Philosophy of the GNU Project
Table of Contents
keep a list of
that Work for Freedom in
Computer Development and Electronic Communications.
Free software is a matter of freedom: people should be free to use
software in all the ways that are socially useful. Software differs
from material objects--such as chairs, sandwiches, and gasoline--in
that it can be copied and changed much more easily. These
possibilities make software as useful as it is; we believe software
users should be able to make use of them.
- Richard Stallman's interview with Louis
Suarez-Potts in May of 2001.
- Audio recording of a
speech, Free Software: Freedom and Cooperation, given by
Richard M. Stallman at New York University. A transcript of the
speech is also available.
- Transcript of
a speech, Copyright and Globalization in the Age of Computer
Networks, given by Richard M. Stallman at MIT.
- Audio
recording of a speech, Copyright and Globalization in the
Age of Computer Networks, given by Richard M. Stallman at MIT.
- Audio
recording of a speech, The Free Software Movement and the
GNU/Linux Operating System, given by Richard M. Stallman at
ArsDigita University.
- Audio
recording of a speech, The Free Software Movement and the
GNU/Linux Operating System, given by Richard M. Stallman at
LinuxTag 2000.
- Audio
recording of a speech, The Free Software Movement and the
GNU/Linux Operating System, given by Richard M. Stallman at
the University of Cincinnati.
- Interview
from Linux Magazine in July 1999
with Richard Stallman
- Richard Stallman's
with LinuxWorld about the problems with software patents.
- LinuxWorld Interview
Richard Stallman
- Transcription (in French) of a
speech that
Richard Stallman
gave in 1998 at the University of
- English translation of a
that Georg Greve
gave in 1998 at the GNU/Linux Cluster "CLOWN" in Germany
(German original)
- BYTE Interview
in July 1986 with
Richard Stallman
- A
Richard Stallman
gave in 1986 at the Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden
These articles give other people's philosophical
opinions in support of free software, or related issues, and don't
speak for the GNU project -- but we more or less agree with them.
Many of the Organizations
that Work for Freedom in
Computer Development and Electronic Communications
also have philosophical
opinions in support of free software, or related issues, and don't
speak for the GNU project -- but we more or less agree with them.
- Intellectual
Property: The Attack on Public Space in Cyberspace, by Howard Besser,
describes how various industries are using their leverage with copyright
to make fewer locations on the Internet less and less public.
- Wipout is holding a
counter-essay contest to the World Intellectual Property Organization's
(WIPO) own student contest. It aims to raise awareness about the ways in
which protection of intellectual property may negatively impact our daily
- Technology
and the corruption of copyright, by Joshua S. Bauchner
- "Locating
Copyright Within the First Amendment Skein,", by Neil W. Netanel,
argues that the United States court system has been wrong in its dated
assumption that fair use eliminates the conflict between copyright law
and the First Amendment.
- Richard Stallman co-signed a joint
statement responding to comments by Craig Mundie of Microsoft.
- In Patent Reform
Now!, Don Marti calls for free software supporters to
nominate Richard M. Stallman to US Patent and Trademark Office's
Patent Public Advisory Committee.
- Gnutella Replaces
Godzilla in Corporate Media
- The net bites back - Website attacks prove the Internet still works
- The
GNU Project FTP Site: A Digital Collection Supporting a
Social Movement by Michelle Bejian
- Copyrighting fire
- The Hacker Anti-Defamation League
- Read
Them And Weep, by Simson Garfinkel, talks about the
pending bills that would give information owners sweeping new powers,
and restrict the activities of users.
- Applying Copyleft To
Non-Software Information, by Michael Stutz.
- Only
the Free World Can Stand Up to Microsoft, by Tom Hull.
- The
Free Music Philosophy, by Ram Samudrala.
- Record companies argue for more copyright power by saying they are
the support of the musicians. This article shows
how record companies really treat musicians.
- The Manifesto:
Piracy is Your Friend, by Jaron Lanier.
Note that the GNU Project recommends
avoiding the term
piracy since
it implies that sharing copies is somehow illegitimate.
- A
primer on the ethics of ``Intellectual property'', by Ram Samudrala.
- Is Self-Interest Sufficient to
Organize an Free Economy? by Loyd Fueston.
- The Free Science Campaign
is a campaign for the freedom to distribute scientific work.
- Article (in German) in the Swiss paper Neue Zuercher Zeitung about the
decision to release source code
- People, places, things and ideas by Kragen Sitaker
- The Libertarian Case
Against Intellectual Property Rights by Roderick T. Long
The Free Software Movement does not endorse Libertarianism, and
we do
not agree entirely with that article. But it is useful for
one specific argument that is made in favor of proprietary software.
- Articles
in Spanish about free software issues
- Anarchism
Free Software and the Death of Copyright
- Imagined
Electronic Community: Representations of Virtual
Community in Contemporary Business Discourse
- The Death
and Rebirth of Plagiarism by Rodney Riegle.
(We don't entirely agree with this article--we think there is no
harm in asking people to make some extra effort
to write ``footnotes'' to give credit.)
- Save the Web is a website
devoted to protecting Internet users rights in Europe.
- Does Studying
Economics Inhibit Cooperation? by Frank, Gilovich, and Regan.
- Development,
Ethical Trading, and Free Software by Danny Yee.
A political comment in the form of a broadside ballad
by Timothy R. Phillips.
- Shaping
Collaborative ICT Development and Initiatives for Global
Prosperity by Robert J. Chassell
- The
Competitive Advantage of Free Software by Alexandre Oliva.
- Patent grant under the GPL.
- The
Concept of Copyright Fights for Internet Survival by John Markoff.
- The
Real Purpose of Copyright by John N. Berry III.
- Copyrighting Fire! (Humor) by Ian Clarke.
- The Future Brings "Infirmation Technology" by
Andy Oram.
- The Free Protocols
Foundation is an independent public forum, dedicated to the
support of patent-free protocols.
- Software Libre and Commercial Viability by Alessandro Rubini
Information liberation by Brian Martin. We urge people to avoid
using the term intellectual
property and to instead speak about copyrights, patents, and/or
- Seat Sale, a
satire about copyright.
- A gallery
of examples demonstrating how outrageous and absurd the Digital
Millenium Copyright Act is.
- Frankentoons
by Joel Kahn.
- A book review of
Digital Copyright.
- Live and
let license by Joe Barr.
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Copyright (C) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111, USA
Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is
permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
$Date: 2001/10/08 02:38:20 $ $Author: brett $