Learn about the Other Income place
Use the Other Income place (in the Lifetime Planner) to tell Money about income you earn outside of your career, both now and in the future.
In the Other Income place, you'll:
- Tell Money what other income you plan to receive. List gifts, inheritance, alimony, child support, pension, Social Security, trusts, and other income here. Tell Money when the income will begin and end.
- See a summary of your other earnings. Click an item in the list and click Edit to modify its details.
What doesnÆt count as income?
What about tax refunds?
It's best not to overpay taxes year after year and then plan on a refund. Instead, adjust your withholdings to better match what you owe, and plan on no refund.
Play the Getting Started With the Lifetime Planner video.
Why would I want to exclude something from my plan?