IrfanView IrfanView Inst Title


Edit Menu


Click on the Edit Menu, or press ALT-E to access
these options. While the menu is open, click one
of the choices, or press the underlined letter
key to use that function.
Use the key or key-combination in parenthesis to
more quickly access the function without opening
the menu.

Undo (Ctrl + Z) Click on the Edit menu, select Undo (or use the Undo tool on the toolbar.) "Backs up" from the last action you took. Undo will take back many functions of IrfanView. Keep in mind that only one function may be undone; The viewer does not save them up. Functions supported by undo are: 3-D Button, Blur, Brightness, Color Balance, Contrast, Convert to greyscale, Crop, Cut, Decrease Color Depth, Edge Detection, Emboss, Explosion, Fine Rotation, Gamma Correction, Increase Color Depth, Median Filter, Negative, Oil Paint, Pixelize, Resample, Resize, Sharpen.
Add Text Use the mouse to outline the area on the image where you want the text to appear. Click the Edit menu and select Add Text. A dialog box will open, to allow you to add text to the image. For an image of the dialog, and complete descriptions of the options, go here.
Cut (Ctrl + X) Use the mouse to outline an area, click on the Edit menu, select Cut (or use the Cut tool on the toolbar.) The area inside the outline will be removed from the image. The cut portion is placed on the Windows clipboard, and may be pasted in elsewhere. This action may be reversed with the Undo command. Crop (Ctrl + Y) Use the mouse to outline an area, click on the Edit menu, select Crop. The area outside the outline will be thrown away, and the image will retain only that inside the outline. This is used to eliminate unwanted space (usually blank space) from an image. It can also center a badly composed photo. Used with Resample (Image menu,) you can eliminate a lot of background "noise", and often have the same sized image when you finish. This action may be reversed with the Undo command.
Copy (Ctrl + C) Use the mouse to outline an area, click on the Edit menu, select Copy (or use the Copy tool on the toolbar.) The area inside the outline will be placed on the Windows clipboard, and may be pasted in elsewhere. If you don't select an area with the mouse, the entire image will be copied to the clipboard. It is possible to copy a portion of an image, use delete to remove the image, then paste the copied portion back into the viewer. This has the same effect as Crop. Paste (Ctrl + V) Click on the Edit menu, select Paste (or use the Paste tool on the toolbar.) Images stored on the Windows clipboard will be placed in IrfanView. If you already have an image open in the viewer, it will be replaced by the pasted image. If you first outline an area of the image, the pasted image will be placed inside the outline, and sized to fit. This lets you paste one image - or part of one - inside another. This technique allows quite complex editing of images. Delete (D) Click on the Edit menu, select Delete. Removes the entire image from the viewer. This does not affect the image stored on your hard drive (or other storage media.) There is also a delete option on the File menu; this one removes the file from your hard drive (or other storage media) completely.
Clear Clipboard Click on the Edit menu, select Clear Clipboard. Removes the contents of the Windows clipboard. This is useful if you have placed a very large image on the clipboard, as it takes up a great deal of space. If you don't need the image for later, use this feature to recover the space. This is also a good security feature, if you don't want others to have access to your images.
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