Track employer matching in a retirement account
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Many employers will match your retirement contributions. The best way to track these contributions is to use the Update Retirement wizard.
- First, create a retirement account in the Investments place.
- Set up your paycheck to itemize your paycheck deductions using the Paycheck wizard. You'll enter the amount of your retirement contribution on the Deductions Before Taxes tab.
- In the category field for the contribution, choose Transfer as the category, and choose your retirement contributions account (look for your retirement account name and the word "(Contributions)" following it) as the subcategory.
- Finally, go to the Account Register for the retirement account and click Update Account. As you progress through the wizard, you'll be asked to enter your employer's contribution for the current statement period.
Play the 401(k) support in Money video.
How do I create a retirement account?
How do I itemize my paycheck?
How do I enter my holdings in a retirement account?