Ellen's backup job is scheduled to run at 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon. However, she realizes she will be working late today, so she wants the backup to run after she is done for the day. She wants to reschedule the job for 6:00 p.m. Just in case she is not done by 6, she is going to put the job on Hold.
Using the above example, follow the directions below to change execution information about a job:
You can only change a job's execution date, time, or status if the job is not active. If the job is active, the Change Job button cancels the job. However, if the job is one that repeats at automatic intervals (this is determined when you create a job), the Change Job button reschedules the job for the next automatic interval.
The Change Status and Execution Time dialog appears:
Job status can be changed to Hold or Ready. Ready job status indicates the job will execute at the specified date and time. A job with Hold status will not execute until the owner of the job or a queue operator changes the status to Ready.
Ellen drops down the Job Status list and changes it from ``Ready'' to ``Hold''. She then changes the Execution Time to 18:00. Execution Date remains the same.
After clicking OK, the job is changed to the status, execution date, and execution time you specified.