
Use this command for session management. The following table is a list of the parameters you can use with Rsess.

Parameter Description
-t operation, where
operation is one of
the following arguments:  
     e Enumerates users.
     d Terminates a session. (You must specify -u or -i.)
     a Terminates all sessions; terminates a client connection.
-u username The user name to be terminated.
-i ipaddress The IP or host name to be terminated.
-s server The name of the server computer to be configured.
-v virtual server id The site ID (an integer).

The following examples show how command scripts are used. When Windows Scripting Host is running, you can enter any of the command scripts shown here on the command line.

Command script Function
Rsess.vbs -t e -v 1
Lists the current sessions for NNTP site 1.
Rsess.vbs -t d -u bad_user   
Terminates the session for the user bad_user.
Rsess.vbs -t a
Terminates all sessions.

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