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Installing Software

Once you get the hang of installing third-party software, it's a breeze.  The first time, however, can be a headache.  Here are instructions on how to install Infinity Softworks products onto your Palm connected organizer.

In order for you to install an Infinity Softworks' application, the desktop software that comes with your Palm connected organizer must be installed.  We also recommend reading your Palm connected organizer manual.  Look for a section on installing third-party applications or on the Install Tool.

For this archive, we need to install "util400d.prc".  The "start here.txt" document is a version of these instructions.

There are two items you need to install any third-party application.  The first is the Palm Install Tool; the second is the Palm application(s) you want to install.  The Palm Install Tool is named "instapp.exe" or "Install Tool" and the Palm application can end with the extension ".prc" or ".pdb" (.prc is the application, .pdb is any associated databases).

First, let's double-click on each of the Palm applications to see if it will open the Install Tool.  If the Install Tool did open, click "Done" or "Exit" and HotSync.  The application will appear in your application's screen on your Palm connected organizer after the HotSync process is complete.

If the application does not open and instead shows you a dialog box asking which application should open this program, cancel.   There are three different options for locating the Install Tool.

Option #1: Look in the Start Menu (or Apple Menu).

Under "Programs" in the Start menu, look for a folder entitled "Palm Desktop", "PalmPilot Desktop", or "Pilot Desktop" and select the Install Tool.

Option #2: Look in the Palm Desktop application.

Run the Palm Desktop application on your computer.  In the application is a list of views (Date, Address, To Do, Memo, etc.) along the left-hand column.  If one is labeled "Install", click this icon and it will open the Install Tool.

Option #3: Search for it on your hard drive.

  1. On your Start menu, put the cursor over "Find" and then select "Files or Folders" (for Macintosh users, select Find from the Apple menu).
  2. In the name field, type "instapp" (without the quotes). 
  3. Make sure the "Look In" category is your hard drive and the "Include subfolders" checkbox is checked (Windows only).
  4. Select the "Find Now" button.

If the "instapp" application appears in the list, we have found the application.  Double-click on it to run the Palm Install Tool.  If the application does not appear, try another hard drive or contact Palm's technical support about installing or using the Install Tool.  Palm's technical support phone number is (847) 676-1441 or email

Once you are in the Install Tool, you need to locate the applications you want to install on your Palm connected organizer.

  1. Select the "Browse" or "Add" button.
  2. Locate the file you want to install.
  3. Select the file and click "Open" or "OK".
  4. Exit the Install Tool.

The next time you HotSync, the application will be installed onto your handheld.  Look in the Application's screen on your Palm connected organizer to see if it loaded successfully.



Copyright ⌐ 1999 Infinity Softworks, Inc.  All rights reserved.  PalmPilot, PalmOS, and the Palm logo are trademarks of 3Com Corporation.  All other brands and product names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.  For more information, send email to