Contacting Opera Software
This is our corporate information and marketing page. Here you can read some brief info about Opera Software, the company, as well as Registration information and Marketing information.
Introducing Opera Software
Opera Software AS is based in Oslo, Norway. The Opera browser was developed in 1994 by a team of researchers working for the Norwegian Telecommunication company, Telenor.
The team, including the two founders of Opera Software, Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner and Geir Ivarsøy, had the vision to create an Internet and multimedia client that can be used by all computer users, including those with older machines and those with physical disabilities. They felt that existing browsers were not suitable for these markets, and set out to address these and the problems of the Internet. Amongst them were:
- The speed at which the program starts and retrieves information from the World Wide Web
- The size of the program, both installation and executable
- The resource requirements, using less RAM and CPU overhead
- The user-friendliness (easy navigation and customization)
Many months later, the most amazing software product in its category was born - from scratch and without using any common outside libraries.
The two founders made the advanced browser run fast on both modest and advanced machines, and included features to accommodate disabled users, too, making Opera the first browser to offer these special features.
The first versions were only used within Telenor as an internal information system on their Intranet. Telenor did not see themselves as Internet software developers or publishers, so at the end of 1995 Jon and Geir left Telenor, with the legal rights to the software they had developed. This marked the founding of Opera Software AS.
In the third quarter of 1996 Opera 2.1 was made available on the Internet as a 90 day shareware version. From then on the number of loyal and excited users has been on a steady rise, winning over users of competitive products often within minutes of their first encounter with Opera, but the program remained a niche product up until December of 1997, when Opera 3.0 was released. This was a smashing success and following versions have won Opera many devoted followers, high acclaim and praise in the international press as well as a substantial number of awards the world over. Opera 4.0 was released to a hungry public on the 28th of June, 2000, and continues this trend.
This, our current version, is in our view the best of them to date, and we hope to bring you many hours of satisfaction and joy using Opera 5.
As a final word, we would like to thank you for trying Opera and above that all those who are actively supporting us by spreading the news and more so by registering their copy of Opera.
Postal addresses:
Norwegian Headquarters:
Opera Software AS
Waldemar Thranesgt. 98
0175 Oslo
Wire communication:
Norwegian Headquarters:
Office hours are from 09.00 - 17.00 Norwegian time, Monday to Friday
Telephone: +47 24 16 40 00 Fax: +47 24 16 40 01
Internet communication
Opera Software AS welcomes communication with the users of the Opera browser. Our online communication covers all areas in a highly accessible manner. Please use the below links to be taken straight to the Opera Software AS Web site for communication, questionnaires, mailing lists, and other general feedback, as well as our forms for online purchase of Opera licenses and technical support requests, amongst others.
E-mail addresses
This is a collection of the standard e-mail addresses you should use when contacting Opera Software AS:
General information about Opera: Feedback from you to us on Opera: Contact the Registration Department:
Contact addresses
This is a collection of links to Web pages on the Opera Software Web site. Please use these Web pages for contacting the appropriate departments in Opera Software:
Purchase a license for your copy of Opera at: Download the latest version of Opera at: Find the Opera reseller closest to you: Contact our commercial sales group at: For press-kits and other press related material, please see: Fill out the Opera questionnaire at: Bugreports should be filed through this form: For technical user support, please view our technical support pages at:
Opera 5 ad-banner version
Opera 5 is the first free, ad-sponsored version of Opera. This means that it is no longer necessary to purchase a license for Opera in order to use it beyond the first 30 user days, as opposed to previous versions of Opera.
In order to fully take advantage of the great offers our sponsors give with their ad-banners, please go to "File/Preferences", "Advertisement" and fill in your anonymous profile. This will help target ads to you and your interests. You do not have to do this, however, in which case you will receive ad-banners that have been randomly selected for display in your Opera.
The Opera browser is developed and published by Opera Software AS, Oslo Norway.
Copyright © 1995-2000 Opera Software. All rights reserved.
How to purchase a license for your Opera
You can purchase a license for Opera directly from Opera Software, or from one of our resellers in your region. You can purchase a license for your copy of Opera in any one several ways:
- Secure Online transaction (requires a credit card).
- Via phone order, fax, e-mail attachment, wire transfer, or postal mail.
Please visit the registration page on our Web site for options and instructions on how to purchase your Opera registration code. There is also an order form in your Help files, if you would like to place your order off-line via phone order, fax, e-mail attachment, wire transfer, or postal mail.
The price per single-user license of Opera 5 is US $ 39.00.
We offer a 50% educational discount (see pricing table below) to students and academic institutions. And, for ISPs we offer a 10% discount in addition to the standard volume discount calculated under "Price per Copy".
US Dollars
International customers should pay in US Dollars. Please use this pricing table to find the price of Opera licenses in US Dollars:
[ Purchase Now ]
Quantity Discount % Price per Copy Educational Price 1 - 9 N/A USD 39 USD 20 10 - 49 20 % USD 31 USD 16 50 - 100 25 % USD 29 USD 15 100 - 499 35 % USD 25 USD 13 500 - 999 45 % USD 22 USD 11 1000 - 1999 55 % USD 18 USD 9 2000 - 4999 65 % USD 14 USD 7 5000 - 9999 75 % USD 10 USD 5 10000 + 80 % USD 8 USD 4
Note! These prices are subject to change without notice. Please visit the price page on our Web site for updated prices.
How to register your copy of Opera
To register your copy of Opera, please go to "Help/Register Opera...". You will need to fill in your name and company details. If you have nothing to fill into the "Organization" field, you need not enter anything.
Locate the Registration Code you received in your e-mail purchase receipt. Highlight the code and use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + C to copy the registration code from the e-mail and then paste it into the "Registration code" field by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + V.
Press the "OK" button and your copy of Opera is registered.
It is wise to copy and paste your registration code and keep it in a safe place. In case of a reinstall and/or upgrading you won't need to contact us again for your code.
You can use one license on only one computer. Please read the licence.txt document in the Opera program directory for further information.
Upgrading your Registration for Opera 5
If you are a registered user of Opera 3.x versions, you may upgrade to any Opera 5.x version at a 50% discount on the purchase price. You may not use your current registration code on any Opera 5.x version, but will be sent a new registration code along with an updated license for Opera, if you choose to upgrade.
Registered users of Opera 4.x versions do not need to upgrade their license, as Opera 5 is included in that license.
In order to upgrade your registration code for an Opera 5.x version, please contact our Registration Department on and provide the details you provided when first purchasing a license for Opera.
Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that the instructions in these documents will work on every computer and every platform. Please inform us if you have problems with Opera, but please, first check our online support section, as this section is updated on a regular basis with information about the Opera Browser.
Copyright © 1995 - 2001 Opera Software AS. All rights reserved.