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- The Dragon Reborn -- Summary
- The Wheel of Time Book #3 by Robert Jordan
- Summary by Craig Cassar: <cassarcj@muss.CIS.McMaster.CA>
- Edited by Karl-Johan NorΘn: <k-j-nore@dsv.su.se>
- Prologue -- Fortress of the Light
- Jaret Byar has been called into the presence of Pedron Niall, Lord
- Captain Commander of the Children of the Light. Niall has three
- drawings of Rand fighting Ba'alzamon in the clouds. Byar is reporting
- the events that occurred on Almoth Plain; Rand al'Thor has proclaimed
- himself the Dragon Reborn. He also says that the legion was betrayed
- by the Darkfriend named Perrin Aybara and thus destroyed by Aes Sedai.
- Niall see this news as a sign of the coming of the Last Battle and as
- an obstruction to the plans he has had for so long
- Jaichim Carridin comes in to see Niall calling Bornhald a Darkfriend.
- He discounts Hawkwing's armies return by observing that no ship has
- ever successfully crossed the Aryth Ocean and that the monsters that
- people say they have seen are more than likely Trollocs since most
- still believe them to be myth. Niall proceeds to give Carridin strange
- orders; they are part of the Lord Captain Commander's plans. He is
- ordered to leave the Dragon and his followers alone so that when the
- time is right Carridin might cut him down, making him a hero and able
- to control both Tarabon and Arad Domon.
- Ordeith comes in through a secret passage as soon as Carridin has
- left. He tells Niall the Dragon's name and the name of his village.
- Niall plans to do something to the Two Rivers.
- In his room, Carridin is confronted by a Fade. It is there to find out
- why he hasn't yet killed the Dragon. The Fade promises to kill one of
- Carridin's family each month that Rand remains alive, until it is
- Jaichim's turn to die. He is torn between which orders to follow.
- Chapter 1 -- Waiting
- Perrin and a small group of Shienaran soldiers are in the Mountains of
- Mist waiting for a woman. They have been camped in the mountains all
- winter and have taken many messengers into the camp. While waiting for
- this particular one they kill a raven that is nearby, a likely
- messenger for the Dark One. Perrin learns that the Dark One doesn't
- see what the animal sees; it has to report to a Fade before anything
- is learned.
- The woman is a Tinker named Leya, and like all the others that come
- the same way, she will talk only to Moiraine. They lead her back
- through the mountains into the camp of the Dragon Reborn.
- Chapter 2 -- Saidin
- As soon as they reach the camp, Leya goes to talk to Moiraine. Perrin
- talks to Min and she tells him of the vision she sees around the
- Tinker woman; her face covered in blood and death glossed over her
- eyes. Perrin is quite disturbed by this revelation and wants to figure
- out what it is that will cause her death so he can prevent it. Loial
- joins them. Min complains about how her life in Baerlon was disrupted.
- Loial says that she had no choice. The pull of three strong ta'veren
- is too much to overcome.
- Rand comes out of Moiraine's hut having argued with her all day and
- disappears into the trees. The Shienarans having been treating him
- like a King calling him "Lord Dragon", so he avoids their camp as much
- as he can. Perrin follows him because he always needs someone to talk
- to after he has been arguing with Moiraine. Rand complains about his
- duty. That is the basis of his arguments with Moiraine. His followers,
- the People of the Dragon, are dying daily on Almoth Plain in his name
- while he is hiding up in the mountains.
- Twice and twice shall he be marked,
- twice to live and twice to die.
- Once the heron, to set his path.
- Twice the heron to name him true.
- Once the Dragon, for remembrance lost.
- Twice the Dragon, for the price he must pay.
- Rand al'Thor, from the prophecies of the Dragon
- While complaining about his lack of control over saidin, Rand does
- lose control and the entire mountain shakes for a few moments. Perrin
- goes back to camp for dinner, leaving Rand behind.
- Chapter 3 -- News From the Plain
- Min is still talking with Perrin and Loial. She talks about how she
- might still like her life even if it has been chosen for her. Both her
- and Perrin realize that the two of them are tied together along with
- the others and there is nothing they can do about it..
- Moiraine tells the two of them that Leya hurt her head during Rand's
- episode a few moments ago. They believe that this is what Min saw in
- her vision and that maybe, for the first time, that her vision, which
- predicted the woman's death, was wrong.
- Moiraine relates some of the news that Leya has brought from Almoth
- Plain. Half of the Whitecloak forces (5000) are on Almoth Plain, but
- none of them are opposing the Dragon's followers. Three tall boys with
- light coloured eyes have been murdered on the Plain over the winter.
- Moiraine hints that this is the work of the Soulless.
- Perrin goes to sleep to that night with many dreams there waiting for
- him.
- Chapter 4 -- Shadows Sleeping
- Perrin is dreaming. The faceless man at the table wants Perrin to give
- up his axe. "You are a blacksmith, boy" Perrin also refuses the wine
- the man is offering him.
- All of sudden Perrin is in front of a mirror admiring the golden
- helmet and breastplate he is wearing. Lanfear (she doesn't identify
- herself but it is her) calls him a man destined for glory. He also
- refuses to drink the cup of wine that she offers him.
- "The night is always there, and dreams come to all men. Especially
- you, my wildling. And I will always be in your dreams." -Lanfear
- Perrin now finds himself in a place similar to the Ways. He watches
- three men arguing and is then consumed in flames. Next, he finds
- himself in some sort of castle where he picks up Callandor. There is a
- voice in his head: "Callandor. Who wields me wields destiny. Take me,
- and begin the final journey." All of a sudden there us another voice
- -- one completely different: "The Twisted Ones come. The Twisted Ones
- come, brother."
- Chapter 5 -- Nightmares Walking
- Trollocs are attacking the camp. Leya is killed by a Fade right in
- front of Perrin's eyes. Helpless to do otherwise, he joins his
- brothers in the hunt for the Twisted Ones. During the battle many of
- the Shienarans and the wolves are killed.
- Afterwards, Perrin reflects on how hard it was to come back from the
- wolves that time. He doesn't want to go that deep again, but he is
- also regretting not staying in contact with them all the time because
- he could have warned the camp of the attack well in advance.
- Min and Perrin listen to Rand as he recounts his battle with the One
- Power while everyone else was fighting the Trollocs. He was trying to
- burn the Trollocs, but he was so filled with the Power he had to
- release it and ended up setting the forest on fire. Rand, too, feels
- he should have given warning of the attack because he could feel
- something although he couldn't figure out what it was.
- Moiraine comes around and heals Perrin's wound on his back. Rand's
- wound on his side opens up again. He makes a joke about his blood on
- the rocks of Shayol Ghul saving the world and if only they could get
- there now! Moiraine heals it back up and them faints in Rand's arms.
- Up to this point Rand has been trying to deny what he is, but he
- openly admits his duty to Lan and the others. "I will fight the best I
- can, Because there is no one else, and it has to be done, and the duty
- is mine. I'll fight, but I do not have to like what I have become. I
- will fight. Dreams..."
- Chapter 6 -- The Hunt Begins
- Perrin wakes to the news that Rand is gone. On the way up to
- Moiraine's hut, Masema explains Rand's disappearance as a sign that
- they should be about spreading the word of the Lord Dragon. Perrin
- thinks he is crazy. When Perrin reaches the hut, Min, Moiraine and Lan
- are there. He is shown the letter that Rand left:
- What I do, I do because there is no other way. He is hunting me again,
- and this time one of us has to die, I think. There is no need for
- those around me to die, also. Too many have died for me already. I do
- not want to die either, and will not, if I can manage it. There are
- lies in dreams, and death, but dreams hold truth, too.
- Perrin questions Moiraine about Rand's destiny and it turns into a
- heated argument. Moiraine tells them all about the Forsaken. She asks
- Perrin about the dreams he has had over the past few nights. He tells
- her about Callandor. She sends Lan out to see if the Shienarans have
- had dreams about a sword, too. Moiraine then proceeds to describe the
- part of the prophecies involving Tear and the Callandor, "The Sword
- That Cannot Be Touched", "The Sword That Is Not A Sword". She goes on
- to explain her theory that those who can channel and are strong in the
- Spirit can, unknowingly, force their dreams on those around them. This
- is what she thinks Rand has been doing. Lan returns with news that the
- Shienarans have had dreams of a sword, affirming Moiraine's
- hypothesis.
- Uno says that he thinks he knew how Rand got out of camp without being
- seen. They all want to go help find Rand, although Moiraine tells Min
- that she must return to Tar Valon to inform the Amyrlin Seat what has
- been happening.
- While walking down from the hut, Min tells Perrin what sword. A falcon
- and a hawk, perching on your shoulders. Both female, I think. And all
- the rest of course. What is always there. Darkness swirling 'round
- you, and --"
- Min also give him a warning. She says that if he ever meets the most
- beautiful woman he has ever seen, then he is to run. She then reveals
- to him that she is in love with Rand and that Egwene knows.
- Chapter 7 -- The Way Out of the Mountains
- Moiraine says it is imperative that they find Rand. She thinks he is
- heading east, to Tear, based on the dreams that Perrin and the
- Shienarans have had. Lan scouts the area ahead; he leaves many
- different signs for Moiraine to find and thus follow the trail. One
- evening in camp, the only time they would see Lan, Moiraine expresses
- her frustration: "If you cannot move any faster than this, perhaps I
- should send you off to Myrelle before you get any older. Well, perhaps
- that can wait, but you must move us faster". This gets Lan visibly
- angered.
- The first few days of the trip are fairly boring in Perrin's opinion.
- Their meals consist mainly of rabbit and trout that he and Loial hunt.
- One day, having finished traveling, Loial and Perrin are out catching
- fish; They lie on the edge of the shore with their hands outstretched
- under the water and grab trout from behind. They show Moiraine how to
- do this, explaining that one cannot expect to be successful without
- lots of practice. She, not surprisingly, does much better on her first
- attempts that Loial or Perrin could ever do.
- As the journey continues, Perrin and Loial are gradually made to
- perform all of Moiraine's menial tasks. She starts with small chores
- that they can't refuse and keeps adding until they are doing
- everything that she doesn't want to bother with.
- Eventually, they enter the foothills of Ghealdan, and then into the
- village of Jarra.
- Chapter 8 -- Jarra
- The village green is empty and Perrin thinks he smells evil for a
- brief second. They are greeted by a 'frog-faced' man named Simion. He
- explains to them the strange happenings of the last two days. There
- have been weddings non-stop. He mentions that he thinks Ogier and
- Trollocs to be child's tales as he is taken back by Loial's presence.
- Simion shows them to the only inn in the town , Harilin's Leap, where
- the innkeeper's name is Master Harod. In the hallway, in front of
- their rooms, Simion tells them about the happenings with the
- Whitecloaks over the past two days. Three said they weren't
- Whitecloaks any longer, and two tried to burn the inn down, among many
- other strange actions.
- When alone, Perrin asks Simion about Rand. Simion says that a man of
- his description was in town yesterday. He was talking to himself and
- he left screaming in the middle of the night complaining of a
- nightmare. "One of us has to die, and I mean it to be him".
- Simion figures out that Moiraine is Aes Sedai ands asks Perrin to ask
- her to help his brother who is very sick. Perrin goes to Moiraine and
- tells them what he has learned. She and Lan get very upset. Moiraine
- explains that the weddings and the actions of the Whitecloaks were a
- result of Rand being such strong ta'veren. Perrin and her go to see
- Noam. He has become entirely wolf. Moiraine leaves as she can do
- nothing to help him. Perrin suggests to Simion that he should let Noam
- go free. Simion does exactly that.
- Chapter 9 -- Wolf Dreams
- Perrin goes to Moiraine to talk about the changes that he has gone
- through sine leaving home. It is the first time that they have talked
- openly about the wolves. Moiraine tells him about the fragment of the
- book from the Age of Legends that she read. She can't help him much
- more than that, although she does tell him that he need be wary of his
- dreams because they can be very dangerous.
- Perrin goes back to his room and goes to sleep. In his dream Hopper,
- who is dead, is telling Perrin to run, with a great deal of urgency in
- his voice. Perrin realizes that he is dreaming but cannot make himself
- wake up. He watches a man killed by the shadow surrounding him. Perrin
- gets a fainter but even more urgent image of danger from Hopper. While
- running Perrin sees Lanfear: "What are you doing here. How did you --?
- You'll ruin things you can not begin to imagine."
- At that point he sees Hopper: "Run now. You must not be here now.
- Danger. Great Danger. Worse than all the Neverborn. You must go. Go
- Now! Now!" Hopper leaps for Perrin's throat waking him. His face is
- covered with the blood of the man that he saw die.
- Rand is hiding in the wilderness. He destroys the dog that is hunting
- him. He has become addicted to the power and has finally gained some
- control. He is on his way to Tear, and the wound on his side is very
- painful.
- Chapter 10 -- Secrets
- Egwene, Nynaeve, Mat, Elayne, Verin and Hurin have been traveling to
- Tar Valon all winter. Egwene has been having dreams of Rand running to
- and from something at the same time. Nynaeve can feel a storm coming
- and Hurin says that he can smell trouble. At this point in time,
- Egwene has given up on marrying Rand.
- Hurin sees dozens of horse tracks and says that there will be trouble,
- but Nynaeve disagrees. A large group of Whitecloaks approach over the
- horizon. The captain, Dain Bornhald, demands them to surrender.
- Egwene, vowing to herself to never be taken prisoner again, uses the
- Power the destroys the ground beneath the feet of the Whitecloaks.
- Elayne and Nynaeve join her. This gets Verin very mad, and she claims
- she could have talked their way by them. Dain is the only one who
- hasn't run away. He hints that Morgase has had a falling out with Aes
- Sedai. Verin dismisses him telling him to walk in the Light.
- The group of six finishes the home-stretch to Tar Valon where Verin
- says the real danger begins.
- Chapter 11 -- Tar Valon
- The party of six crosses the bridge to Tar Valon through the village
- of Dairien. Verin comments that what awaits them at the Tower is
- dangerous. Just outside the Tower, Hurin leaves them to return to
- Shienar. He says that if they ever need help, all they have to do is
- send word and he will come.
- Inside the Tower grounds, Mat is taken away on his stretcher by two
- men, and Sheriam greets the women. She scolds them and orders three
- Accepted to take them to their rooms and guard them. They are not
- allowed to speak to anyone until the Amyrlin Seat says so.
- Chapter 12 -- The Amyrlin Seat
- Siuan is in her study: "Ten years with the shawl, Nearly twenty since
- I decided to sail these dangerous waters. And if I slip now, I'll wish
- I were back hauling nets". Leane announces Verin's arrival. Siuan
- tells Verin that there are no more False Dragons loose in the world:
- Mazrim Taim has been captured and the one in Hadon Mirk has been
- executed. She believes that these events happened the moment that Rand
- declared himself The Dragon Reborn on Toman Head. "...And even if the
- newest Novice learns of it, I will be stilled before the next sunrise,
- if I'm not torn to pieces first. Me, and Moiraine, and Verin, and
- likely anyone thought to be a friend of ours, as well.
- Verin gives Siuan the Horn and tells her Mat has already sounded it.
- She also gives her opinion that she thinks the Seanchan will return,
- but Siuan doesn't want to talk about that. She says that she is going
- to severely punish the three women for leaving the Tower without
- permission. She tells Verin to tell her about everything they did
- while they were gone.
- Chapter 13 -- Punishments
- Egwene and Elayne are in their rooms waiting. Through the small hole
- connecting their rooms, they talk about how they do not want to be
- stilled and will runaway if they have to. They are both very afraid.
- They are summoned to see the Amyrlin Seat.
- Siuan tells them she knows that Liandrin is Black Ajah and that a few
- months ago her and twelve other Aes Sedai left with some stolen
- angreal. At the same time three sisters, two Warders, seven guards,
- and nine servants were killed. Only a few people know, or even suspect
- the connection between these happenings.
- Siuan reveals that, of everyone in the Tower, only herself, Leane and
- Verin know that the three of them left with Liandrin. If others knew,
- they would probably be stilled.
- Siuan tells them that they are being punished to severe switching and
- scrubbing duty in the kitchen. She adds that they are also to be
- raised to Accepted because of the amount of experience they have had
- with the One Power while they were away.
- The two girls also learn that about a month after they had left,
- Morgase had come to Tar Valon demanding to know the whereabouts of her
- daughter. She ended up going home without Elaida thus breaking a three
- thousand year old custom of having Aes Sedai council. Morgase wants
- her daughter returned as soon as she gets back, but Siuan intends to
- keep her.
- Elayne goes of to see Sheriam and get the letter that her mother left
- for her, while Egwene and Nynaeve stay behind because Siuan wants to
- talk to them.
- Chapter 14 -- The Bite of the Thorns
- Siuan says to Egwene and Nynaeve that they are going to receive even
- more punishment. She says that she doesn't know who to trust but she
- believes that the three of them are not Black Ajah because they were
- manipulated by Liandrin. Siuan goes on to reveal her plan to them.
- They are to be spies, searching for other Black Ajah in the Tower.
- They both accept this new responsibility. To aid them in their task
- Siuan gives them each a piece of paper:
- What the bearer does is done at my order and by my authority. Obey,
- and keep silent, at my command.
- Siuan Sanche
- Watcher of the Seals
- Flame of Tar Valon
- The Amyrlin Seat
- Chapter 15 -- The Gray Man
- Walking to Egwene's room, a crossbow just misses Egwene's head and
- hits the wall. She sees the man who she thinks shot it and holds him
- with Air. When they reach him, he is dead with a dagger in his chest.
- Sheriam arrives moments later and says that he is a Gray man, one of
- the Soulless. There is no crossbow in the immediate vicinity. Sheriam
- covers the body with an opaque shield. Egwene secretly goes back to
- get the arrow, but it is gone, which leads her to believe that there
- is still another Gray Man in the Tower.
- Egwene and Nynaeve head to Nynaeve's room. Nynaeve makes the comment
- that Sheriam never asked if they knew who stabbed the man.
- Chapter 16 -- Hunters Three
- When they open the door to Nynaeve's room, Elayne, Galad and Gawyn are
- inside. The men want to know where the three of them have been for the
- past few months. They say that Morgase has ordered them to see Elayne
- safely home as soon as she has learned enough of the One Power to use
- it without hurting herself. Nynaeve makes them leave by threatening to
- report the unwarranted presence within the Accepted quarters to
- Coulin, the Master of Arms. There is no such rule, but the `louts'
- weren't aware of that fact.
- Elayne tells Egwene that Gawyn is besotted with her. After Nynaeve
- snaps at them to grow up, they reveal to Elayne what Siuan said to
- them after Elayne had left the study and about their near death
- experience with the Gray man. Nynaeve doesn't trust the Amyrlin and
- want Elayne to be their spy.
- Nynaeve goes on to voice her opinion that she thinks the Amyrlin is
- going to let Mat die. She says she can do it herself. They end up
- deciding to try to work together to heal him.
- Chapter 17 -- The Red Sister
- Elaida barges into the Nynaeve's room. She asks them if they know
- about the Black Ajah and they tell her the truth. She also wants to
- know where they have been. Egwene says it was to help Mat, but Nynaeve
- tells her that the Amyrlin told them not to talk about it. The Aes
- Sedai then proceeds to ask them questions about Rand. During this line
- of questioning Sheriam comes into the room and subtly makes Elaida
- leave. Sheriam tells them to forget about the Gray man and orders them
- to follow her to see Mat healed.
- Chapter 18 -- Healing
- Sheriam takes them down to the basement into some dark halls. Egwene
- thinks for a moment that Sheriam is Black Ajah and is taking them to
- their deaths. Once they reach the room where Mat is, they find Siuan,
- Leane, Alanna, Serafelle, Anaiya, Verin and Sheriam among others
- gathered around a table with Mat lying on top. Egwene notices that
- they are using the most powerful sa'angreal known to the Tower hinting
- at how difficult a procedure they are about to undertake. She notices
- some of them as visibly nervous.
- During the process, Elayne, Egwene and Nynaeve all feel the urge to
- add their weaves to the flow. All the while Mat seems to be in a great
- deal of pain and mutters sayings from the Old Tongue:
- "Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhadiem! Los Valdar Cuebiyari!
- Los! Carai an Caldazar! Al Caldazar!"
- Egwene recognizes the end of this phrase as: "For the honor of the Red
- Eagle! The Red Eagle"
- "Mia ayende, Aes Sedai! Caballein misain ye! Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai
- misain ye! Mia Ayende!"
- After they have successfully broken the bond between Mat and the
- dagger, Siuan tells the women that Mat was ordering soldiers in a
- battle over two thousand years ago. The last phrase meant, "I am a
- free man Aes Sedai. I am no Aes Sedai meat". Siuan explains that for a
- moment Mat was in both the past and the present at the same time. "The
- Old blood comes again."
- Chapter 19 -- Awakening
- Mat wakes up in a fancy room very disoriented. He has a dream about
- commanding soldiers in the Trolloc Wars. "Los Valdar Cuebiyari!"
- (Forward the Heart Guard). When he finally gets up, he hobbles over to
- a table with enough food on it for four meals. He is very weak and
- very hungry, but he decides to find out where he is first. From his
- sparatic memory, his surroundings and the fact that he feels healed,
- he reasons that he is in Tar Valon. "I feel -- whole and well, that's
- all. I've been healed."
- Slowly his memory comes back to him and he remembers that he blew the
- Horn of Valere. He intends to leave Tar Valon in a few days, after he
- has had a chance to win some money from gambling and see Egwene and
- Nynaeve.
- After all of the reflection and his slowly returning memory, he feels
- that he has outgrown the Two Rivers and has aspirations beyond what he
- did a year ago. However, he does feels that he would like to return
- for a visit.
- Chapter 20 -- Visitations
- Lanfear comes into Mat's room and introduces herself as Selene. He
- finds her oddly familiar. She tells him that he can have glory if he
- doesn't do what the Amyrlin wants him to do. She says that she will
- use him too, but that her uses will lead him to glory. She tells him
- that Tam and Abell came to Tar Valon and were sent home empty handed
- without being told whether their sons were alive or not. Lanfear
- leaves him and Mat decides he had better get out of the city as fast
- as he can. He finds his clothes and dice in the wardrobe and starts
- getting ready to leave when Siuan and Leane knock at the door. They
- tell him that he will have to stay and recover for some time. He
- manages to get the Amyrlin to admit that his father was there looking
- for him.
- Leane is told to get some more food for Mat, during which time Siuan
- asks Mat if he remembers sounding the Horn. She tells him he must stay
- for his own safety.
- When she leaves Mat doesn't think she was as devious as Selene said
- she would be but he doesn't want to have anything to do with either of
- them. He begins planning his flight from Tar Valon.
- Chapter 21 -- A World of Dreams
- Egwene is in the kitchens and has been cleaning and scrubbing for some
- time. Verin walks by summoning her to her study. When Egwene is done
- she finds her way to the study through the dark, empty hallways. The
- room is cluttered with endless books and papers. During their
- conversation, Egwene recognizes the large skull on a nearby table as
- that of a Trolloc.
- Verin gives Egwene a list of the thirteen Black Ajah along with a
- information and descriptions of each of them.
- She doesn't completely trust Verin yet.
- They discuss Egwene's possible Dreaming talent. Corianin Nedeal was
- the last dreamer, although she wasn't very talented, 473 years ago.
- Verin talks about parallel and perpendicular worlds and how the Dark
- One and the Creator and Tel'aran'rhiod are a constant in each of them.
- Dreams are real in Tel'aran'rhiod and what injuries you sustain are
- real.
- Verin gives Egwene a ring ter'angreal that will allow the wearer to
- more easily enter the Dream World whether they have the talent or not.
- Egwene is very scared of the ring and doesn't really want to take it.
- When Egwene has left her study, Verin reveals that nobody even knows
- the ring even exists as Corianin managed to erase it from the Tower's
- records. She also looks at Corianin's notes, whose existence is
- unknown as well. She decided not to give them to Egwene.
- Chapter 22 -- The Price of the Ring
- Sheriam finds Egwene in the hall and tells her to follow. She asks
- about the paper but Egwene says they are just study material. She is
- to be made Accepted; Elayne has already succeeded.
- Elaida is in the room with the ter'angreal and openly shows that she
- has no wish to help Egwene in the ceremony. Egwene wants to be able to
- hide the papers, but accepts the challenge of the three silver arches
- regardless.
- Inside the first arch, she is married to Rand; they have a baby girl
- named Joiya. Rand has headaches quite frequently and she knows he can
- channel -- each time a headache comes there is some unnatural event
- that she is able to link back to her husband. She, too, can channel
- but has managed to keep both a secret. At that moment Rand has the
- most severe headache he has ever had. It is very difficult, but she
- manages to make herself enter the silver ring that appears
- simultaneously.
- Inside the second arch Egwene is in a Caemlyn that has been destroyed
- and has Fades, Trollocs and Darkfriend in its streets. She has cried
- herself to the point where there are no more tears left. Inside the
- castle Rand is pinned under a column. He wants her to kill him. He
- says that he is holding the madness at bay, but if the Shadow gets a
- hold of him, they will be able to turn him to the Shadow against his
- will. She leaves him there pleading for him to kill him to go back
- through the arch.
- Before entering the third arch, prompted by Egwene's question, Sheriam
- explains that it would take thirteen Aes Sedai weaving the power
- through thirteen Myrddraal to turn Rand to the Shadow against his
- will.
- Inside the third arch, Egwene finds herself Amyrlin, although she has
- the feeling that she is a still a Novice. The voice of the Aes Sedai
- outside the ter'angreal keeps getting cut off. ∞Be steadfast. The way
- back will come but...
- In the Hall of the Tower Elaida presents Rand in chains to her and
- asks her to give the order to gentle him. Egwene refuses, and her
- Keeper, Beldeine, knocks her unconscious with her staff. When Egwene
- wakes up she is in a room with thirteen Black Ajah and thirteen
- Myrddraal. She catches them off guard and manages to escape to her
- study. Beldeine is there and confesses that she has been stilled and
- was promised to have the One Power given back to her if she would help
- the Black Ajah overthrow Egwene. Egwene tells her that she never held
- the Oath Rod and she is going to help Rand who has been taken to
- Traitors Court to be gentled.
- She sneaks her way above the chamber and witnesses Rand in the middle.
- Elaida has taken over the role of Amyrlin. Just when she is going to
- help him, the arch appears to her and she throws herself at it.
- Chapter 23 -- Sealed
- When Egwene comes out of the ter'angreal, she realizes that all is not
- as it should be. There are six Aes Sedai `holding' the arches where
- there should only be three. Alanna says it was her fault and she
- should have done something about the resonance she noticed earlier
- within the ter'angreal. Egwene was almost killed.
- Elaida gives Egwene her clothes along with the papers. The Aes Sedai
- has had an opportunity to look through them but gives no indication of
- having done so. She tells Egwene that she didn't want to help her
- because she believes that Egwene will always be a wilder and will
- never `belong' to the White Tower.
- Alanna says that she wants to share Egwene's punishment. Egwene thinks
- that Alanna is offering this to be able to spy on her -- that she is
- Black Ajah.
- Egwene asks Alanna what it means to be Green Ajah. She replies it
- means to love men, and to fight battles; to fight in Tarman Gai'don.
- Egwene goes back to her room not trusting anyone but Nynaeve and
- Elayne. Inside, Elayne in crying in Nynaeve's lap -- Egwene finally
- lets it all out.
- Chapter 24 -- Scouting and Discoveries
- Mat wakes in his room and finds his memory still foggy and he is still
- without a plan to leave. He eats another extremely large meal and
- leaves with his dice cups. He sees many servants, Accepted and Aes
- Sedai on the way out but none of them try to stop them. Outside he
- talks to some guards who recognize him from the description they were
- given. They have been ordered not to let him leave the city. Wandering
- around some more, he sees Else Grinwell, but she speaks only a few
- sparse words to him.
- From there he wanders over to the Warder training yard and sees dozens
- of students dueling with the Gaidin watching them. Watching one
- particular pair is a large group of Accepted and Aes Sedai. He
- recognizes the two young men as Galad and Gawyn. When they take a
- break they come over to talk to Mat as they have recognized him from
- Elayne's description.
- Mat wagers that he can the defeat the two of them at the same time
- with nothing but a quarterstaff. Mat sets the odds at 2:1 and the
- stakes at two silver marks, but both men are unwillingly to take his
- money in what would be a farce. Hammar Gaidin, who has been watching
- the three of them, makes them accept and promises to cover the payment
- if they are unwilling to pay.
- Mat gets incredibly hungry during the fight but relies on his luck and
- makes relatively quick work of Gawyn and then Galad. When Galad goes
- down all the women watching rush over to heal him. Hammar Gaidin makes
- reference to Jearom Gaidin, the greatest swordsman who fought over ten
- thousand times and only lost once -- to a farmer with a quarterstaff.
- At a couple points Mat lets words of the Old Tongue slip out of his
- mouth. When Hammar asks him where he is from he says `Manetheren'. Mat
- wanders off with the staff. He is so weak and hungry it is the only
- thing keeping him up.
- Chapter 25 -- Questions
- Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne are in Nynaeve's room. They have studied
- the list of the Black Ajah and the 13 angreal that they took with
- them. Egwene has been having dreams of Rand, Mat and Perrin.
- Rand: one where he is reaching for a crystal sword with a net dropping
- down on top of him, another where creatures like the one on the Dragon
- banner are flying around him and settling onto his skin, yet another
- of him walking into a hole in a mountain from which a reddish light is
- emanating. Finally, she dreams of him confronting the Seanchan.
- Perrin: one where he has a falcon on his shoulder and a hawk trying to
- put a leash around his neck; the hawk is female. In the other one he
- has a beard and is leading a huge pack of wolves.
- Mat: he is balancing his left eye on a scale and in another he is
- hanging from a tree with a rope around his neck.
- Elayne deduces that the seeming randomness with which the Black Ajah
- have been chosen means that there is more of them left in the Tower;
- care has been taken to make it seem random and that means that there
- was more than the thirteen to chose from. From the lists they find
- that the use of most of the ter'angreal is unknown and that they were
- last studied by Corianin Nedeal. They conclude that they must suspect
- everyone but themselves.
- The three of them argue about using the ring Egwene was given, but
- Egwene wins and they agree to let her try it that night. Else Grinwell
- enters the room and telling them that the belongings left behind by
- Liandrin and the others are down in the second basement of the Tower,
- before she quickly disappears. Egwene runs after her but only finds
- Lanfear in the hallway (her identity unknown to Egwene).
- Chapter 26 -- Behind a Lock
- The three women head down to the basement. The door to the room is
- locked, but Nynaeve is able to open it. Egwene makes uncomfortable
- progress with the One Power; she weaves two threads at once and is
- able to leave a ball of light hanging like a lamp. They open the
- thirteen sacks and within each one is something that has to do with
- Tear. They can't quite determine if it is bait, carelessness, or
- simply a lead.
- Chapter 27 -- Tel'aran'rhiod
- Egwene goes to sleep wearing the ring around her neck while Elayne and
- Nynaeve sit beside the ring keeping watch. Egwene's first trip into
- the Dream World begins on rolling hills on a bright day. While
- wandering around she figures out that she is still able to
- channel...all of a sudden she is in a dark hall of an inn and sees
- Perrin chained with a wolf guarding him. Before Hopper is able to
- attack her she is outside in a forest. She senses someone near and
- approaches their camp. It is Rand, and he is visibly disturbed by her
- presence. He says to no one in particular how his mother had appeared
- and tried to slip him a poisoned honeycake, and how his father had a
- knife for his ribs. "I could stand any face but that one." He proceeds
- to swing Callandor at her. Before it strikes her she finds herself
- back in the hills where she first appeared -- she is confused and
- wants to find answers. Almost in answer to her wish, she finds herself
- in the Heart of the Stone in Tear. There is an old women there named
- Sylvie who says she has served Egwene and her family. Egwene takes a
- good look at Callandor suspended in mid-air. It is protected by both
- saidar and saidin. The two women can hear men approaching and Sylvie
- insists that Egwene leave but she is unable to. In a desperate attempt
- Sylvie grabs the ring around the younger women's neck causing Egwene
- to wake up in a burst of pain back in the White Tower.
- Egwene describes all that she saw, save for Perrin, and Nynaeve
- decides that it is best if they journey to Tear. Elayne wants to send
- a letter to her mother, and Nynaeve knows just the person for the job.
- Chapter 28 -- A Way Out
- Elayne, Egwene, and Nynaeve walk into Mat's room. They try various
- ways to get Mat to commit to delivering Elayne's letter, but Nynaeve
- resorts to giving him a guilt trip. In order to aid him in his
- journey, they give him one of the letters that the Amyrlin had given
- them. Nynaeve channels on him and saying, "not a tenth of what you
- deserve, in all likelihood." Mat thanks them and makes much the same
- comment that Hurin made to them before he left them when they first
- arrived at the Tower making the three women chuckle.
- "You'll never catch me. You'll never catch Cauthon."
- Chapter 29 -- A Trap to Spring
- The three women are in the kitchens cleaning. Laras, Mistress of the
- Kitchens is introduced for the first time. She is a stern, overbearing
- women, but is like a little girl when the Amyrlin enters the kitchens.
- Siuan gets Elayne and Egwene taken out by Laras to be punished so she
- can talk to Nynaeve. She tells the younger woman that Sheriam found a
- Gray Man lying dead in her bed. Nynaeve tells her about their visit
- from Else, but Siuan says that the girl is ten days gone from the
- Tower. Nynaeve thus concludes that Tear has been set up as a trap.
- Siuan goes on to reveal that she knew Elayne was told about the Black
- Ajah. Nynaeve learns that Callandor is a sa'angreal and the High Lords
- don't want anything to do with it. Siuan carries on to say that the
- breaking of the Heart of the Stone is but one sign of the Dragon
- Reborn.
- Their conversation over, Siuan compliments Laras on her kitchen on her
- way out. When the other two women return, Nynaeve tells them that they
- are to leave for Tear after their work is done in the kitchens.
- Chapter 30 -- The First Toss
- Anaiya is checking up on Mat. He tells her that he won't even try to
- leave Tar Valon. After a little conversation, he gets dressed, packs
- and boldly heads out of the Tower. "If you can't hide what you are
- going to do, do it so everyone thinks you are a fool." His plan is to
- gamble for a hour and then a take a ship to Aringill. He ends up
- gambling most of the night; he wins every toss. Raab, one of the Sea
- Folk, wagers on Mat and wins some money. He eventually leaves the inn
- he is at when a man comments that Mat must have `The Dark One's own
- luck'. Outside, Mat is able to avoid footpads in an alley and heads up
- on the roofs of the houses. Crossing a bridge high above the ground,
- he is attacked and pinned down. He throws himself and his assailant
- over the edge with the comment, ∞Time to toss the diceε. He lands on
- top of the other man who dies on impact. Mat walks away from the fall.
- Chapter 31 -- The Women of Tanchico
- Mat wanders into an inn named `The Women of Tanchico' for a rest. He
- finds Thom performing inside and notices that he is acting different;
- stumbling, yet passionate. He is drunk. Mada and Saal are sisters and
- are concerned about Thom in his inebriated state. Mat orders three
- chickens that he quickly devours. Thom mentions that he recently
- killed a man in Cairhien (King Galldrian?). He also saw Elaida in Tar
- Valon who would definitely want to throttle him. Mat invites him to go
- to Caemlyn with him. On their way out Saal gives Mat a Tar Valon
- silver mark and tells him that he has pretty eyes. Mat tells Thom
- about his encounter with footpads and Thom says he must be mistaken
- because there are no footpads in Tar Valon. Outside, the body of Mat's
- assailant has disappeared.
- Chapter 32 -- The First Ship
- Down at Southharbour, Mat and Thom get by the Dockmaster and manage to
- jump onto the Gray Gull. The captain is a Tairen named Huan Mallia. At
- the outset, Mallia doesn't even want them on his ship, but to the
- astonishment of the crew, Mat talks him into giving him and Thom his
- cabin and his food for twelve gold marks. Inside the cabin, Mallia
- does most of the talking and is quite contemptuous of any nation other
- than Tear. Thom doesn't believe the story the man tells. With his dice
- out, Mat rolls the Dark One's eyes (all ones). This confuses him since
- in some games it is the highest roll and in others, the lowest; he
- doesn't yet know what game he is playing.
- Chapter 33 -- Within the Weave
- Perrin, Loial, Lan and Moiraine have reached the Lugard border and are
- pressing after Rand. Perrin sees a large hound print and smells
- something funny but doesn't quite know what it is although he is sure
- the two are not related. He reflects on the recent dream he had of
- Egwene where Hopper lunged at her throat. He believes that he must be
- safe in the White Tower and that he shouldn't be worrying about he
- Throughout their journey they pass many villages through which Rand
- had recently passed, all having been affected in some strange way. The
- results are more bad than good. In the poorest town, the Mayor dug up
- a sac of gold coins which none of the villagers could recognize.
- Moiraine says they are from Manetheren. She explains to Perrin and
- Loial that Rand has "caused" so many bad things simply because the
- Pattern is both good and bad.
- Upon entering the town of Remen, Perrin smells the same thing he did
- in Jarra. In the square is a tall man in cage at which small children
- are throwing rocks. Lan takes the group of them right by the cage and
- on to an inn named The Wayman's Forge where the innkeeper's name is
- Master Furlan. Everyone in the common room is dressed up save for four
- men. The mention that the man in the cage is an Aiel triggers Perrin
- recollection of Min's prophecy: "An Aielman in a cage. A turning point
- in your life, or something important that will happen." They also hear
- news of fighting in Altara. The man everyone is gathered to hear is
- Lord Orban. He is telling a story of how he managed to catch the Aiel,
- and was able to kill twenty others while only losing half of his dozen
- men. Going up the stairs to his room Perrin sees a girl in plain
- clothes watching him.
- Chapter 34 -- A Different Dance
- The innkeeper is talking to Moiraine, Lan and Perrin on the way to
- their rooms when he mentions, what Moiraine interprets as, another
- False Dragon rising in Ghealdan. It is at that point that Perrin
- smells fear on her. It turns out that is a man who is preaching about
- the dragon (Masema). Loial's room has a bed that is made of Sung wood
- and tries to share this with Perrin but he is lost in thought about
- the girl that was staring at him. He remarks, at this point, how
- natural the axe has become to him.
- Perrin goes to talk to Moiraine. She tells how she is debating whether
- to continue following Rand on land or to take to a ship to his
- eventual destination of Tear. She remarks how Rand has the blood of
- strong walkers/runners in him. For a moment Perrin gets a little
- excited in the room alone with her as he notices what a beautiful
- woman she really is.
- Perrin has come to the conclusion that the girl who was watching him
- must be a Darkfriend. He proceeds outside to the square where the Aiel
- is being held and lets the man down. His name is Gaul of the Imran
- sept of the Shaarad Aiel. He is Shae'en M'taal, a Stone Dog. He and
- his kind have crossed the Spine of the World to search for He Who
- Comes With the Dawn. A dozen Whitecloaks see what Perrin has done and
- attack the two of them. They "dance" with the Whitecloaks and when
- they are through Gaul discredits Orban's story by telling Perrin that
- there was only him and another that fought with Orban and his men. The
- Aiel leaves Perrin and sets out for Tear. Lan quickly approaches and
- hurries Perrin off to the harbour.
- Chapter 35 -- The Falcon
- Sneaking their way down to the docks, Loial mentions the book he is
- writing about their adventures and comments on how much he is enjoying
- everything. The ship they board is named `Snow Goose' and its captain
- is Jaim Adarra. The girl from the inn manages to jump on board just as
- the boat is setting sail. She immediately walks right up to Perrin.
- Her reason for following them is that she couldn't figure out how he
- fit in with the rest of his companions. She lets him know that the
- townsfolk think the Aiel freed himself. She goes on to reveal that she
- is a Hunter of the Horn and that she is incredibly adept with knives.
- She believes that the Horn can be found in the Mountains of Mist but
- is willing to follow a strange trail. She names herself as Zarine
- Bashere and as Perrin is walking away she says to call her Faile.
- Perrin almost falls down the ladder when he hears this.
- Chapter 36 -- Daughter of the Night
- Perrin goes to sleep in his cabin with the wolves absent for the first
- time in a longtime. In his dream there is a very thick fog and he is
- being lead along by Hopper. Looking down he can see men bent down in
- front of Ba'alzamon but who are really asleep back in their own beds.
- He sees Ba'alzamon kill the man from Tar Valon for letting Mat escape
- and then proceeds to order the rest of them awake. Lanfear appears in
- front of the Dark One and Perrin recognizes her from his dream and now
- as one of the Forsaken freed from her prison. She is defiant of her
- master and claims Lews Therin for her own. Eventually she submits and
- vows to serve. Hopper proceeds to lead Perrin out of the fog and then
- flies away. At that point Perrin see Rand slaying a Myrddraal and a
- large circle of people closing in on him. Perrin tries to warn him but
- Rand turns on him and Perrin wakes up in a great burst of pain. There
- is a small burn on his chest from the lighting that Rand fired at him.
- Perrin goes to Moiraine's cabin and tells her about the dream but she
- doesn't much except that he must be careful. He asks her about Zarine
- and finds out that her name is of Saldaean royalty.
- Rand awakes realizing Perrin was real and warns himself to be careful
- in the future. A female merchant and her men approach his camp in a
- peaceful manner looking to share it with him. Without hesitation he
- kills all of them with a sword of fire. "No Mistakes." He takes the
- woman's gelding and heads out on the straightest path to Tear. "`I
- will put an end to it. The taunting. The baiting. I will end it!
- Callandor.' It called to him."
- Chapter 37 -- Fires in Cairhien
- The Blue Crane is passing near Cairhien with Egwene, Nynaeve and
- Elayne on board. The towns on the Cairhien side have all been burnt
- down and are abandoned. The captain and the crew think that the three
- women are Aes Sedai. Egwene has been using the ring most nights since
- her first attempt but they have not been very productive. Her own
- dreams however, without the ter'angreal, have been filled with her
- friends. Of Rand, she has dreamed of him with a fire sword and that he
- is in danger from two people. Of Perrin, she has seen him with a wolf,
- a falcon and a hawk who are fighting each other, him running from
- something deadly and him stepping of a cliff saying, "It must be done.
- I must learn to fly before I reach the bottom." She has dreamed of Min
- springing a steel trap but walking right through it without noticing
- it. With relation to Mat she has dreamed of dice spinning, men
- following him who aren't really there, and him riding towards
- something unseen in the distance that he has to reach and him with a
- women with fireworks all around her.
- Talking to Elayne later, they figure out that the men following Mat
- who are not there must be Gray men. Their conversation is interrupted
- when the ship runs into something that turns out to be a sunken ship.
- Nynaeve determines that they can't wait so the three of them are going
- to continue on foot. She decides to take the shorter route, on the
- Cairhien side, despite Ellisor's insistence on the safer Andor side.
- Not long on their way, a figure jumps up in front of the three women
- from behind a small bush.
- Chapter 38 -- Maidens of the Spear
- The figure in front of them is a Aiel girl of Egwene's age. Egwene
- notices that she looks like she could be Rand's cousin. The girls
- introduces herself as Aviendha of the Bitter Water sept of the Taardad
- Aiel and as Far Dareis Mai. She recognizes them as Women of the White
- Tower and says that they are similar to the women called Wise Ones in
- her culture. She is there to ask them to help her dying friend. They
- meet up with two other Aiel girls, Bain and Chiad, before going to
- tend to the wounded girl. On the way, Egwene and Elayne, and Bain and
- Chiad have an awkward conversation about the concept of first sisters
- in the Aiel culture.
- The wounded girl is named Dailin and she is hurt quite bad. While
- Nynaeve is healing her with herbs, the others continue there
- conversation, verbally exploring the othersφ culture. Egwene learns
- that the Far Dareis Mai cannot attack an Aes Sedai because history
- says that their ancestors used to serve the Tower. The Aiel find the
- concept of swimming very difficult to grasp. The Aiel girls mention
- balefire, a power that the ancient Aes Sedai used although Elayne
- doesn't know what it is. Egwene, however, is sure that balefire was
- what she saw in her dream. By that time Nynaeve has worked up her
- anger and has healed Dailin.
- Chapter 39 -- Threads in the Pattern
- Aviendha is very grateful to Nynaeve: "Aes Sedai, I owe you a debt. My
- water is yours, and the shade of my septhold will welcome you. Dailin
- is my second-sister... I owe you a blood debt." The Aiel say that they
- are searching for He Who Comes With The Dawn and that he was born of
- Far Dareis Mai. When Nynaeve mentions that they are on their way to
- Tear the Aiel seem perplexed at the thought. While following Nynaeve
- on to Jurene, the nearest village, Egwene and Elayne discuss the Aiel
- war and its causes. It was King Laman of Cairhien who cut down the
- Avendoraldera tree that the Aiel had given as a present four hundred
- years prior so that he could make a throne for himself. The
- Avendoraldera was an offspring of the Avendesora tree, `The Tree of
- Life', itself. The Aiel do not view those three years as a war but a
- rather an execution. Elayne makes the connection between Rand and He
- Who Comes With the Dawn and explains it to Egwene.
- Passing a copse of trees, the three of them are ambushed by a group of
- men and knocked unconscious. Egwene wakes tied onto a horse and vows
- not to be taken prisoner again. She is promptly knocked out again.
- Some time later she wakes once again in a dark room. She is able to
- see a dozen men, their captors, in the next room through cracks in the
- wall. They are planning to sell the women to another man. They think
- that their prisoners will be unconscious for some time yet. Egwene
- wakes up Nynaeve and figures out that they have been given `sleep
- root' which does not keep one unconscious, but rather helps relieve
- headaches. They find that Elayne is near death but Nynaeve is able to
- heal her.
- There are three Myrddraal in the room with the men. When Egwene and
- the others burst out of their room, a group of Aiel attack from
- outside. Egwene is holding the Fades when Nynaeve unleashes a stream
- of incredibly intense light at them. Nynaeve doesn't know what it is
- but Egwene recognizes it as balefire. One of the two dead Aiel is
- Dailin. Rhuarc is the male and he is a clan leader. He is there
- because a Wise One's dream said he should go. He recognizes Nynaeve's
- ring as that of the King of Malkier and is quite intrigued by the
- three of them. The women leave the next morning and part ways with the
- Aiel before they reach Jurene. They board a boat named Darter and
- continue their trip downriver.
- Chapter 40 -- A Hero in the Night
- The Gray Gull has arrived in Aringill. Mat opened Elayne's letter on
- the way but didn't find anything interesting. "I told you I'd deliver
- it, Nynaeve, and I bloody will, no matter who tries to stop me." There
- are many Cairhienin refugees on the docks. Mat's appetite has finally
- returned to normal over the last two days. Ashore, they are informed
- by a guard that as of tomorrow, Morgase has ordered that no more
- refugees be allowed to cross. Thom remarks that that does not sound
- very much like something Morgase would do. They are turned down at
- several inns before Mat is able to get them a stable to sleep in and a
- couple of geldings by dicing with an innkeeper named Jeral Floory. Mat
- has not been winning every toss anymore but he remarks: "I win
- enough". Thom and Mat have retired to the stable when a women walks in
- followed by four men who are threatening her. Mat rescues Aludra who
- is a apparently a renegade Illuminator. To thank him she gives him a
- bundle of fireworks. Aludra and then Mat and Thom leave.
- Chapter 41 -- A Hunter's Oath
- The Snow Goose is approaching Illian. Moiraine has learned that Zarine
- is a Hunter of the Horn and knows that she is Aes Sedai. She is mad at
- Perrin for not letting her know these things. Actually, everyone on
- board knows that Moiraine is Aes Sedai. Perrin: "(Zarine) may be
- pretty, but she looks at me the way I'd look at a tool I'd never seen
- before, trying to puzzle out how it is made and what it is supposed to
- be used for. "Zarine insists that they use the name `Faile'. Moiraine
- tells her that they must part ways but Zarine is intent on following
- them. Moiraine makes her take an oath and says, much to his dismay,
- that she is Perrin's responsibility. "It seems that you have found
- Min's falcon, ta'veren."
- Chapter 42 -- Easing the Badger
- Riding through Illian, Loial is worrying about other Ogier being there
- and taking him home. He mentions the Ways in front of Zarine. Moiraine
- and Lan both notice that something with the city is not right. Perrin
- notices that many people seem unhappy. Lan leads them into the
- Perfumed Quarter and to an inn named Easing the Badger. The
- proprietress, Nieda, greets Moiraine as Mistress Mari and asks if her
- pigeons arrived safely. She goes on about a tough winter and says that
- Lord Brend, a newcomer to Illian has been raised to the Council of
- Nine and is controlling it. She also mentions that she has been having
- strange dreams. It is after that remark that Perrin senses that
- Moiraine is scared once again. Moiraine states that she has something
- to do that night. There are no ships allowed to or from Tear; there is
- talk of war with them.
- Eating in the common room, Perrin smells the thing from Jarra and
- Remen. It is coming from the six men approaching him from across the
- room who attack him with knives. The six of them are dead in seconds
- with help from Moiraine and the others. She identifies them as Gray
- Men. At that point she leaves the inn although Lan does try to stop
- her. She insists on going alone, possibly to her death. "The wheel
- weaves as the wheel wills, and the Shadow darkens the world. Heed me,
- Lan, and obey as you swore to."
- Chapter 43 -- Shadowbrothers
- Lan asks Perrin and Loial to help him search outside; Zarine follows.
- There is no one about and Perrin smells something almost like burnt
- sulphur. Lan finds the tracks of a Darkhound in the stone; that is the
- source of the smell. It has found what it was looking for and has gone
- to report to its master. These creatures have not been seen south of
- the Mountains of Dhoom since the Trolloc Wars. Lan offers to release
- Zarine from her oath in light of recent events but she declines. He
- goes off to find Moiraine, and Perrin and the others go to sleep.
- He is searching for the Wolf dream and eventually finds it. While
- looking around for Hopper in a barren land, he sees visions of Mat
- dicing with the Dark One and Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne stepping into
- a huge cage. Hopper arrives. "Dangerous. You have been warned, Young
- Bull. Too young. Too new yet." Hopper tells Perrin that `the Last
- Hunt' comes and that Perrin must flee the `Shadowbrothers'
- (Darkhounds). Perrin wakes up in his room with Zarine there. He thinks
- for a moment that she might be the beautiful woman that Min had told
- him to run from. Before he can think any further Moiraine bursts into
- the room: "Your Wolf dreams tell as truly as a Dreamer's, Perrin. The
- Forsaken are loose, and one of them rules in Illian."
- Chapter 44 -- Hunted
- The Forsaken in control of Illian is Sammael. Lan has killed the
- Darkhound and Moiraine says that they have to leave before Sammael
- finds out they are there. Moiraine gives Zarine another chance to
- leave but she says she will stay for the story she will be able to
- tell once the adventure is over. Perrin: "She has to have a reason.
- Being in a bloody story isn't reason enough for any but a mad woman."
- Nieda has been serving Moraine for twelve years but she doesn't really
- believe that Moiraine is serious about the danger that they are all
- in. Moraine reveals that is was not Sammael who sent the Gray Men
- after Perrin. He realizes that this must mean that another Forsaken is
- loose! Moiraine does not believe that Sammael knows that Perrin exists
- yet. Perrin: "Why me? Rand is the bloody Dragon Reborn!". He says this
- in front of Zarine and Nieda.
- Moiraine, Lan, Perrin, Loial and Zarine head out of Illian but have to
- stop to face ten Darkhounds that are on their trail. "You can never
- outrun the Darkhounds, blacksmith." Perrin kills one of the hounds
- with an arrow before Moiraine obliterates the rest of them with a
- stream of blinding white light; something that is forbidden and has
- not been used in two thousand years. Moiraine says that they are not
- Sammael's main quarry. Zarine finds out that Mat has blown the Horn of
- Valere. Moiraine: "Once again events outpace me. I do not like that.
- And neither should you. If events outrun me, they may trample you and
- the rest of the world with you."
- Mat and Thom are camping near Caemlyn. Mat cuts up a firecracker
- exactly like he is supposed to avoid doing. The two of them are
- attacked by a group of men and a woman, all four of which they kill.
- Mat recognizes one of the men who jumped overboard into the Erinin.
- Mat is confused and thinks people are after him because of the letter
- he is carrying for Elayne. They head out for Caemlyn without any
- sleep.
- Chapter 45 -- Caemlyn
- Mat and Thom enter Caemlyn early in the morning. Mat goes to deliver
- Elayne's letter and Thom goes to the Queen's Blessing. Mat is chased
- away by the Palace guards -- they name him a Darkfriend for saying he
- comes from Tar Valon. He heads back to the inn. In the kitchen the
- cook remembers him as the servant to the young Prince who looked like
- Tigraine. Basel Gill, (the innkeeper and Thom's friend) and Thom tell
- Mat that Morgase has a new advisor. Bryne didn't like him and has been
- retired to his estate. Lord Gaebril, the new advisor has replaced half
- of the Queen's Guard in a very short time. Mat intends to get the
- letter to Morgase without having to deal with the guards. He rolls the
- Dark One's Eyes before leaving, again, not knowing what game he is
- playing. Basel (to Thom): "How does he come by gold?" Mat: "I always
- win, that's how. I just have to win once more and I'm done with
- Elayne, and that's the last of the White Tower for me. Just once
- more."
- Chapter 46 -- A Message out of the Shadow
- Mat climbs over the wall of the Palace Garden that Rand fell over a
- year earlier. While hiding from the guards behind a bush, he hears two
- men talking through the window. The man referred to as `Great Master'
- by the other, is ordering his `servant' to have Elayne, Egwene and
- Nynaeve killed. They are on their way to Tear. The same man also
- refers to a male third party whose plans the three women are trying to
- spoil.
- Guardsman-Lieutenant Tallanvor wanders across Mat and takes him to the
- Queen. Lord Gaebril, standing beside Morgase, is taller than Rand and
- almost as big as Perrin. When presenting himself to the Queen, Mat
- uses the name Thom Grinwell. He almost mentions the conversation he
- had just overheard concerning Elayne, when he is stopped by Gaebril.
- Mat recognizes his voice as that of the `Great Master'. During the
- following dialogue, there are several passages where Morgase is
- described by Jordan as a follower, or even a pet, of Gaebril. "It has
- come time, Morgase, to lance that festering sore on the border of
- Andor. By your marriage to Taringail Damodred you have claim to the
- Sun Throne. The Queen's Guard can make that claim as strong as any.
- Perhaps I can even aid them in some small way. Hear me."
- Chapter 47 -- To Race the Shadow
- Mat has a very strong urge to run as Tallanvor escorts him out of the
- Palace. He inquires whether Mat knows much about the Tower. He thinks
- Morgase was trying to say something by asking Mat questions concerning
- her daughter and Tar Valon. When Mat asks, Tallanvor says that he
- serves Morgase to the death. On his way back to the inn Mat is
- thinking about the trouble that Elayne, Egwene and Moiraine are in.
- ∞Fool women! Now I have to keep their bacon from burning instead of
- looking after my own!
- Back at the inn, Mat learns from Basel that Gaebril came to Caemlyn
- during the winter and restored order to the city while Morgase was in
- Tar Valon. She was so happy about what he had done, she named him her
- advisor. Basel continues to tell Mat and Thom that he and some others
- have been having strange dreams that are very similar to one anothers.
- Mat tells the other two men about the plan that Gaebril has for Elayne
- and the others. They don't believe him at first, but are eventually
- convinced. Thom suggests that the best thing for them to do is to
- spread a rumour about it and let I get back to Morgase. Jordan uses a
- very coy analogy in this passage. While telling his ideas, Thom's
- moves in the game of Stones he is playing with Gill are analogous to
- his plans for Gaebril. Mat declares that he is leaving for Tear and
- Thom agrees to go along. Mat tosses a purse of gold that he received
- from Gaebril to Master Gill. When Basel asks him what it is for, Mat
- replies, "Stakes. Gaebril doesn't know it, but he and I have a wager.
- And I always win." Mat proceeds to role five sixes.
- Chapter 48 -- Following the Craft
- The Darter arrives in Tear. Egwene and Nynaeve have been sick the
- entire trip. They have assumed the names Joslyn and Maryim,
- respectively. Elayne is calling herself Caryla. Egwene has been having
- dreams again and has been getting used the ter'angreal. She has dreamt
- of Perrin choosing between an axe and a hammer and Mat coming after
- her and gambling with the Dark One. Of Rand, she has seen him sneaking
- towards Callandor and around him are six men and five women all trying
- to get him.
- On shore, the women are in awe of the Stone of Tear, made with the One
- Power. Egwene does not like how Elayne always agrees with Nynaeve so
- easily. Elayne suggests that they hire a thief taker to help them find
- the Black Ajah. Nynaeve says that they should not stay in an inn and
- proceeds to walk to the door of a house which she recognizes to be
- that of a Wisdom. A woman named Mother Guenna answers the door and she
- gives Nynaeve something for her stomach. The two women test each other
- extensively with regards to how they would soothe a wide variety of
- aliments. Mother Guenna tells the women that her name in Ailhuin. She
- offers them her spare rooms in exchange for their story of why they
- are in Tear. After they answer, she says she knows a man that will be
- able to help them and goes off to find him. His name is Juilin Sandar,
- a thief taker, and the most dangerous man Ailhuin knows.
- Egwene comments on how manipulative Nynaeve has become and how much
- she is becoming like Moiraine. Elayne gets upset at this comment.
- Neither Egwene nor Elayne like what they have to do, but agree they
- that it has to be done.
- Chapter 49 -- A Storm in Tear
- Ailhuin bring Juilin back with her. He gives Nynaeve a second look and
- she notices. Ailhuin says that Juilin is an honourable man and will
- always tell the truth except where it might get him a kiss. To answer
- Elayne's question, he says that he doesn't carry a sword because,
- except for foreigners and High Lords, they are illegal in Tear.
- Nynaeve lays thirteen silver marks out on the table and promises that
- again once the 13 women that they seek are found. She describes all
- thirteen to Juilin and he says that he will treat them all like Aes
- Sedai and Black Ajah. He interprets Egwene's choking for fear and
- assures her that there are no Aes Sedai in Tear.
- That night, Elayne and Nynaeve are beside Egwene when she enters the
- Dream World. Egwene has learned how to travel in Tel'aran'rhiod. When
- she appears in the Heart of the Stone, thirteen women are seated
- around Callandor. Liandrin looks right at Egwene and smiles. Egwene is
- awake a moment later and tells Elayne and Nynaeve that, "They are
- waiting for us. And I think they know we are in Tear." A storm breaks
- out over the city.
- Mat and Thom have hired the ship named Swift and Captain Dermet to
- take them downriver to Tear. They have arrived in pouring rain.
- Walking up from the docks, Mat is intent on finding Egwene, Nynaeve
- and Elayne before Comar (Gaebril's servant) does. Thinking about his
- friends makes his homesick for a moment. During a lightning flash he
- sees the house where they are staying but doesn't know it. Along with
- Thom, he enters The White Crescent inn where the innkeeper's name is
- Cavar Loper. After a meal they are out in the city looking for the
- women.
- Just before dawn when complete fatigue is setting in, they wander into
- The Golden Cup--Comar is there. He is dicing at a table and is winning
- all the time. Thom shows how Comar is using weighted dice and leaves
- Mat and the innkeeper in awe of how he switched the dice without them
- noticing. Loper says that exposing Comar will do nothing for them
- since the guards are apt to believe an outland Lord before a poor
- local man. He also comments on how he has been having nightmares of a
- man who matches Rand's description. Mat takes matters into his own
- hands and challenges Comar to some dicing. When Mat rolls he fells the
- dice tumble oddly and wins. "I think your luck is about used up Comar.
- If you've harmed those girls, it's all gone." Comar slips and says
- that he hasn't even found them yet. Mat fights that larger man and
- ends up breaking his back, killing him. Before he dies, however, Comar
- reveals that he was not the only one looking for them.
- Leaving the inn, Mat tells Thom that he has figured out how his luck
- works; it only works for random things like dice, not Stones and other
- things that require thought. For three days and nights they wander
- about Tear picking random spots to look for the three women. During
- this time Mat has been dreaming of Rand quite a bit.
- Chapter 50 -- The Hammer
- Arriving in Tear, Perrin feels lonely when he reaches out for the
- wolves and they are not there. Riding through the city, Lan notices
- that most of the people look defeated for some unknown reason. He
- leads the group of them to an inn named The Star who's innkeepers name
- in Jurah Haret. Moiraine tells the others to stay near the inn while
- her and Lan go out into the city investigating.
- Perrin goes to the smithy that is next door and helps the blacksmith
- there. The man is very impressed with Perrin's work and asks if he
- would like to work for him since his three apprentices have left him
- because of their nightmares. He really wants Perrin to stay. Perrin
- says he doesn't know how long he will be in Tear, but agrees to stay
- for the meantime. He feels very much at home working in the smithy.
- When they close that night, Zarine is there. The Blacksmith, Dermid
- Ajala, asks Perrin to keep the ten pound hammer he was using because
- he says it looks right in his hands. He looks Perrin right in the eyes
- but doesn't flinch when he notices their colour.
- Back in the inn, Perrin gets upset when Lan calls him farmboy when he
- summons him into the private dining room. Moiraine tells the group of
- them that Be'lal is ruling in Tear and is using the name Lord Samon.
- Loial wants to go back to the Stedding, but doesn't want to leave his
- book incomplete. Zarine has no problems about leaving but is not
- allowed to. Moiraine says that Be'lal's plans are to let Rand into the
- Stone to take Callandor, only to kill him and take the sword for his
- own. She says that she will attempt to kill the Forsaken with
- Balefire, something she has learned over the past year. He is
- extremely dangerous, and will be difficult to defeat. She asks Loial
- what the Ogier remember about Be'lal. He tells how he was envious of
- Lews Therin Telamon, Lanfear and Sammael and thus Forsook the Light.
- He is called Netweaver and is a master of the Sword. Lan reports that
- he has seen Aiel on the rooftops in Tear. Perrin recounts how the Aiel
- he freed in Remen, Gaul, said that his people would leave the Three
- Fold Land when the Stone broke. Moiraine says she has never read
- anything about the Aiel in the Prophecies of the Dragon. Lan and
- Moiraine plan to find a way into the Stone tonight.
- Chapter 51 -- Bait for the Net
- Nynaeve thinks she sees Rand walking in the distance while she is out
- in the street buying some meat. Juilin approaches at that point to
- tell her that he has found the women for whom they are searching. He
- is very frightened and says that they are guests of the High Lord
- Samon. When they arrive at the house, Ailhuin is bound by Air and
- Nynaeve is shielded from the Source before she can do anything.
- Liandrin and Rianna are there. Nynaeve tries to fight with her fists
- but is beaten severely by flows of Air. Egwene and Elayne have
- suffered similar treatment. The two Black Ajah tell Ailhuin to keep
- her tongue quiet about what she has seen to which she agrees. Liandrin
- has to stop Rianna from killing Nynaeve rationalizing that bait is of
- no use of it is dead. Outside, when being loaded onto the Black Ajah's
- carriage, Nynaeve sees that Juilin was made to betray them. Liandrin
- and Rianna serve Be'lal who has sent for thirteen Myrddraal.
- Chapter 52 -- In Search of a Remedy
- Thom has become so sick that Mat has obtained directions to a Wise
- Woman's house in order to purchase a remedy. Outside the house Mat
- notices some recent carriage tracks and thinks them out of place in
- the Maule (the poorer part of Tear). He doesn't make much of it as his
- mind is on carrying Thom to the door. The woman, Mother Guenna, gives
- Thom a concoction to ease his cough against his will. In talking with
- Mat she realizes that Mat's friends (Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne) were
- there earlier. He is mad for walking by Mother Guenna's house on that
- first night in Tear. Against her judgment, she tells Mat that they
- have been taken to the Stone by Aes Sedai for Lord Samon. Mat thinks
- that this is good news until he learns that they were beaten. He
- leaves Thom with the Wise Woman and heads to the Stone with a mind to
- rescue his friends. He can feel the dice tumbling in his head.
- Chapter 53 -- A Flow of the Spirit
- Perrin has been working for the blacksmith again, while Zarine watches
- him. He has become uncomfortable with her gaze. When the two of them
- are on their way back to the inn, Lan and Moiraine tell them that Rand
- is in Tear; there have been may marriages and many other unlikely
- events occurring in the last day. Many people dreamt about Rand last
- night and have been having other nightmares because Be'lal has not
- been shielding his dreams. Lan orders Perrin and Zarine to leave for
- Tar Valon immediately. In the common room of the Star, Perrin
- overhears people talking about the Dragon. Upstairs he hears a noise
- from their private dining room and finds Zarine lying motionless on
- the floor with a carving of a hedgehog lying by her hand. The only
- thing that keeps Perrin from running to her side is Moiraine's cry to
- "Stop!".
- If he had entered the room, he too would have been caught in the trap.
- Moiraine is unsure as to what has happened and orders Lan to find the
- innkeeper. Moiraine had order the man to not allow anyone into that
- room. He is incredibly terrified but says that two women came and said
- that they wanted to leave a surprise for her. Moiraine concludes that
- Be'lal knows she is in Tear and had set that trap for her. Lan
- comments that Be'lal will not be expecting them tonight. Moiraine
- explains to Perrin that Faile has been sent entirely to the World of
- Dreams -- dreamers are only part way there -- and she will die if she
- is left there for too long. When her and Lan have left, Perrin asks
- Loial to watch his back while he tries to save Zarine. Perrin leaps
- into the room and manages to touch her ankle before he is gone.
- Perrin finds himself in the Wolf Dream where Hopper tells him that it
- is more dangerous than ever for Young Bull to be there. Instead of the
- axe at his side, he has his hammer. Perrin has entered the dream too
- strongly and his body turns into that of a wolf even larger than
- Hopper's. The two wolves set off together to find Faile.
- Chapter 54 -- Into the Stone
- It is night in Tear and Mat is on the rooftops. He intends to get into
- the Stone by crossing the wall to it and climbing up the wall.
- Glancing at it, he sees someone climbing up the wall. Out of nowhere,
- he feels a blade at his throat. He manages to put up a good fight
- before he is overcome by four figures. They are black-veiled Aiel.
- Juilin Sandar appears shortly thereafter feeling regret for how he
- betrayed Nynaeve and the others that afternoon. Among the Aiel are
- Rhuarc and Gaul. They leave the wetlanders trusting that they will not
- raise an alarm because of their presence in Tear. Juilin suggests that
- they use the thief-catchers entrance to the Stone. Mat asks Juilin to
- wait until he "stirs the ant-hill a bit."
- He lights the fireworks in an arrowslit of the Stone and they explode
- before he is halfway back across the town wall. He sees that they have
- made a hole in the wall big enough for him to get through although he
- doesn't understand how. Regardless, he doesn't trust Juilin and
- decides to head through the newly made entrance. Inside, he curses
- himself for there are many Defenders of the Stone waiting for him.
- While he is fighting them, Juilin appears and leads Mat down to the
- dungeon where they hope to find Nynaeve and the others.
- Rand is in the Stone and has heard the explosion and the resulting
- alarm. He climbed up the wall and opened the wound in his side while
- doing so. He is intent on getting Callandor and thus end the taunting
- and the hunting.
- Egwene wakes in a cell and finds Nynaeve and Elayne in there with her.
- She swears that she will not be held prisoner again. While she was
- unconscious she dreamt of Rand coming for Callandor, Mat coming to
- save them and Perrin as a wolf. The other women tell her that they
- have been taken as bait for Rand and that there are thirteen Myrddraal
- coming to the Stone. Egwene wants to enter Tel'aran'rhiod to see if
- she can help them escape. When she gets there is able to channel. In
- the dungeon, she finds Joiya Byir faintly appearing in and out of the
- Dream World in front of Callandor in the Heart of the Stone. Very
- quickly, Egwene shields her from the Source and bounds her with a flow
- of Air. She leaves the Black Ajah there because she doesn't have the
- heart to kill her.
- Perrin and Hopper are in the Stone killing the men guarding a tall
- door. Inside they find Faile who proclaims that she new Perrin would
- come before she disappears. Perrin vows to continue the hunt to find
- her.
- Mat and Juilin are fighting again. Mat is dueling with the High Lord
- Darlin who is a very skilled opponent. Mat eventually defeats him and
- sees Rand run by in an adjacent corridor. Casually swinging his staff
- over his shoulder while talking to Juilin, Mat knocks out another High
- Lord who would have surely killed both of them before they saw him.
- Mat urges Juilin to find the staircase that will lead them down to the
- dungeon.
- Chapter 55 -- What is Written in Prophecy
- Rand is in the Heart of the Stone along with Be'lal. The Forsaken
- describes how they were once allies. Rand refuses to cower before
- merely one of the Forsaken and will not take Callandor even with
- Be'lal's continued insistence. They engage in swordfight and Rand
- finds himself outmatched. There are now many others fighting around
- the two men with swords made from saidin. Before Be'lal can kill Rand,
- Moiraine comes in and blasts the Forsaken with balefire. She says to
- Rand that he has come too soon, but that he must take Callandor.
- Without warning, Moiraine is flung into one of the redstone columns by
- some unseen force. It is Ba'alzamon and he descends from the darkness
- above. "Twice in this life I have offered you the chance to serve me
- living. Twice you have refused, and wounded me. Now you will serve the
- Lord of the Grave in death. Die, Lews Therin Kinslayer. Die, Rand
- al'Thor. It is time for you to die! I take your soul!" The Dark One
- strikes Rand as he dives to grab Callandor. When he has it in his
- hands, he is able to channel more of the Power than he can believe.
- "You will not take my soul. This time, I mean to finish it once and
- for all! I mean to finish it now!" Ba'alzamon flees and Rand follows
- him with the Sword That Cannot Be Touched.
- Egwene is down in the dungeon as it exists in Tel'aran'rhiod. She is
- unable to locate her cell, but she catches a glimpse much fainter that
- Joiya had been before and recognizes it as Amico, the Black Ajah who
- was guarding the door to her cell. She shields the other women, bounds
- her with air and smashes the lock of the cell door. Awake, a moment
- later, Amico is still bound but the lock on the door is still intact.
- All three of them feel that something has happened to the shield
- severing them from the source; it has weakened. Egwene goes back to
- finish things off.
- Mat and Juilin have found their way down to the dungeon. Down the
- first corridor Mat sees a women sitting oddly in front of a door.
- Sandar recognizes the women as one of the Aes Sedai Nynaeve was
- looking for. Mat wants to help the seemingly helpless women, but
- decides to take her key and find out if his friends are behind the
- cell door. His hunch was right and Nynaeve and Elayne wake Egwene. Mat
- is let down at the harsh reception he receives from them. All three of
- them stare at Juilin when he walks in the door, and he apologizes for
- his earlier actions saying Liandrin made him do it. Nynaeve punches
- Amico which knocks her out and removes the shield from the One Power.
- Egwene takes Amico's ter'angreal. Mat asks why Nynaeve punched a
- helpless women and is momentarily suspended in the air while he is
- told to keep his opinions to himself. He and Juilin follow the women
- out of the dungeon.
- Hopper has led Perrin to Faile twice but she has disappeared each
- time. This time, behind a door with hundreds of Falcons engraved on
- it, there is a falcon chained to its perch. Running to the bird,
- Perrin is attacked by dozens of falcons clawing at him. He reaches the
- perch, breaks the chain and blacks out in pain.
- He awakens in the private dining room back at the Star with Faile
- bending over him tending to his many wounds. "My poor Perrin, my poor
- blacksmith. You are hurt so badly." There is a broken carving of a
- hedgehog on the floor near where he lay.
- Rand is in what appears to be the Heart of the Stone in the Dream
- World. Balefire is shot at him from behind a column and he deflects it
- with Callandor which sends it into the columns around him obliterating
- them. He fires back and proceeds to chase Ba'alzamon around the Stone.
- Rand is forced to defend himself against all the traps and obstacles
- that The Dark One throws in his way. He is able counteract them
- without so much as a thought but finds it difficult to maintain the
- balance between existence and nothingness. Ba'alzamon has lead him
- back into the Heart of the Stone. He makes a plea for Rand to join
- him. In response, Rand severs the black lines that are connected to
- his foe from the surrounding darkness and slays him through the chest.
- This sends them both back to the Heart of the Stone in the real world.
- A man with a hole in his chest lies dead at Rand's feet with tendrils
- of black smoke rising from his eyes. "I have done it. I have killed
- Ba'alzamon, killed Shai'tan! I have won the Last Battle! Light, I am
- the Dragon Reborn! The breaker of nations, the breaker of the World.
- No! I will end the breaking, end the killing! I will make it end!"
- Rising Callandor above his head he yells "Stop!" and proclaims himself
- as the Dragon Reborn. One by one everyone in the room kneels to him
- crying, "The Dragon is Reborn! The Dragon is Reborn!"
- Chapter 56 -- People of the Dragon
- In the morning, people all over Tear speak of the dream they had of
- the Dragon battling Ba'alzamon in the Heart of the Stone, and see the
- Dragon banner flying above the Stone. All day people wander through
- the streets proclaiming "al'Thor! The Dragon! al'Thor!"
- One hundred of three hundred Aiel had been lost through the night and
- ten times that many Defenders of the Stone. Mat has been laughed at by
- the Aiel for his efforts to try get Aviendha to dance without her
- spear and for trying to get Bain and Chiad alone. Moiraine tells
- Nynaeve and the others that Perrin is in Tear and should be safe with
- his companion. The Aes Sedai has one of the four remaining cuendillar
- disks that are still intact binding the Dark One in Shayol Ghul. Three
- of them have already been destroyed. Rhuarc tells how his people are
- the People of the Dragon mentioned in the prophecies. When an Aiel
- wishes to become a clan chief or a Wise One, they must travel to
- Rhuidean, in the land of the Jenn Aiel, where, among other things,
- they receive markings on their arms just like that on the Dragon
- banner. The Emond's Fielders are dumbfounded when Moiraine tells them
- that the Dark One is not dead. Egwene offers an explanation from
- something Verin had shown her. It mentioned Ba'alzamon and Ishamael
- together which might mean that is was the latter that Rand killed.
- That would leave nine Forsaken still alive.
- Berelain, a young and very pretty women who is also the First of
- Mayene, delivers a message to Moiraine. It reads:
- Lews Therin was mine. He is mine, and he will be mine, forever. I
- give him into your charge, to keep him for me until I come.
- Lanfear
- Knowing that Mat is eager to leave, Moiraine tells him that he is
- still a crucial part of the Pattern. He agrees with her, all the while
- planning his departure as soon a Thom is healthy enough to travel.
- Craig Cassar