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ISSS 99 Conference 15.--16. March 1999
ISSS '98


March - a Month of the Internet

Preliminary Agenda

Monday, 15.áMarch 1999

10.00-10.40 Opening Introductory addresses
Mayor of Hradec Kralove
Deputy Prime Minister
Committee of the Regions of the European Union Delegate
European Comission Delegate
10.40-10.45 Programme presentation
10.45-12.10 1st unit Hottest news from the CR about IS
Real estate register
Trade license register
Government strategy for IS
12.10-14.00 Lunch
14.00-15.30 2nd unit EU programmes for information technology, ELANET
Parliament of the CR Chamber of Deputies - Act on freedom of information
Ministry of Culture - Public Libraries
15.30-16.10 Break
16.10-17.40 3rd unit Workshops
United Kingdom - Use of information technologies and their effect on society
Finland - Use of videoconferencies in public sector
Spain - Digital Cities Project
Czech Republic - Grant programmes and specific projects (Ministry for Regional Development)
17.40 Closing of the 1st day of conference and invitation to the evening welcome party
20.00-24.00 Evening programme Raut with vernissage of V. Rencin's cartoons

Tuesday, 16.áMarch 1999

9.00-9.10 Opening, Programme presentation
9.10-10.30 4th unit Situation in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe
IS in selected countries and illustrative examples of sample programmes
Sweden - youth and adult education, discrimination in the area of IT
10.30-11.10 Break
11.10-12.40 5th unit Workshops and Round table discussion
Austria - elektronic trade, job creating oportunities
Czech Republic - problems with electronic signature, towns presentation, birth registration, tourism
12.40-14.20 Lunch
14.20-15.00 Closing ceremony Announcement of the results of the Contest for the best WWW homepage of towns and villages
Final speech, toast

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