FPS Utility Pro 4 Manual
"The number 1 general utility program for the Palm Computing platform."
The steadfast number 1 general utility program for the Palm Computing platform. FPS Utility provides you with quick access to a large number of 'Utility' functions and information on your Palm Computing platform handheld device. Some of the functionality already exists on your handheld. FPS Utility provides you with 'one stop shopping' for this information and is in most cases 'faster' and 'easier' to get at than on the device via the OS. |
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The Main Screen gives you quick access to vital statistics about your Palm connected organizer. The memory display and battery display are updated about every 2 seconds:
Memory Free is presented as total K free. Keep in mind we
are getting the raw free space from the card statistics. This does not take into account
the 46 or so K used by the system which is not available for storage. More card
information is available by tapping on the Card Info Button: At present, all Palm devices only have 1 card, card 0. We query and report information on this card. |
shows you the current voltage to 100th of a volt, the Warning level and the Critical voltage level. The Warning Level and the Critical Voltage level are adjustable by taping on the Battery button: The Warning levels are defined as follows: Low Voltage - When your voltage level reaches this level, the Palm OS will warn you it's time to start thinking about changing the batteries. You can adjust this but it's not recommended. Critical Voltage: If your batteries get this low, the device will refuse to operate. There's just enough juice to keep the memory alive. You can change this too, but it's not recommended. Infinity Softworks can not be held accountable for any failures of your system do to altering system settings within FPSUtil. |
Operating System Version The OS Version string displayed includes all 'parts'. Tap the OS Version label for the explanation of the individual parts. (screen shots taken in PalmOS Emulator 2.0b23:
Sleep Time
The sleep time of a device allows for increased
customizability over the preferences application. We've added 4, 5, 10 minutes and Never. ![]() |
Battery/Reset Times FPS Utility counts and displays 2 timers. Timer 1 is the battery life timer. It can be manually reset so it keeps track of the powered on time since you last changed your batteries. The display is in Days:Hours:Minutes:Seconds. Tap the Icon to reset the timer to zero. The second timer displays time since the last soft reset. Soft
reset can be performed by pushing a paper clip in the reset location on the back of the
device. You can also use the reset and debugger FPSUtil option (see below).
For the most part, Palm connected organizers do not need to soft reset unless some
file on the Palm device is causing odd behavior. If this is true, remove the failing
application and soft reset the device. It is recommended that you Hot Sync
beforehand, although soft resetting the Palm connected organizer should not cause data
loss. |
HotSync Information Displays: (1) HotSync name of the device, some application authors generate serial numbers on this information. (2) the serial number of 3.0 and newer devices (3) the date and time of the last HotSync operation. |
Reset and Debugger buttons: The reset button performs a soft reset on the device. The should cause no data loss, but will reset record attributes so you can delete a left open database or record. The Palm OS has 4 reboot modes:
The Debugger Button: similar to number 4, but simply opens the serial port (same as writing a shortcut .. 2). You'll only use this if you are a developer. If not, don't use it. The serial port drains the pilot at a higher rate. A clue the serial port is open is that HotSync no longer functions. Reset the device with the reset button to close it. Some or all of these options above could cause data loss on your Palm connected organizer. Infinity Softworks cannot be held responsible if it does. It is recommended that you Hot Sync before using any of these reset options. |
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The List Screen displays the list of items (databases) on the device. Under the Palm OS, everything is considered a database, whether it is an executable application or an actual database. In the first view they are listed in the order the items were installed or created. That is from item 0 to the number of items. The list is sortable (see below). The list is broken into 3 columns. Column 1 is a check box that represents the status of the 'backup bit'. The backup bit is the bit responsible for telling Hot Sync to make a backup of this item. Normally this should be off for faster Hot Sync times. But if the item changed, you want to create a newer backup on your desktop. Flipping this bit will do that. Column 2 is the name of the item and column 3 is definable. Column (3) can display any of the following information: Type code, Creator Code, Size rounded up to the nearest K, number of records, Backup Bit status, RAM/ROM location, Backup Date, Creation Date, Copy Bit Status, and Modification Date. NOTE: Items that are in FLASH or ROM (Read Only Memory) cannot be changed by FPS Utility. On the bottom of the screen is a row of buttons, from left to right: Info (?), Delete, Beam, and Export. Further discussion is below. |
The list (as displayed) can be sorted any of the following ways: Alphabetically by Name, Type Creator, Ascending by Size, Creation Date, Backup Date, Modification Date. This is useful for locating items. NOTE: Sorting can take time. When you select a sort order you are warned that this could take a while. Sorting a 130 items has taken upwards of 40 seconds to sort on a Palm III. While sorting the following dialog is presented on the screen: Please wait... The Iteration: is a count of calls to the compare function. Statistically speaking... Sorting 46 items by size makes 138 calls to
our compare function which then made 276 calls to Dm routines to retrieve the information
about the database and make the comparisons. The Dm routines are the time 'expensive'
routines. |
The check box in the list represents the status of the backup bit for that item. Tapping it in the list will toggle the backup bit if the item is not 'busy' or in ROM/Flash. Item for which the backup bit is set are backed up each and every HotSync. While it's a good idea to back everything up once in a while, doing so for every HotSync would be very time consuming. If you want total control and maximum flexibility with backup bits, we recommend BackupBuddy by Alexander Hinds. We do offer a few quick and dirty ways to toggle all or some of the bits through the application's menu. Select the menu button to the lower left corner of the Graffiti input area to activate the menu. Select All turns the all 'On' |
If the current selected item is an application (type 'appl'). You'll be prompted for which part or parts to delete: You may choose to delete just the application, its preferences from BOTH the saved and unsaved preferences databases and any other items that have a matching creator. |
Tapping the beam button will queue up the current database to be beamed
to another device. FPS Utility transmits the database item (application, or database) to
the Application launcher of the other device. If the author of the program has set the
copy protect flag on his application or database, the application cannot be beamed. |
If an item is selected, its detail information is exported to a MemoPad record in the 'unfiled' category: Sample Export of single item: If nothing is selected, FPS Utility will export a list of all items on the device detailing the attributes you select: Note: Exporting full detail information will result in multiple MemoPad Records. Name is not an option it is always exported. The item number and progress of the export is displayed at the bottom. |
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The Detail Screen displays most of the detail items about a database: Name, Icon, Creator, Type, Creation Date, Modification Date, Backup Date (if any), Total size, Data size, Number of records, Version, Database ID number, Record/Resource database type, Read Only Status, Backup Bit, Memory Location (ROM/RAM), CopyBit status (beamable or not). Editable items include ( The Res DB indicates that the database item is a resource database. Applications are resource databases. Most databases are record based databases. |
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FPS Utility may be purchased/registered directly
through: Currently FPS Utility is available in (2) versions: the demo version and
the registered version. The registered version includes all of the functionality listed in
the documentation. The demo version has the items flagged as |
Infinity Softworks, Inc. 1315 NW 185th Avenue, Suite 180 Beaverton OR 97006 Voice: 503-681-8426 e-mail: fps@infinitysw.com www.infinitysw.com |
Copyright ⌐ 1996-1999 Fighter Pilot Software, All Rights Reserved.