Preview/Edit Window
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The Preview/Edit Pane is where you can view Clips, and if they're text items, you can edit and reformat them. There are 6 tabs at the bottom of the pane, to display various formats of data (TEXT, Rich Text Format, Bitmap, Picture, HTML, and Binary). Not all will be present only the ones that are applicable to the data contained within the Clip are displayed.

You will see two forms of the Preview/Edit window by default. One is
docked into ClipMate Explorer, and the other is docked into the bottom portion of ClipMate Classic. When docked into ClipMate Classic, the toolbars are trimmed to save space, and the HTML pane is unavailable. This is to save space and memory, as Classic isn't meant for heavy duty editing.

Aside from being docked into Explorer and Classic, you can also have free-floating editor windows. This can be very helpful if you want to do some heavy-duty editing on a particular clip, or if you want to see the current clipboard contents, but don't want to clutter your screen. You can either un-dock an existing editor window, or summon one by pressing F2 from within either Classic or Explorer.

Here is the editor, shown floating on the desktop. Note the 3 tabs at the bottom, to view the data as Text, Rich Text, or Binary. If it had been a Graphic or Web Page, there would have been other tabs, as well.


·Text Editor  
·Text Editor Toolbar  
·Rich Text Format Tab  
·Bitmap Tab  
·Picture Tab  
·HTML Tab  
·Binary Tab