Tag | Description |
!--...-- | Comments. Any text between tags will not display in the browser. |
!DOCTYPE | Describes the HTML version used in the current document. |
A | Stands for anchor. HREF= attribute creates hyperlinks. NAME= attribute creates a named references. |
ADDRESS | Specifies a mailing address. |
APPLET | Embeds a Java applet. See OBJECT. |
AREA | Specifies the shape of a "hot spot" in a client-side image map. |
B | Changes text to bold. See STRONG. |
BASE | Specifies a document's URL. |
BASEFONT | Sets the base font value. |
BGSOUND | Adds background sounds that play on initial load. |
BIG | Enlarges the font size. |
BLOCKQUOTE | Sets apart a quotation in text. |
BODY | Specifies the beginning and the end of document body. See HEAD. |
BR | Inserts a line break. |
CAPTION | Specifies a caption for a table. Valid only within the TABLE element. |
CENTER | Centers text and images. |
CITE | Indicates a citation. Used to present a book, paper, or other published source material. |
CODE | Presents a code sample. |
COL | Sets the properties of a column. |
COLGROUP | Sets the properties of one or more column as a group. |
COMMENT | Indicates a comment. Text in a comment element does not display in a browser. |
DD | Specifies definition data. Used to format the text for a definition. See DL, DT. |
DFN | Specifies a definition. Formats a defined term. |
DIR | Denotes a directory list. |
DIV | Sets a document division. Groups related elements together within a document. |
DL | Denotes a definition list. Used for a list of defined terms. See DT, DD. |
DT | Specifies a defintion term. Used to format the defined term. See DL, DD. |
EM | Emphasizes text, usually by rendering text in italics. |
EMBED | Indicates an embedded objects. See OBJECT. |
FONT | Formats the font style, size and color. |
FORM | Denotes a form with which users enter data. See INPUT for a list of form elements. |
FRAME | Defines independent windows, or frames, within a page. See FRAMESET. |
FRAMESET | Defines layout for frames within a page. See FRAME. |
Hn | Renders text in heading style, usually with a larger font than the body text. N is a value from 1 to 6. |
HEAD | Marks the HTML document heading. |
HR | Draws a horizontal rule. Used to separate sections. |
HTML | Denotes the file is an HTML document. |
I | Renders text in italics. |
IMG | Inserts a graphic file. |
INPUT | Specifies a form control such as a checkbox or radio button. See FORM. |
ISINDEX | Indicates the presence of an index. |
KBD | Indicates text to be entered at a keyboard. Appears in fixed-width and boldface type. |
LI | Denotes an item in a list. Adds special character or number depending on use. See UL, OL. |
LINK | Establishes the relationship between documents. Appears only in HEAD element. |
LISTING | Renders text in fixed-width type. |
MAP | Specifies a collection of hot spots for a client-side image map. |
MARQUEE | Displays text in a scrolling marquee. |
MENU | Denotes a list of items. |
META | Provides information about the document. Used for client pull, also by some search engines for indexxing. |
NOBR | Turns off line breaking. |
NOFRAMES | Indicates content viewable only by browsers that do not support frames. |
OBJECT | Inserts an OLE Control. |
OL | Specifies an ordered list. Each item has a number or letter reference. See UL, LI. |
OPTION | Denotes one choice in a list box. |
P | Inserts a paragraph break and denotes a new paragraph. |
PARAM | Sets object properties. |
PLAINTEXT | Renders text in fixed-width type without processing elements. |
PRE | Displays text exactly as typed — with all line breaks and spacing. |
S | Renders text in strikethrough type. |
SAMP | Specifies sample text. See CODE. |
SCRIPT | Specifies the inclusion of a script. |
SELECT | Denotes a list box or dropdown list. |
SMALL | Decreases the font size. |
SPAN | Use to apply style information to the enclosed text. |
STRIKE | Renders text in strikethrough type. See S. |
STRONG | Emphasizes text, usually with boldface. See B. |
SUB | Renders text in subscript. |
SUP | Renders text in superscript. |
TABLE | Creates a table. See TH, TR, and TD to learn how to define rows and columns. |
TBODY | Defines the table body. |
TD | Creates a cell in a table. |
TFOOT | Defines the table footer. |
TH | Creates a row or column heading in a table. |
THEAD | Defines the table header. |
TEXTAREA | Creates a box in which a user can enter and edit text. |
TITLE | Specifies a document title. Appears in the browser title bar. |
TR | Creates a row in a table. |
TT | Denotes teletype. Displays text in fixed-width type. |
U | Renders text underlined. |
UL | Formats lines of text as a bulleted list. See LI. |
VAR | Indicates placeholder text for a variable. Displays text in a small fixed-width font. |
WBR | Inserts a soft linebreak in a block of NOBR text. |
XMP | Indicates example text. Displays text in fixed-width font. |
Specifies that enclosed text is an author's comment. Any text between the lines will not print. You may include multiple lines of text between the start-tag and end-tag.
<!-- This line text, enclosed in an HTML page, will not print. This line of text, will not print -->
Specifies the version of HTML used in the document. !DOCTYPE is the first element in any HTML document. !DOCTYPE is a required element for any HTML 3.2 compliant document.
Stands for anchor. The A and /A tags enclose text or graphics. The properties of elements that can follow A are applied to the bracketed text or graphic. A is used to attach a hyperlink to text or graphics using the HREF= attribute. A is used to specify text or graphics as a named reference using the NAME= attribute. Anchors cannot be nested.
window | Specifies to load the link into the targeted window. The window must begin with an alpha-numeric character to be valid, except for the four target windows detailed below. |
_blank | Specifies to load the link into a new blank window. This window is not named. |
_parent | Specifies to load the link into the immediate parent of the document the link is in. |
_self | Specifies to load the link into the same window the link was clicked in. |
_top | Specifies to load the link into the full body of the window. |
<A HREF="http://www.microsoft.com"> This is a link to Microsoft.</A> <A HREF="home.htm">This is a link to a file called Home.htm in the same directory as this page.</A> <A TARGET="viewer" HREF="sample.htm">Click here to load the link into "viewer" window.</A>
Specifies the mailing address. This element typically is used at the bottom of a document. Text is displayed in italics.
<ADDRESS>This text will be in italics.</ADDRESS>
Embeds a Java applet in an HTML document.
Specifies the shape of a "hot spot" in a client-side image map.
RECT | Rectangle. Takes four coordinates: x1, y1, x2, and y2. |
RECTANGLE | Rectangle. Takes four coordinates: x1, y1, x2, and y2. |
CIRC | Circle. Takes three coordinates: centerx, centery, and radius. |
CIRCLE | Circle. Takes three coordinates: centerx, centery, and radius. |
POLY | Polygon. Takes three or more pairs of coordinates denoting a polygonal region. |
POLYGON | Polygon. Takes three or more pairs of coordinates denoting a polygonal region. |
window | Specifies to load the link into the targeted window. The window must begin with an alphanumeric character to be valid, except for the four target windows detailed below. |
_blank | Specifies to load the link into a new blank window. This window is not named. |
_parent | Specifies to load the link into the immediate parent of the document the link is in. |
_self | Specifies to load the link into the same window the link was clicked in. |
_top | Specifies to load the link into the full body of the window. |
<AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="50, 25, 150, 125" HREF="http://www.sample.com"> <AREA SHAPE="RECT" COORDS="50, 25, 150, 125" NOHREF> <AREA TARGET="viewer" HREF="sample.htm" SHAPE="CIRCLE" COORDS="50, 25, 150, 125">
Renders text in bold.
<B>Displayed in a bold typeface.</B>
Specifies the document's URL.
window | Specifies to load the link into the targeted window. The window must begin with an alpha-numeric character to be valid, except for the four target windows detailed below. |
_blank | Specifies to load the link into a new blank window. This window is not named. |
_parent | Specifies to load the link into the immediate parent of the document the link is in. |
_self | Specifies to load the link into the same window the link was clicked in. |
_top | Specifies to load the link into the full body of the window. |
<BASE HREF="http:// www.sample.com/hello.htm"> <BASE HREF="http:// www.sample.com/hello.htm" TARGET="viewer">
Sets the base font value. This value that will be used as a default for any text not formatted with a style sheet or using the FONT element.
<BASEFONT SIZE=3> This sets the base font size to 3. <FONT SIZE=+4> Now the font size is 7. <FONT SIZE=-1> Now the font size is 2.
Adds background sounds or "soundtracks" to a page. Sounds can either be samples (WAV or AU format) or MIDI format.
Makes text one size larger.
<BIG>This text is larger<./BIG>
Indents both left and right margins. Used to set apart quotations in text.
<P>He said, <BLOCKQUOTE>"Hi there!" </BLOCKQUOTE>
Specifies the beginning and end of the document body. This element also allows you to set the background image, the background color, the link colors, and the top and left margins of the page.
The HTML used to insert the background image of this page is:
<BODY BACKGROUND="/ie/images/watermrk.gif" BGPROPERTIES=FIXED BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF TEXT=#000000 LINK=#ff6600 VLINK=#330099>
<HTML> <BODY>Here's a Web page!</BODY></HTML>
Inserts a line break.
LEFT | Inserts space so that the next text appears aligned with the left margin directly below a left-aligned floating image. |
RIGHT | Inserts space so that the next text appears aligned with the right margin directly below a right-aligned floating image. |
ALL | Places the next text past all floating images. |
Specifies a caption for a table.
This element is valid only within the TABLE element. The end-tag is required.
<TABLE> <CAPTION ALIGN=BOTTOM> This caption will appear centered below the table. </CAPTION> <TR> .... </TR> </TABLE>
Centers text and images.
<CENTER>Hi there!</CENTER>
Indicates a citation. Refers to a book, paper, or other published source material.
<CITE>Book Title.</CITE>
Specifies a code sample. Renders text in a small font. (If no font face is specified, the font used is fixed-width.)
<CODE>Here is some text in a small fixed-width font.</CODE>
Sets the properties of one or more columns. Use this element in conjunction with a COLGROUP element to set the properties of a column within a group of columns.
This element is valid only within a table. The end-tag is not required and not recommended.
The properties specified by the COL element always override the properties specified by the preceding COLGROUP element.
<TABLE> <COLGROUP> <COL ALIGN=RIGHT> <COL ALIGN=LEFT> <COLGROUP> <COL ALIGN=CENTER> <TBODY> <TR> <TD>This is the first column in the group and is right-aligned.</TD> <TD>This is the second column in the group and is left-aligned.</TD> <TD>This column is in a new group and is centered.</TD> </TR> </TABLE>
Sets the properties of one or more columns.
This element is valid only within a table. The end-tag is not required and not recommended.
If the columns in a group of columns require varying properties, use COLGROUP in conjunction with one or more COL elements to individually set the properties for the columns.
This element affects how rules are drawn within a table when groups are specified with the RULES= attribute in the table element. In this case, vertical rules are drawn between column groups rather than between individual columns.
<TABLE> <COLGROUP ALIGN=RIGHT> <COLGROUP SPAN=2 ALIGN=LEFT> <TBODY> <TR> <TD>This column is in the first group and is right-aligned</TD> <TD>This column is in the second group and is left-aligned</TD> <TD>This column is in the second group and is left-aligned</TD> </TR> </TABLE>
Indicates a comment. The text between the elements is ignored, unless it contains HTML code.
<COMMENT>This won't be printed.</COMMENT>
Specifies a definition in a definition list. Indicates that the text is a definition of a term, and should therefore be displayed in the right-hand column of a definition list.
<DL> <DT>Cat<DD>A furry cute animal that purrs and likes milk. <DT>Lizard<DD>A weird desert animal with a long tongue.</DL>
Specifies a definition. Formats a term for its first appearance in a document.
<DFN>HTML stands for hypertext markup language.</DFN>
Denotes a directory list. Specifies that the following block consists of individual items, each beginning with an LI element and none containing more than 20 characters, which should be displayed in columns.
<DIR> <LI>Art <LI>History <LI>Literature <LI>Sports <LI>Entertainment <LI>Science </DIR>
Sets document division. Groups related elements together.
<DIV> This text represents a section. </DIV> <ex><DIV ALIGN=CENTER> This text represents another section. </DIV>
Specifies that the following block is a definition list: that is, an automatically formatted two-column list with terms on the left and their definitions on the right.
<DL> <DT>Cat <DD>A furry cute animal that purrs and likes milk. <DT>Lizard <DD>A weird desert animal with a long tongue. </DL>
Specifies a term in a definition list. Indicates that the text is a term to be defined, and should therefore be displayed in the left-hand column of a definition list.
<DL> <DT>Cat<DD>A furry cute animal that purrs and likes milk. <DT>Lizard<DD>A weird desert animal with a long tongue.</DL>
Emphasizes text, usually by rendering it in italics.
<EM>This text will be in italics.</EM>
Indicates an embedded object. OBJECT is the preferred element for inserting objects, but EMBED is included for backward compatibility with earlier HTML documents. See OBJECT.
<EMBED SRC="MyMovie.AVI" WIDTH=100 HEIGHT=250 AUTOSTART=TRUE PLAYBACK=FALSE></code></font></font></pre>
Sets the font, size, and color of text.
Denotes a form.
GET | Appends the arguments to the action URL and open it as if it were an anchor. |
POST | Sends the data via an HTTP post transaction. |
window | Specifies to load the link into the targeted window. The window must begin with an alpha-numeric character to be valid, except for the four target windows detailed below. |
_blank | Specifies to load the link into a new blank window. This window is not named. |
_parent | Specifies to load the link into the immediate parent of the document the link is in. |
_self | Specifies to load the link into the same window the link was clicked in. |
_top | Specifies to load the link into the full body of the window. |
<FORM TARGET="viewer" ACTION="http://www.sample.com/bin/search"> ... </FORM>
Defines a single frame in a frameset. There is no matching end-tag as this is not a container.
TOP | Surrounding text is aligned with the top of the frame. |
MIDDLE | Surrounding text is aligned with the middle of the frame. |
BOTTOM | Surrounding text is aligned with the bottom of the frame. |
LEFT | The frame is drawn as a left-flush "floating frame," and text flows around it. |
RIGHT | The frame is drawn as a right-flush "floating frame," and text flows around it. |
This is a container which hosts the FRAME, FRAMESET, and NOFRAMES elements.
The FRAMEBORDER= and FRAMESPACING= attributes are inherited from any containing FRAMESET element, which means you only need to set the attribute on the single, outermost FRAMESET tag to affect all FRAME tags on that page.
<FRAMESET SCROLLING=YES COLS="25%, 50%, *"> <FRAME SRC="contents.htm"> <FRAME SRC="info.htm"> <FRAME SCROLLING=NO SRC="graphic.htm"> </FRAMESET>
Renders text in heading style. Use H1 through H7 to specify different sizes and styles of heading.
The end-tag is required.
<H1>Welcome to Internet Explorer!</H1>
Marks the HTML document heading.
The end-tag is not required.
<HEAD> <TITLE>A Simple Document</TITLE> </HEAD>
Draws a horizontal rule.
Denotes the file as an HTML document.
This element has no attributes.
<HTML> <BODY> <P>This is an HTML document. </BODY> </HTML>
Renders text in italics.
<I>This text will be in italics.</I>
Defines a floating frame.
TOP | Surrounding text is aligned with the top of the frame. |
MIDDLE | Surrounding text is aligned with the middle of the frame. |
BOTTOM | Surrounding text is aligned with the bottom of the frame. |
LEFT | The frame is drawn as a left-flush "floating frame," and text flows around it. |
RIGHT | The frame is drawn as a right-flush "floating frame," and text flows around it. |
Inserts an image.
TOP | Surrounding text is aligned with the top of the image. |
MIDDLE | Surrounding text is aligned with the middle of the image. |
BOTTOM | Surrounding text is aligned with the bottom of the image. |
LEFT | The picture is drawn as a left-flush "floating image," and text flows around it. |
RIGHT | The picture is drawn as a right-flush "floating image," and text flows around it. |
FILEOPEN | Start playing as soon as the file is done opening. This is the default. |
MOUSEOVER | Start playing when the user moves the mouse pointer over the animation. |
Both values can be set but must be separated with a comma.
Specifies a form control.
CHECKBOX | Used for simple Boolean attributes or for attributes that can take multiple values at the same time. It is represented by a number of check box fields, each of which has the same name. Each selected check box generates a separate name/value pair in the submitted data, even if this results in duplicate names. The default value for check boxes is "on." |
HIDDEN | No field is presented to the user, but the content of the field is sent with the submitted form. This value can be used to transmit state information about client/server interaction. |
IMAGE | An image field which you can click, causing the form to be immediately submitted. The coordinates of the selected point are measured in pixel units from the upper-left corner of the image, and are returned (along with the other contents of the form) in two name/value pairs. The x-coordinate is submitted under the name of the field with ".x" appended, and the y-coordinate is submitted under the name of the field with ".y" appended. Any VALUE attribute is ignored. The image itself is specified by the SRC attribute, exactly as for the Image element. |
PASSWORD | The same as the TEXT attribute, except that text is not displayed as the user enters it. |
RADIO | Used for attributes that accept a single value from a set of alternatives. Each radio-button field in the group should be given the same name. Only the selected radio button in the group generates a name/value pair in the submitted data. Radio buttons require an explicit VALUE attribute. |
RESET | A button that when clicked resets the form's fields to their specified initial values. The label to be displayed on the button can be specified just as for the SUBMIT button. |
SUBMIT | A button that when clicked submits the form. You can use the VALUE attribute to provide a non-editable label to be displayed on the button. The default label is application-specific. If a SUBMIT button is clicked in order to submit the form, and that button has a NAME attribute specified, then that button contributes a name/value pair to the submitted data. Otherwise, a SUBMIT button makes no contribution to the submitted data. |
TEXT | Used for a single-line text-entry field. Use in conjunction with the SIZE and MAXLENGTH attributes. |
This default control type is TEXT.
Indicates the presence of a searchable index.
If the PROMPT= attributes is not used, the element displays the following message followed by a text box: "You can search this index. Type the keyword(s) you want to search for:" When the user enters text and presses ENTER, that text is posted back to the page's URL as a query.
<ISINDEX ACTION="http://intranet/search" PROMPT="Type in keywords here.">
Text to be entered at the keyboard. Renders text in fixed-width and boldface type.
<KBD>This user should enter this text.</KBD>
Denotes one item of a list. In a DIR, MENU, OL, or UL block, denotes a new list item.
A | Use large letters |
a | Use small letters |
I | Use large Roman numerals |
i | Use small Roman numerals |
1 | Use numbers. |
<DIR> <LI>Art <LI>History <LI>Literature <LI>Sports <LI>Entertainment <LI>Science</DIR>
The LINK element establishs a hierarchical organization for in navigating between documents. The LINK element must reside within the HEAD element. The HEAD element may contain several LINK elements.
<LINK HREF="http://www.microsoft.com/newdocnewdoc.htm">
Renders text in fixed-width type.
<LISTING>Here's some plain text.</LISTING>
Specifies a collection of hot spots for a client-side image map.
<MAP NAME="map1"> <AREA ... > <AREA ... > </MAP>
Creates a scrolling text marquee.
TOP | Surrounding text aligns with the top of the marquee. |
MIDDLE | Surrounding text aligns with the middle of the marquee. |
BOTTOM | Surrounding text aligns with the bottom of the marquee. |
SCROLL | Start completely off one side, scroll all the way across and completely off, and then start again. This is the default. |
SLIDE | Start completely off one side, scroll in, and stop as soon as the text touches the other margin. |
ALTERNATE | Bounce back and forth within the marquee. |
Denotes a list of items. Specifies that the following block consists of individual items, each beginning with an LI element.
<MENU> <LI>This is the first item in the menu. <LI>And this is the second item in the menu. </MENU>
Provides information about an HTML document to browsers, search engines and other applications.
Examples If the document contains:
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="Tue, 04 Dec 1996 21:29:02 GMT"> <meta http-equiv="Keywords" CONTENT="HTML, Reference"> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Reply-to" content="anybody@microsoft.com"> <Meta Http-equiv="Keywords" CONTENT="HTML Reference Guide"> then the server may include the following header fields: Expires: Tue, 04 Dec 1996 21:29:02 GMT Keywords: HTML, Reference Reply-to: anybody@microsoft.com as part of the HTTP response to a `GET' or `HEAD' request for that document. <ex><HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT=2> <TITLE>Reload Document</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P>This document will be reloaded every two seconds. </BODY> </HTML> <HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" CONTENT="5; URL=http://www.sample.com/next.htm"> <TITLE>Load Next Document</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <P>After five seconds have elapsed, the document "http://www.sample.com/next.htm" will be loaded. </BODY> </HTML>
Turns off line breaking. Renders text without line breaks.
<NOBR>Here's a line of text I don't want to be broken . . . here's the end of the line.</NOBR>
Content viewable only by browsers that do not support frames. Browsers that support frames will not display content between the beginning and ending NOFRAMES tags. You can create a page that is compatible with both types of browser by using NOFRAMES.
<FRAMESET> <NOFRAMES>You need Internet Explorer 3.0 to view frames!</NOFRAMES> </FRAMESET>
Inserts an object, such as an image, document, applet or control, into the HTML document.
BASELINE | The bottom of the object aligns with the baseline of surrounding text. |
CENTER | The object is centered between left and right margins. Subsequent text starts on the next line after the object. |
LEFT | The object aligns with the left margin, and subsequent text wraps along the right side of the object. |
MIDDLE | The middle of the object aligns with the baseline of surrounding text. |
RIGHT | The object aligns with the right margin, and subsequent text wraps along the left side of the object. |
TEXTBOTTOM | The bottom of the object aligns with the bottom of surrounding text. |
TEXTMIDDLE | The middle of the object aligns with the midpoint between the baseline and the x-height of the surrounding text. |
TEXTTOP | The top of the object aligns with the top of surrounding text. |
The end-tag is required.
An object can contain any elements ordinarily used within the body of an HTML document, including section headings, paragraphs, lists, forms and even nested objects.
Draws lines of text as an ordered list. Specifies that the following block consists of individual items, each beginning with an LI tag. The items are numbered.
A | Use large letters |
a | Use small letters |
I | Use large Roman numerals |
i | Use small Roman numerals |
1 | Use numbers. |
<OL> <LI>This is the first item in the list. <LI>And this is the second item in the list. </OL> <ex><OL START=3> <LI>This is item number 3. </OL> <OL TYPE=A> <LI>This is item A. </OL>
Denotes one choice in a list box. In a SELECT block, denotes one of the choices that will appear in the list.
Denotes a paragraph. Inserts a paragraph break and denotes a paragraph.
The end-tag is optional.
<P>This is a paragraph.</P>
Sets property values for a given object.
DATA | The value is data. This is the default value type. |
REF | The value is a URL. |
OBJECT | The value is a URL of an object in the same document. |
This element is valid only within an OBJECT element. The end-tag is optional.
Renders text in fixed-width type without processing tags. Renders text in fixed-width type. Also turns off HTML parsing until the browser encounters the </PLAINTEXT> tag.
<PLAINTEXT> Here's a sample of HTML: <A HREF="sample.url">This is a shortcut to sample.</A></PLAINTEXT>
Renders text in fixed-width type.
<PRE>Here's some plain text.</PRE>
Renders text in strikethrough type.
<S>This text has a line through it.</S>
Specifies sample text. Renders text in a small font. (If no FONT FACE is specified, the font used is fixed-width.)
<SAMP>Here is some text in a small fixed-width font.</SAMP>
Specifies the inclusion of a script. Scripts execute and instantiate objects in the order in which they appear in the HTML. Named objects can be referenced only in the order in which they appear in the document.
<SCRIPT> <SCRIPT language="VBScript"> '... Additional VBScript statements ... </SCRIPT>
Denotes a list box or dropdown list.
Makes text one size smaller.
<SMALL>This text is smaller</SMALL>
Use to apply style information to text within a document. SPAN can be used to do localized formatting to text using STYLE as an attribute.
<SPAN STYLE="margin-left: 1.0in"> This paragraph is 1.0 inches from the left margin.<SPAN>
Renders text in strikethrough type.
<STRIKE>This text has a line through it.</STRIKE>
Emphasizes the text. Usually displays the text in bold.
<STRONG>This text will be bold.</STRONG>
Renders text in subscript.
<SUB>This text is rendered as subscript.</SUB>
Renders text in superscript.
<SUP>This text is rendered as superscript.</SUP>
Creates a table. The table is empty unless you create rows and cells using the TR, TD, and TH elements.
LEFT | The table is left-aligned. This is the default alignment. |
RIGHT | The table is right-aligned. If the table is less than the width of the window, text following the table wraps along the left side of the table. |
VOID | Removes all outside table borders. |
ABOVE | Displays a border on the top side of the table frame. |
BELOW | Displays a border on the bottom side of the table frame. |
HSIDES | Displays a border on the top and bottom sides of the table frame. |
LHS | Displays a border on the left-hand side of the table frame. |
RHS | Displays a border on the right-hand side of the table frame. |
VSIDES | Displays a border on the left and right sides of the table frame. |
BOX | Displays a border on all sides of the table frame. |
BORDER | Displays a border on all sides of the table frame. |
NONE | Removes all interior table borders. |
GROUPS | Displays horizontal borders between all table groups. Groups are specified by the THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT, and COLGROUP elements. |
ROWS | Displays horizontal borders between all table rows. |
COLS | Displays vertical borders between all table columns. |
ALL | Displays a border on all rows and columns. |
The end-tag is required.
The optional THEAD, TBODY, TFOOT, COLGROUP, and COL elements can be used to organize a table and apply attributes across columns and groups of columns.
<TABLE BORDER=1 WIDTH=80%> <THEAD> <TR> <TH>Heading 1</TH> <TH>Heading 2</TH> </TR> <TBODY> <TR> <TD>Row 1, Column 1 text.</TD> <TD>Row 1, Column 2 text.</TD> </TR> <TR> <TD>Row 2, Column 1 text.</TD> <TD>Row 2, Column 2 text.</TD> </TR> </TABLE>
Defines the table body. Use this element to distinguish the rows in the table header or footer from those in the main body of the table.
If a table does not have a header or footer (does not have a THEAD or TFOOT element), the TBODY element is optional. The end-tag is always optional.
You can use the TBODY element more than once in a table. This is useful for dividing lengthy tables into smaller units and for controlling the placement of horizontal rules.
<TABLE> <THEAD> <TR> ... </TR> <TBODY> <TR> ... </TR> </TBODY> </TABLE>
Creates a cell in a table.
LEFT | The table is left-aligned. |
CENTER | Text is centered. |
RIGHT | The table is right-aligned. |
By default, text is centered.
TOP | Text is aligned with the top of each cell. |
MIDDLE | Text is aligned in the middle of each cell. |
BOTTOM | Text is aligned with the bottom of each cell. |
BASELINE | Text in adjoining cells in a row is aligned along a common baseline. |
By default, text is aligned in the middle of the cell.
This element is valid only within a row in a table, that is, you must use a TR element before using TD. All attributes are optional. The end-tag is optional.
Creates a multiple-line text entry control in which the user can enter and edit text.
The end-tag is required. Any text between the start and end-tags is used as the initial value for the control.
Defines the table footer. Use this element to distinguish the rows in the table footer from those in the header or main body of the table.
The table footer is optional, but if given only one footer is allowed. The TFOOT element is valid only within a table; you must use a TABLE element before using this element. The end-tag is optional.
<TABLE> <TBODY> <TR> ... </TR> <TFOOT> <TR> ... </TR> </TABLE>
Creates a row or column heading in a table. The element is similar to the TD element but emphasizes the text in the cell to distinguish it from text in TD cells.
LEFT | Text is left-aligned. |
CENTER | Text is centered. |
RIGHT | Text is right-aligned. |
By default, text is centered.
TOP | Text is aligned with the top of each cell. |
MIDDLE | Text is aligned in the middle of each cell. |
BOTTOM | Text is aligned with the bottom of each cell. |
BASELINE | Text in adjoining cells in a row is aligned along a common baseline. |
By default, text is aligned in the middle of the cell.
This element is valid only within a row in a table, that is, you must use a TR element before using TH. All attributes are optional. The end-tag is optional.
Defines the table header. Use this element to distinguish the rows in the table header from those in the footer or main body of the table.
The table header is optional, but if given only one header is allowed. The THEAD element is valid only within a table; you must use a TABLE element before using this element. The end-tag is optional.
<TABLE> <THEAD> <TR> ... </TR> <TBODY> <TR> ... </TR> </TABLE>
Specifies a title for the document. Internet Explorer uses this for the window caption.
This element is valid only within the HEAD element. The end-tag is required.
<HEAD> <TITLE>"Welcome To Internet Explorer!"</TITLE> </HEAD>
Creates a row in a table.
LEFT | Text is left-aligned. |
CENTER | Text is centered. |
RIGHT | Text is right-aligned. |
By default, text is centered.
TOP | Text is aligned with the top of each cell. |
MIDDLE | Text is aligned in the middle of each cell. |
BOTTOM | Text is aligned with the bottom of each cell. |
BASELINE | Text in adjoining cells in a row is aligned along a common baseline. |
By default, text is aligned in the middle of the cell.
Teletype. Renders text in fixed-width type.
<TT>Here's some plain text.</TT>
Renders text underlined.
<U>This text has a line under it.</U>
Draws lines of text as a bulleted list. Specifies that the following block consists of individual items, each beginning with an LI tag. The items are bulleted.
<UL> <LI>This is the first bulleted item in the list. <LI>And this is the second bulleted item in the list. </UL>
Placeholder text for a variable. Displays text in a small fixed-width type.
Enter the <VAR>filename</VAR> in the dialog box.
Inserts a soft linebreak in a block of NOBR text.
<NOBR> This line of text will not break, no matter how narrow the window gets.<WBR> This one, however<WBR>, will.</NOBR>
Example text. Displays text in fixed-width type.
<XMP>Here's some plain text.</XMP>