Set up Online Services for two accounts at one financial institution with different passwords
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If you and your partner hold accounts at one financial institution (Bank, brokerage house, and credit card provider.) and you both want to access them through Direct Financial Services (Services provided by your financial institution that allow you to do common banking tasks from your computer via a direct connection with the financial institutionÆs computer.), contact the financial institution to see if they can link the accounts. You can often access linked accounts through Online Services with a single user name and password.
If your financial institution cannot link your accounts, you can still set up Online Services for each account by creating different financial institutions in Money for each account.
For example, Eric and Carrie each have a checking account held at Woodgrove Bank:
On the first screen of the New Account wizard, Money asks you to assign the account to a financial institution. You can enter anything here for the financial institution name. Normally, you would enter the name of the financial institution accurately, but for our purposes you want to enter a descriptive variation of the name (in this case, Woodgrove Bank - Eric).
On the second screen of the Investigate Offerings wizard, when you are asked to enter the name of your financial institution, be sure to follow the instructions and enter the name exactly as it appears on your bank statement, or pick it from the list of Financial Institutions. Do not enter the name of the bank entered in the New Account wizard when you created the Account (in this case, do not enter Woodgrove Bank û Eric).
This ensures that the two financial institutions you have set up in Money (Woodgrove Bank - Eric and Woodgrove Bank - Carrie) both access the same Woodgrove Bank for Direct Financial Services calls. However, because Money recognizes them as different financial institutions, you are able to connect from each with different passwords.
When you connect to send Direct Financial Services instructions to your financial institution, be sure to go to the Connect place in the Online area for the correct financial institution set up in Money. Even though they call the same bank, Woodgrove Bank - Eric and Woodgrove Bank - Carrie are associated with different accounts.
What if I have already created the accounts and assigned them to the same financial institution?
ThatÆs OK. Just move one of the accounts into a new financial institution (Money lets you create a new financial institution when you move the account). Then set up the new financial institution as described above.
How do I move an account to a new financial institution?
How do I set up Online Services?
How do I send Direct Financial Services instructions to my bank?