Learn about the Online Financial Services Manager
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The Online Financial Services Manager lists all of the accounts you have created in Money, grouped according to the financial institutions you have assigned them to.
In the Online Financial Services Manager you can:
- Take an online tour In the left pane, click Take the Online Tour to watch a short video about the online features and services available in Money.
- Create accounts If you click an existing financial institution (Bank, brokerage house, and credit card provider.) and then click New Account, Money prefills the name of that institution in the first screen of the New Account wizard.
- Add financial institutions In Money, you cannot create a financial institution without an account. So creating a new account is one way to add a financial institution to the Online Financial Services Manager. You can also add a financial institution when you move an account.
- Delete accounts You can remove an account and all of its transactions from your Money file. However, if the deleted account was enabled for Direct Financial Services (Services provided by your financial institution that allow you to do common banking tasks from your computer via a direct connection with the financial institutionÆs computer.), you will no longer be able to use these Online Services with this account. You will also need to contact the financial institution to disable these services there.
- Delete financial institutions You cannot explicitly delete a financial institution in Money. However, if you delete all of the accounts held at a particular financial institution, Money will delete that financial institution automatically.
- Rename accounts and financial institutions You can name accounts and financial institutions anything you want to, but you will probably find it helpful to give them descriptive names. If you rename a financial institution to the name of an existing financial institution, all of the accounts held at the first will be moved to the second.
- Move accounts from one financial institution to another You can move unassigned accounts into existing financial institutions, unassign accounts that are currently assigned to financial institutions, and move accounts from one institution to another. However, to move an account that is enabled for Direct Financial Services, you must first deactivate these services.
- Go to the Online Financial Services place for each financial institution Double-click an account or financial institution to access its Online area. If the institution is not already set up for Online Services, Money will take you to the Online Setup place where you can find out what Online Services your financial institution offers, and sign up for the ones you want.
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