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News groups in Opera

The Opera Browser has a built-in news reader, instantly giving you news groups on the Internet. News groups are forums where current subjects are discussed in full, and were everybody are entitled and encouraged to contribute to these discussions. Almost all news groups on the Internet encompass several news forums and sub-forums, and Opera Software, through our open forums, are offering our users the possibility to communicate and participate in discussions through our very own news server In this document are explained the features of the Opera News Reader, our forums and our news groups. Please read through it in order to make the most of your Opera News Reader.


News settings

The internal news reader in Opera must be configured in order for it to work as it should on the news groups. These are the settings on the "News settings" menu:

News server

There is a box for the domain name of your news server here, which needs to be filled in with the correct server name for Opera to be able to access the news server, if you are using your Internet Provider's news server. If not, you could use as this is Opera's very own news server.

The field below this one is where you enter the maximum number of articles that Opera is to fetch from the server specified above when connecting. The default is 500, as too many would cause Opera to become frightfully slow, while too few would hardly be of any use.

If your Internet Provider requires you to log in securely, you should tick the "Secure" box here. Note that you should not do this if you have not been specifically told to do so.

Group window

This section allows you to select the way that "Group windows" are to be displayed:

Article windows

This section allows you to select the way that "Article windows" are to be displayed:

Default group sorting

This section defines how the articles are to be sorted in the group window. Your options are:

Group threads

The options here will decide how the group threads are to be displayed.

These are the settings of the news reader in Opera. Read below for information on setting up Opera's news reader for Opera Software's news server.


Settings for e-mail

For just viewing news groups, you'll not need to configure anything than the above settings, but that's probably not what most people wish to use news groups for. If you wish to post new articles or respond to existing threads, you will have to configure an e-mail client as well, so that you are able to send e-mails to the news server.

In order to do so, please "File/Preferences", select "E-mail" and choose between using Opera's internal e-mail client, using another application, or simply using the e-mail client that's been set as the system's default e-mail client.

If you select to use Opera's internal e-mail client, you'll need the following information to set up an e-mail account:

All of these details should have been given to you by your Internet Service Provider, and if you have not received these details, you need to contact them.

With the information in hand, please follow the instructions on setting up an e-mail account, and you should not have any problems.

If you select to use another application or to use the system's default e-mail client, please consult the documentation for your selected e-mail clients.


Introduction to News groups

Discussion groups are places where like-minded souls meet and discuss issues that range from the abstract to the bizarre. There are currently over 20.000 newsgroups available. Subscription is free in most cases. Please refer to the group:


for details on how to conduct on the news- or discussion forums.


News Reader Setup

In order to set up the Opera News Reader, you'll need to know the name of the news server your Internet Service Provider has, or your Intranet or Local/Wide Area Network is connected to. This name should be provided to you by your Internet Service Provider or System Administrator.

This server name needs to be placed in the "News server" box in the "News" part of "File/Preferences" in Opera. Click the "OK" button to save the name, and go to "News/New" to open the Opera News Reader which will contact the news server and retrieve the news groups.

We believe a news server is a sound and solid way of keeping the exchange alive, and have therefore set up a dedicated news server for you. In order to post messages to this server, you will have to change your news server setting to as we are not using the public USENET which can be accessed through your ISP. The name of our news server is:


Sub-forums are:

These groups are ideal for support or other complex or complicated issues. Many users are there to help you, and we are also actively monitoring and participating when appropriate.

We would really appreciate you using this service before contacting us with general issues. Opera users are extremely helpful and will be delighted to assist you wherever they can.


The news reader windows

Opera's built-in news reader can be set up to use either one main window in which all news group listings, news groups and articles will be accessible, or segmented down to one window per category, as described in the news settings. In any case, the news reader windows are clearly definable as three types of windows.

Group list window
This window shows a list of all the news groups on the news server you are currently in. Read more about this window in the group list window section.

Group window
This window will display all the articles in the current news group you are in. Read more about this window in the group window section.

Article window
And this window will show the article you choose to read. Read more about this window in the article window section.


Newsgroups: Group list window

The group list window contains a list of all the news groups available at the news server. In this window's menu bar, you will come across these things:

Toggle listing all/unread only news articlesChoose to see all groups or only those subscribed to
Mark all articles in news group as readUse this button to mark all articles in the highlighted news group as read.
Filter for news groupsYou can filter messages in a newsgroup by searching for the news group you wish to read, and only that one, in this field.

Further, unless you use the filtering field, you will find that the window may contain the complete listing of the news groups on the respective news server. You use the first button on the button bar in the group list window to toggle between it displaying only news groups you are subscribing to, or all the news groups available on the server. Note that news groups may be collapsed in folders, which is why you may not notice them all at once.

To the right of the news group listing is a column that will show you how many articles are in each listed group. This number gives you an incentive as to which news groups are the most visited ones, and it goes without saying that accessing a news group with several thousands of articles will take longer time than accessing a news group with only a few hundred articles.


Newsgroups: Group window

In the group window you will see the news articles listed in the way you have sorted them. In this window's menu bar, you will come across the following buttons and options:

Show previous article in news groupDisplays the previous article in a newsgroup.
Show next article in news groupDisplays the next article in a newsgroup.
Reply to news articleUse this button to send a reply on an article to the author of the article. The text of the article will be automatically included in the e-mail.
Follow up on news articlePost a follow up article to an article in a newsgroup. The text of the article will be automatically included in the e-mail.
Forward news articleForward an article to an e-mail address. The text of the article will be automatically included in the e-mail.
Post news articleCreates a new article to be sent to the current newsgroup. This will start a new thread.
Mark selected news article(s) as unreadMark active articles or a number of marked articles as unread. The articles can be marked by holding down CTRL and clicking on them or by holding down SHIFT and clicking on an article. All articles are thus marked between this article and the last one marked.
Mark article(s) as readMark active articles, or a number of marked articles as read. The articles can be marked by holding down CTRL and clicking on them or by holding down SHIFT and clicking on an article. All articles are thus marked between this article and the last one marked.
Show associated news overview windowThis button will bring up the associated news group listing window.
Toggle listing all/unread only news articlesChoose to see all articles in the news group, or only those you have not read before.
Show threadsChoose whether or not to display the connections between messages; which message is the answer to which other message in a thread.
Mark all articles in news group as readBy clicking this button, all the messages in the news group you are currently in are marked as "read".
News group sorting methodYou can choose to sort messages in a newsgroup by date, sender, subject or date-reversed. If you wish to have a list of the contributions from one sender, you should turn off display of threads.

Probably the most important option to notice here, particularly if dealing with news groups of substantial sizes, is the news group sorting method. This drop-down box will let you choose how the articles in the news groups are to be listed. Choose between listing them either by Author, which will list the articles in a descending alphabetical manner based on the author's name; Date, sorting by date, this will give the earliest created articles at the top of the list; Subject, again listing the articles in a descending alphabetical manner, based on the subject; and Date - reverse, which lists the articles latest created at the top of the list.

The main part of the window contains the list of articles in the news group. From left to right, you will find these columns:

Tip! You may use the mouse cursor to resize the columns. When it is directly above one of the column edges, it will change from the standard pointing cursor on your system to a resizing cursor.


Newsgroups: Article window

The article window contains the actual information in the article, for you to read. The button bar here is made up of these buttons:

Show previous article in news groupDisplays the previous article in a newsgroup.
Show next article in news groupDisplays the next article in a newsgroup.
Reply to news articleUse this button to send a reply on an article to the author of the article. The text of the article will be automatically included in the e-mail.
Follow up on news articlePost a follow up article to an article in a newsgroup. The text of the article will be automatically included in the e-mail.
Forward news articleForward an article to an e-mail address. The text of the article will be automatically included in the e-mail.
Post news articleCreates a new article to be sent to the current newsgroup. This will start a new thread.
Mark selected news article(s) as unreadMark active articles or a number of marked articles as unread. The articles can be marked by holding down CTRL and clicking on them or by holding down SHIFT and clicking on an article. All articles are thus marked between this article and the last one marked.
Mark article(s) as readMark active articles, or a number of marked articles as read. The articles can be marked by holding down CTRL and clicking on them or by holding down SHIFT and clicking on an article. All articles are thus marked between this article and the last one marked.
Show associated news overview windowThis button will bring up the associated news group listing window.
Show associated news groupThis button will bring up the associated news group window.

The article window is where the actual content is located. There are a few small fields aside from the main text in this window, as well:

Below these fields is the actual article content itself. If the article contains any binary attachments, the article will have a link to the attachment below the actual content.

Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that the instructions in these documents will work on every computer and every platform. Please inform us if you have problems with Opera, but please, first check our online support section, as this section is updated on a regular basis with information about the Opera Browser.

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