
Use this command to add, delete, and modify expiration policies. The following table is a list of the parameters you can use with Rexpire.

Parameter Description
-t operation, where
operation is one of
the following arguments:  
     a Adds the expiration policy.
     d Deletes the expiration policy.
     g Gets the expiration policy.
     s Sets the expiration policy.
     e Enumerates the expiration policies.
-s server The name of the server computer to be configured.
-v virtual server id The NNTP site ID (an integer).
-i expire id The ID of the expiration policy.
-h expire hours The number of hours until articles are discarded.
-d megabytes expire size   The limit in megabytes on the size of the data in the virtual directory until articles begin to be deleted. The default is 500 MB.
-n newsgroups The newsgroups to which the command is to be applied. (Strings containing the wildcard character (*) can be used.)
-p policy name The name of the expire policy.

The following examples show how command scripts are used. When Windows Scripting Host is running, you can enter any of the command scripts shown here on the command line.

Command script Function
Rexpire.vbs -t e -v 1
Enumerates the expiration policies for NNTP site 1.
Rexpire.vbs -t a -n alt.binaries.* 
     -d 100
Creates an expiration policy that expires articles on the alt.binaries hierarchy when the total size of these articles reaches 100MB.
Rexpire.vbs -t s -i 1 -d 1000 -h 24   
Sets policy 1, which (a) expires the oldest articles in the newsgroups if the total size of the articles exceeds 1000MB, and (b) expires any articles older than 24 hours.
Rexpire.vbs -t d -i 1
Deletes expiration 1.

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