This section contains information on command scripts and error codes that are returned when scripts fail. Microsoft NNTP Service now supports VBScript for most commands.
VBScripts have the same functionality as the command line utilities from earlier versions of Microsoft NNTP Service. With Windows Scripting Host (WSH) installed, you can use them just like commands. WSH enables you to execute scripts directly on the Microsoft® Windows desktop or command console, without having to embed the scripts in an HTML document.
Although you can run WSH either from the Windows-based host (Wscript.exe) or from the command-shell-based host (Cscript.exe), it is recommended that you use Cscript.exe because it is easy to use.
For more information on WSH, see the following topics in the IIS documentation: Windows Scripting Host Command Reference in "AdministratorÆs Reference" and Windows Scripting Host Programmer's Reference in "ScripterÆs Reference."
Note WSH must be installed during IIS setup. During installation, WSH is associated with the .vbs file extension. You must specify the full file name (including the .vbs extension) when you run the scripts.
The following scripts are available:
When command scripts fail, error messages are generated and returned. These codes are presented in Command Line Return Codes.