Using IRIS Phone Spaceship Interface
IRIS Phone Main Window |
If you have chosen the "spaceship" interface in the IRIS Phone Configuration window, Interface tab, the IRIS Phone main window will look like this:
You can obtain help about any part by clicking on it.
The Mic control switches the microphone on and off allowing you to Mute the conversation (i.e. disable voice transmission).
The Help button envokes the help menu from where you can open this Help, order an Activation Key, send your feedback, report a bug or recommend IRIS Phone to your friends by completing and submitting the built-in forms. You can also view some system information.
The Config button envokes the IRIS Phone Configuration dialog where you can change your IRIS Phone configuration settings.
The Local View window displays the video you are sending during video-enabled conversation. To switch this view off, click on the dot at the lower-right corner of this window.
The Minimize, Maximize, and Close buttons in the upper-right corner perform the typical Windows functions. Mind that the maximized IRIS Phone is displayed on a black background. To switch to normal background, press the Restore Window button.
The three Network Activity Indicators register whether you are connected to the White Pages, whether you are sending and receiving data.
The voice transfer indicators represent incoming and outgoing audio over the network.
The Volume Control allows you to adjust your Speaker Volume.
The Search button opens the window where you can search for a party to talk with by entering your search criteria in either the Country, Language or Topics tabs or selecting them from the lists (multiple selections are allowed). You may specify any kind of criteria in the Advanced tab. The string you enter in this tab will be searched for in the entire user database. To search for all on-line users, enter * in the Advanced tab. Then, press the Start button to initiate the search. To close this window, press the Search button on the left again.
The Voice Mail button opens the window where you can listen to all your voice mail. To view your inbox contents, press the Expand arrow. To close the Voice Mail window, press the Voice Mail button on the left again.
The Video window in the center of the main IRIS Phone window displays the remote party's video during conversation or his/her photo if no video is being received. When you are not holding a conversation but you have opened your Phone Book and position your mouse over a user, information about him or her is displayed in this window.
The Phone Book button opens your username directory arranged in lists. By default, these are the Black List (all calls from users you include in this list will be automatically rejected), Private, Business, To Call (IRIS Phone will notify you as soon as a user from this list becomes on-line and will ask you periodically whether you wish to call him / her; the user will be removed from this list as soon as you call him / her), IRIS and the Buddy List (IRIS Phone will notify you each time a user from this list becomes on-line and will automatically pick up incoming calls from him / her). When you position your mouse over a user, information about him or her is displayed in the Video window. Double-click on a user to call him/her. Use the buttons at the bottom of the Phone Book window to navigate the window view. You can create more lists by yourself as well as delete the Private, Business and IRIS lists. Still, the Black List, Buddy List and To Call lists are system lists and cannot be removed.
The Log button opens the Log window that stores a log of all your conversations. If, during a conversation, you had used the text chat or recorded the conversation, you may review / listen to them by using the buttons at the bottom of the window when the conversation item is selected.
The Talk button allows you to burst into the other party's speech during half duplex conversation if the remote party is constantly talking.
The Tip Wizard is
placed just under the Video window. When an event takes place,
IRIS Phone notifies you about it by displaying a message in the Tip Wizard
window. Also, it gives you up to four alternatives on how to react to this event. These
are the four buttons below the window.
For example, when the "Who do you want to call today?" tip is
displayed, you can either:
The Store button adds the person you are speaking with in a Phone Book list.
The Hold button allows you to hold the current line.
The Hang Up button terminates the selected connection.
The Text Chat button opens the text chat window and allows you to exchange keyboard messages with the remote party during conversation.
The Conference button connects all lines in a conference. Thus all participants in the conference will hear you and you will hear all of them.
The Transfer button redirects the current conversation to another IRIS Phone user.
Finding Someone To Talk To |
You may find someone to talk to in the IRIS Phone White Pages. Press the Search button to make IRIS Phone retrieve the users who are currently on-line. If you want to search for a specific user, you may enter any kind of information you know about him / her below the "Who do you want to call today?" tip and press the Search button. IRIS Phone will find and list all on-line users whose information contains the specified string. To add a user to your Phone Book, select his / her name in the results window, right-click, position your mouse over Add to a Phone Book List and choose the desired list. Mind that all incoming calls from users you add to your Black List will be automatically rejected.
Placing a Call |
You may place a call by either double-clicking on a username you have found in the White Pages, or by double-clicking on a username in your Phone Book or Log. IRIS Phone will search whether the user is currently on-line and if he / she accepts your call, a real-time connection will be established. Whether the person you dial does not pick up or is unreachable, or if you want to cancel the dialing, IRIS Phone will suggest that you leave a message or add this person to your To Call list. IRIS Phone informs you as soon as a user included in this list becomes on-line. If the user you try to call has protected himself / herself by an Access Code, IRIS Phone will not call him / her unless you specify the correct Access Code.
Processing an Incoming Call |
If someone calls you, your IRIS Phone will process the call in a way depending on whether or not the calling person is included in any of your Phone Book lists. If you have added this person to any Phone Book list, IRIS Phone will apply the call processing that you have specified for this list - Auto Answer, Auto Reject or Ring. If this user is not included in any of your Phone Book lists, IRIS Phone will apply the default call processing. You can specify your default call processing in the General tab of the IRIS Phone Configuration window. If the call processing is set to Ring, you will hear a ringing sound and can accept the call by pressing the Answer button that will appear in the main window. To reject it, press the Hang Up button. IRIS Phone gives you three alternatives when rejecting or hanging up a connection - to hang up, to hang up and call this person later (adds the person to your To Call list), or to hang up and add the person to your Black List (automatically rejects any incoming calls from this user). If you have added a user in both your Black List and another list, IRIS Phone will automatically reject any calls from this user.
Talking Technique |
You can navigate your conversation by using the indicators and controls enabled when a connection is established:
Using Video Capabilities |
To enable video transmission:
To enable video receipt:
Recording Conversation |
To start recording the currently selected conversation, press the Record Conversation button on the right of the remote view or choose the Record Conversation command from the right-click pull-down menu. To stop recording, press the same button again. To listen to the recorded conversation, select the connection in your Log and press the Listen to Recorded Conversation control at the bottom of the same window.
Sending And Reviewing Mail |
To send a voice (and video) message to a selected party, click with the right mouse button over a user in your Phone Book, Log or Video window and select the Send Voice Mail command. The Voice Mail dialog appears. Here you can prepare your voice and video message, and send it by pressing the Send button.
To listen to the voice (and video) mail you have received, press the Voice Mail button, select the desired message from your mailbox, and press the Play button.
Advanced Techniques |