
The table window has a number of sections. Each section describes a functionality of the object (for instance, its position, dimensions, text, etc.). For every section, you may hide it or make visible. To show/hide sections, use the View Sections dialog (select Sections under the View menu).
Some sections may be missing, if the object doesn't have a specific function (for instance, control handles or the context menu). To add sections, use the Insert Sections dialog (Insert Section under the Edit menu).

Here is the list of sections the table may have:

 Line Properties
Fill Format
Text Transform
Character Format
Paragraph Format
Text Block Format
Text Field

One of the sections is active (it's title bar appears in blue). You may edit cells in the active section. To make a section active, click its title bar or any of the cells inside it.

Each section can be minimized so that only its title bar appears. To minimize a section, activate it and then click the title bar. Click again to expand the section.

For some sections (such as Geometry, Controls, Connect, Variables, Font Format, Paragraph Format, Actions), a row of cells may describe a single element of the object (such as a control handle, a linear segment of a figure, and so on). It this case, operations on the whole row are possible: Add Row, Delete Row.