IRIS Phone Whiteboard

Use the IRIS Phone Whiteboard to create and edit drawings and image files together with the remote party. You may use it even if no voice (and video) connection is being established, i.e. if IRIS Phone is in Call state. Also, you may take a look at some special techniques for using the Whiteboard.

  Whiteboard Menus

File Menu

Edit Menu

View Menu

Tools Menu

Network Menu

Help Menu

  Whiteboard Toolbar

Click on any button to view information about it. To view the toolbar image again, press the Back button of your browser.

netdrw.gif (5118 bytes)

Align Left - use it to align the text in the selected textbox to the left margin of the text box.

Center - use it to align the text in the selected textbox to the middle of the text box.

Align Right - use it to align the text in the selected textbox to the right margin of the page text box.

Bold - formats the selected text and numbers as bold. To remove the formatting, click the button again.

Italic - formats the selected text and numbers as italic. To remove the formatting, click the button again.

Underline - underlines the selected text and numbers. To remove the formatting, click the button again.

Strikethrough - strikes the selected text and numbers through. To remove the formatting, click the button again.

Decrease Text Size - use it to make the selected text smaller.

Increase Text Size - use it to make the selected text bigger.

Object Name - use it to give a name to the selected object and it will be visible also on the remote party's PC when positioning the mouse cursor over it.

Open Gallery Templates - pops up the Gallery Templates window where you can choose a picture among the built-in picture templates and place it into your project using drag-and-drop. You may also just choose a picture, select the Template tool (F8), press the left mouse button and drag to insert the selected picture template in your project.

Line Weight - use to choose the weight of the selected line.

Line Color - use to set a color for the selected line.

Text Color - use to set a color for the selected text.

Fill In Color - use to fill the selected object with a color.

Bring To Front - use to define which one of two or more overlapping objects should be on the top.

Send To Back - use to define which one of two or more overlapping objects should be in the bottom.

  Whiteboard Special Techniques

To select an object, choose the Select tool, position your mouse over the object so that the object blinks, and then click. Once you have selected an object, you may:

The status line at the bottom of the Whiteboard window provides additional information:

  Whiteboard Error Messages

Remote Whiteboard was closed.
The remote party has closed his / her Whiteboard. To run a new common project, click on OK and start your Whiteboard again.

The system has become unstable. Please restart your computer.
IRIS Phone has detected that your system is currently short of resources. Save your work, restart Windows and try again. 

The connection was terminated.
The current connection was terminated and Whiteboard will be closed.