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- Lord of Chaos -- Summary
- The Wheel of Time Book #6 by Robert Jordan
- Summary by Kevin Mooney <kpmooney@acsu.buffalo.edu>
- Edited by Karl-Johan Noren <k-j-nore@dsv.su.se>
- Prologue -- The First Message
- Demandred arrives at Shayol Ghul to receive the orders of the Dark
- One. Introduction of Shaidar Haran, an unusually tall halfman who
- has been given great authority.
- Nynaeve is studying Siuan and Leane to try to find a way to reverse
- their stilling. Nynaeve is linked to Moghedien, who she has
- captured, via an a'dam. Elayne and Nynaeve have been interrogating
- the Forsaken to rediscover lost knowledge for the Age of Legends.
- It is almost winter, but it is almost unbearably hot. Moghedien
- claims the unusual weather is being caused by the Dark One. Elayne,
- who knows more about weather that any Aes Sedai in Salidar, concurs
- with the Forsaken..
- The Hall of the Tower in Salidar is sending an embassy of nine
- sisters to Rand. Min will be accompanying them.
- Perrin feels that Rand needs him and sets out for Caemlyn. Gawyn is
- leading the Younglings that will accompany the Aes Sedai that are
- to lead Rand to Tar Valon. News arrives that Rand has taken Andor.
- Gawyn hears a rumor that his mother and Elayne are dead. He swears
- that if the rumors are true, he'll kill Rand. Though Gawyn doesn't
- know it, the Younglings are being sent only to get them away from
- the Tower.
- Coiren, an Aes Sedai from the White Tower embassy to Rand, is
- making a deal with Sevanna of the Shaido Aiel. We learn that Galina
- and Katerine are of Black Ajah.
- Sevanna has been given a small cube ter'angreal, and has been
- instructed on how to use once Rand is in her hands.
- Pedron Niall informs Morgase that Gaebril is dead and Rand has
- taken Andor. He offers her five thousand Children to retake
- Caemlyn, but she is reluctant to give the Children of the Light a
- foothold in Andor. Niall is arranging for Altara and Murandy to be
- plagued by swarms of "Dragonsworn".
- Demandred informs Mesaana, Graendal, and Semirhage of the Dark
- One's commands.
- Introduction of Aran'gar and Osan'gar, two resurrected Forsaken.
- Aran'gar is enrages that "he"has been placed in a female body. They
- are given instructions by Shaidar Haran.
- Chapter 1 -- Lion on the Hill
- Rand is practicing the sword against several opponents with a group
- of obsequious Andorian noble as onlookers. Bashere questions Rand's
- need to practice since he can use the One Power against attackers.
- Bashere also thinks that Rand needs Aes Sedai backing.
- A man claiming to be Mazrim Taim presents himself at the gate.
- Chapter 2 -- A new Arrival
- Mazrim Taim enters the courtyard. Bashere first doubts that Taim is
- who he claims to be, but Taim convinces him by recounting an event
- that only he and Bashere know happened. Taim says he can teach
- other men to channel and presents Rand with a seal to the Dark
- One's prison as a gesture of goodwill. Lews Therin wants to break
- the seal, and nearly succeeds in doing so.
- Chapter 3 -- A woman's eye
- Rand takes Taim to the farm where his potential students have
- gathered. Taim shows Rand how to test for the Talent. The first man
- tested, Damer, passes. Rand instructs Taim to find as many men who
- can channel as possible, and to teach them things that can be used
- as weapons. Taim turns out to be almost as strong as Rand in the
- Power.
- Chapter 4 -- A Sense of Humor
- In Cairhien, Rand meets with the Tairen Lords who inform him of
- some nobles who have rebelled against him.
- The Tairens want to attack Illian now, but Rand orders them to
- wait. Rand returns to Caemlyn.
- Chapter 5 -- A Different Dance
- Mat and the Band are headed towards Illian as per Rand's
- instructions.
- Introduction of Oliver, a nine year old boy whose parents were
- killed by the Shaido.
- There is a Sea Folk ship in the River - an unusual occurrence this
- far inland.
- The Band prepares to march south at first light.
- Chapter 6 -- Threads Woven of Shadow
- Sammael meets with Graendal in her palace in Arad Doman. Graendal
- shows off her new pets from the lands beyond the Aiel Waste.
- Sammael thinks the purpose of the of Graendal's new additions is to
- convince him that she has some interest in those far away lands.
- They discuss Lews Therin, thus rousing Sammael's anger. After
- Sammael's departure, Graendal thinks that he did not see through
- her ruse intended to set Sammael after Rand, thus earning him the
- blame for breaking the Dark One's command. We learn that Mesaana is
- in the White Tower. Graendal thinks the Dark One all but promised
- to make her Nae'blis
- Semirhage is interrogating Cabriana Mercandes, an Aes Sedai whom
- she has captured as per the orders of the Dark One. We also learn
- the it was Semirhage who sent Trollocs to the Stone of Tear to
- battle the ones sent by Sammael.
- Chapter 7 -- A Matter of Thought
- Elayne and Nynaeve accompany a group of Aes Sedai into
- Tel'aran'rhiod. They go to the White Tower to check the papers in
- Elaida's study. Elaida appears in a dream and states that she had a
- Foretelling of the Tower being reunited under her. They learn of
- the Tower's emissaries to Rand.
- The Aes Sedai get caught in a nightmare but manage to escape with
- Elayne's aid.
- After the Aes Sedai's departure, Elayne goes to the palace in
- Caemlyn. She does not think Rand can handle Andor without her.
- Demandred witnesses Elayne's actions. He then opens a gateway to
- leave the world of dreams.
- Chapter 8 -- The Storm Gathers
- Logain recites his story to nobles brought to Salidar of how Red
- Sisters pushed him to name himself the Dragon Reborn. He claims
- that the Reds supported for a time, then finally betrayed him.
- Nynaeve has Moghedien try again to teach her how to detect a man's
- channeling. It is the one thing she and Elayne have no been able to
- pick up easily.
- An emissary arrives from the White Tower which confirms that Elaida
- knows of Salidar.
- Chapter 9 -- Plans
- Omerna, "Spymaster" for the Children of the Light gives his report
- to Pedron Niall. Omerna reports that: there are Dragonsworn in
- Altara and Murandy, King Martin Stepaneos if Illian Is ready to
- join forces with Niall, Ghealdan, Altara and Murandy are ready to
- fall in behind the banner of the Children, there are rebellions in
- the Borderlands, al'Thor has little control in Andor, Morgase is
- dead, the Stone of Tear had not really fallen but was betrayed by a
- Tairen noble, and the Seanchan have returned from across the ocean.
- Balwer, the "real" Spymaster, enters. He confirms that al'Thor
- remains confined to Caemlyn, the Bordermen are arguing whether
- al'Thor is the real Dragon Reborn, and that Bashere is in Caemlyn
- with 30,000 light horse.
- Niall receives a message from Varadin, his informant in Tanchico.
- Varadin reports strange flying creatures, Aes Sedai on leashes, and
- the Hailene, meaning forerunners in the Old Tongue. Niall believes
- the Varadin has lost his mind.
- Niall believes that Morgase is more committed to him every day.
- Morgase learns that Galad has joined the Children of the Light, and
- he will probably be in the guard that escorts her back to Andor.
- Bashere informs the Two Rivers girls that Rand is the Dragon
- Reborn. The girls are upset that Rand would make such a claim and
- tell him to "stop this foolishness." Rand picks two of the up with
- flows of Air and informs them loudly that he is the Dragon Reborn,
- and wishing otherwise won't change it.
- Chapter 10 -- A Saying in the Borderlands
- Rand is walking the corridors of the palace in Caemlyn. Taim has
- shown him the trick of ignoring the heat. There is trouble in
- Caemlyn. Some people claim Rand is a false Dragon and that he
- killed Morgase. Others have hanged a man for doubting Rand's
- "miracles".
- Upon arriving at the inn, Rand finds it full of girls from the Two
- Rivers. One of them is Mat's sister Bode. They recount the story of
- how Perrin drove the Trollocs from the Two Rivers. The girls are on
- their way to Tar Valon to begin training to become Aes Sedai. The
- two Aes Sedai are Verin and Alanna.
- Alanna inquires as to Rand's health. He allows her to check his
- health with the Power, but she instead bonds him as one of her
- Warders.. Rand shields the both of them who were trying to cut him
- off from the True Source, and commands them to stay in the city. He
- also orders them to stay away from the Inner City unless he sends
- for them. If they break that, Rand says he will leave them shielded
- and in a cell.
- Chapter 11 -- Lessons and Teachers
- After Rand leaves the inn, Verin thinks about Rand. She wonders if
- he is beginning to lose his sanity, and if he killed Moiraine. She
- also assumes Siuan is dead. She is irritated because "l-most seventy
- years of delicate work on her part, and now it might all go for
- naught because of one young man."
- After calming the girls Verin and Alanna discuss the situation.
- They conclude that the Tower really is broken and in all
- possibility there are rebels somewhere. Verin believes the rumors
- of Rand gathering men able to channel. Before she and Alanna
- decide on a course of action several questions need to be answered.
- Verin already knows how some of those questions must be answered.
- Rand Travels to the farm and sees one of Taim's lessons with the
- students. Rand tells Taim that the trips to the city will have to
- end because the presence of the two Aes Sedai. Taim wants to use
- gateways to go out and find more students. Reluctantly, Rand allows
- him to.
- Chapter 12 -- Questions and Answers
- Elayne and Nynaeve are trying to break through the ward against
- eavesdropping that has been woven around the Little Tower.
- Moghedien has been helping them to do so undetected. They have not
- yet been successful.
- Moghedien thinks Elayne and Nynaeve should return to Caemlyn.
- Nynaeve asks Birgitte if she can get horses for them. Birgitte
- wants to take Uno if the group should leave for Caemlyn but Nynaeve
- does not want him along. She also asks Birgitte if she will sneak
- up to the Little Tower and listen in on what Elaida's emissary has
- to say. Birgitte refuses.
- Janya and Delana send for Nynaeve. The two Aes Sedai want to know
- more of Rand al'Thor, but Nynaeve can't convince them that she has
- already told everything she knows.
- Nynaeve sneaks up to the Little Tower and overhears a conversation
- with the Tower Envoy. The Salidar Aes Sedai tell Elaida that they
- need more time to consider. After the emissary leaves, they begin
- talking about summoning someone. They also say that all the proper
- forms must be met or it will be used against them. Nynaeve does not
- know what they are talking about.
- Nynaeve runs into Theodrin who asks her if she has been keeping
- calm as she was instructed to do.
- Chapter 13 -- Under the Dust
- Theodrin tries again, without success, to break Nynaeve block.
- Nynaeve tells Elayne what she learned of the Hall's message to
- Elaida.
- Tarna, the Red Sister, enters and tries to convince the pair to
- return to the Tower with her.
- Nynaeve and Elayne decide to use need in Tel'aran'rhiod to find
- something to convince the Hall to support Rand. Their search takes
- them to Ebou Dar, where they find a ter'angreal that Elayne
- believes can set the weather right again. She also believes there
- are angreal or sa'angreal in the room.
- Chapter 14 -- Dreams and Nightmares
- After seeing Nynaeve and Elayne in the White Tower, Egwene stepped
- from Tel'aran'rhiod into the space between the waking world, and
- the World of Dreams. It is a place filled with pinpoints of light
- that represent peoples dreams.
- Egwene is worried over the two unknown women wander the World of
- Dreams. She has encountered them in several different locations.
- A bubble of evil strikes Salidar. The Aes Sedai believe it an
- attack by one of the Forsaken. Nynaeve and Elayne link with others
- including Nicola. Nicola utters these words:
- Egwene is drawn into Gawyn's dream. He dreams of rescuing her from
- Rand and expressing his love for her. She tries to leave his dream
- but is unable to.
- The lion sword, the dedicated spear, and she who sees beyond. Three
- on a boat and he who is dead yet lives. The great battle done, but
- the world not done with battle. The land divided by the return, and
- the guardians balance the servants. The future teeters on the edge
- of a blade.
- Return to Contents.
- Chapter 16 -- Tellings of the Wheel
- Rand receives some Andorian nobles. Ironically, due to their
- straight forward nature, he finds them more difficult to deal with
- tan Cairhien or Tairen nobles. One noble tells him that he looks
- like Tigraine, the former daughter-heir of Andor. She says that her
- father believed Gitara Sedai was involved in Tigraine's
- disappearance. Tigraine's story matches with Shaiel's who was Rand's
- mother.
- An emissary from Sammael arrives and offers a truce with Rand. Rand
- rejects it, and the emissary dies.
- Chapter 17 -- The Wheel of a Life
- Rand Travels to Cairhien. He meets with Berelain and Rhuarc. Rand
- sees some Cairhienin who are trying to adopt ji'e'toh. Rhuarc is
- upset over this saying the treekillers are mangling ji'e'toh. Rand
- lets it stand despite Rhuarc's objections.
- There is a minor rebellion in Cairhien but Rand decides to do
- nothing about it for the moment.
- The Shaido are building holds. Rhuarc doesn't think they intend to
- ever return to three-fold-land.
- There is fighting is Shara, the land on the other side of the Aiel
- Waste.
- Mangin, one of the Aeil who originally crossed the Dragonwall in
- search of Rand enters and says he killed a man for having a tattoo
- of a dragon on his arm. Rand orders him executed.
- Chapter 18 -- A Taste of Solitude
- Rand visits the school in Cairhien. It is full of contraptions
- invented by the people there. Rand has them build the plow and
- looking glass.
- Rand asks Herid about the bond between Aes Sedai and Warders. Herid
- doesn't know much about it.
- Herid explains that the Dark One's prison will have to be made
- whole before the Third Age comes again. Rand asks him if there is
- any reason to break the seals early.
- Egwene asks Rand to help her with the Wise Ones. She wants him to
- convince them that she is ready to re-enter Tel'aran'rhiod. Rand
- asks Egwene where Elayne is, but she refuses to tell him. In
- return, Rand refuses to help her with the Wise Ones.
- Chapter 19 -- Matters of Toh
- Rand awakens having had Lews Therin's dreams. He returns to
- Caemlyn.
- Aviendha informs him of the Wise Ones dreams:
- Melaine and Bair dreamed of you on a boat whose faces they could
- not see, and a scale tilting first one way then the other. Melaine
- and Amys dreamed of a man standing by your side with a dagger to
- your throat, but you did not see him. Bair and Amys dreamed of you
- cutting the wetlands in two with a sword . . . All three had this
- dream, which makes it especially significant. Rain, coming from a
- bowl. There are snares and pitfalls around the bowl. If the right
- hands pick it up, they will find a treasure perhaps as great as the
- bowl. In the wrong hands, the world is doomed. The key to finding
- the bowl is to find the one who is no longer.
- Rand believes the man with the dagger is a gray man, and the
- cutting of the lands with a sword means he is tearing nations
- apart.
- Aviendha has toh to Rand for saving her from Lanfear, and toh to
- Elayne for what happened in Seanchan. The solution to each toh
- block the solution to the other. Aviendha thinks that she will
- somehow find a way to meet both.
- Chapter 20 -- From the Stedding
- There Ogier arrive at the palace: Elder Haman, Loial's mother
- Covril, and his bride to be - Erith. They want Rand to tell them
- where Loial is so his mother can see him properly married. Rand
- tells them that Loial is in the Two Rivers. He also asks Elder
- Haman to show him where all the Waygates are. He agrees and marks
- the location on maps.
- Rand asks the Ogier to show him the Waygate in Shadar Logoth.
- Chapter 21 -- To Shadar Logoth
- The Ogier agree. To gather Maidens quickly Sulin tells a gai'shain
- the Rand is in danger. Nandera calls her to task for speaking to
- gai'shain as though she were a Maiden. They agree to settle it
- after Rand is safe.
- Rand Travels to Shadar Logoth with the Ogier and Aeil. He spins a
- nasty ward around the Waygate.
- Liah, one of the Maidens is missing. After searching, she still
- cannot be found.
- Rand carries the Ogier to the Two Rivers via a gateway.
- Chapter 22 -- Heading South
- There are many Aes Sedai on the far side of the River. Rumors of
- Dragonsworn and the Red Ajah's involvement with Logain reach the
- Band.
- A band of Tinkers has been slaughtered by unknown assailants.
- Before one died he scrawled a message:
- Tell the Dragon Reborn
- Aiel attack Mat. They apparently came in through a gateway. Mat
- sustains only a minor injury.
- Mat plans to have Oliver run messages for him. Oliver will get his
- own horse.
- Chapter 23 -- To Understand a Message
- Graendal arrives in Illian to see Sammael. Sammael's apartments are
- decorated with artifacts from his own time. He tells Graendal that
- he found a stasis box and that he all but has his hands on a cache
- of angreal. He tells her that al'Thor agreed to his truce. She does
- not believe him at first but he claims al'Thor will not attack him
- nor he al'Thor. He also says that he agreed not to aid any of the
- Chosen should al'Thor learn of their whereabouts. He asks Graendal
- where the others are hiding. She tells him she thinks Lanfear and
- Asmodean are dead and that Mesaana is in the White Tower. She does
- not know where the others are.
- Sammael wonders if Graendal will ever realize that he manipulated
- her as she has done to so many others.
- Chapter 24 -- An Embassy
- Elaida's embassy to Rand arrives in Cairhien. There is at least one
- Red Sister in the group. Egwene informs the Wise Ones of the
- presence of the Aes Sedai. She also tells them that they mean to
- control Rand. She also asks the Wise Ones to conceal her presence.
- Egwene is healthy enough to return to the world of dreams soon
- Chapter 25 -- Like Lightning and Rain
- Two of the six Aes Sedai in Elaida's embassy are Red. The Wise Ones
- ask Egwene if she is familiar with any of its members. Egwene knows
- only Nesune and Sarene.
- Egwene walks to the inn where the Aes Sedai are staying. They are
- channeling large amounts of the Power inside, but for what purpose,
- Egwene cannot determine.
- Gawyn and Egwene meet accidentally. They express their love for
- each otter. Gawyn promises not to reveal Egwene's presence and not
- to harm Rand. They also agree to meet periodically.
- The embassy members are approaching nobles telling them that they
- intend to escort Rand to Tar Valon and that will leave a power
- vacuum in Cairhien.
- Chapter 26 -- Connecting Lines
- Rand is watching Bashere's men practice riding between two stones
- spaced four paces apart.
- On the return to the palace, a man with a crossbow stands on a roof
- and fires it at Rand. The assassination attempt fails, but several
- Aiel, including some Maidens are killed. The Aiel have captured
- some men involved in the plot. All possessed cloaks that mark them
- as Children of the Light. Rand orders them all to hang save one who
- he sends to Niall to tell him that one day Rand will hang him for
- what happened.
- Sea Folk have arrived in Caemlyn to see Rand.
- Rand meets with Erenia to discuss Andor's history. He learns that
- Tigraine and Morgase were distant cousins.
- Chapter 27 -- Gifts
- Egwene learns that Rand has returned to Cairhien and plans to meet
- with the Aes Sedai from Elaida's embassy later that day.
- Egwene goes to tell Rand that the Aes Sedai mean him no good. She
- also informs him of a Sea Folk Wavemistress that wants to see him.
- The Aes Sedai arrive early. Rand weaves a cloak of Saidin to hide
- Egwene from their sight. On arrival the Aes Sedai link despite
- Rand's condition that they not embrace the Source when near him.
- After they release Saidar, they begin. Coiren brings chests full of
- gold to Rand and offers him an escort to Tar Valon. Rand asks how
- Alviarin is. Galina answers that she is fine.
- After the embassy leaves Egwene ask Rand how he Travels. She hoped
- it would something similar to what she puzzled out on how to enter
- the World of Dreams in the flesh, but Rand's method of travel is
- completely different.
- Nesune asks if any of the others had a notion as to the identity of
- the Sister who witnessed their meeting with Rand. Galina thinks it
- was Moiraine
- Chapter 28 -- Letters
- Rand receives a letter from the Sea Folk. He Travels back to
- Caemlyn. Rand becomes convinced that Lews Therin is really there.
- Another letter arrives from the Sea folk. Both are addressed to
- Coramoor.
- Sulin brings a letter to Rand. To meet her toh, she has become a
- servant in the palace.
- The letter brought by Sulin is a letter from the queen of Ghealdan.
- She acknowledges Rand as the Dragon Reborn but is fearful of
- approaching him because of the Whitecloaks and the Prophet.
- A gray man tries to kill Rand, but at the last second, Rand sees
- him and seizes him in coils of Air. The gray man is killed by a bar
- of fire produced by Mazrim Taim who has just arrived.
- Taim brings news of Jahar Narishma, a young man with the spark.
- Padan Fain is in Caemlyn.
- Chapter 29 -- Fire and Spirit
- All the discoveries from Moghedien are now being funneled through
- Elayne.
- Thom and Juilin return to Salidar.
- Nynaeve Heals Logain
- Chapter 30 -- To Heal Again
- The Aes Sedai are at first skeptical of Nynaeve's claim to have
- healed a gentled man, but they shield Logain nonetheless.
- Nynaeve Heals Siuan and Leane.
- Siuan discovers she does not possess the strength she once did.
- Gareth Bryne still expects Siuan to keep her promise.
- Both Siuan and Leane go to Nynaeve and ask her to try to restore
- them to full strength otherwise they risk standing very low amongst
- other Aes Sedai. Nynaeve tries, but does not succeed.
- Aran'gar arrives in Salidar taking on the name Halima. She
- approaches Delana who is Black Ajah. Aran'gar's story is that she
- was traveling companion to Cabriana Mercandes. Cabriana fell from
- her horse and died. Her warder refused to leave his blankets or eat
- and died soon after. Aran'gar arranges to become a secretary to
- Delana.
- Chapter 31 -- Red Wax
- Valda has returned to the Fortress of the Light from Tar Valon. He
- talks briefly with Rhadam Asunawa, the High Inquisitor. Asunawa
- says that Niall must not be allow to destroy the Children of the
- Light. They agree to talk later in private.
- Niall receives another report from Varadin.
- Morgase has a plan to escape the Fortress but those who were to
- help her are hanged as darkfriends.
- Morgase signs the treaty with Niall
- Chapter 32 -- Summoned in Haste
- Egwene goes to the Seafolk ship but is refused permission to board.
- Egwene and the Wise Ones meet with the Aes Sedai in Tel'aran'rhiod.
- Egwene is summoned before the Hall of the Tower. Egwene says she
- will try to enter the world of dreams physically. Siuan uses the
- properties of Tel'aran'rhiod to produce a map.
- Rand is in the world of dreams in the flesh. He witnessed the
- exchange and saw the map.
- Chapter 33 -- Courage to Strengthen
- Egwene tells the Wise Ones that she entered Tel'aran'rhiod when she
- was told not to. She also tells them that she is no Aes Sedai, but
- rather only an Accepted. She asks them to help her meet her toh.
- Rand asks Mat and the Band to bring Elayne back to Andor. He plans
- to make a gateway for the Band and place them near Salidar. Once
- Elayne is with them, they will march to Andor gathering Dragonsworn
- along the way.
- Egwene meets her toh.
- Chapter 34 -- Journey to Salidar
- Egwene creates a gateway through which she steps into the world of
- dreams. She creates a dream Bela which she rides to Salidar. Once
- near the reflection of the town, she opens a gateway back to the
- waking world.
- The Aes Sedai have summoned her to be the next Amyrlin.
- Chapter 35 -- In the Hall of the Sitters
- Egwene is raised to the Amyrlin Seat in a ceremony before the
- Sitters.
- Chapter 36 -- The Amyrlin is raised.
- Egwene names Sheriam as her Keeper of the Chronicles. She also
- raises Theodrin, Faolain, Elayne and Nynaeve to the Shawl by
- decree.
- Egwene tells Elayne that Rand means to give her both the Sun Throne
- and Lion Throne.
- Elayne and Nynaeve tell Egwene about the bowl ter'angreal.
- They talk about how the Hall means for Egwene to be a puppet
- Amyrlin and how they will not allow that.
- Chapter 37 -- Where Battle Begins
- Nynaeve confesses to having captured Moghedien. She is brought
- before Egwene. They explain the weaving of disguises and inverting
- of weaves.
- Egwene tells Moghedien about how she considered Traveling by boring
- a hole through the Pattern. Moghedien says this will not work for a
- woman - That is how a man Travels. Egwene asks her how. Moghedien
- says you make two places on the Pattern identical. Before she can
- go further, Egwene says "like this" and opens a gateway to the Aiel
- Waste. Egwene tells Moghedien the day she detects a lie out of her
- is the day Egwene will personally execute her.
- Siuan arrives to teach Egwene of the etiquette of being Amyrlin.
- Egwene demands her help in convincing the Aes Sedai she will not be
- a puppet Amyrlin.
- Romanda approved of Egwene's raising to keep the stole from
- Lelaine. Lelaine likewise supported Egwene to keep the stole from
- Romanda.
- Halima has Delana supporting every faction. She also tells Delana
- to push for gentling Logain again.
- Chapter 38 -- A Sudden Chill
- Mat and Aviendha arrive in Salidar. He tells Egwene, Elayne, and
- Nynaeve why he is there. When they try to use the Power on him, the
- flows just vanish.
- Chapter 39 -- Possibilities
- Egwene intends for Mat to accompany Elayne and Nynaeve to Ebou Dar.
- She also convinces Sheriam that they have to leave Salidar and hear
- north - towards Tar Valon.
- Chapter 40 -- Unexpected Laughter
- Mat delivers the letter from Moiraine to Thom. Thom suggests that
- Mat try to help the girls stay alive instead of forcing them back
- to Caemlyn.
- Nynaeve and Elayne are going to Ebou Dar with two other Aes Sedai.
- Aviendha meets with Elayne to deal with her toh to Elayne. Elayne
- says that Aviendha has no toh to her and tells her that another
- woman is in love with Rand - Min.
- Chapter 41 -- A Threat
- The embassy from Salidar arrives in Caemlyn. Min goes to the Palace
- to inform Rand of its arrival. She also brings a letter from
- Elayne. Min sees a new Aura around Rand - a sickening purple and
- yellow.
- Min informs Rand that there are nine Aes Sedai in the embassy, and
- that it is meant as an honor - three times what they would send a
- king. Rand tells her that three can come at a time and they are not
- to channel around him.
- Min tells him of another viewing. Aes Sedai are going to hurt him,
- maybe more that once.
- Min tells Melaine that she will have twin girls.
- Chapter 42 -- The Black Tower
- Rand Travels to the farm to give a speech to the students. On
- arrival he learns of a name the students use for the school - the
- Black Tower.
- Rand delivers his speech. He tells them of the Salidar embassy. He
- also gives them a name - Asha'man.
- Taim informs Rand that there are parties of Red Sisters trying to
- intercept men coming to the Black Tower. Lews Therin tries to seize
- Saidin but Rand manages to stop him. Taim expresses concern for
- Rand's sanity. Rand tells him to do nothing about the Reds for now.
- Chapter 43 -- The Crown of Roses
- The Salidar embassy, Alanna, and Verin meet to discuss Merana's
- first meeting with Rand.
- They begin to meet also with Andorian nobles.
- Chapter 44 -- The Color of Trust
- Mat loins in the festivities in Salidar since Egwene refuses to see
- him and Elayne and Nynaeve are nowhere to be found. He dances with
- Halima for a while but where he leaves her, his medallion grows
- cold. He turns to find a shocked look on Halima's face.
- Mat Travels to Ebou Dar with Elayne ,Nynaeve, and two other
- Sisters.
- Chapter 45 -- A Bitter Thought
- Perrin arrives in Caemlyn. He goes to meet with Rand. Rand fills
- him in on current events and asks him to go to Tear. Perrin is
- reluctant to go.
- Chapter 46 -- Beyond the Gate
- Perrin meets with Bashere who is outraged that Perrin has married
- his daughter. The two of them go to meets with Faile and her
- mother. Faile's mother asks Perrin if he is strong enough to handle
- Faile. Eventually they decide to condone the marriage.
- Min tells Rand of a view she had when he and Perrin were together.
- Twice Perrin will have to be there or the results will be very bad.
- Demira, a brown Sister with the Salidar embassy, is on her way to
- meet with one of her eyes and ears. She is stabbed by one of six
- Aiel who have apparently been following her.
- Demira has been found and Healed before it was to late. The Aes
- Sedai believe Rand ordered the attack and are contemplating a
- course of action.
- Chapter 47 -- The Wandering Woman
- Mat, Elayne, and Nynaeve are riding towards Ebou Dar. Elayne makes
- a demand for Mat's medallion which he refuses. Elayne keeps
- ordering Mat to things he has already planned to do.
- On arrival in Ebou Dar, the dice start rolling in Mat's head. He
- takes up rooms in the Wandering Woman. Oddly, the dice stop
- rolling.
- Chapter 48 -- Leaning on the Knife
- Elayne and Nynaeve meet wit the queen of Altara. They discuss the
- bowl ter'angreal, and the Salidar army which is now leaving Altara.
- Chapter 49 -- The Mirror of Mists
- Perrin decides not to go to Tear based on Min's viewing. Loial
- arrives in the palace.
- Min arrives with news that seven Aes Sedai are coming, unannounced,
- to the palace. She tells Rand about the arrival of Bera and Kiruna,
- bring the number of Aes Sedai to 13. She has had a viewing of fire,
- blood, and the One Power with the presence of both Kiruna and Bera.
- Rand confronts the seven Aes Sedai. The weave an Illusion making
- the appear twice the size of Loial. They inform Rand that they no
- longer will accept his restrictions and expect to see more respect
- from him. Rand means to shield them but Lews Therin states that he
- is not strong enough to hold seven, even with the angreal. Instead,
- Rand shatters their Illusion. Rand ends the audience.
- Rand decides to go to Cairhien.
- Merana's embassy has crumbled. Nine Aes Sedai are going to follow
- Rand to Cairhien while the remaining escort the Tow Rivers girls to
- Salidar.
- Chapter 50 -- Thorns
- Coiren has requested several audiences with Rand that he refused.
- There are rumors the Aes Sedai are going to escort Rand to the
- White Tower.
- A note arrives from Fel.
- The Shaido are stirring though it cannot be determined in which
- direction they intend to move.
- Perrin spends the days avoiding Berelain, nobles and Cairhien
- playing at ji'e'toh. He is not all that successful.
- Chapter 51 -- The Taking
- Rand is captured by the Tower Aes Sedai. They brought fifteen
- Sisters to capture him.
- People begin to notice that Rand is gone from the Sun palace.
- Chapter 52 -- Weaves of the Power
- Mat is frustrated that Nynaeve and Elayne are able to leave the
- palace without him seeing.
- They have had no luck in finding the bowl.
- Egwene asks Logain his opinion on Rand's amnesty. He says that he
- would go to Rand if he could.
- Egwene meets Elayne and Nynaeve in Tel'aran'rhiod. They report
- their lack of success.
- Egwene has Siuan help Logain escape.
- Lan arrives in the camp. He is near death and bonded to Myrelle.
- Chapter 53 -- The Feast of Lights
- Perrin and the others realize the Aes Sedai have taken Rand. They
- mean to get him back.
- Min was also taken by the Aes Sedai. Rand is being carried to Tar
- Valon in s chest. He is beaten twice a day.
- Galina means to have Gawyn and the Younglings killed by the Shaido.
- Lews Therin agrees to work with Rand to break through the shield if
- the Aes Sedai knot it.
- Chapter 54 -- The Sending
- Perrin sets out to catch up with the Tower Aes Sedai. The wolves
- tell him each day of the distance they are cutting off the Aes
- Sedai's lead. The remnants of the Salidar embassy join up with
- Perrin.
- Chapter 55 -- Dumai's Wells
- Gawyn reports that there are Aiel closing on their position. Galina
- thinks it is the Shaido giving them an escort.
- Perrin overtakes the Tower Aes Sedai. He sees the Aes Sedai's camp
- besieged by forty thousand Shaido. Kiruna reports that there must
- be three hundred women channeling down there.
- Perrin leads the charge anyway. As he is fighting, he sees a
- gateway open and black coated men step out.
- Some of the Aes Sedai shielding Rand knot their part of the buffer.
- He breaks the shield and stills the three women who were still hold
- their part of it.
- Rand realizes that Asha'man have come to help him. When the camp is
- secured, a dome of Air appears over it, keeping the Shaido outside.
- Rand orders Taim to break the Shaido. The Asha'man kill large
- numbers of Shaido with the One Power until the renegade Aiel flee,
- leaving the camp clear.
- Twenty-three of the Tower Aes Sedai have been captured.
- The Salidar group approaches Rand. He is furious that they brought
- nine Sisters when he said only six could come. He orders them to
- kneel.
- The first nine Aes Sedai swear fealty to the Dragon Reborn.
- Epilogue -- The Answer
- Falion is in Ebou Dar looking for a cache of angreal on Moghedien's
- orders. She learns that Nynaeve and Elayne are there.
- A Gholam kills Fel
- A man riding away from Ebou Dar thinks of how the city will be good
- for looting. He thinks the return may come soon.
- Aran'gar frees Moghedien and tells her of her summons to Shayol
- Ghul. Moghedien wonders about a woman who channels Saidin.
- Egwene is aware of Moghedien's escape.
- Demandred kneels at the pit of doom.
- Kevin Mooney