Learn how Quicken file elements convert in Money

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The list below details how Money handles the elements in your Quicken file when you convert it. Most Quicken files won't change noticeably when you convert to Money. However, if your file is very large or very complex, there are a few issues you'll want to be aware of.

You might want to print this list if you plan to review it thoroughly.

How Money converts each file element:

1  If necessary, a "sell" transaction to record the sale of any remaining shares in that account. The lot handling criteria for this transaction is set to "First In, First Out."
2  A ôshort sell" transaction for the remaining number of shares.

Whenever the number of shares in a Quicken file is negative, Money automatically converts the "buy" transaction into the following transactions:

1  A "cover short" transaction for any number of shares up to and including the current balance of "short sell" positions. Money also converts any lot handling data in Quicken, as described above.
2  If necessary, a "buy" transaction for the remaining number of shares.

Any short activities in Quicken that are not sell transactions will not be converted to Money. Also, in Money, you can only short sell stocks and mutual funds. If any other security type is shorted in your Quicken file, it will not be converted to Money.

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