How to Undock:
Each of the dockable windows has a "gripper" bar, which you can use with your mouse to drag 'n' drop it outside of the parent window. Additionally, the Editor has an "undock" button (2nd from left in the picture) that will cause it to undock. Also note the "tack" button!
Having a floating window is extremely useful if you have extensive work to do on a particular clip or collection. For example, you can undock the Editor and then "tack" it to a particular clip. That instance of the editor will then still view that same clip, no matter what the rest of ClipMate is doing. So you can view 2, 3, or as many clips as you would like, in their own window. Likewise, you can undock the ClipList, and "pin" it to a particular collection. This can give you more room than you'd normally have within the 3-panel view. It also gives you another option for pasting clips - undock a ClipList, pinned to a collection that you need to access, and you can use it as a "palette" to pick from, as you paste.
And don't worry about putting the windows back when you undock - Explorer will fill in the empty panel as soon as you undock.
Note that this also works in Classic! But the editor in Classic is a bit more limited, as it de-allocates certain functionality (such as the HTML viewer and Binary viewer) to save memory. So if you are in Classic, and want to pop open another editor, you may want to simply hit F2 instead, to create a brand new one.
When you are done with the undocked window, simply close it with the 'X' button.