- tell Moiraine that he was asking for advice. Neither of them regret
- leaving their village with Moiraine on that fateful day so long ago.
- Mat says that he loves cities.
- Chapter 9 -- Decisions
- It has been so hot for the last three days that Tear has slowed down
- to a crawl. All of the lordlings and servants are avoiding Mat because
- they think that it is dangerous to be near him. Thom has all but
- disappeared and Perrin has become lost in his thoughts. With Moiraine
- always around, Mat really wants to leave. He ventures down to the
- Great Store to look at the doorway ter'angreal but doesn't go into the
- room. "I'd have to be the biggest bloody fool in the whole bloody
- world." He goes out into the city for hours at a time but has to
- return because of the pull he can feel from Rand.
- Perrin is also out in the taverns looking for rumours that might
- interest Faile and persuade her to leave Tear before he gets her
- killed.
- Nynaeve and Egwene continue to question Joiya and Amico but learn
- nothing new. Egwene has become good friends with Aviendha. The Aiel
- woman thinks that Elayne should challenge Berelain to a fight with
- knives.
- With the Aiel's help, Elayne has spent much time with Rand, giving him
- advice about ruling Tear and his dealings with the High Lords. She is
- very happy. Sunamon and Meilan show Rand a treaty that he throws back
- at them and tells them to talk to Berelain like he told them to
- earlier. He threatens to hang two High Lords a day, starting with
- them, until he gets the treaty he wants. Rand is disgusted, both with
- himself and the High Lords.
- Out of the blue, Selene is in his chambers and tells him that her real
- name is Lanfear. He thinks she is joking with him until he realizes
- that she has shielded him from saidin. She shows him what she really
- looks like which is even more beautiful than Selene. When she is
- taunting him, he replies with a Lews Therin memory, "and you love
- power!" Lanfear warns Rand about Sammael, Rahvin and Moghedien, among
- the other Forsaken that are hunting him down. He refuses to be part of
- her offer to have Asmodean teach him about saidin, kill the other
- Forsaken and then challenge The Dark One and the Creator. She
- continues to tell him that you can hear the Dark One talk if you go to
- Shayol Ghul.
- Without any warning there is a Gray Man sneaking into Rand's chambers.
- Rand's eyes go right over him before he realizes what he is and kills
- him. He can't figure out how he would have been able to get by the
- Aiel guard outside of his chambers. Lanfear warns him not to go
- outside but he doesn't listen to her.
- Chapter 10 -- The Stone Stands
- Six Aiel and three Gray Men are dead right at the door. In the
- antechamber there are Defenders fighting Fades and Trollocs. Leaving
- Lanfear behind, Rand rallies the defenders with the cries, "Rally to
- the Stone", and "The Stone Stands". He kills the Fade and all the
- Trollocs in the immediate area die with it. More humans are lying dead
- on the floor than Shadowspawn. Hearing fighting far off, Rand rallies
- the remaining twenty-three Defenders through the corridor where they
- find servants, Aiel and even Ladies among the dead. All over the Stone
- Rand battles Myrddraal and Trollocs with both Defenders and Aiel
- supporting him. He sees Moiraine and Lan attacked; but not if they
- survive. While fighting he sees Darkfriends aiding the Shadowspawn and
- twice he sees Trollocs fighting Trollocs. He is nearly killed by a
- Trolloc but another one saves him. It is at that point that he sees
- two Fades fighting.
- Lanfear approaches Rand and he throws her against the wall with Air
- and she does the same to him. She tells him that one of the Forsaken
- might try to steal Callandor making him rush back to his room to get
- it. On his way he runs right by Perrin and Faile.
- With the sword in his hands, a Fade enters Rand's chambers and is
- burnt to a crisp. Rand runs through the corridors burning every
- Shadowspawn he encounters. Frustrated by how many there are, he does
- something he doesn't quite understand . He channels a large flow of
- the Power and burns every Trolloc and Myrddraal in the Stone.
- Moiraine and Lan appear around the corner. She can't believe what he
- has just done. Rand becomes very upset when he sees a young girl lying
- dead on the floor. He tries, inanely to channel her back to life.
- Moiraine assures him that his friends are still alive.
- Rand asks how that many Shadowspawn got into the Stone. Lan tells him
- that some large grain barges arrived from upriver a were left closed
- until sun-fall. As well, thirty wagons carried Trollocs and Fades.
- Rand says to Moiraine that he will reveal what he intends to do,
- tomorrow. To himself he says that Lanfear unknowingly helped him in
- decided what to do. "Unknowingly, she has given me the last piece.
- Tomorrow. A Good night to us all, the Light willing.'"
- Chapter 11 -- What Lies Hidden
- Egwene is going to enter the Dream World without the aid of her ring.
- Egwene, Nynaeve, and Elayne are all very scared. Aviendha is there
- with them and is armed. Egwene has been reading a fifty-three year old
- book on Tarabon, her destination in her dreams. She gives explicit
- instructions to be wakened in an hour. She is still really frightened
- by what Rand did earlier in the night. They took two ter'angreal from
- Joiya and Amico, both of which have been made to aid in entering
- Tel'aran'rhiod.
- Egwene appears in the Unseen World and has trouble with clothes
- changing against her will because of stray thoughts. There is a huge
- skeleton right beside her in Tanchico. It is an elephant but she
- doesn't know what it is. She can feel, however, that it is incredibly
- ancient. There are many other skeletons like it with the same feeling.
- Walking around the room she find sees a broken statue on the shelf
- that calls' to her making her pick it up. The Power flows back and
- forth between her and the statue hurting her. She realizes that it
- must be a ter'angreal.
- Wandering around some more, she sees a man appear for a few moments.
- He is only someone who touched the Dream World from his regular
- dreams. Egwene thinks of how much she could use the help of one of the
- Aiel Wise One dreamers that Aviendha told her about and she finds
- herself in the Waste facing a young Aiel women with a spear. She
- quickly returns herself to Tanchico.
- Wandering the streets of the city, Egwene finds that things change
- when she backtracks; a jar on the counter is on the table only a few
- moments later. She finds it quite puzzling. There are also no horses
- in this world, but there are birds and insects. From out of nowhere, a
- man is falling form the sky right in front of her and disappears just
- before he hits the ground.
- Thinking of the Wise Ones again, she finds herself back in the Waste
- in front of the same woman wearing Aiel garb. "You have no right to
- wear cadin'sor, girl." The women makes Egwene naked. Putting clothes
- back on herself, she makes the other woman's clothes disappear and
- goes back to Tarabon. Just before she leaves she thinks she sees
- Birgitte in the background.
- Back in Tanchico, she sees a women flying in her dreams and does so
- herself, searching the city for signs of the Black Ajah. The Aiel
- woman appears in front of Egwene this time, looking much older than
- before. She is a Wise One and says that Tanchico is rotting with evil
- and urges Egwene to come to the Aiel waste so that she can be trained.
- Her name is Amys. Egwene is drawn to consciousness as Amys pleads with
- her to come to Cold Rocks Hold.
- Chapter 12 -- Tanchico of the Tower
- Egwene wakes up. Nynaeve and Elayne have been trying to wake her for
- minutes. Egwene tells them about Amys and the evil in Tanchico.
- Aviendha tells them that Cold Rocks Hold is Rhuarc's hold and that
- Aviendha's sister-mother is sister-wife to Amys. She goes on to
- explain the way marriages work in Aiel culture. Elayne tells Aviendha
- that she wants her to escort Egwene to Amys.
- Moiraine enters telling them that Joiya and Amico have had their
- throats slit even though there were guards there all the time and they
- saw nothing. They suspect that it might have been done to stop them
- from talking or maybe as punishment for being captured. Aviendha says
- that she wants to go to Tanchico, not Cold Rocks Hold. Moiraine tells
- of the letter that she received just an hour ago. It was sent over a
- month ago, before they were in Tear, but it is addressed to her and is
- signed by Amys, Bair, Melaine and Seanna. According to Aviendha they
- are all Wise Ones and dreamwalkers. They want Aviendha to go to the
- slopes of Chaendaer near Rhuidean. She doesn't want to go but Moiraine
- has shown the letter to Rhuarc who will not her refuse. Moiraine tells
- Nynaeve and Elayne that there is an Atha'an Miere raker docked at the
- Maule that they can travel on. She also says that Aviendha and Egwene
- can go to Amys together.
- Chapter 13 -- Rumors
- Mat is alone at an inn table, ignoring the dicing and people around
- him. He is thinking back on earlier that night. No one in the city has
- really heard anything yet. He had just killed a Gray Man when a Fade
- appeared in front of him saying, "Time to die, hornsounder." Before it
- could kill him, Trollocs attacked it, killed it, looked at Mat and
- left.
- In the tavern, he hears talk of Logain and Maseem (Masema) and how
- Maseem is in Saldaea and has destroyed Lord Bashere's forces. Moments
- later he hears the name Two Rivers' in the same conversation. He goes
- over to the table and finds out that Whitecloaks are in the Two Rivers
- hunting for the Dragon Reborn and a man with yellow eyes. There is no
- mention of anyone by his description.
- Mat runs back to the Stone to see if Perrin has heard. He has. Perrin
- is going home and Mat wants to go with him but can't speak the words
- or make himself actually do it; the pull of ta'veren is too strong.
- Outside Perrin's room Mat bows to Berelain who completely ignores him.
- "I am not a carpet to walk over a I distinctly heard myself speak." He
- realizes that he cannot leave Rand, even if it is to defend his own
- village.
- Chapter 14 -- Customs of Mayene
- Mat has just left Perrin's room when Berelain comes in and tries to
- seduce him. She says that she is leaving tomorrow. Perrin asks her to
- leave repeatedly. Faile walks in on them and Berelain begins to caress
- Perrin telling him that she wants him to go to Mayene to do some
- ornamental ironwork for her. Perrin expects Faile to be furious with
- the situation but she isn't. Berelain leaves.
- Faile wants to go home with Perrin but he won't let her. He thinks she
- will die with him and can't let that happen to her. To make her hate
- him and thus let him leave alone, he tells her that he likes Berelain
- and that he will probably visit her in Mayene. At that point, Faile
- stomps out of the room filled with rage. Perrin wants to run after
- her, but he is strong and lets her go.
- Faile runs out of Perrin's room and confronts Berelain. Berelain
- thinks that Faile is a farmgirl, but Faile talks like she is some sort
- of royalty. Berelain throws her to the ground and takes the knife that
- the other woman had drawn. When the two of them are about to fight,
- Rhuarc steps in and breaks it up. He sends Berelain off to her room
- like a child and takes Faile's knives. When Rhuarc lets her go, Faile
- walks away lightheartedly knowing that Perrin is hers.
- Chapter 15 -- Into the Doorway
- Mat is down in the Great Hold looking at the doorway ter'angreal; it
- is shaped very oddly and is difficult to look at. Counting on his
- luck, he steps through. The person on the other side is snake-like in
- appearance. He says, "it has been a long time, but the seekers come
- again." He is quite adamant that Mat has brought no iron or
- instruments of music with him. He leads Mat down a very long hallway
- that is entirely contoured -- it has no straight lines. When Mat looks
- out the windows along the way, he doesn't see what he thinks he should
- based on how the hallway curves -- two windows only a few feet apart
- show two entirely different scenes.
- Eventually, the hallway leads to two large doors and inside are three
- large pedestals upon each sit one of the snake-like people. "It has
- been long. Yet they come again." Mat tells them about the Two Rivers
- and the Whitecloaks and asks if he should return home to help his
- people. "The strain. The strain. The saviour. He is another." They
- tell Mat that he must go to Rhuidean -- he will die if he does not.
- "Why will I die?" "You will have sidestepped your fate and will be
- killed by those who don't want you it fulfill it.
- After each of the answers that Mat receives, a very loud gong is
- sounded. By this time it seems like the entire building is shaking.
- They urge him to go quickly but he refuses to without some straight
- answers. They tell him that he is "to marry the daughter of Nine
- Moons", "to live and die again. To live a part of what was", "to give
- up half the light of the world to save the world".
- Before Mat is carried of by a group of the snake people, the three
- upon the pedestals each urge him on. "Go to Rhuidean, son of battles",
- "Go to Rhuidean. trickster", "Go gambler! Go!" He is hurriedly carried
- off and thrown through the ter'angreal.
- Back in his own world and cursing about how much the snake people left
- unanswered, Rand comes out of the doorway. Only moments later Moiraine
- too comes through. She is markedly upset with the two of them because
- the fact that they were both in there at the same time might have torn
- the connection and trapped them there forever. Rand tells her that he
- learned about the in two different books but he won't say what
- questions he had answered. The reference that Rand and Moiraine make
- about an interpreter lead Mat to the realization that he was
- communicating with the snake people in the Old Tongue. He denies
- having any questions answered saying that he didn't understand a word
- of what was said.
- Moiraine assures Rand that the answers that he receives are true if
- they were about his own future. Rand tells Mat that he is not going to
- Emond's Field -- it is Perrin who must save their village.
- Chapter 16 -- Leavetakings
- Perrin wakes the next morning having had nightmares of him and Faile
- being killed by Whitecloaks in Emond's Field. He goes to Loial's room
- where he has been up half the night writing about what happened -- he
- has a lump on his head and a limp. There a many flowers about the
- room. Faile is there too. She tells Perrin how Loial saved many
- children and their mothers by holding the door against Trollocs and
- Myrddraal but denies being a hero. The flowers are from the women that
- he saved.
- Loial saw Laefar, another Ogier, yesterday and learned that he has
- been named a runaway and that his mother has someone for him to marry.
- Perrin asks him if he will lead them through the Ways and Loial
- accepts, even though he will not be able to finish book about the
- Dragon Reborn. Faile says that Loial promised that he would take her
- into the Ways whenever she wanted and she wants to go now. Loial won't
- break his oath to her, but he pleads with her to see the urgency in
- Perrin's request. She wants Perrin to ask to come along but he refuses
- saying that he will follow them through. Loial actually gets angry at
- the two of them for being so stubborn.
- Outside the room Gaul has been informed that Perrin is leaving and
- wants to accompany the blacksmith. Perrin is glad to have him along.
- The Aiel is startled when he mentions the Ways but only responds with,
- "Death comes for all men, Perrin".
- In Nynaeve's room, Egwene is mad for not being upset that Elayne has
- decided to leave. Elayne has written him a letter "laying (her) heart
- open to him like a stone-blind fool"
- Lan bursts in yelling at Nynaeve for deceiving him about her
- destination. He says that they are not safe in Tanchico; they need a
- warder. He wants to go with them but she commands him not to with the
- letter from the Amyrlin. Spontaneously, he kisses he very
- passionately. She only resists momentarily. "You have made a place in
- my heart where I thought there was no room for anything else...if you
- die, I will not survive you long." With an elegant bow, he departs.
- Nynaeve tells Elayne and Egwene that she really does want him, but she
- doesn't want him to break his oath with Moiraine. She wants Moiraine
- to let him go of her own accord. Before they leave Egwene, Elayne
- reveals that she intends to write another letter to Rand.
- Chapter 17 -- Deceptions
- Thom has been up all night planting seeds for rumours that will remove
- the loyalty of the commoners from the High Lords and shift it to Rand.
- Upon returning to his room he finds Moiraine looking through some
- papers in his room. She partially heals the leg that Thom injured in
- the fight he had with the Fade that day he saved Rand and Mat. She
- continues to mention how Lord Carleon was accidentally killed by Lord
- Tedosian while hunting and that Tedosian died shortly after--he was
- poisoned by his wife. Thom knows that Moiraine knows he is responsible
- for their deaths but claims ignorance nonetheless. She goes on to
- reveal what she knows about Thom (the Gray Fox) and his relationship
- with Morgase. She also reveals that she knows that Taringail died
- before he could kill Morgase and become the first Andoran King. We
- learn that Thom is so experienced in the Game of Houses that he could
- play it in his sleep--Morgase is still very beautiful to him.
- Thom gets back at the Aes Sedai by exhibiting his knowledge that
- Moiraine is of House Damodred, the youngest half-sister to Taringail
- and niece to King Laman, killer of the Avendoraldera.
- Moiraine wants Thom to go to Tanchico with Elayne and Nynaeve. She
- says that he will not die, although he knows she cannot foretell and
- doesn't understand how she could be so sure. She mentions his nephew,
- Owyn, and says that she will give him the names of the Red Sisters
- that gentled him if he goes. He feels terrible about what happened to
- Owyn; he was too busy with the Game of Houses to help in time.
- All he had to do was leave Rand in Aes Sedai hands. Just like he had
- left Owyn. She had him like a snake in a cleft stick, damned however
- he writhed. "Burn the woman!"'
- Min is being trained by Laras, Mistress of the Kitchens, to act like a
- Lady and Min's job is to `observe'. Gawyn and Galad approach. Gawyn is
- in on her secret identity but Galad is not. The latter thinks he
- recognizes her but Elmindreda denies ever meeting him before. She no
- longer looks like Min. Galad has a book written by Lotham Montelar,
- founder of the Whitecloaks. "Take all joy from rightness, and
- rightness only". Min is in awe of Galad's beauty when she sees Logain
- walking down the hall with an Accepted. She sees a flaring halo
- speaking of power and glory to come even though, at the moment, he
- looks ready to die.
- When Galad has left them, Gawyn asks many questions about Elayne and
- Egwene but Min denies knowing anything. He also mentions rumour of a
- False Dragon in Tear. Closer to home, Galad has been drinking in the
- inns with Whitecloaks. Eamon Valda himself gave Galad the book he was
- showing them earlier.
- Min goes off to tell the Amyrlin about Logain. Siuan gets very mad at
- Min's visit, but she learns of Logain's future and doesn't think much
- of it because there are many other things to worry about--starvation
- in Cairhien, sisters missing in Tarabon, Trolloc raids increasing in
- the borderlands, the prophet in Ghealdan, war in Arad Domon has
- stopped trade to Saldaea, and the Blight has retreated two miles from
- Saldaea all the way to Shienar.
- Min wants to leave but Siuan won't let her. At that point a Novice
- brings two messages to Siuan that have been sent by carrier
- pigeon--Taim has escaped killing two sisters. In response, the Amyrlin
- orders 12 sisters and one thousand guards to seek him out and gentle
- him on the spot.
- The second letter says that Rand has taken Callandor and that the
- Stone has fallen. Siuan orders the hall of the Tower to convene in one
- hour in order to command the Tower's support of the Dragon Reborn.
- Sahra Covenry, the Novice who took Elmindreda to the Amyrlin upon her
- arrival to the Tower, is working on a farm. An Aes Sedai tortures her
- drawing information out of her about that day. When the Aes Sedai
- leaves, Sahra and Mistress Elward are dead.
- Chapter 18 -- Into the Ways
- Perrin is ready to leave the Stone and meets up with Gaul who has had
- supplies taken to the stables. The halls are empty because Rand has
- summoned everyone to The Heart of the Stone. Faile, Loial, Bain and
- Chiad are in the stables where Perrin learns that a blood feud exists
- between Gaul and Chiad's clans. Faile begs Perrin to ask to come along
- with them but he is too stubborn to do so. All of a sudden an
- incredibly loud gong erupts from the Stone shaking not only the
- buildings, but the earth on which they stand -- Perrin can feel Rand
- pulling him.
- On his horse, Perrin doesn't stop until he is well out of the city. A
- few minutes later the three Aiel catch up. Loial proceeds to lead the
- group east, to a Waygate. He becomes visibly upset in the middle of a
- field that he says used to be an Ogier Grove -- trees are what his
- people really love, not the masonry for which they are known. Perrin
- and Gaul are first through the gate and start to their first bridge.
- Chapter 19 -- The Wavedancer
- Nynaeve and Elayne are driven down to the docks in a nameless carriage
- supplied by an unknown house. Once aboard the raker, the two women
- have a good look at the Atha'an Miere crew; they have many tattoos,
- earrings, bracelets and some women have earrings in there noses. The
- Sailmistress and Windfinder, Coine and Jorin are sisters. Both of them
- occasionally take a sniff from boxes around their necks.
- A young girl names Dorele offers them some tea -- she is topless. She
- is punished by Coine for ignoring the customs of those who live on
- land. Nynaeve and Elayne offer the Sailmistress the letter-of-rights
- that Moiraine gave to them along with 3000 gold pieces. Coine says
- that only Aes Sedai are allowed to be denied passage and almost always
- are and thus never ask. While talking she goes off on a tangent that
- Elayne recognizes as the Prophecies of the Dragon. To the Sea Folk
- they are the Jendai Prophecy; their people were meant to sail until
- the Coramoor came signifying a new age. Desperate for passage, Elayne
- tells them of the Black Ajah. Jorin feels compelled to help them.
- A big gray haired man, Coine's husband comes in wanting to wait in
- Tear for a few more hours to some more trading. (He has a scar on his
- face from the Seanchan.) Coine says no and tells him that they will be
- going to Tanchico, not Mayene. He is quite mad but accepts the
- Sailmistress' wishes. Coine says that Elayne and Nynaeve must conceal
- their identity and their reason for going to Tanchico.
- The Wavedancer crashes into the docks...
- Chapter 20 -- Winds Rising
- Elayne knows that it was Rand who rocked the Sea Folk's ship. Nynaeve
- thinks that Elayne's second letter must have gotten him very upset.
- Standing on the deck are Thom and Juilin. Coine says that Juilin has
- helped them twice before, but he will be refused passage, along with
- Thom, if the Aes Sedai' so desire. Elayne hadn't seen Thom before Tear
- but she finds him awfully familiar. Juilin was roused by Rand half an
- hour ago and sent to accompany Elayne and Nynaeve with a large amount
- of gold as an incentive. In addition, Rand told Juilin that he would
- be best off drowning himself if the women did not return safely. Thom
- tells the women that Moiraine sent him and said he could be useful.
- Spontaneously, Elayne tugs his moustaches and experiences dΘjα vu.
- The ship heads out to sea with the Tairen pilot as required by law. He
- is dropped off as they enter the Fingers of the Dragon. Elayne has a
- conversation with Thom who is depressed, complaining that life is too
- complicated. She finds him awfully familiar and thinks that he is
- talking to her like he is her father.
- Elayne sense the Power -- it is Jorin channeling an intricate flow
- much larger than Elayne has ever seen. She figures out that that is
- why no Aes Sedai are allowed on board. Elayne promises the women to
- keep her secret and they continue to teach one another. Wavedancer
- will arrive in Tarabon within seven to ten days with Jorin channeling
- the wind for them.
- Chapter 21 -- Into the Heart
- Moiraine and Egwene are in the Heart of the Stone waiting for Rand to
- appear in front of all the nobles. Moiraine notes to herself that
- Egwene is much less malleable than she should be, but still naive. She
- also recognizes that Lady Alteima is more of a threat to Rand than
- either of Carleon or Tedosian and maybe the most dangerous in Tear.
- The two of them see Mat there and wonder where Perrin and Faile are.
- Rand arrives with one hundred Aiel to make his announcement. He
- pleases Moiraine insofar as he sends many of the more dangerous nobles
- into Cairhien to deliver barges of grain in order to feed the hungry.
- He tells everyone that he is going away for a time and accents this by
- thrusting Callandor into the floorstones. In the corridor he tells
- Moiraine and Egwene that he is going to Rhuidean and that he had left
- the Sword behind as reminder of himself to the Tairens.
- Into the Heart he thrusts his sword
- Into the Heart, to hold their hearts
- who draws it shall follow after,
- What hand can grasp that fearful blade?
- "You must trust me Moiraine, as I have so often had to trust you."
- "I will trust you for now. Just do not wait to seek any guidance until
- it is too late." I'll not let you go to the Shadow. I have worked too
- long to allow that, whatever it takes.'
- Chapter 22 -- Out of the Stone
- Rand is leading the Aiel, Lan, Moraine and the others out of the Stone
- and through the streets of Tear. He doesn't think he is recognized by
- the commoners. Prior to departure, the Aiel gathered many things from
- the Stone, taking them with them as allowed by their rule of the
- fifth'.
- Rand has both letters from Elayne. They appear as they were written by
- two different people based on their content. He can't figure out why
- Egwene said he should have asked Elayne to stay if he knew she wanted
- to leave and wouldn't have been able to stop her.
- Rand intends to take all of them to Rhuidean by means of a Portal
- Stone -- there are four in Tear. He is unsure if it will work. Rhuarc
- and Rand talk about the blood feuds between certain clans like the
- Taardad and the Shaido.
- The Aiel find the Portal Stone. Aviendha is mad at Rand for
- mistreating Elayne. Rhuarc shows Rand the symbols for Rhuidean and Mat
- chooses between the two by flipping a coin. Rand gathers everyone as
- close as possible and uses an angreal to help him channel.
- Chapter 23 -- Beyond the Stone
- They are on the slopes of a mountain above what must be Rhuidean.
- Moiraine heals Rand, who has expended a great deal of energy in order
- to make the journey: "Ask first. I am not your lapdog that you can do
- whatever you want to, whenever you want.
- There are two large camps at the bottom of the mountain and a camp of
- Wise Ones above them. Amys has white hair but has a young looking
- face. The Wise Ones insist on the peace of Rhuidean to prevent any
- violence between the two other camps. The Aiel who have just come from
- Tear rejoin their respective clans. Heirn and Couladin act as
- representatives for each of the camps. Couladin wants to enter
- Rhuidean but is refused by the Wise Ones. Rand asks the same question
- and is allowed which upsets Couladin. Rand reveals that his mother was
- Aiel, but is corrected by the Wise Ones -- it was his father.
- Mat asks to go too and is allowed in spite of the Old Ways because of
- the changes to come'. The Wise Ones know Lan as Aan'allein. Rand and
- Mat set off for Rhuidean.
- The Wise Ones knew that Rand and the others would be there that day.
- Egwene and Moiraine realize that Amys and Melaine can channel -- they
- are surprised. Aviendha can channel too and the Wise Ones want her to
- give up the spear and enter Rhuidean. She is made to go naked and must
- enter a ter'angreal similar to those in the White Tower where Novices
- become Accepted.
- Amys, Bair, Seanna and Melaine take Egwene and Moiraine to their tent
- and get to know each other drinking water and wine. The concepts of
- gai'shain and ji'e'toh and explained to the Wetlanders. It is also
- revealed that Rand would have died if he hadn't have come to the
- Waste. Melaine slips saying that something will happened to Moiraine
- if she doesn't go through the rings. In their foretelling dreams, they
- saw Moraine asking to go, but now she has been told she must go; the
- future has been changed. Moiraine undresses and sets out.
- The Jenn Aiel are the clan that is not a clan -- "The only true
- dedicated." Egwene is eager to learn about the Dream World. The Power
- isn't necessary to enter the Dream World; Seanna and Bair cannot
- channel.
- Chapter 24 -- Rhuidean
- Rand and Mat are now just outside of Rhuidean and are thirsty and
- sunburned. Mat sees Aviendha run into Rhuidean but Rand doesn't
- believe him. They walk through the thick fog surrounding the city and
- find a city of grand buildings which look like they haven't been
- finished yet. There is an ocean of water under Rhuidean which Rand
- channels through a fountain for them to drink. In the center of the
- city is a huge plaza, a palace, many ter'angreal and the Avendesora
- tree. Rand goes into the palace alone.
- When Rand has gone, Mat finds a doorway ter'angreal like the one he
- went through in Tear. The man inside is very tall , has white skin and
- sharp teeth. It is a different place than the other ter'angreal. Mat
- asks about the Daughter of Nine Moons and why he has to marry her, why
- he will die and live again and how he will steal half the light of the
- world. There is only silence after his questions. Eventually they all
- reply "Done". "What was asked will be given." "The price must be
- payed." Mat is choked into unconsciousness.
- Chapter 25 -- The Road to the Spear
- Walking into the columns of the palace, Rand sees Muradin walking
- towards him between visions of the Aiel's past. Each vision goes
- further back in time. As the visions digress, Rand sees Muradin in
- increasing agony which climaxes with the Aiel clawing his own eyes
- out:
- Rand becomes Mandein, a clan chief at a time when Rhuidean was being
- built. In a meeting with the other clan chiefs, two Aes Sedai, and a
- Jenn Aiel named Dermon, the Prophecies of the He Who Comes With The
- Dawn are declared. In a controversial decision, Mandein gives up his
- weapons upon the insistence of the Jenn and accompanies him to
- Rhuidean.
- Rand is Rhudric, a young Aiel in a time where there are villages in
- what is now called the Waste. The Aiel have somehow disappointed the
- four Aes Sedai who travel with the Jenn. Rhudric's father's name is
- Jeordam.
- Jeordam is an eighteen year old man. There is snow everywhere. The
- Jenn say that Jeordam has given up the Way because of the weapons he
- carries. There are many more Jenn than Aiel. A small group of Jenn,
- few men and a women, ask Jeordam and his father, Lewin, for help in
- rescuing their families from their kidnappers. When Lewin says that
- the Jenn must pick up a spear and fight for what they believe in, only
- one of the group walks away in disgust -- this is a surprise to
- Jeordam. The others, including the woman, abandon the Jenn and their
- Way to fight for their families.
- Lewin is a young man who, with the help of his friends, rescues his
- sister and some others from four men who kidnapped them. When all is
- done, all four of the men are dead. Upon there successful return to
- camp, Lewin and his friends are banished from the wagons by their
- parents for having given up the Way. "I am Aiel."
- Chapter 26 -- The Dedicated
- Lewin is a child. After an attack, a group of Aiel leave the wagons to
- find a place of safety. Adan, Lewin's father, is upset by these Aiel
- who are abandoning the responsibility that the Aes Sedai had given
- them. Adan swears to continue no matter what happens. The Aes Sedai
- belongings are ter'angreal, sa'angreal, and angreal.
- Jonai's son, Adan, is a young man. It has not been long since the
- Breaking for the land is still moving. and there is chaos everywhere.
- The Aiel are lost and the Ogier with them are experiencing a longing
- for their stedding. Jonai urges Adan to lead their people south
- because every other way is wrecked with havoc.
- The World is shaking. Jonai is sixty-three and in the prime of his
- life. Coumin, his father, has abandoned the Way. Aes Sedai have given
- Jonai many of their angreal, sa'angreal and ter'angreal to keep in
- their wagons in order to keep them away from men who can channel. He
- is instructed to keep his people moving all the time until the Aes
- Sedai come to reclaim their possessions. Jonai sets out with thousands
- of wagons at his back.
- Coumin is a young man at a time where Lews Therin is a hero. He has
- sealed the Forsaken in Shayol Ghul. Coumin has recently become old
- enough to participate in the songs in the fields. A soldier listening
- to the song wears a helmet described almost identical to that of the
- Seanchan.
- Back in the village Coumin is hit in the mouth by an adult who
- believes Coumin serves Lanfear. Charn, his father's greatfather, has
- been hung, most likely for the same reason.
- Charn is a young man. Mierin, and some other Aes Sedai have found a
- way to allow both men and women to draw from the same source. When the
- sources are joined the sky goes black and the entire village is
- screaming -- a hole has been drilled into the Dark One's prison.
- Rand finds Mat hung from a tree outside the columns but is able to
- resuscitate him. Mat tells him how he went through the ter'angreal.
- Leaving Rhuidean, the two of them are attacked by figures formed from
- the dust in the street. Rand believes them to be more bubbles of the
- pattern. Outside the city it is dawn.
- Chapter 27 -- Within the Ways
- Perrin and Gaul have followed Faile, Loial, Bain and Chiad all the way
- to the Manetheren gate. They are attacked by Trollocs just as they
- reach the Gate. Machin Shin saves them as it engulfs the Trollocs,
- killing them. Loial locks the Waygate to anyone from the inside by
- placing both leaves on the outside.
- Perrin sees a large flock of ravens attack a hawk after another one is
- shot down by an arrow. Perrin finds this strange as they are in the
- Mountains of Mist, a place where people are rarely found. Only adding
- to his worries, Perrin is unable to sense any Wolves in the area.
- Chapter 28 -- The Tower of Ghenji
- It is night so Perrin and the others make camp not far from the
- Waygate. Faile makes Perrin and Gaul make their own camp. Perrin asks
- Gaul why no Aiel has ever said anything to him about his eyes. Gaul
- replies that with so many things changing, the colour of mans eyes is
- not important.
- Perrin goes asleep and enters the Wolf Dream. In a dream window he
- sees Rand laughing madly with many small dragons flying around him. In
- other windows, Nynaeve and Elayne are hunting something dangerous, Mat
- is choosing a path at a fork in the road, and Egwene and a white
- haired women look right at him seeming surprised to see him while the
- White Tower crumbles behind them.
- In this dream Perrin is able to cover many miles with one step. Hopper
- is not anywhere to be found. Atop a distant hill Perrin spots another
- human figure who is able to leap like himself. This man has just
- killed a wolf and Perrin chases him all the way to a silver tower
- which appears to be sealed from the outside. Somehow the other man was
- able to get inside. Hopper appears warning Perrin to stop, claiming
- that the man he is chasing is very dangerous. His name is Slayer.
- A woman, (presumably Birgitte) appears to Perrin although Hopper
- cannot see her. the woman claims that the tower, The Tower of Ghenji,
- is a gateway to the realms of Aelfinn and Eelfinn. She quotes a
- childhood game as the secret to winning against Aelfinn and Eelfinn;
- "Courage to strengthen, fire to blind, music to daze, iron to bind."
- She says that they are not part of the Shadow, but are evil
- nonetheless.
- Hopper tells Perrin that there are no more wolves in the area because
- of Slayer.
- Chapter 29 -- Homecoming
- The al'Thor farm has been burned weeks prior to Perrin's arrival. They
- camp there for the night. Perrin and Gaul leave for Emond's Field
- early in the morning, before Faile wakes.
- In the village, Perrin finds the al'Veres in the common room of their
- inn. They have had three letters from Egwene and know about her
- training to become Aes Sedai. They know that the Whitecloaks are
- hunting for Perrin and the urge him to leave right away. At that point
- Faile barges in with Bain and Chiad.
- Perrin learns that all of his family and relatives have been murdered
- by Trollocs. The al'Thor and Cauthon farms were burned by Whitecloaks.
- Tam and Abell are hiding in the Westwood because the Whitecloaks
- believe them to be Darkfriends. The al'Veres claim that whatever the
- Whitecloaks have done, they are protecting their village from
- Trollocs. Padan Fain, now called Ordeith, is in charge of the Children
- of the Light. Bornhald has been in town asking about Perrin. The
- Cauthons and the Luhhans are being held prisoner by the Whitecloaks in
- Watch Hill.
- A man named Lord Luc has been trying to rally people to defend
- themselves but nobody will leave their families. Perrin breakdown and
- sobs in Faile's arms for a long time.
- Chapter 30 -- Beyond the Oak
- Perrin has decided not to give himself up and is going to find Tam and
- Abell , free those in Watch Hill and kill every last Trolloc and Fade
- in the Two Rivers. Loial is now at the inn and has all but caused
- Mistress al'Vere to faint from shock.
- Marin leads Perrin and the rest to the old sickhouse in the Westwood.
- Cenn Buie sees them leaving but Marin threatens him and forces him to
- be tight-lipped. Out in the Westwood Marin leads them to two Warders.
- The Aes Sedai presence is known only to the Women's Circle. The
- Warders are Tomas and Ihvon.
- Chapter 31 -- Assurances
- Verin and Alanna are the Aes Sedai. They have been searching for girls
- with the talent because of the ever decreasing numbers in the Tower.
- Sheriam has credited the shortage to the fact that men who can channel
- are gentled before they can pass on their blood lines.
- Tam and Abell arrive with rabbits for dinner. In the past they have
- both been healed by the Aes Sedai. Rand takes them outside to talk.
- they tell of a man who has been killing most of the wildlife in the
- area. Perrin recognizes the man as Slayer. While talking, they shoot
- down a raven that was watching them from above. Perrin plans to free
- those being held by the Whitecloaks.
- Dain Bornhald is in the Whitecloak camp at Watch Hill. There is a camp
- of Tuatha'an below and are being ordered south. He knows there are Aes
- Sedai in the area because of the warder they killed.
- Ordeith has been murdering Children in scouting missions down near
- Emond's Field. Dain had to cover up what Ordeith did to the Aybara
- farm, making it look like a Trolloc attack. Ordeith killed two Gray
- Men who had appeared in the middle of the camp. He claims the Shadow
- is hunting him and that Dain must continue to help him if he wants to
- get his revenge on Perrin Aybara.
- Back in his tent, Ordeith is holding a Myrddraal prisoner whom he has
- threatened into doing some unknown task. The Fade began to sweat.'
- Chapter 32 -- Questions to be Asked
- All but Alanna, Ihvon and Loial leave for Watch Hill. Faile says her
- father raises sheep, contradicting the fact that she told Perrin he
- was a merchant. During the ride north, Perrin learns that Trollocs
- have only attacked farms -- none of the villages have been touched. He
- thinks there must be a reason.
- By midday they arrive at the al'Seen farm where there are two large
- families living. After a meal, a young boy comes in to announce Lord
- Luc's arrival.
- Chapter 33 -- A New Weave in the Pattern
- Perrin doesn't like Luc at all. In front of everyone, he dismisses
- Luc's advice and tells them that they should head to a village to
- ensure safety in numbers. At first they all disagree but quickly
- change their minds and begin to prepare for the journey to Emond's
- Field. Verin tells Perrin that he was able to change their minds
- because he is a ta'veren. Perrin and Faile make up and apologize for
- how foolish they have been. There are two instances where Perrin
- thinks Faile handles herself like a noble.
- Four young men leave for Watch Hill with Perrin and the others. Perrin
- stops at farms on the way sending more and more people to Emond's
- Field and gathering more young men to follow him.
- Perrin realizes that he has taken charge -- Tam and Abell have only
- offered suggestions leaving Perrin to make the decisions -- and Verin
- merely watches him and takes notes.
- They arrive in Watch Hill and Abell and Tam point out the prisoners
- tent. At night, Perrin, Faile and the Aiel sneak into the camp. Faile
- saves Perrin from being strangled by a very large Whitecloak. Once the
- prisoners are free, the camp has been alerted forcing Perrin and the
- others to make their getaway on stolen horses. Back at the brush,
- Perrin sends Tam, Abell, Faile, Bain, Chiad and some of the boys with
- the prisoners to Tam's hiding spot. The rest of them lead a decoy for
- the Whitecloaks down the North Road. Verin will be making it rain very
- shortly.
- Chapter 34 -- He Who Comes With The Dawn
- Rand and Mat reach the Aiel camps with newly risen sun at their backs.
- Couladin and other Shaido try to spear the two of them before Bair
- stops them and makes Rand show the signs. All the Aiel are afraid when
- he shows them the markings on his forearms. It has been seven days
- since he and Mat entered Rhuidean -- Moiraine and Aviendha have not
- yet returned.
- Once taken to some shade, Rand asks Rhuarc about what he saw in
- Rhuidean. He does this in front of Mat, Egwene, Lan and the other Wise
- Ones which is forbidden. Rhuarc reveals that each person sees the
- history of the Aiel through the eyes of his own ancestors. Lan is very
- worried about Nynaeve.
- Rand wants to meet all of the clan chiefs at Alcair Dal, a place
- Rhuarc suggests, in order to proclaim himself.
- Amys tells Rand about his mother, Shaiel. She was a wetlander that
- Amys and some other Maidens of the Spear found in the Waste. They
- followed her for days until she was almost dead. She was told that she
- would have to go to the Waste to find the Maidens of the Spear and
- that the fate of the world depended on it. Her name means Woman who is
- dedicated'. Rand has a half brother who is four years older than him.
- Shaiel died on the slopes of Dragonmount when Rand was born.
- Janduin was Rand's father, a clan chief who resolved the blood feud
- between the Taardad and the Nakai. He lead the Aiel across the Spine
- of the World against Laman. He resigned as chief when his wife,
- Shaiel, died. He headed north to fight Trollocs in the Blight. He was
- killed by a man he would not fight because he looked like Shaiel.
- Aviendha and Moiraine come out of Rhuidean. Rand intends to break the
- rules in a way that no one will expect.
- Chapter 35 -- Sharp Lessons
- Egwene meets Elayne in the Dream World, and they report to each other
- what has been happening. Elayne tells Egwene about the letters but the
- latter is gone before she can respond.
- Amys has pulled her out of Tel'aran'rhiod because she had promised not
- to enter it alone. The Wise One makes her wear her hair in braids like
- a little girl. She agrees to keep teaching Egwene if she is able to
- keep her word. She also agrees to accompany Egwene on her visits to
- see Elayne and Nynaeve.
- Amys takes Egwene to a sauna tent where the other Wise Ones, Moiraine
- and Aviendha are waiting. They are discussing what to do about Rand.
- They assign Aviendha to be with him at all times. At first she refuses
- but agrees when Egwene asks her to do it for Elayne. Rand is currently
- being guarded by the Jindo.
- Chapter 36 -- Misdirections
- Rand and the Jindo have set out with the Wise Ones, marching between
- them and the Shaido. Aviendha is beside Rand at all times and is
- persistent that Elayne is for him. Mat wants to be out of the Waste
- and away from the Aiel and Rand.
- A large group of wagons approach. At the head is a man named Hadnan
- Kadere who says that he is looking for Cold Rocks Hold -- he is
- heading the wrong way. Rhuarc tells him he will guide him there. There
- is a woman with Kadere who appears to be in charge. Her name is Keille
- Shaogi. There is also a gleeman in the woman's wagon. Rand gets the
- feeling that Kadere is evil and tells him as much.
- "We ride with evil now Mat, watch yourself."
- "You have to watch the eyes."
- "Wish that I had your luck Mat. It has begun, and there is no turning
- back now, however the blade falls"
- Chapter 37 -- Imre Stand
- A scout party reports that Imre Stand has been raided -- there are
- only a few goats, and inside there is blood all over the walls. Hadnan
- takes a pretty young woman in to see the walls. Her name is Isendre
- and she has a very false, arrogant way about her.
- Rand practices the sword with Lan for a while, until Rhuarc comes to
- practice the spear.
- Mat can fully understand the Old Tongue. His memory is being filled up
- with battles and other things that seem to belong to other men.
- Jasin Natael, the gleeman, approaches Mat and asks him about Rand. Mat
- tells him the story except for a few details. The woman, Keille,
- angrily takes Natael away form Mat. Around the dinner fire, Natael
- sings of a battle long ago -- Mat remembers it differently.
- The camp is attacked by Trollocs. Mats foxhead medallion keeps him
- alive. The Shaido camp was also attacked but to a much lesser degree.
- In the Wise One's camp, Moiraine was the reason they were not slain by
- fifty Trollocs. She says the attack was aimed at him (Rand)
- Egwene fiercely tells Rand to stop whatever he is doing to upset
- Aviendha.
- Chapter 38 -- Hidden Faces
- Selindrin owns the Garden of the Silver Breezes. Egeanin is in
- Tanchico disguised as a Taraboner with a mask on. Floran Gelb brings
- her an a'dam; his third one. He has been hunting for two women on
- Egeanin's command and has made many errors. Bayle Domon is there as
- well, and so is Jaichim Carridin who wants to know who holds power in
- the area.
- Two of Carridin's family have died in the past months, but it has been
- two months since the last report. He is meeting with a group of masked
- men. Among them is King Andric. Carridin is to see that Lady Amathera
- is risen to Panarch. He thinks this will put him in control.
- The number of Dragonsworn in the area is huge -- there are two groups
- large enough to be called armies.
- Back in his study, Liandrin is waiting for the Questioner and calls
- him by the name `Bors'. He tries to kill her but she holds him with
- the Power and tortures him while she tells him what to do if he wants
- to live to see Rand die -- he is to take control of the Panarch's
- Palace. Jaichim is her dog and he is incredibly frightened by her. On
- her way out Liandrin kills the guard that let her in with knife since
- she can neither heal, nor kill, with the Power.
- Liandrin and the other Black Ajah are living in a Darkfriend
- merchant's building at the base of the Verane. She meets with some of
- the other Black Ajah and tells them how interesting it was to find
- that Carridin thought she was there to kill him for not yet killing
- Rand (which contradicts her own plans). She suspects dissension among
- the Forsaken. They have a ter'angreal capable of balefire though they
- have yet to use it successfully.
- Inside the Panarch's palace is a device that will allow control over
- someone who can channel. They want to use it on Rand.
- Egeanin enters her house and someone is there waiting for her. She
- draws her crossbow ready to kill. The man reveals himself as a Seeker,
- and shows his plaque and tattoos to prove it. He was smuggled in on
- Domon's ship. Egeanin is supposed to be searching for sul'dam
- deserters left behind at Falme. He makes her draw a map of all the
- cities she knows on this side of the ocean.
- When the Seeker is gone, Egeanin opens the locked door to the basement
- and goes down to see Bethamin, a former sul'dam who now wears the
- collar which means she can channel. This thought greatly disturbs
- Egeanin. Bethamin is an old acquaintance and should have been sent
- back long ago, but Egeanin is searching for other sul'dam deserters to
- see if they can all channel.
- Chapter 39 -- A cup of Wine
- The Wavedancer arrives in Tanchico. Thom and Juilin just recently
- found out the reason they are in Tarabon. Nynaeve and Elayne have
- become quite close with Coine and her sister and are sad to be
- leaving. Walking up the dock, Bayle Domon comes hollering after them.
- He apologizes to them for leaving them behind at Falme. He has done
- very well in the smuggling business since then. Domon gets the women a
- room at the Three Plum Court where the innkeeper, Rendra, looks a lot
- like Liandrin. He reveals that he gives two-thirds of his smuggling
- income to the poor. In a private dining room, Nynaeve and Elayne get
- him to order his men to keep an eye out for the Black Ajah. Juilin
- asks him all about thieves, where Thom asks about Nobles and Royalty.
- Juilin and Bayle don't like each other too much since they are Tairen
- and a Illianer respectively.
- Thom goes down to the common room to perform; Elayne goes to watch. A
- young man keeps filling her cup with wine and when Thom is done she is
- quite drunk. She goes up to Thom's room and tells him how she
- remembers pulling his moustache and Morgase sitting on his knee. She
- knows he was Morgase's lover and he tells her how he was a court bard.
- Back in her own room Nynaeve dunks her head in cold water, Nynaeve
- goes into Tel'aran'rhiod to find Egwene for the first time since she
- has disappeared.
- In the Waste, Nynaeve sees a man walking around Rhuidean. Birgitte
- appears just above Nynaeve telling her to leave and points a silver
- arrow at her as an incentive.
- In Emond's Field Nynaeve sees someone behind the Winespring inn. He
- looks like Lan and fires an arrow at her.
- The next morning, Elayne is hungover. Juilin comes in with black eye
- and tells what he has learned.
- Chapter 40 -- Hunter of Trollocs
- It has been six days since the rescue and Verin's rains have left the
- area soaked. Perrin is at his family's farm and has set up camp. Faile
- and Lord Luc approach. She tells him that everyone is in Emond's
- Field, even people he never talked to. The call him Perrin Goldeneyes,
- Hunter of Trollocs. Perrin does not trust Lord Luc at all. In the past
- few days, Perrin and his men killed a group of thirty-two Trollocs,
- and one of forty-one Trollocs and a Fade. Lord Luc suggests that they
- head back to Emond's Field when Gaul comes to tell them that that
- thirty Trollocs are in the Waterwood. Perrin take his men to ambush
- the Trollocs. After waiting for an hour, the Trollocs attack from
- behind. Ihvon appears after Perrin has been struck and is about to be
- slain by a Fade; Alanna sent him.
- Twenty-seven men are dead. Ihvon leads them out of the forest. Late in
- the afternoon they can hear singing not far off.
- Chapter 41 -- Among the Tuatha'an
- The singing is a Tuatha'an camp -- Raen is the Seeker. Perrin is
- healed by Ila and Faile. When Ila leaves Faile tells Perrin who her
- father really is and why she left home -- He is a powerful Saldaean
- Lord and she is cousin to the Queen. Perrin tells her about his
- talents with regards to the wolves.
- Chapter 42 -- A Missing Leaf
- In the Wolf Dream, Perrin comes across Slayer. He also sees the
- Waygate that Loial locked, now open with someone coming through it in
- the real world.
- When he wakes, he tries to get to the Gate but Faile doesn't let him.
- Ihvon is told about the Trollocs but doesn't do anything about it.
- Perrin and the others leave for Emond's Field. When they arrive they
- find that the forest has been cut back, catapults have been made and a
- wolf banner flies on the green. The streets are packed and Verin has
- made her identity of Aes Sedai know to everyone. People can be heard
- whispering "Perrin Goldeneyes". Verin sends Perrin to Alanna in order
- to be healed.
- Chapter 43 -- Care for the Living
- Perrin is tormented as he rides through the village -- all he can hear
- is the voices of mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters asking for
- their kin, the ones who were killed in battle. The common room to the
- Winespring Inn has been made into an armory. Ewin Finngar has grown
- into a man. Him and two others ask Perrin many questions about his
- adventures.
- Loial has been helping the villagers to clear trees and is quite upset
- about the whole process. Perrin tells Loial about the Trollocs coming
- through the Waygate. The Ogier says that it is his fault because he
- didn't have the heart to destroy it by taking both Avendesora leaves.
- Perrin claims responsibility and then quickly becomes incoherent and
- starts to burn up. Alanna arrives just then and they rush to get the
- arrow out of him before it is too late -- Perrin blacks out.
- Chapter 44 -- The Breaking Storm
- Perrin wakes up feeling weak. Faile urges him to rest but he is
- insistent on going after Gaul and Loial who have gone to the Waygate.
- Eventually, Faile lets him go outside and to mount Stepper.
- The entire village is out there -- a single Trolloc has attacked. Bain
- and Chiad report that more than five hundred more are only two miles
- away. Tam gets everyone prepared. When the Trollocs attack they are
- quickly taken down by arrows and exploding rocks flung by the
- catapults.
- The town is ecstatic about their victory and grateful for Perrin
- leading them, (although he didn't do a thing and admits as much). He
- thinks that this was just a test and Tomas agrees with him and adds
- that the rest of the Trollocs won't attack for a while. Trolloc
- clamour can be heard from the south, near the Old Road.
- Chapter 45 -- The Tinkers Sword
- The Coplins are at the edge of the south side of the village and claim
- that they just fought off a group of Trollocs, however it is only
- Tinkers. Ila and Raen are hurt and there are only about twenty of
- their group left. The Congars protest but Perrin talks them into
- accepting the Tinkers into the village.
- While Faile is occupied with the Tuatha'an, Perrin tries to sneak of
- to the Waygate but people keep approaching him with questions that
- they could answer themselves but insist on his advice.
- Perrin goes to the inn to eat. Aram is being fed by the Cauthon girls.
- Faile feeds Perrin in the same manner. Aram wanders around the room,
- three times, looking at all the weapons and finally asks if he can
- have a sword. Just then Ila comes down the stairs with Alanna. The
- Tinker woman screams at her grandson and tries to wrestle the sword
- away from him. Aram breaks into tears exclaiming that he could have
- saved his mother. Ila curses Perrin and runs away in tears. Perrin
- says that any man has a right to defend himself and sends Aram to Tam
- for lessons with the sword.
- A report of approaching Whitecloaks arrives. Dain Bornhald claims that
- Perrin is a Darkfriend and wants to arrest him. Byar is there too, but
- Emond's Field won't let them take their leader. In an effort to avoid
- a fight, Perrin asks Bornhald to hold off on his arrest until after
- the threat off Trollocs passes. He lets the Children into the city,
- although Bran, Faile and the others don't think it is a good idea.
- Chapter 46 -- Veils
- Egeanin is in Tanchico in the Great Circle where the poor and homeless
- now live. She doesn't like looking at the poverty. She is there
- because she is following Floran Gelb who is currently hunting for a
- woman. When Gelb and his men locate the woman, Egeanin rushes after
- them to reach her before they do.
- The woman they try to capture is Nynaeve, who is accompanied by
- Elayne. They fight the men off as best they can and are helped by
- Egeanin. During the fight the Seanchan woman see Elayne channel.
- Having successfully escaped Gelb and his thugs, Nynaeve and Elayne
- invite Egeanin back to their inn for tea. Egeanin repeatedly says that
- the two of them (Aes Sedai) are not what she expected. She leaves for
- now.
- The innkeeper announces that someone is there to visit the two of
- them. The woman puts a spell on them -- she is Forsaken. She asks them
- questions about the Black Ajah and when she is done, makes them forget
- she was there.
- Outside Egeanin is in disbelief that the Power can be learned.
- A man disguised in Tairen garb watches her.
- Chapter 47 -- The Truth of a Viewing
- Siuan is frustrated by the fact that she hasn't received any news from
- Moiraine in quite some time. She reflects on other reports she has
- received recently: Masema, the prophet is drawing larger and larger
- crowds, there is still no news of Mazrim Taim...when Elaida and a
- group of other Aes Sedai burst in to the room. They are removing Siuan
- from the Amyrlin Seat saying that she is a danger to the Tower. Elaida
- is after information about Rand that she believes Siuan is keeping to
- herself.
- Min returns to Tar Valon to find fighting everywhere. Gawyn tells her
- about Siuan and urges her to leave. He quickly runs off to a fight
- without telling if he is with or against Siuan. Min hides on the
- grounds.
- Siuan and Leane are naked and beaten in the dungeon. Siuan has been
- questioned, tortured and stilled. She learns that Leane has, too.
- Laras and Min rescue the two women. Laras leaves them once they are
- free to return to her kitchens. Elaida, Alviarin, now Amyrlin and
- Keeper, pass the three women in the hallway, but they are not
- recognized.
- Min tells the other two what has been happening: Elaida had most of
- the Blue Ajah killed, Warders have been fighting each other and Siuan
- and Leane have been charged with helping Taim escape. Min leads them
- to three horses so they can leave the city -- Gawyn is waiting there
- for them. He wants to know where Egwene and his sister are. Gawyn and
- his Younglings' stopped the Blue and Green Warders from preventing the
- stillings. Gawyn killed both Hammar and Coulin Gaidin. Min convinces
- him that they are not Darkfriends and he lets them leave the city,
- writing them a note that will help them if they run into any
- resistance from the guard.
- On their way out they find Logain wandering the empty streets. Siuan
- offers him revenge if he follow her and he accepts. Min still sees the
- halo speaking of glory around his head. She reflects on the
- alternating image she saw around Gawyn -- one moment she sees him
- before Egwene and the next he is breaking her back. The foursome head
- for the river.
- Chapter 48 -- An Offer Refused
- Rand, Mat, Egwene, Moiraine, Lan and the Aiel have been traveling the
- Waste for eleven days now. Aviendha has been trying to teach Rand
- about Aiel custom. Kadere has been repeatedly talking to Rand about
- the value of information and wants to sell some to him. Natael has
- been asking Rand how he feels because he is going to write an epic
- about the Dragon Reborn. Mat hasn't talked much to Rand, but has taken
- a liking to Isendre. He refuses Keille's offer of Isendre for a Tar
- Valon mark. Mat thinks she is a very evil women. On the twelfth day
- the party arrives at Cold Rocks Hold.
- Chapter 49 -- Cold Rocks Hold
- Lian, Rhuarc's other wife, is the roofmistress of Cold Rocks Hold.
- Rhuarc and Heirn both ask for leave to enter and are accepted.
- Couladin asks and is accepted as a beggar -- he has no right to ask
- the question as he did because he is not a clan chief. Rand asks and
- is allowed in.
- The place is like a village with houses all around. Each of them has a
- garden on its roof. Lian has them under her roof for a meal throughout
- which Aviendha is very difficult with Rand. He wants to go to Alcair
- Dal, now, but Rhuarc urges him to wait a month until all clan chiefs
- have arrived so not as to dishonour them. Moiraine asks Rand where he
- will "lead the spears to war once more". Rand excuses himself without
- answering.
- Chapter 50 -- Traps
- Rand locates the Jindo Maidens and asks them for a gift he can give to
- Aviendha to thank her for her teachings'. He is made to go through a
- ceremony with each of the seventy Maiden present. They both say
- `Remember honour', they kiss him on the cheek and he has a sip of
- wine.
- Aviendha accepts the bracelet and tells him the Maidens think he is
- interested in her. She apologizes for dinner. Presently, Amys has put
- her to cleaning rugs.
- Rand tells the Wise Ones that he knows Aviendha is their spy. Melaine
- says they only want him to know their blood for his', and that she
- will lay...' something in order to do it. The other Wise Ones are
- visibly angered at her for almost revealing something important. Rand
- can't figure out what she was going to say and goes to sleep.
- In his dream he is in the Waterwood with Min, Elayne and Aviendha.
- Lanfear appears naked and puts her arms around him saying that he will
- not be allowed to betray her, not even in his dreams. A man, who
- appears only as a blur says to Lanfear that she is risking too much.
- To this man she mentions Moghedien and how she hauled him out of his
- hole'.
- He wakes sensing someone else in his room -- it is only Aviendha. The
- Wise Ones have been spying on him in his dreams. However, tonight it
- is too dangerous so they are guarding outside his door. Rand senses
- evil and leaves his room to find it. In the hall a Draghkar has kissed
- the gai'shain. He kills it and kills the one that is just coming in
- the door. Outside, Seanna lies lifeless and Trollocs and Draghkar are
- attacking. After fighting, Mat tries to talk to Isendre but she slams
- the door in his face.
- Both Moiraine and Rhuarc tell Rand that the attack was most certainly
- aimed at him. He asks Moiraine to say that she is not using him but
- her reply is not good enough for him.
- The Shaido have left, undoubtedly to sway other Aiel against Rand.
- Rand tells Rhuarc that they have to leave soon; he can't let Couladin
- turn others against him. They prepare to leave in the morning. The
- Maidens will be Rand's guard.
- Chapter 51 -- Revelations in Tanchico
- Since Amathera has risen to Panarch there have been constant riots.
- Nynaeve and Elayne have been dining frequently with Egeanin during the
- past week. As they are talking in their private dining room, Bayle
- Domon comes in saying, "I have found them..." when he sees Egeanin.
- The two of them wrestle each other for several moments before Elayne
- holds them with Air. Domon says that she is Seanchan which takes
- Nynaeve and Elayne by surprise. Nynaeve is quite angry where Elayne is
- just in a state of disbelief. Egeanin says that she was just trying to
- learn about Aes Sedai because she knows the a'dam can hold damane.
- Domon explains that one of his men saw two of the Black Ajah in the
- Panarch's Palace. Juilin comes info about the Black Ajah as well. Only
- moments later Thom arrives with the same. Both Thom and Juilin are
- dumbfounded when they learn Egeanin's identity. For two hours they all
- discuss how to get into the Palace. They have three takes on the
- situation -- Amathera is a Darkfriend, she believes the Black Ajah are
- Aes Sedai, or that she is a prisoner.
- The three men are out all day following bogus leads about the Panarch.
- At Night, Nynaeve has the three of them guard the door. They bound
- Egeanin against Elayne's will and Nynaeve enters the Dream World to
- visit with Egwene.
- Chapter 52 -- Need
- Nynaeve is in the Heart of the Stone. Shortly thereafter, Bair, Amys
- and Egwene appear. They tease her about not being able to control her
- clothing. The three women appear very hazy because they are currently
- half asleep on horseback. Egwene tells Nynaeve about Rand and Nynaeve
- tells her about the Black Ajah, but not about Egeanin. Nynaeve wants
- to find out if Amathera is a Darkfriend and the Wise Ones scold her
- for wanting to learn too much, too fast. However, when Nynaeve
- mentions that the Black Ajah endanger Rand, Amys tells her she can
- search blindly if her need is deep enough. They plan to meet again in
- one week.
- Nynaeve finds her way to the Palace and into the Panarch's bedchamber.
- Temaile is torturing the naked woman. Nynaeve escapes before the Black
- Ajah sees her.
- Nynaeve finds herself in a room with many artifacts. There is a blurry
- woman looking at something and who is controlling Nynaeve's movement.
- She sees Birgitte and the other woman disappears. Birgitte says the
- other woman was Moghedien, and the man Nynaeve saw in the Waste was
- Asmodean. Nynaeve wants Birgitte to help her but here is not much she
- can do because of the precepts. Gadal Cain appears telling Birgitte
- not to interfere. Nynaeve learns that Moghedien is very dangerous and
- that she is much stronger in Tel'aran'rhiod than Lanfear.
- Nynaeve sees Moghedien looking at a cuendillar disk and also at what
- the Black Ajah want to control Rand -- a collar attached to two
- bracelets.
- Upon waking, she tells Elayne and Egeanin. They hear and noise
- outside, in the hall. A man tried to steal Thom's purse. Egeanin says
- he is Seanchan and that he should be killed. Nynaeve orders them to
- throw him into an alley. Bayle Domon seems to be taking a liking to
- Egeanin. The women begin discussing their plans to get into the
- Palace.
- Chapter 53 -- The Price of a Departure
- There have been many Trolloc attacks since the first one, seven days
- ago. Emond's Field is running out of food and supplies of just about
- everything. The people are becoming worn down and ragged. The
- Whitecloaks are still there and Perrin is guarded at all times by the
- Companions' because of their presence.
- Perrin is called to see a dying man who was found running towards the
- town from the South, "Perrin Goldeneyes. We - are - coming", and he
- dies.
- Loial returns carrying Gaul whose leg is injured. Bain and Chiad help
- him and laughingly tease him about honour and gai'shain, but Perrin
- doesn't understand any of it. Loial and Gaul have locked the Gate but
- say that there are already thousands of Trollocs in the Two Rivers.
- Lord Luc says there are less than a thousand.
- Perrin enters the Wolf Dream and searches for signs of Trollocs
- because of the conflicting reports. He finds cookpots and camps around
- Emond's Field that indicate thousands of them. Around the other Two
- Rivers villages he finds only a few camps.
- Slayer almost gets him with an arrow but Perrin waits him out and hits
- him with one of his own. Slayer fades away in pain.
- Awake, Perrin is told that Lord Luc has ridden away clutching his
- chest. Perrin can't believe that the man could be Slayer.
- Perrin asks Faile to go to Caemlyn to bring help from Morgase. She
- says that she will, but only if he marries her...tonight. A half hour
- later they are man and wife.
- Chapter 54 -- Into the Palace
- It is daybreak and Nynaeve, Elayne and Egeanin are in a carriage
- guarded by twenty of Bayle Domon's men. Domon is supposed to be
- delivering more ice peppers as a gift to the Panarch. Thom, Juilin and
- Domon have spread rumours that the Panarch is dead in the hope of
- starting a riot and making what they are about to do easier. The women
- sneak into the Palace posing as servants. They walk right by Marillin
- Gemalphin, although she doesn't sense them. Nynaeve splits from the
- other two.
- Elayne and Egeanin find the Panarch's room where Temaile is torturing
- Amathera and they rescue her. Elayne doesn't want to leave Temaile
- behind, but they do.
- Nynaeve is in the great exhibition hall to get the collar and the seal
- she saw in the Dream World. Walking around she finds many of the
- things there strange and mysterious. She sees the skeleton of a
- giraffe although she has never seen an animal like that before. When
- she touches the collar she feels great pain and suffering.
- Moghedien approaches dressed as a servant. They do battle and Nynaeve
- is amazed as she realizes that the Forsaken is using all of her power
- and Nynaeve is withstanding it. She is able to shield the other woman
- but was, in fact, trying to still her, and ties her with Air.
- Moghedien comments on how the Age of Legends was so much more than is
- believed and hints at interstellar travel. Nynaeve grabs the collar
- and the cuendillar disk, which is disguised as a hippo figurine,
- (another foreign creature to Nynaeve)
- Jeaine Caide, one of the Black Ajah, is outside the room and nearly
- gets Nynaeve with a balefire ter'angreal. The entire room, and most of
- the building is destroyed in the process. Nynaeve escapes Jeaine, and
- Moghedien is gone.
- Chapter 55 -- Into the Deep
- Nynaeve runs through the chaotic castle to meet up with Elayne,
- Egeanin and Amathera. Elayne has had a talk with the Panarch that has
- her doing whatever she says. Egeanin wanted to go looking for Nynaeve
- because she was taking so long. Nynaeve is touched by this revelation
- and begins to like the Seanchan woman again.
- Bayle Domon's men, and Thom and Juilin get them out of the castle and
- through the riot. At the inn, Elayne gives Amathera to Rendra to earn
- her food and shelter. The Panarch has no idea what life is like for
- commoners. In the dining room Elayne tries to melt the collar and
- bracelets but her efforts have no effect. Nynaeve gives it to Domon to
- throw into the deepest part of the ocean, off of the Aile Somera.
- Nynaeve looks forward to going back to Tear to see Lan, after they go
- back to Tar Valon.
- Chapter 56 -- Goldeneyes
- The Aiel report thousands of Trollocs coming from both the North and
- the South. Perrin is finishing off a four page letter to Faile asking
- for forgiveness for sending her away; he doesn't except to live
- through the battle.
- The men are prepared to fight and the women are gathered around the
- children and the Tinkers in the middle of the Green. The Whitecloaks
- want to leave Emond's Field which would mean Perrin's people would be
- easy victims for the Trollocs. Dain Bornhald still thinks Perrin is a
- Darkfriend and wants him dead. Perrin taunts him into staying and says
- he will go with them when the battle is done if the stay and help.
- Perrin walks around the village encouraging the leader at each side of
- the village. Gaul and Chiad seem to have overcome their clans' blood
- feud. Verin asks Perrin if he knows what his marriage to Zarine
- Bashere means and when he will pick up the hammer again.
- The Trollocs attack yelling `Isam' and the sheer number of them forces
- the villagers back. The women can be seen helping out. Jaim Aybara,
- Perrin's little cousin, comes to tell him that people are attacking
- Trollocs from the other side. Faile has brought men from Watch Hill
- and Deven Ride has come on it's own. The Trollocs are quickly crushed
- and Perrin rides out to see Faile. They are both very happy.
- Bornhald comes to claim Perrin, but he refuses to go since they didn't
- help at all during the battle, forcing them women to. The Whitecloak
- swears to see Perrin hanged one day. The people from Watch Hill escort
- them out of the village.
- Perrin and Faile ride off to the Winespring inn to be alone.
- Ordeith watches from a mile north and is upset at Isam for ceasing to
- bring Trollocs through the Waygate. There are thirty ex-Whitecloaks
- and one Fade with the filthy little man. He sees the Red Eagle flag
- and remembers how Manetheren plagued him centuries earlier. He knows
- of another way to burn the Two Rivers. He is off to Caemlyn and then
- to Tar Valon.
- Chapter 57 -- A Breaking in the Threefold Land
- Rand and thousands of Aiel arrive at Alcair Dal. Couladin is already
- there along with thousands of others. Couladin arrived at dawn.
- Moiraine is not allowed to go down with the clan chiefs because she is
- female. Both her and Egwene stress to Rand that he doesn't fight
- alone; they, and many others who don't know it, fight for him too.
- When Mat asks to go he drops a coin that lands on its edge and rolls
- down to the peddlers wagons.
- Rand, Rhuarc, Mat and the guards enter the bowl where the chiefs are
- meeting. Seanna, the roofmistress, is arguing to have Couladin speak.
- Rand and Rhuarc step up to speak and Couladin angrily throws himself
- up announcing himself as He Who Comes With the Dawn. He shows the
- dragon tattoos on his arms. Rand calmly rolls up his sleeves and shows
- his. To convince the chiefs, he speaks of Rhuidean and tells the
- thousands of Aiel listening that they once followed the Way of the
- Leaf. Many of the Aiel scream in disbelief. Rhuarc warns Rand that
- many of the Aiel won't be able to handle this new knowledge -- only
- one of three survive the revelation in Rhuidean. "He will take you
- back, and he will destroy you.
- Couladin tries to attack Rand and starts a riot. Rand makes it pour
- rain. A bubble forms around him and Lanfear appears. Rand tells her he
- knew of Asmodean since the Stone. She tells him that Asmodean has been
- distracted and now thinks there is something for him in Rhuidean.
- Lanfear wants Asmodean to teach Rand because none of the other male
- Forsaken would. She also says that Couladin and the Draghkar were only
- distractions so that Asmodean could make his way to Rhuidean. Rand
- makes a gateway to the Aiel city leaving Lanfear behind.
- Chapter 58 -- Traps of Rhuidean
- Rand finds himself running up stairs in Darkness. He catches up to
- Asmodean and is surprised to see the gleeman's face instead of
- Kadere's. The Forsaken sends repeated blasts of fire slowing Rand down
- and disappears through a doorway.
- Rand follows, and pursuits Asmodean through Rhuidean. He manages to
- reach Asmodean just as Asmodean grabs a ter'angreal - a link to the
- giant sa'angreal in Cairhien. Rand grabs it too, and they battle using
- the One Power, wrecking large parts of the city. Even though he is
- exhausted, Rand manages to use his small angreal to first visualise
- the black steel wires around Asmodean and then slash them - cutting
- Asmodean's connection to the DO.
- Lanfear appears, and notes that the fight have not only wrecked the
- city but destroyed the shield around it too. She tries again to tempt
- Rand, this time with the power of the giant sa'angreals and that it
- should be possible to displace the DO with them, but Rand chocks her
- by telling her what he did to Asmodean - and that Asmodean will have
- no choice but teaching him now. Lanfear wonders how much of Lews
- Therin there is in Rand, and puts a special sort of shield on
- Asmodean, which allows him to channel but not very much.
- Asmodean pleads to Lanfear - who he calls Mierin - for mercy, which
- enrages her and Rand has to channel to stop her from killing Asmodean.
- Lanfear then leaves after telling Rand that she hid as Keille and that
- he is soft-hearted.
- Rand searches for and finds the ter'angreal linking to the giant
- sa'angreal on Tremalking - the female one. With it he and Asmodean,
- who now are to act as the Dragon's gleeman, Skims back to Alcair Dal.
- They are greeted by the Clan Chiefs, the Wise Ones, Moiraine and
- Egwene. The Shaido have left behind Sevanna and Couladin, together
- with members of the other clans.
- Rand leaves Alcair Dal, saying that the road begun will be long and
- bloody. Rhuarc answers: It began long ago. The question is where and
- how it ends."
- Craig Cassar