Translations of the term ``free software''
This is a list of recommended unambiguous
translations for the term ``free software''
into various languages.
- Czech: svobodny software
- Danish: fri software OR frit programmel
- Dutch: vrije software
- Esperanto: libera softvaro
- Finnish: vapaa ohjelmisto
- French: logiciel libre
- German: freie Software
- Hungarian: szabad szoftver
- Indonesian: perangkat lunak bebas
- Italian: software libero
- Japanese: jiyuu-na software
- Korean: ja-yu software
- Norwegian: fri programvare
- Polish: wolne oprogramowanie
- Portuguese: software livre
- Slovak: slobodny softver
- Spanish: software libre
- Swedish: fri programvara
- Turkish: ozgur yazilim
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2 Jun 2001 chsong