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- The Eye of the World -- Summary
- The Wheel of Time Book #1 by Robert Jordan
- Summary by Craig Cassar: <cassarcj@muss.CIS.McMaster.CA>
- Edited by Charlie Nealey
- Edited by Karl-Johan NorΘn: <k-j-nore@dsv.su.se>
- Chapter 1 -- An Empty Road
- Rand and Tam al'Thor are on their way to Emond's Field from their
- farm. Rand sees a man on horse who is all dressed in black. The look
- from this man is terrifying to him. Once in town, Mat and Perrin tell
- Rand that they too have seen a a strange man dressed in black although
- they don't know who he was. They describe the hate that they felt
- coming from him and that while he was looking at them they were more
- frightened than they had ever been before.
- Egwene, Nynaeve and other Emond's Fielders are introduced.
- Chapter 2 -- Strangers
- Lan and Moiraine are introduced. They are strangers that pique the
- interest of Rand and his friends. Moiraine gives Rand, Mat, and Perrin
- a silver coin.
- Chapter 3 -- The Peddler
- Padan Fain, the peddler, arrives in Emond's Field. He brings news of a
- false Dragon and a war in Ghealdan. This news is upsetting to all in
- Emond's Field.
- Chapter 4 -- The Gleeman
- The three boys meet Thom Merrilin, the gleeman. While trying to get
- him to do tricks, Moiraine approaches and the Gleeman and the Aes
- Sedai meet. There is talk about sending patrols around the Two Rivers.
- Chapter 5 -- Winternight
- Trollocs attack Rand and Tam while they are eating at their farm
- house. Rand returns to the house after they have both escaped to get
- supplies etc. While there, he kills a Trolloc that had feigned death
- lying on the floor waiting for them to return. While wrestling, the
- Trolloc falls on the heron marked blade that Tam had given to Rand
- earlier that evening.
- Chapter 6 -- The Westwood
- Tam is injured and Rand has made a litter in order to haul Tam to
- Emond's Field where Nynaeve, the Wisdom, can help him. Tam is
- delirious with fever and in his state he is talking to his late wife
- Kari. He mentions how he found a baby while fighting in Aiel War and
- how they named it Rand and took him in as their own. Rand is crushed
- by this information; he refuses to believe that Tam is not his father
- and credits the story to the fever dreams.
- Chapter 7 -- Out of The Woods
- Rand finally arrives in Emond's Field after dawn to find that it too
- has been ravaged by Trollocs. When Rand gets Nynaeve to look at Tam
- she writes him of as dead and says there is nothing she can do for
- him.
- Chapter 8 -- A Place of Safety
- Tam has been taken to the Winespring Inn where Moiraine comes and
- brings him back from his near death state.
- Chapter 9 -- Tellings of the Wheel
- Rand has his first dream of Ba'alzamon. Tam has recovered a great deal
- and is resting. In spite of the fact that Moiraine saved many people's
- lives the previous night, there is an uproar as the people want her to
- leave their village.
- Chapter 10 -- Leavetaking
- Moiraine and Lan are preparing to take Rand, Mat and Perrin on a
- journey away from their village. While in the stable, Thom and Egwene
- separately reveal themselves and demand that they too be allowed to
- journey. Much to the dismay of Lan, Moiraine accepts their presence
- with the statement, "The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills", and allows
- them to go. While leaving the village, the party encounters Draghkar,
- a large flying servant of the Dark One, flying overhead.
- Chapter 11 -- The Road to Taren Ferry
- The party journies all night, north, to Taren Ferry. They encounter a
- Draghkar once more along the way but arrive safely, partly due to the
- fog Moiraine creates across the land to shield them form the Draghkar.
- Upon their arrival, Lan seeks out Master Hightower, the ferry
- operator, and demands passage regardless of the fog and the dark hour.
- Chapter 12 -- Across the Taren
- Master Hightower and his haulers get the group across the Taren,
- however each party is suspicious of the hidden motives of the other.
- Once across, it becomes apparent that Moiraine is the cause of the
- ferry sinking in order to prevent anyone from following them. The
- party proceeds to a campsite that Lan had previously prepared an it is
- there that Egwene first realizes the One Power
- Chapter 13 -- Choices
- The trip to Baerlon takes about a week. On the way, Thom teaches Rand
- and Mat to play the flute and how to juggle, respectively, and Egwene
- continues her lessons with Moiraine and the True Source. Upon their
- arrival at the Baerlon City gates, they discover that Whitecloaks are
- in the city. Once inside, Moiraine and Lan take on the names Mistress
- Alys and Master Andra. The innkeeper's name at The Stag and Lion is
- Master Fitch.
- Chapter 14 -- The Stag and Lion
- The men all take a bath and have to talk quickly to keep Mat from
- telling the bath attendant all about the Trollocs. Lan learns that
- Logain, the false Dragon, won the war in Ghealdan. This is the first
- time Rand has heard the false Dragon's name. That night, Rand has his
- second dream of Ba'alzamon. In the dream, the Dark One kills a rat by
- breaking its back.
- Chapter 15 -- Strangers and Friends
- When Rand goes down to the kitchen, the cook is responding to the
- complaints about her cat. There are dead rats with broken backs all
- over the inn and they are blaming her cat. Mat is already out in the
- city when Rand leaves Perrin behind to go exploring. Perrin is feeling
- very sick. The first person he meets is Min. She tells him about her
- talent and describes what she sees when she looks at Rand and the rest
- of the group:
- Rand: a sword that is not a sword, a golden crown of laurel leaves, a
- beggar's staff , Rand pouring water on sand, a bloody hand with a
- white hot iron, three women standing over a funeral bier with Rand on
- it, a black rock wet with blood, lightning around him; some striking
- him, some coming out of him.
- Lan: Seven ruined towers around his head, a babe in a cradle holding a
- sword.
- Thom: a man, not him, juggling fire, the white tower.
- Perrin: a wolf, a broken crown, trees all around him.
- Mat: a red eagle, an eye on a balance scale, a dagger with a ruby, a
- horn, a laughing face.
- Chapter 16 -- The Wisdom
- Nynaeve arrives in Baerlon. She initiates a very serious discussion in
- a private dining room. She insists on taking the boys and Egwene back
- to Emond's Field.
- Chapter 17 -- Watchers and Hunters
- Dancing in the Common Room. Rand dances with Egwene, Nynaeve, and even
- Moiraine. There is a strange man watching him the entire time. A Fade
- confronts him in the Stag and Lion.
- Moiraine turns into a giant to help them escape from the city. Once
- they are far off they see smoke rising from the Stag and Lion burning
- down. Nynaeve thinks Moiraine is very selfish in allowing that to
- happen to serve her own purposes. Moiraine claims she is working for a
- greater good.
- Chapter 18 -- The Caemlyn Road
- Trollocs surround the party. Lan leads them away from the trumpets
- cries of the Trollocs, but they are completely surrounded. Moiraine
- makes a wall of fire that allows them to escape temporarily, but they
- end up heading into the abandoned city of Shadar Logoth (Aridhol).
- Chapter 19 -- Shadow's Waiting
- Rand, Perrin and Mat, take-off to explore the city without Moiraine's,
- or anyone else' permission. They meet Mordeth who takes them into the
- basement of a building to get them to carry treasure for them. He
- tries to kill them, but they escape. In the excitement, Mat takes a
- ruby hilted dagger.
- Chapter 20 -- Dust on the Wind
- When leaving the city because of approaching Trollocs, the party
- encounters Mashadar, the evil of Shadar Logoth, a fog like substance
- that will kill whatever living thing it touches. This separates them
- into groups -- Mat, Rand and Thom, Lan and Moiraine, Perrin and
- Egwene, and then Nynaeve by herself. The threesome end up escaping the
- Trollocs onto Bayle Domon' ship, Spray. Perrin and Egwene get
- separated when they fall into the river.
- Chapter 21 -- Listen to the Wind
- Nynaeve locates the camp of Lan and Moiraine where Moiraine reveals
- the potential for the One Power that Nynaeve has within herself.
- Nynaeve refuses to believe, but decides to continue on with her and
- Lan since her whole reason for leaving Emond's Field was to take the
- boys and Egwene home safely.
- Chapter 22 -- A Path Chosen
- Perrin finds Egwene on the other side of the river and after much
- debate, they decide to head towards Caemlyn with the hope that
- Moiraine will find them there.
- Chapter 23 -- Wolfbrother
- Perrin and Egwene meet Elyas, a man who travels with wolves and can
- apparently communicate with them by means of telepathy. The wolves
- identify Perrin as one who is like Elyas. Perrin refuses to believe
- this in spite of the fact that he can "feel" things from the wolves.
- Chapter 24 -- Flight Down the Arinelle
- Rand (and we learn later that Mat too) has a dream of Ba'alzamon
- chasing him in the maze of the Ways. While traveling down river, Rand
- sees statues of Kings and Queens that are a hundred feet tall. Rand
- experiences temporary insanity at the top of the mast swinging around
- dangerously. He didn't know what was happening until he gets down and
- can't figure out what had gotten into him. Mat reveals to Rand that he
- took the ruby hilted dagger from Shadar Logoth.
- Chapter 25 -- The Traveling People
- Perrin, Egwene and Elyas come across the Tuatha'an (The Traveling
- People). The three of them enter the camp. Although Elyas doesn't like
- the company of people, he is an old friend of the leader of this pack
- of Tuatha'an. Aram, a young and handsome Tinker takes a liking to
- Egwene. He takes her dancing which makes Perrin some what jealous.
- While sleeping, Perrin dreams about the wolves.
- Chapter 26 -- Whitebridge
- The Spray makes its way into Whitebridge. Rand, Mat and Thom, go to an
- inn to inquire about the whereabouts of the others. They find out that
- a Fade has been there looking for them. When leaving the inn they see
- a one in the middle of the town Square. Thom gives the boys his cloak
- and his instruments and wrestles with the Fade in order to allow them
- to escape. Rand and Mat head down the Caemlyn road believing Thom is
- dead.
- Chapter 27 -- Shelter From the Storm
- Perrin has a dream where a raven of the Dark One plucks out his eye in
- the Luhhan house, after having burnt a guard-wolf to a crisp. The
- threesome depart as both Elyas and Raen, the Mahdi, feel the ominous
- feeling in the air telling them to move on.
- Chapter 28 -- Footprints in the Air
- Moiraine, Lan and Nynaeve arrive in Whitebridge to find half of it
- burnt down. It has been a day since Rand and Mat fled from the Fade.
- Moiraine decides to head for Caemlyn to find the one boy she can still
- sense because he still has the coin she gave to him back in Emond's
- Field.
- Chapter 29 -- Eyes Without Pity
- Elyas, Perrin and Egwene find themselves on hilly plains with large
- flocks of the Dark One's ravens all about them. They cover mile after
- hilly mile with ravens on all four sides of them. Perrin experiences a
- disturbing moral dilemma. If eventually attacked by a viscous flock of
- ravens, he can't decide if he should let Egwene go with one merciful
- swing of his axe, or let her be eaten alive by the ravens. They
- eventually find refuge from the ravens in a Stedding.
- Chapter 30 -- Children of Shadow
- A group of Children of the Light enter the Stedding and stumble upon
- the threesome. Perrin and Egwene hide in the hand of the half buried
- statue of Artur Hawkwing, but they are found regardless. Elyas and the
- three wolves take down some Whitecloaks and their horses, but Perrin
- and Egwene are taken prisoner while fighting to escape. Perrin kills
- two Whitecloaks.
- Chapter 31 -- Play for Your Supper
- Rand and Mat are traveling along the Caemlyn road. They manage to earn
- a bed or a spot in some farmer's barn to spend each night by doing
- chores for a couple of hours. They are asked to leave one house where
- they had originally been offered them a bed because the framer is
- afraid of them. The next night they stay at the Grinwell's farm. The
- eldest daughter, Else, takes a liking to Rand. The two boys play the
- flute and juggle all night to entertain the family and to pay for the
- food and shelter. The following morning they leave and arrive in Four
- Kings later that day.
- Chapter 32 -- Four Kings in Shadow
- Rand and Mat go to The Dancing Cartman, an inn with a very unfriendly
- innkeeper named Saml Hake. The two of them play all night to earn food
- and shelter. A man named Howal Gode, a Darkfriend, sits in the common
- room all night watching the boys. Once finished performing, they are
- given an old storage room with palettes to sleep on. During the night,
- Gode comes to the boys' room, and from the other side of the locked
- door, tries to convince them to submit to their rightful master; The
- Dark One. With no way to escape the inn, a bolt of lightning strikes
- the room killing Gode and Hake's henchmen, allowing Rand and Mat to
- escape. Mat is blinded by the flash.
- Chapter 33 -- The Dark Waits
- The boys each have another dream with Ba'alzamon in it. That morning
- they get a lift form Alpert Mull to the town of Market Sheran. In an
- inn, another Darkfriend approaches them. He is about the same age as
- Rand, and his name is Paitr. Rand and Mat leave the town telling Paitr
- to leave them alone; Rand punches him in the nose. They proceed on to
- another town and another inn (The Queen's Man), where they play again
- for payment. However, Rand becomes very sick and they stay in the
- stable yard that night. In the early hours of the morning a female
- Darkfriend tries to kill the two of them. They manage to stop her,
- lock her in a stable and then proceed to high-tail it out of town
- where the get a ride from Hyam Kinch.
- Chapter 34 -- The Last Village
- Arriving well after Dark in Carysford, Rand and Mat overhear a
- conversation between an innkeeper and a dark figure, later identified
- as a Fade, who are talking about the two of them. They leave the town
- right away with a man on a cart named Almen Bunt. They are on the last
- stretch to Caemlyn, and Bunt talks all night about how it is the
- grandest city on Earth.
- Chapter 35 -- Caemlyn
- Upon their arrival in the city, the two boys are incredibly
- overwhelmed to say the least. Bunt reveals to them that he did
- recognize them from the Fade's description but had no inclination to
- get involved. Rand buys some red cloth to cover up his sword as an
- effort to fit in. They eventually find their way to the Queen's
- Blessing, the inn that Thom had mentioned. The innkeeper, Basel Gill,
- a good friend of Thom's, takes the boys in and is very helpful to
- them. Rand feels at least a little bit safer under Master Gill's care.
- Chapter 36 -- Web of the Pattern
- Rand and Mat further explain their on-going predicament to Master
- Gill. Mat is becoming more pessimistic all the time. When in the inn's
- library, Rand meets Loial, the Ogier for the first time. He is scared
- at first since Loial is tall and somewhat resembles a Trolloc. The two
- of them exchange the story of how they came to be in Caemlyn. During
- the discussion, Loial gives the impression that he thinks Rand is an
- Aielman. This causes further anxiety for Rand since he still wants to
- believe that Tam is his real father. Loial also tells Rand that he is
- ta'veren.
- Chapter 37 -- The Long Chase
- Nynaeve, Lan and Moiraine have finally found Perrin by means of the
- Aes Sedai's ability to sense the silver coin he still carries. The
- Warder gives Nynaeve instructions to sneak into the Whitecloak camp
- where Perrin is located and cut the horses' ropes so when Moiraine
- makes a "distraction" the Whitecloaks will be concerned with their
- runaway horses rather their rescue effort.
- Chapter 38 -- Rescue
- Child Byar is about to let Perrin and Egwene escape, when lighting
- fills the sky and Lan is there to rescue them. The wolves are also
- there helping out. Lan leads them out of the camp fairly easily since
- the Whitecloaks are running around trying to catch their horses.
- Chapter 39 -- Weaving of the Web
- Rand learns that the beggar is asking for him and his friends around
- town. He also learns that the red cloth covering his sword means that
- he shows support for Queen Morgase, whereas the white shows one's
- disapproval of the Queen's association with the White Tower. While
- waiting in the crowded streets to see Logain, the beggar spots Rand
- and begins to approach him. Rand runs away and eventually finds
- himself in a part of the city without any other people. He then
- proceeds to find a wall that he climbs in order to see the false
- Dragon. Once atop the wall, he is startled by a female voice from the
- other side of the wall and ends up falling over.
- Chapter 40 -- The Web Tightens
- Rand meets Elayne and Gawyn. Galadedrid, their half-brother, comes
- later and reports Rand to the guards as an intruder. Against Elayne's
- wishes, they are all escorted into the presence of Queen Morgase
- herself. Gareth Bryne comments on how the heron marked blade belongs
- with Rand however odd it may be for a shepherd to be wearing it.
- Elaida says, for Rand's ears only, that he stands at the center of the
- darkness that the world is going to experience in the near future.
- Morgase decides to let him go in lieu of keeping him in jail, for she
- takes his word that he is telling the truth about his identity. Just
- before leaving, Gawyn tells Rand that if he were to wear a shoufa on
- his head he would be the spitting image of an Aielman. This adds to
- the anxiety that Rand's feels about his Tam.
- Chapter 41 -- Old Friends and New Threats
- Rand recounts his story of the palace and the beggar to Loial. Their
- conversation is ended by the news that five Whitecloaks are inside the
- Queen's Blessing on a city wide search for two People from the Two
- Rivers, but nothing materializes. Moiraine and the rest of the party
- show up in the kitchen of the inn; they are finally all reunited.
- Moiraine attends to Mat who is still sick in his room. She tells
- everyone about the taint that the dagger from Shadar Logoth has put on
- him, and how Darkfriends are drawn to it; that is why Rand and Mat
- were so easily found while they were on the Caemlyn Road.
- Chapter 42 -- Remembrance of Dreams
- Moiraine has healed Mat for the time-being, but says that a large
- group of Aes Sedai will need to be gathered once they reach Tar Valon
- to permanently free him from the curse. The remainder of the party
- meets Loial for the first time. Everyone shares reports of their
- journeys since their separation. Loial tells of a man who, twenty
- years ago, told him that Shai'tan intends to destroy the Eye of the
- World. Egwene tells the story she learned with the Tinkers; three
- years ago a dying Aiel approached the Wanderers, an odd enough
- occurrence in itself, and said much the same thing that Loial had just
- said. Rand, Mat and Perrin finally reveal their dreams to Moiraine in
- which Ba'alzamon mentions the Eye of the World. Loial tells the group
- that he senses all three boys to be ta'veren. Moiraine decides that
- time is short and that the party will have to venture through the Ways
- if they are to get to the Eye of the World in time.
- Chapter 43 -- Decisions and Apparitions
- Loial is very apprehensive about traveling in the Ways as he tells of
- how they have become incredibly corrupt and have not been used in
- ages. That night, before leaving for the Ways, the boys have another
- dream of Ba'alzamon. In this one the Dark One is able to identify each
- of them by their appearance, something he hasn't been able to do
- before.
- Chapter 44 -- The Dark Along the Ways
- Loial leads the party through Caemlyn in the pre-dawn hour, as he can
- sense the location of the Waygate. They eventually find it in the
- cellar of a shop and Moiraine opens it up. They all enter into the
- Ways where it is unnaturally dark and there is no wind and no ground
- except the path they are on. Loial is able to lead them through to
- their eventual destination of Fal Dara by means of the Guidings beside
- each bridge. One bridge that Loial leads them onto is broken in the
- middle, blocking their way.
- Chapter 45 -- What Follows in the Shadow
- The party is forced to find another path to Fal Dara. At one point
- Loial becomes very homesick as Stedding Shangtai is only three
- crossings away. Rand and Egwene tease each other about Min, Elayne and
- Aram respectively. Lan senses someone following them. Moiraine doesn't
- allow him to go back and find out who because they are pressed for
- time. The party comes across the ruins of Trollocs who died in the
- Ways. Rand is the first to feel what Loial identifies as Machin shin,
- the evil of the Ways. It is quickly approaching them. They manage to
- reach the gate to Fal Dara in time, but the Avendesora leaf is
- missing. Moiraine cuts a door in it in order to save them all from
- being killed by the black wind.
- Chapter 46 -- Fal Dara
- The party arrives in Fal Dara where Lan is greeted as Dai Shan, and
- with cries of The Golden Crane. Once in the keep, they are greeted by
- Lord Agelmar. Loial is greeted by the Borderlander's with Kiserai ti
- Wansho. They learn of Agelmar's plans to ride to Tarwin's Gap. Padan
- Fain, who Rand recognizes as the beggar, is caught trying to sneak
- into the city and brought to Agelmar and Moiraine. Moiraine
- interrogates him privately. She calls him, "Less than human, worse
- than vial and more dangerous than you can imagine".
- Chapter 47 -- More Tales of the Wheel
- Agelmar explains Lan's childhood to Egwene; how he got the title of
- Lord of the Seven Towers and how he is the last, uncrowned King of
- Malkier. Moiraine finishes her interrogation of Fain and reveals to
- the group of them what she has learned. She tells about how he has
- been the Dark One's Hound for the past three years looking all over
- the world for Rand, Mat, and Perrin. She tells of the horrors that he
- faced when the Trollocs took him to Shayol Ghul, how the Trollocs came
- through the Waygate at Manetheren (The Two Rivers) unnoticed by
- anyone. She also tells of how Ba'alzamon appeared in front of him, and
- that how, in the Ways, the Black Wind had no sooner engulfed Fain,
- then it fled from him.
- Moiraine and the rest of them get some sleep before they leave for the
- Blight and the Eye of the World in the morning.
- Chapter 48 -- The Blight
- Lord Ingtar escorts the party to the border of the Blight complaining
- about how he is going to miss the battle at Tarwin's Gap because he
- had to accompany them. As they get further and further into the
- Blight, it gets warmer and warmer until it is incredibly hot and humid
- like the hottest summer day. The land becomes more corrupt as trees
- take on diseased and unnatural shapes. Rand sees the ruins of Seven
- Towers in the distance and realizes that the land they are on was the
- country of Malkier just one generation ago. While they stop within
- viewing distance of a lake, they see a monstrous creature surface and
- then head back into the depths of the tainted water. When everyone
- else has gone to bed, Nynaeve and Lan reveal their feelings for each
- other for the first time in an emotional confrontation by the fire.
- Chapter 49 -- The Dark One Stirs
- As they head further into the Blight, the trees become so corrupt that
- they have taken on sentient life to obey the Dark One. The forest and
- other horrid creatures attack the party viciously for quite some
- distance. Once that battle is over, they hear a pack of huge worms
- following them. Just when they are about to be overtaken, they find
- the Green Man and are protected by his garden.
- Chapter 50 -- Meetings at the Eye
- The Green Man leads the party to the Eye of the World, but does not go
- in with them. Once inside they are all astonished at what they see.
- Moiraine says it is the essence of saidar and that it was made by male
- Aes Sedai over three thousand years ago. Since then it has been
- waiting for some unforeseen event in the future when it would be
- needed. This comment instills fear in all of the Emond's Fielders.
- When they go outside, they find that Aginor and Balthamel, two of the
- Forsaken are waiting for them. The Green Man attacks Balthamel,
- killing him, and himself too. A huge Oak Tree sprouts up to mark the
- Green Man's grave. Moiraine catches Aginor in a field of flames but is
- overwhelmed by his strength.
- Chapter 51 -- Against the Shadow
- Rand is running up the hill away from where Moiraine was fighting
- Aginor. When he gets to the top he finds that his path ends in a
- cliff. Aginor is right behind him and has him trapped. Aginor tries to
- convince Rand to join the Dark One with rewards of power beyond
- imagination. Rand refuses, and unknowingly enters a fight of the One
- Power with the Forsaken. Rand overpowers him and kills him. All of a
- sudden he finds himself in Tarwin's gap where the soldiers of Fal Dara
- and the surrounding cities are being overwhelmed by a huge army of
- Fades and Trollocs. Rand destroys the earth underneath some of the
- Dark One's forces and burns others. The men of the Borderlands see
- this and never come to a consensus as to what it was they had really
- seen.
- Rand then finds himself in the presence of the Dark One. He tries,
- much like Aginor, to tempt Rand with power and to join forces with
- him. Rand refuses and denies that he will ever succumb to the Shadow.
- He is almost swayed by what is apparently his Mother, Kari al'Thor
- crying out to him to release her from the Dark One's prison.
- Eventually Rand is able to free her to the light, and then engages in
- an intense battle of the One Power with Ba'alzamon. He swings a sword
- made from the power. It shatters the Dark One's rope to the source of
- the One Power thus ending the battle with Rand as the victor.
- Chapter 52 -- There is Neither Beginning or End
- Rand eventually awakes at the top of the cliff where he battled
- Aginor. He is completely disoriented, but he sees Aginor's remains and
- realizes his victory. At some point while he is wandering down the
- hill, he realizes that he was wielding the One Power and is incredibly
- frightened by the thought. When he finds the others, Moiraine is the
- only one seriously injured, but she is still conscious. Only Moiraine,
- Lan, Egwene and Nynaeve know at that point that Rand can wield the
- Power.
- Loial, Mat, and Perrin return from the Eye with three items; a
- shattered piece of cuendillar,(an unbreakable seal on the dark ones
- prison that has been broken), a chest with the Horn of Valere (able to
- call an army of heroes from the past to fight a battle in the
- present), and the banner of the Dragon.
- Chapter 53 -- The Wheel Turns
- Before setting out, Loial sings a Treesong to the Green Man's grave
- which helps it keep the filth of the Blight from overtaking it. Less
- than two days later, the party returns to a Fal Dara full of bells and
- music celebrating the victory at Tarwin's Gap. Over the next week Rand
- engages in intense sparing with the Lan in order to become a better
- swordsman. Rand tells Egwene that he is leaving, not for home but for
- some place where he will not be able to hurt anyone like Lews Therin
- did when he went mad. He intends to do this without Moiraine's
- knowledge, but little does she know she is listening in by means of
- the Power. Moiraine whispers to herself: "The Prophecies will be
- fulfilled, the Dragon is reborn."
- Craig Cassar