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ISSS 99 Conference 15.--16. March 1999
ISSS '98


March - a Month of the Internet



** Hotel Garni
Na Kotli 1147, 502 96 Hradec Kralove

conveniently located close to the Congress Centre
all rooms with the bathroom, apartments with TV, fridge, radio a telephones
prices: single room with breakfast 305 Kc
double room apartment with breakfast 730 Kc
three bed apartment with breakfast 915 Kc
reservation: phone: +420 49/576 31 11
fax: +420 49/526 25 91
Hotel Garni

Hotel Garni


*** Hotel Alessandria
SNP 733, 500 03 Hradec Kralove

conveniently located close to the Congress Centre, good public transport connection
rooms with telephone, TV/satellite TV, all rooms with shower or bathroom
prices: single room with breakfast (self-service table) 700 Kc
double room with breakfast (self-service table) 900 Kc
single person in double room with breakfast 700 Kc
reservation: fax: +420 49/428 74
e-mail: alessandria@telecom.cz
Hotel Alessandria


*** Hotel Cernigov
Riegrovo nßm. 1494, 500 02 Hradec Kralove 2

conveniently located close to the railway and bus station
all rooms with the shower, WC, telephone, TV/satellite TV and minibar
prices: single room with breakfast 2160 Kc
double room with breakfast 2592 Kc
single person in double room with breakfast 2430 Kc
reservation: phone: +420 49/581 41 11
fax: +420 49/329
e-mail: cernigov@hk.anet.cz
Hotel Cernigov


In all hotels there are full capacities for the conference participants. At the booking use the password "Internet 99". In a case there are no capacities in the proposed hotels, you should contact the director of the Secretariat of the Conference (Mrs. Brychtova, phone +420 2/82 04 85), who will help you to find the accommodation in other hotels.

Triada Ltd. Profit Magazine

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