Siena and a pocket Psion   Siena

The Psion Siena packs the power and organising functionality of the award-winning Psion Series 3 range of palmtop computers, into a unit that fits easily into a shirt pocket.

With two memory options (512K and 1MB - enough for over 250 pages of A4 text), it will store all the information you are ever likely to need, and retrieve it in an instant.

Psion Siena's built-in communications facilities include infrared data transfer allowing you to exchange information 'wirelessly' with other Sienas (or the Series 3c) at a distance of up to one metre, and industry standard RS232 communications for direct connnection to PCs and printers.


Siena with a hand

(in Testzone)

3 Sienas with different covers
Optional cover designs-
marble, wood
and charcoal effect

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