Using Virtual Directories to Store Articles on Multiple Disk Drives

A virtual directory is a directory on a local or remote disk drive that acts as the root of a portion of the newsgroup hierarchy. Virtual directories enable you to store newsgroup files on multiple disk drives. Using more than one disk drive can improve the performance of a heavily used drive and can provide more storage. Virtual directories also enable you to change the physical location of the directory without changing the name of the newsgroup.

Virtual directories contain a portion of the newsgroup hierarchy. For example, a virtual directory named Research could contain all of the newsgroups named research.*.

Virtual directories can be located on a local disk drive or on a network drive. There is no advantage to creating a virtual directory on the same physical drive as the home directory.

For information on moving a virtual directory to a new location, see Moving Newsgroups to Different Directories.

Creating a Virtual Directory

You can create as many virtual directories as you need. Create virtual directories that match the structure of your newsgroup hierarchy.

To create a virtual directory:
  1. In either Internet Service Manager or Internet Service Manager (HTML), select Directories in the left pane.
  2. From the Action menu, choose New and then Virtual Directory.
  3. Follow the instructions of the New Virtual Directory Wizard.

Note   Internet Service Manager (HTML) does not use a wizard for creating virtual directories. Choose Add, and then follow the instructions on the screen. Choose Help if you need more information.

To modify a virtual directory:
  1. In either Internet Service Manager or Internet Service Manager (HTML), select Directories in the left pane.
  2. Select the virtual directory you want to modify.
  3. From the Action menu, choose Properties.
  4. Change the options in the Virtual Directory property sheet as needed.

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