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Help on Help

This document is the Help on Help document, which means the document that tells you how to make sure you get the most out of your Help. Within this document, you'll see descriptions of how to navigate the Help, how to operate the Help window, as well as other useful information that's good to know of.


Help window buttons

The first thing you'll notice about the Help window in Opera is the button bar. These buttons are used for easy access between the different parts of the Help and most of them are pretty self-explanatory, but in any case, here are the buttons again, with their corresponding uses.

Help window button bar
Print document Copy text Search in document Previous document
Next document Go to the home page Alphabetical Index Keyboard shortcuts

To the right of the button for Keyboard shortcuts is the zooming of the window in percent. This feature works on the Opera Help just as it does on any other Web page. For more information on Opera's unique zooming capabilities, please see the description of the zooming feature.


Navigation bar

Located at the very top of the Help documents, the navigation bar contains links to the most used pages of the Help. The bar contains these references:

These links are available on all the documents in the Help. The navigation bar is very easily accessed through using the link that is available at the top of every topic. It looks like this:


The last entry on the navigation bar, "Home", will take you to the front page of the Help for Opera.


Alphabetical Index

The alphabetical index lists all the topics in the Opera Help, and should be used whenever you are looking for something specific. As detailed above, you'll need only to use the link at the top of every page to be taken to the alphabetical index.

Disclaimer: We cannot guarantee that the instructions in these documents will work on every computer and every platform. Please inform us if you have problems with Opera, but please, first check our online support section, as this section is updated on a regular basis with information about the Opera Browser.

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