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Steganos SysLock

You have to leave your workplace for a moment. Are you sure that no one browses your hard drive while you are away? Steganos II SysLock locks up your system. You enter a password or create a KeyCard that authorizes you and only you to regain access to your system.

When your system is locked all programs continue to work normally: print jobs are carried out and downloads from the Internet continue in the background.

Note that the security of SysLock is in no way comparable to the rest of the Steganos II Security Suite. SysLock does not base on encryption. If you want to be absolutely sure that no one accesses your data you must encrypt it. Nevertheless SysLock is a useful addition to the suite.

After a hardware reset the trial version of the Steganos II Security Suite allows to quit SysLock before it relocks the system. This is virtually the only reduction of functionality in the trial version. This does not apply to the registered version.

Related topics

SysLock Configuration
Password entry