Adding a job to the job queue
You can add a job to the queue by loading a previously saved script. A script is a job that you saved to a file. It contains the original source, destination, option, and schedule information for the job when you created and saved it.
``Creating scripts for your jobs''
``Creating scripts for your restore jobs''
for more information on scripts.
Members of Ellen's group work on separate pieces of a major project. Each saves his/her work in a directory on their hosts called PROJECT. Ellen set up a backup job of these directories for all her department's hosts. She saved the job to a script file, ELLENGRP.AS5, in the /users/ARCserve directory. She wants to add this backup job to the queue.
From this example, follow the steps below to add a job to the job queue using the Job Queue Manager.
- From the Job Queue Manager, click the Add Job button.
The Add Job dialog appears:
- Select the file name for the script you want to add.
Ellen selects ELLENGRP.AS5 from the /users/ARCserve directory.
The script that you selected is added to the job queue.
Next topic:
Changing a job's execution date, time, or status
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Managing jobs on the queue
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